About this mod

All of New Vegas regular perks, skills, and leveling system in one mod, while still remaining faithful to needed Fallout 4 mechanics. Ain't that a kick in the head?

Permissions and credits

Special thanks to https://www.melaniteart.com/ for the Merry Modding Days logos. Click the image above to learn more.

General Description

Enjoy all 13 skills from New Vegas in Fallout 4, along with its leveling mechanics, and all 117 regular perks and 16 traits. Every perk and trait has a gameplay function* and has an icon with it**

*Wild Wasteland doesn't function. But it looks cool!
**Only a few icons are animated, but every perk has a custom icon


OG version
NG version

OG version
NG version

(Optional) Mod Configuration Menu
OG version
NG version

(Optional) PipboyTabs
OG version
NG version

Will work on OG or NG, but you must install ALL correct versions of requirements for your game version. I have linked the correct versions here for manual download... so if you fail to install the correct requirements properly, it's on you. If you can't properly install requirements, this mod will not work. Use Discord modding servers for installation support.

Load Order
Load this as low in your load order as possible. Before PRP, after everything else.

It is vitally important that the LevelUpMenu.swf file in this mod overwrites any other version of the file

When uninstalling this mod, you will need to redownload LevelUpMenuEx if you manually installed this mod

FNV in Fallout 4
Most of vanilla Fallout 4 perks are hidden, and most are still accessible.

The list below are is a non-exhaustive list of examples:

  • General Hidden Perk: Gunslinger, Commando, Rifleman, and Heavy Gunner are granted based on your level of Guns or Energy Weapons (takes highest skill). However, they are hidden from Player. They are still conditioned to work on every NPC still except the player, so they're still functional on NPCs.
  • Skill-related Perk: Medic and Chemist are granted based on Medicine skill. Medic and Chemist have no effects (other than crafting purposes).
  • Crafting Perk: Gun Nut, Armorer, and Blacksmith are granted based on current Repair skill. These are visible to the Player in Pipboy.
  • Perks that Exist in Both Games: Taking the NVSS Concentrated Fire perk, grants all FO4 vanilla Concentrated Fire perk ranks, but they have no function
  •  and are hidden. NVSS Concentrated Fire has the effect based on its FNV description.
  • Perks that Don't Exist In New Vegas: Perks that don't exist in Fallout New Vegas that are not usually related to crafting ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE. Ghoulish and Lone Wanderer are examples. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck...

Every skill has a scalable function.

All 13 skills from FNV are here.

Barter: buy/sell prices
Energy Weapons: dmg, range, hipfire accuracy, scoped accuracy
Explosives: dmg, range, hipfire accuracy, crafting
Guns: dmg, range, hipfire accuracy, scoped accuracy
Lockpick: lockpicking
Medicine: Stimpak/Radaway effectiveness, crafting
Melee Weapons: dmg
Repair: scrapping, crafting
Science: hacking, crafting
Sneak: sneaking, pickpocketing chance
Speech: persuasion
Survival: food/drink item duration
Unarmed: dmg

By default, you must spend all perk points and skill points after you level up. 

By default, you only gain a perk point every 2 levels.

You gain 10 + INT/2 skill points per level. At 3 intellgence, you would gain 11.5 SP each level up. The system remembers half points.

Luck gives 1% critical hit chance per current value, up to 10. Anything over 10 only provides 10% crit chance

Hacking terminals and lockpicking doors now requires a base of 25 Science and Lockpick respectively to do the minigame for Novice level locks. Each 25 skill level increases your ability to lockpick/hack higher lock levels.

Skill Magazines
They exist for each skill. These are implemented through hard record edits to leveled lists, so you may need to patch.

If you're on OG, and you have RobCo Patcher, I've included a template file for how to make RobCo Patches for patching stuff, like Grunt, Cowboy, and Pyromaniac weapons.

If you're on NG, you'll have to use script injection into the formlists, or add the keyword via xEdit. I'm not making patches, it's up to users and other mod authors to do so. See FAQ for why I won't patch.

Note to Mod Authors:
For complete game overhauls like Fallout London, the Startup script can have its properties changed to a different quest to detect. There's a quest stage it'll check exactly against (if you know exactly what quest stage to listen for) or a later quest stage (or higher) that you can also check for. The quest OnStageSet registration doesn't happen until the SPECIALMenu closes at least once (meaning player has selected their SPECIAL).

Q: What about F4NV?
A: This is a completely separate project and mod from F4NV.  F4NV is more high quality and also way more expansive than my mod (i.e. all animated perk icons, custom perk icon sound effects, custom F4SE plugins for implementing systems needed for perks like Damage Threshold, weapon/armor Condition, ammo switching, etc. etc.). This mod attempts to put FNV into Fallout 4 using limited resources, and is thus subject to limitations that F4NV is not.

Q: Why is this finally coming out/been made so long after Fallout 4 has released? Surely others have had this idea before?
A: There's a plethora of reasons why:

  • Trying to shove FNV skill system into Fallout 4 is... not great and not ideal. That's why F4NV overhauls the entire game. New Vegas Skill System is like smashing two random things together and band-aiding it in an attempt to fix it. You've got a functioning skill system and all FNV perks/traits while remaining functional in Fallout 4. That's the packaged deal. 
  • Another reason is that its difficult to constantly evaluate the current SPECIAL stat and current skill level. 
  • Another reason is that several FNV perks/traits rely on non-existing systems in Fallout 4
  • Another reason is that few people make perk icons.
  • Another reason is that its a lot of work to make a mod that won't really fit in FO4, as stated before.

Q: Why did you make this then?
A: To prove to myself that I could do it. I have very little interest in using this mod. I much prefer S7 Skill System. Modding is a coping skill for me, and I needed a fresh new project to help me cope. So I made this, even though I likely won't use it. I generally only like to make mods I'll use.

Q: How long did it take you to make this?
A: If we're not counting animations I made for perk icons for S7 that got reused here: About 2.5 weeks for development/making shit work, and additional time for playtesting.

Q: Patches?
A: Given that I won't be using this mod, I won't make them. Please see the Articles tab for patch making.

Q: Balancing?
A: Don't care. This is my attempt at 1:1 with New Vegas, that's it. It's about as balanced as vanilla New Vegas that's been smashed into Fallout 4 The truth is... the game was rigged from the start.

Q: Bugs?
A: If there's considerable issues/bugs, I'll consider fixing them.

Known Issues
To be discovered hahaha!

Misc Notes
Ala New Vegas...

1. You move slower with a ranged weapon out. Quick Draw negates this (or use MCM to adjust)
2. You can't lockpick/hack Novice locks/terminals. You need 25 in Lockpicking or Science respectively. Feel the pain!
3. Perk Point per Level has been emulated via AS3 and Papyrus communication. Using the dll in OG will have no real effect.
4. I tried to get perks as close to New Vegas as possible. Some things don't make sense and are also just as unbalanced as they were in New Vegas
5. The system can keep up with base or temporary changes to SPECIAL stats that would affect skills. It also has code to cap values at 100, and can keep track of bonuses that exceed that amount in case your SPECIAL temporarily drops.

Many thanks to ItsMeJesusHChrist for making Consistent Pipboy Icons and its accompanying modders resource. Many icons, both animated and still would never have been possible without their high quality source files.

Many thanks to bp42s for being an all round cool modding friend, playtester, and making various things for me (including the mod page image and a few perk icons). Bp will be maintaining this mod page and directing issues my way to fix should they arise.

Many thanks to Scrivener07 for basically teaching me how to use AS3 in Fallout 4. While Scriv didn't directly assist me with AS3 work on this project, I never would have been able to create a AS3 reliant version of Perk Points Per Level built for NVSS without his previous guidance.

Many thanks to my fellow modding buddies and testers on Greslin's discord and Collective Modding discord. Everybody there is really supportive of my modding efforts and I appreciate that.

Many thanks to Bethesda for making Fallout 4, my least favorite Fallout game. If it was not my least favorite, I never would have started making mods so I'd enjoy it more.