Fallout 4


  1. Jurttu
    • member
    • 12 kudos

    Q: Will this work on pre-next gen-update installations?
    A: Yup, should work with either.

    Q: Can you make a non-DLC version?
    A: No, part of the underlying idea is to integrate Far Harbor and Nuka-World content into the Commonwealth.

    Q: Will this break precombines/should there be a PRP patch?
    A: No, this mod does not break or alter vanilla precombines.

    Q: The locations seem darker compared to vanilla dungeons...
    A: That's my personal preference: I like my apocalyptic settings gloomy. In case all the Metro references didn't give that away...

    Q: Help, I can't find the locations!
    A: Check the last set of screenshots - you can find the exact locations and entrances in them.

    Q: Where can I find the unique weapons?
    A. Check this article for details (warning: contains spoilers).
  2. SRW0
    • premium
    • 272 kudos
    I just survived the Concord Steakhouse! Absolutely fantastic environmental and textual storytelling, I'm looking forwards to naturally exploring more of these interiors, thank you.
  3. drevviken
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    This is the kind of mod I love, and this one looks very promising, especially since my biggest qualm is often the lighting and this looks on point. Looking forward to trying it out. 
    1. MazePerception
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Nearly ever mod for this recent play been about more locations, lore, npcs and areas to add to the already great discovery of FO4. The sense of discovery and how well it flowed was FO4's strongest point imo. Adding more to that so seamlessly and casually game base vanilla like is a really great thing. Hope you really enjoyed doing this and enough that you might get bored often and give us more amazing places in game :)
    2. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Oh trust me, I'm bored a lot. I'd have started working on more locations weeks ago if I wasn't waiting for Fallout London, but I've nonetheless done some design work and searched for potential locations in Commonwealth and the DLC worldspaces. But yeah, it's just a matter of "when".
  4. TheShadyBunny
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I love this. I didn't really look at the pictures for exact locations in an attempt to find em all organically. So I enjoy when I am being sent to these places for the radiant quests. Really well thought out interiors. Also, great job being extra sneaky with a couple of those traps in the steakhouse. I fell for one even after it being my second time through the place lol

    Thank you :)
    1. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Could you tell me which radiant quest sent you to which location? That information would be pretty valuable to me since I wasn't able to test whether they work with these locations.
    2. TheShadyBunny
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      So far I have been sent to cutthroat hovel to deal with raiders for Orberland Station. And then the Lexington supermarket dungeon for Scribe Haylen to recover tech. 
    3. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Alright, thanks for the info!
    4. pappino9
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I've also had two tech retrieval missions in your locations recently. Scribe Haylen sent me to Cutthroat Hovel and the android from Vault 4 (Fourville) to Dodd's Factory.

      As for Cutthroat Hovel, I visited it for the first time ever and it proved to be quite challenging.

      The exit door in Cutthroat Hovel is unlocked only with a key that can be obtained inside. The key remains in player's inventory, of course, and this probably means that for the next time, when I'll be sent there again, I'll be able to go straight to the end of the dungeon using the second door. Maybe it would be better to make the door barred from inside with chains or metal bars (like this exit door in Kendall Hospital on the screenshot below).
    5. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Oh yeah, I actually tested several ways to do just that! Originally the exit door was meant to be terminal-locked (unlocked from Deadbolt's terminal), but it turned out that load doors will not work as intended if they're locked using anything other than regular lock/"requires key" lock. I then tried the solution you mentioned, but that introduced some graphical and layout-related issues due to the small amount of available space. So yeah, I had to settle for a solution that is not ideal, but at least it works.
  5. calazzo
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Looks very vanilla, thanks a lot!
  6. pappino9
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Now that's a very good mod. Not only are the new locations well designed and have interesting back stories, but also the author avoided common mistakes and misconceptions that can be found in many mods, i.e. the bigger the better, the darker the better, the more enemies the better, the more loot the better, etc.
    So, dear author, should you ever expand your mod, I do hope you'll stay with your current style.

    I've already explored most of the new locations:
    Concord Steakhouse - nicely designed interior with lot of traps.
    Dodd Plastics Factory - nothing big, really, just a small factory; a few bugs to kill, some junk to take; the building is flooded, but the water inside is not radioactive, as I recall.
    Lexington Shopping Center - a large underground location; this time expect more enemies and more loot.
    Lechmere Station - I can’t remember if 'Subway Runner Revised' utilizes this station, too; if so, the mods could be conceptually incompatible here; anyway, I quit using SRR after some time (too intrusive).
    Weston Road Rest Stop - wow, quite a big thing underneath an inconspicuous little building; a bit unrealistic, though. I suppose The Sidewinder is to be found in there but I could't find it.
    Cutthroat Hovel - I haven't found it yet.
    Buried Super-Duper Mart - everything one could expect from abandoned Super Duper Mart is in there: ghouls and quite a lot of resources; plus, one of the new unique weapons.
    Park Street Church - the hitherto closed church is now accesible with some logically placed loot inside.
    Abandoned House - a little house, a tragic story, a scripted encounter; compatible with 'Boston Emergency Services Mod', which does not touch those small houses near Fort Hagen.

    In summary, it's a very good mod with some interesting and well-executed ideas. Definitely recommended for the players who want to explore new locations created in an immersive and moderate manner.
    1. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Glad to hear you liked it! If you need help finding the locations, check the last set of images. You can also find the unique weapon locations in this article.

      As for additions, I probably won't add any locations to this mod; instead, I'll create a separate one. That way users can mix and match these based on their preferences and possible mod conflicts.
    2. pappino9
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Sadly, I was unable to find the Sidewinder where it is supposed to be. I presume we are talking about this table:
      (Sorry for a sub-standard graphic quality. My notebook has no dGPU.)

      I even checked under the floor, using tcl off command, but it was not there, either.
      I have recently updated the mod to v1.2 and revisited the place. The location was partially reset - items respawned, enemies didn't - but the pistol was still missing. I have no idea what is the reason for this. Maybe it’s because I installed and updated the mod mid-game? However, no one else is reporting it, so it's probably something on my end.
    3. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Well, you've got the right table, so that's not the issue. It doesn't seem like an issue with the spawner quest (since you were able to find the Kalash in Buried Super-Duper Mart), but you could try either of these console commands (save your game first) if you desperately need the gun (capitalization shouldn't matter):

      • setstage JI_UniqueSpawnerQuest 30
      • resetquest JI_UniqueSpawnerQuest (will also spawn an additional copy of the other two guns)

      Are you using any mods that alter the 10mm pistol or how placed weapons are spawned?
    4. pappino9
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Well, I'm using this mod to have 10mm pistols debulked but I believe it's harmless. After all, there are more non-uniqe 10mm pistols in the bunker that spawn without any problem.
      For now, I'm leaving it like it is. I'm gonna check it again during my next playthrough.

      I read in Sidewinder's description that ideally, it should fire 3-round bursts. The only weapon mod I know that succesfuly introduced such bursts is "HK G11 K2" by asXas, so maybe you could salvage some solutions from there.
    5. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Yeah, I doubt that's the culprit - sometimes mesh replacers might cause items to fall through the surface they're placed on if they edit the collision mesh, but in this case there's still the floor below. Strange stuff.

      As for the mechanics, I think I'll leave it as it is - integrating non-vanilla functionality to a weapon is very much outside my expertise. That, and there are probably more than a few people that are happily using the gun with their own configurations, and I don't want to mess anything up for them.
  7. ZenVader
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    +1000pts for including external location pictures! gawd i just love when a mod adds an interior cell, but doesn't show the exterior they edited. leaving me to have to put it in my load order before i can find out if it conflicts with another mod that edits the same exterior cell xD thnx for saving me some hassle
  8. Vansik
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Really, really good. Interesting and well designed, very enjoyable to explore.
    Great work !
  9. artseox15
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is this compatible with  Subway Runner Revised?

    1. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Based on what I've read off the mod page, there probably won't be any "hard" compatibility issues (but don't hold me on that - I've never used that mod). However, it seems that SRR also features Lechmere Station, so you would end up with an unrealistic situation with two locations with the same name and place.
  10. kangaroocdub
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    These interiors are very well done. Very nice work. Sadly it is incompatible with Subways of the Commonwealth. The Steak house uses the same building as Subways in Concord.  
    1. Camruth
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Also incompatible with Depravity/Fusion City Rising/Outcasts and Remnants/Project Valkyrie as they aslo use the same doorway as a Subway entrance.
    2. boxerbeast1
      • member
      • 4 kudos
    3. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks for letting me know, you two - I've added these to the list.
    4. TheRaddical
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Is it playable with this incompatibility? do we just lose the one location or will this cause conflict?
    5. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      There probably won't be any hard conflicts, but one of the doors will most likely be inaccessible - I haven't played any of those mods, so I can't say whether it will be the one from this mod or the other.
    6. TheRaddical
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      doesn't seem to cause issues, Fusion city door wins out. 
  11. AKQuinn
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod! The locations are uniquely spaced to add to multiple areas. However, it appears that I am having an error. When I enter any of the new locations they are void of floors and walls. Their is all the other aspects (i.e., shelves, animals, etc.), just a void that my character falls through. I should note I am using the version just prior to the next-gen update.

    P.S. Concerning Open Hagen compatibility, it seems that you can just disable the abandoned house door and the location no longer appears. 

    Thank you again for a great new add!
    1. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      This should definitely be compatible with the version prior to the next-gen one - that's what I did most of the testing with (due to the fact that Bugthesda messed up the material swaps in CK, I've had to use the earlier version of both). Could you get me a screenshot of what it looks like from a few of the locations? It could help me narrow down the cause.
    2. Alternatevy
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos

      I had the same problem with the cutthroat hovel. just a void and the door did not work to get out, i had to load an earlier save.
    3. Jurttu
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      This issue should be fixed with the 1.1 update - let me know if that doesn't sort it out.
    4. Alternatevy
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I should learn to read. Thanks, works great!