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About this mod

More perks playble now. Fully modular.

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Many vanila perks are on different power levels, this resaults in some perks being taken a lot and some almost never.
Theese modified perks are designed to buff some of the weaker perks to power of the stronger ones.
Let me know if you find some bugs or think that some perks/ perk levels are not balanced towards other perks.
I am planning to continue doing rebalancing and adding new perks.

LevelUpEx compatible


If you dont see my mod working, some other mod is overwriting it. Put plugins from this mod later in mod order to solve the issue.

If you experience any issues with save files or stability after instaling my mod, uninstal it, download and use mod: perk reset chem https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10816  , save, then install my mod, alocate your perks again and save.
The instability might be caused by me removing certain perk ranks while you have them allocated.

Update 1.1:
Added 11 new perks, fixed 1 that didnt work, fixed some descriptions, rebalanced old perks.

Decided to balance all perks to be roughly double the power of special stats where possible. Where it wasnt comparable to special stats, balanced perks compared to other perks. The resault should be more interesting choices.

All changes are done without taking survival into mind. For example strong back has more value in survival than in other difficulties as your base carry weight had been lowered.

Update 1.2:

Added 19 new perks, rebalance and fix of some previous perks.

Here is the list of the changes:

Iron Fist (1.2) R1-4 now instead gives chance to stagger, levels requred to upgrade ranks are now equal to big leagues, rather than higher

Unarmed attask gain:
R1:+20% damage, 25% chance to stagger
R2:+40% damage, 50% chance to stagger
R3:+60% damage, 75% chance to stagger
R4:+80% damage, 100% chance to stagger
R5:+100% damage,  paralize on crit in VATS

Iron fist was too similar in ranks as big leagues, decided to make iron fist more consistent and different to give players reason to choose unarmed.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now

Big leagues (1.2):buffed utility

Melee weapons gain:
R1:20% more damage, 20% chance to disarm
R1:40% more damage, 40% chance to disarm
R1:60% more damage, 10% chance to cripple
R1:80% more damage, hit all targets in front of you (unchanged)
R1:100% more damage, 20% chance to criple

Chance to disarm is weaker compared to chance to cripple, chance increased. Also added even more chance to cripple. This should make especialy slower attacking weapons feel more consistent, while allowing players to go for very fast hitting weapons to get the most out of the utility.

Future updates:Perk looks ok now

Heavy gunner (1.2): Buffed damage, added more utility

Heavy weapons gain:
R1:30% more damage, 20% reduced hip-fire spread
R2:60% more damage, 40% reduced hip-fire spread
R3:90% more damage, 60% reduced hip-fire spread
R4:120% more damage, 10% chance to stagger
R5:160% more damage

Reason: Heavy gunner was considered as the worst weapon specific perk. Avaibility of heavy guns early on is low and their ammunition is mostly hard to find. This problem is essentialy removed lated on, where you can find few ammo efficient weapons or have enough money to buy ammunition, but aven after that, their weight remains high, accuracy low, their wielding slows you down and they are generaly quite inpractical. On top of that, the hip fire accuracy only affected few guns and its R5 was the only weapon specific R5 without additional utility. Decided to buff damage and utility significantly to give players reason to try to play around heavy guns.

Future updates: Would like to give R5 some utility instead of the bit more damage. For now, the damage is enough

Strong Back (1.1): Buffed carry weight
R1:+40 carry weight
R2:+80 carry weight
R3:+120 carry weight
R4:+160 carry weight
R5:+200 carry weight

This perk was balanced around stats. If you can get solar powered for +4 atributes 50% of the time, assuming you dont sleep for maximum effectivity, you get 2 attributes on average. Assuming all atributes are equal, why would you invest to +25 carry weight, when you can take 2 strength for 20 carry weight and 20% melee damage. If we look at big leagues, we see that most of the power from the perk comes from the % damage increase, this suggests that the extra carry weight from strenght holds little value to melee characters and makes little sense to get on non-melees. Decided to go with 40 carry weight per rank as it felt the best. Also removed all the overencoumbered stuff from the perk as it makes more sense especialy with those buffed values to pick up more stuff before becoming overencoumbered rather than trying to evade the weight mechanic. 

Future updates: Perk looks ok now

Steady Aim (1.0): Accuracy stays the same, added damage.
R1:20% hip fire accuracy and 10% hip fire damage 
R2:20% hip fire damage and 40% hip fire accuracy
R3:40% hip fire damage

Off hip shooting comes with a downside, less accuracy, this perk only reduced the downside without rewarding the player. I decided to reward off hip shooting that works for all weapons. This single perk also makes high strengh characters deal decent damage with all short/mid ranged weapons. Its also working great for certain weapons that dont relly much on accuracy anyways like heavy weapons or shotguns.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now

Basher (1.2): Gave executes

Bashing attacks gain:
R1:25% more damage, execute enemies under 20% of their health
R2:50% more damage, execute enemies under 30% of their health
R3:75% more damage, execute enemies under 40% of their health
R4:100% more damage, execute enemies under 50% of their health

Reason: Gun bashing perk was quite weak outside of shreading minigun. The additional bashing damage was not enough for most builds to justify taking it as bashing is mostly used only to stagger enemies.
Decided to give instant kills when bashing enemy under certain % of their health. This makes bashing more predictable and a better.

Future updates: Instead of the high bash damage, I would like to add life on kill or ammunition on kill simmilar to how executes in Doom work. Not sure yet how to do it.

Rooted (1.2): Damage nerfed and works now with all weapons, base damage reduction replaced by % damage reduction, you are also immune to stagger

While not moving or sneaking gain:
R1:10% damage, 10% damage resistance, stagger resistance
R2:20% damage, 20% damage resistance
R3:30% damage, 30% damage resistance

Reason:Base damage reduction was too powerfull at low level, while being insignificant later on, becouse of this, it was better early on to stand and take the hits, while later on it was better to move to evade them. This change of a playstile had to be stabilized by % damage reduction. Also decided to make the damage increase work for all weapons while nerfing it, to make it more of a general perk which only condition is for you to stand still.

Future updates: The perk looks way more interesting for high strengh characters, now they have a perk that boosts both their melee and ranged attack damage while making them more tanky. The issue is that ranged gunplay gets the better end of it as melee needs to close the distance, before it can apply the damage reduction from this perk. Also melee had lost a powerfull early perk and this might change the power of early melee builds. I am not willing to fix melee through perks, but this perk should be roughly as powerfull for melee as for ranged. Solutions? give more damage to melee? Give damage reduction regardless if moving or not? Remove damage reduction and just double the damage? Some of the possibilities. I dont like any that much. Also not sure if rooted should work for sneak attacks. With this update it doesnt work as thematicaly you should stand on feet firmly to get the buffs, but if you are playing rooted with sneak build, you are only utilizing the damage part, so sneak shouldnt be a problem from a balance perspective. Not sure yet about that as well.

Pickpocket (1.2): Smashed into 2 perks and added special attributes
1.1 added attributes
1.2 Smashed 4 perks into 2

R1:+1P+1A, 50% easier stealing, steal weapons, place granades
R2:+2P+2A, 100% easier stealing, stealing all items

The perk was quite weak as npcs generaly dont carry much items. This ment that you could only extract little value out of the perk and the perk became useless quite soon as you got better weapons and stealing became waste of time. Decided to allow stealing earlier while adding special attributes to provide permanent benefits to your character.

Future updates: Looks ok now.

Rifleman (1.2): Removed penetration, added range
R1:20% more damage, 25% increased range
R2:40% more damage, 50% increased range
R3:60% more damage, 75% increased range
R4:80% more damage, 10% chance to cripple a limb
R5:100% more damage, 20% chance to cripple a limb

Perk changed to provide similar levels of power compared to other perks while making the perk feel more distinct.
Rifleman was too powerfull of a perk. When compared to old commando for example that only provided situational buffs, rifleman offered more damage on top of its general damage. The biggest issue was armour penetration which make the perk better than others while providing no benefits to energy weapons. Decided to give unique buffs that will enable different types of gameplay. Especialy the significant range buff enables sniping enemies from longer ranges while reducing the main downside of shotguns - low range.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now

Awareness (1.2): Buffed
R1:In VATS, view target´s specific resistances, +5% more weapon damage
R2:+15% more weapon damage

Reason: the utility of being able to see target´s resistances was hardly justifiable to spend perk on, even R2 was weak, both ranks buffed. They also work outside of VATS now.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now

Locksmith (1.2): buffed
1.1 R2 moved to R1, R3 merged with buffed R4 and moved to R2
1.2 instant opening didnt work, made lockpicking easier instead

R1:pick advanced and expert locks, slightly easier lockpicking
R2:pick master locks, boby pins never break, much easier lockpicking

A decent economy perk especialy in early to midgame was still relatively weak compared to some other economy perks. Player needed to invest too many points just to be open a safe here and there. R4 was never worth it. Decided to smash R1 and R2 into R1 and R3 and R4 into R2 while buffing previous R4 to make lockpicking easier. In the end you get 3 old perks for price of 2 with some free quality of life.

Future updates: Looks ok now

Night person (1.2):
Removed night vision and health
Buffed attributes
Buffed attributes even more
Added small ammout of action points regen during a night

R1:+2I+1P+1A +5% action point regen
R2:+4I+2P+2A +10% action point regen
R3:+6I+3P+3A +15% action point regen

other ranks beside R1 felt too weak, decided to change them, also removed night vision as it is better added throught different method, I use NightVision for armorsmith extended.
After getting more into lategame, I found out that I dont feel rewarded for trying to play at night, the experience buff was too small to waste time trying to pass time to get the night person buff and the other attributes didnt have significant effect eighter. Buffed later perks to the power of R1.
As perks should add more than 2 special points and night person at its core only works 50% of the time, this perk essentialy gave you on average 2 speacial stats. Decided to give a little extra buff in form of action point regen.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now.

Refractor (1.0): Buffed energy resistance scaling
wasnt working, now it does


Refractor is same strenght as toughness while being more situational. Decided to buff it in similar way as toughness, but more to reward players for taking damage resistance against less common damage type.

Future updates: It still feels a bit on a weak side, not sure yet how to buff it.

Penetrator (1.2): Added armour penetration, nerfed targeting through walls
R1:Penetrate 25% of target´s damage resistance, in VATS can target enemy behind cover with 75% reduced accuracy
R2:Penetrate 50% of target´s damage resistance, in VATS can target enemy behind cover with 50% reduced accuracy

Decided to make penetrator interesting choice for non-vats buids and to offer perk that buffs damage significantly against armored targets, while proving little value against unarmored targets.
In order to do that, I had to nerf the targeting behind cover as giving those 2 things at full power would be too strong.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now.

Toughness (1.0): Buffed damage resistance scaling


While toughness on low ranks provides decent damage resistance, in late game the bonus quickly falls off in comparison with better armours or balistic weave. Decided to buff resistance scaling.

Future updates: Looks ok now. The resitance is very helpfull early and its resistance scaling makes it look as pretty good defensive perk (especialy for those who dont use power armour).

Lead Belly (1.2): buffed significantly food consumption
R1: 100% increased food duration, take less radiation from eating and drinking
R1: 200% increased food duration, take even less radiation from eating and drinking
R1: 100% increased food effect, take no radiation from eating and drinking

Lead Belly was one of the worst perks as it only reduced downside of something that barely happened. Even worse, few perks could allready heal the radiation and lead belly costs 3 points, making it one of the most useless perks.
Decided to buff lead belly to increase the effectiveness of all foods.
This perk could be used as an alternative for medic as with R3, all foods will restore in total 6x more health.
Also rank 3 doubles the effect of certain food effects, making it quite decent utility perk.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now

Life Giver (1.2): Buffed HP per rank, added regen

1.0 buffed to 30
1.1 buffed to 40
1:2 changed to 2 endurance, gave regen to all ranks

R1:+2 endurance, regen 0,2% of life/s
R2:+4 endurance, regen 0,4% of life/s
R3:+6 endurance, regen 0,6% of life/s

Based on my 1.1 update balance perspective, each perk needs to give more power than 2 special stat points. Changed flat life to endurance and gave some regen to all ranks rather than just to the last to reduce the difference of power between perks and make R1 and R2 more interesting.

Future updates: Looks ok now.

Chem resistant (1.2): Slight buff of damage reduction

R1: 50% chance to avoid addiction, 5% damage reduction while under effect of chems
R1: addiction immunity, 10% damage reduction while under effect of chems

Reason: Chem resistant was previously quite a weak perk, it was there to allow you to take any chems without thinking of downsides which were rarely at effect. In the end, it costs 2 perks just to protect your special stats from addiction that might eventualy come. Decided to buff the perk a bit to make it more of a no brainer.

Aquaboy/Aquagirl (1.2): Significantly buffed R1, removed R2

R1: Entering water now quickly regenerates your health and radiation. You can also breathe underwater.

Reason:This perk was so situational and so weak, that it didnt make sense to take it.
Now watter is your ally, fully healing you and removing all radition.
Removed R2 as it is so weak, it shouldnt be taken.

Future updates: R1 looks good, but I would like to add R2 duration buff after you swim in water. Not sure yet how to do it.

Rad Resistant - Resistant (1.1): Gave more exotic resistances along with explosion damage reduction

R1:+10 to radiation, fire, cold and electricity resistance, 15% less damage from explosions
R2:+25 to radiation, fire, cold and electricity resistance, 30% less damage from explosions
R3:+45 to radiation, fire, cold and electricity resistance, 45% less damage from explosions
R4:+70 to radiation, fire, cold and electricity resistance, 60% less damage from explosions

The radiation resistance gained was quite weak and outscaled by many items or certain armour upgrades. Also becouse of radiation regen perks, radiation resistance perk became quite useless. I decided to provide additional damage resistances against some harder to obtain exotic resistances. With hight rank Resistant perk, you could now have huge damage reduction agains certain exotic weaponry like flamethrowers, cryo guns or electricity traps as they mostly deal quite little damage. Becouse of how damage resistance works, its not worth it to get much more resistance, than is the power of hit. Becouse of that, decided to give another defence against a bit less comon damage you can take and that is explosions. Most explosions deal high damage which penetrate most of your damage resistance. With high rank of this perk, you take way less damage and then the rest of the damage is further reduced by damage resistance, making this perk both quite powerfull with low ranks as just 1 or 2 ranks can reduce incoming damage by 50%, while making later ranks worth it for explosion protection. 

Future updates: The perk is ok now.

Adamantium skeleton (1.2): Smashed into 2 perks

R1:50% less limb damage
R2:take no limb damage

The perk was quite weak. Ranged characters generaly dont need it as limbs on non-survival heal and you can stay in cover while they heal. You can also heal your limbs relatively quickly with stimpack. For ranged characters, this perk was more of a conviniance than anything else and for melee, it was quite good, but it forced melee characters to spend 3 points just to be able to function. Reduced the requirement from 3 to 2 perks.

Future updates: Still not sure about the balance of the perk. I never felt like I need it. Thinking about buffing it. Maybe give some damage reduction on top? Maybe make it 1 perk? Maybe its allready too op? Dont think the last is true, but I dont know.

Ghoulish (1.1):
Added radiation regen to all ranks.
nerfed R1 rad regen, buffed later ranks

R1:rad heal 0,25/s, radiation healing at 50% effectiveness
R2:rad heal 1/s, radiation healing at 100% effectiveness
R3:rad heal 4/s, radiation healing at 150% effectiveness
R4:rad heal 12/s, radiation healing at 200% effectiveness

First 3 ranks were useless, last rank was ok. Decided to add radiation regen to all ghoulish ranks.
Nerfed R1 rad regen is it could solve all rad problems too easily, buffed regen scaling to allow you to trully embrace radiation.
Despite all ranks being similar, they have different purposes now, R1 and 2 mainly help you keep your health clean of rads and save radaways, while rank 3 and 4 are here mostly to allow you entrance to more eradiated areas and allowing your health to heal rapidly near eradiated sources. You can now for example swim in water or go near rad barels to quickly recover your health. Eradiated food also heals you more becouse of that. Certain areas became very friendly for you as you constantly regen life there without the radiation downside.

Future updates: 
Looks ok now

Solar powered(1.1): Removed radiation regen from rank 2, added regen and special attributes to all ranks, no longer must be outside for the stats

R1:+2 strength and endurance between 6:00 and 18:00. Regen 0,25%hp/s when also outside.
R2:+4 strength and endurance between 6:00 and 18:00. Regen 0,5%hp/s when also outside.
R3:+6 strength and endurance between 6:00 and 18:00. Regen 1%hp/s when also outside.

Decided to change the perk in similar way how night person works while buffing it a bit as it is rank 10 perk while removing rad regen to make ghoulish feel more special.

Future updates: 
Looks ok now

Cap collector (1.2): Rebalanced
R1:15% better buying and selling prices
R2:30% better buying and selling prices (no longer multiplicative)
R3:Invest to shop for 50 caps to raise buying capacity

R1 was quite weak as 2 charisma offers 8% better prices on top of other benefits, while this perk only gave 10.
Also changed R2 to give the same ammount of better prices as rank 1 and removed its multiplicative scaling with R1.
Previously R2 allowed you to sell for 32% more and buy for 24% less. Now its gonna be more transparent with 30% and 30%.
R3 was too weak especialy when you consider you have to spend perk point AND spend 500 caps for each shop you want to upgrade.
Reduced cap cost to 50.

Future updates: Looks ok now.

Lady killer/Black Widow (1.2): buffed
R1:+40% damage against opposite gender, easier persuade
R2:+80% damage against opposite gender, even  easier persuade + easier pacify
R3:+120% damage against opposite gender, much  easier persuade + even easier pacify

Reason: As only certain % of enemies are human and only certain % of them are opposite gender, I had decided to buff damage against theese types of enemies significantly. My idea is that unconditional damage should have value of 10%. My assumtions are that roughly 50% of enemies are human and 50% of them are opposite gender. That means that you have damage buff that works only 25% of time. To make up for the 75% of the time it doesnt work, the damage must be increased acordingly. So 100/25=4. Therefore 4x10=40% damage increase per rank.

Lone Wanderer (1.2): Buffed, dogmeat no longer a must have

When traveling without a companion, gain:
R1: 10% more damage, 15% less damage taken, +150 carry weight when also without a dogmeat
R2: 20% more damage, 20% less damage taken
R3: 30% more damage, 25% less damage taken
R4: 40% more damage, 30% less damage taken

After playing with companion and especialy robot one, I had decided to buff lone wanderer. Traveling alone has its downsides like less damage dealt, more damage taken, more ammo and healing item consumption. When you take into account that you have to pay perk points in order to reduce the downside of being alone, I had decided to buff solo playthrough even more.
Also previously player had no reason to not take dogmeat with him. Now its more of a choice.
With dogmeat, you no longer get free carry waight. Now its eighter you have companion, but you have to give items to him, or you have items on your character, but you are alone.

Future updates:
Perk looks ok now

Attack dog (1.1): Buffed first 3 ranks substentionaly, changed R4 to mach his previous perks

R1:dog gets +50%damage, 30 to damage and energy resistance, 25 carry weight.    Holds an enemy + V.A.T.S. hit chance, 
R2:dog gets +100 %damage, 70 to damage and energy resistance, 50 carry weight.  Cripple chance
R3:dog gets +150%damage, 120 to damage and energy resistance, 75 carry weight. Bleed chance
R4:dog gets +300%damage, 180 to damage and energy resistance, 100 carry weight

Dogmeat was previously only used as distraction and transport mule. Decided to change him into Attack Dog that can hold on his own even in later game.

Future updates:
Currently playing with a dog companion and it seems he does so little damage even after 2 ranks of this perk. I will test out other ranks and look into it.

Party boy/Party girl (1.2): buffed

R1: Alcohol effect and duration doubled, no addiction chance to alcohol
R2: Alcohol effect and duration tripled
R3: Luck increased for each active alcohol by 3 (no changes, just clearified that you get 3 luck for each type of alcohol)

As each perk is supposed to give slightly more than 2 special points based on 1.1 update balance notes, most alcoholic drinks increase stats by 2. As you could use alcohol often and additction chance was small, I had decided to make uptime on alcohol higher, while providing those average 2 special stats through alcohol effects. 
This way this perk can give you wide ranges of stats ranging from 0 while not under alcohol effects through 2, which is a boost this perk provides to certain perks, all the way to 4 if you were hesitant to use alcohol before becouse of additction. You can also use multiple alcohol types and get even more special stats, this of course comes at a downside of consuming more drinks you could otherwise use later or sell. Rank 2 gives essentialy the same bonuses as R1 and R3 gives flat 3 luck for each active alcohol effect. 3 luck per alcohol especialy with the increased duration is what I would call balanced, but you have the option to drink more types of alcohol for even higher luck stats.
Players who can use more preminum alcohol types and more types of alcohol will highly benefit from this perk.

Future updates: Looks ok now

Inspirational (1.1): 

1.0 Buffed companion numbers
1.1 decided to give damage, resistance and carry weight to each rank to provide more balanced companion progression

R1:+30%, companion damage, +30 to damage and energy resistances, +20 companion carry weight, cant hurt you
R2:+60%, companion damage, +70 to damage and energy resistances, +40 companion carry weight, cant hurt your companion
R3:+100%, companion damage, +120 to damage and energy resistances, +60 companion carry weight

Humanoid companions generaly dont provide enough help in combat. Their help could be quantified as certain % of your own combat effectiveness. Becouse they only own fraction of your power, I decided to buff this fraction significantly, while proving more oportunities for companion cetric builds.
While I know that robots can in power exceed your character, they require a lot of perks to make them work. In combination with sometimes bad AI, I think this perk is like buffing nuclear bomb, sure its allready op, but you dont allways have nuclear bomb avaible. (companion fires at enemy behind cover instead to exposed one, gets stuck, attacks from too far away, respods slowly, is too passive, isnt covering and dies...). Humanoid companions fight more inteligently,  and dont usualy get stuck so at least their lower power has its upsides.

Future updates:
Looks ok now

Vans (1.2): Reworked. Now makes you travel faster and gives more discover xp
1.1 10%,20% travel speed
1.2 20%,40% travel speed

R1: Experience from discovering new locations +50%, movement speed with weapon holstered +20%, see path to quest in V.A.T.S.
R2: Experience from discovering new locations +100%, movement speed with weapon holstered +40%

Ther R1 was close to useless, R2 was ok in power level, but useless outside vats.  I also wanted to give it more travel specific buffs to make the perk feel more special. Might be good especialy on survival as you dont have normal fast travel there, but really is usefull anywhere.

Future updates: 
Looks ok now

Medic (1.1): Buffed scaling, removed R4 faster healing

R1: stimpacs and radaways now restore 60% of your health and radiation over the duration
R2: stimpacs and radaways now restore 90% of your health and radiation over the duration
R3: stimpacs and radaways now restore 140% of your health and radiation over the duration
R4: stimpacs and radaways now restore 200% of your health and radiation over the duration

While some people view medic as essential part of their playthrough, I was able to survive entirely off normal food.
Problems: Vanila R1 only rose the heal from 30 to 40, making it quite a weak rank, R2 rose it to 60, which was quite ok and rank 3 rose it to 80. As players more often used stimpacs when they took some damage rather then when they were very close to death, later ranks were less usefull. This weird dynamic ment that R1 was quite bad, R2 was the best followed closely by R3 and R4 was bad unless you played on survival, where you needed the faster heal.
Decided to unify the buffs to 30% of health  perk rank while giving double the ammout if stimpack would restore more than 100%. Tactical stimpacs before you expect to take damage make more sense now. You can now decide if you want just a bit stronger stimpacs or want to make them a tactical heal ahead of battle.

Future updates: 
Will probably get changed. The heal is too fast on non-survival to utilize other ranks beside 1 or 2. Duration of stimpacs will be increased.

Hacker (1.2): Each rank gives inteligence, R5 + 1 guess
1.1 R1-4 gives 1 int, R5 gives 2
1.2 R5 +1 guess

R1:+1 inteligence, hack advanced
R2: +2 inteligence, hack expert
R3: +3 inteligence, hack master
R4: +5 inteligence, +1 hacking guesses, lockdown time reduced to 0

One of the worst ,,economy perks´´. Locksmith is much better and scrouger is even better than locksmith, so if you are looking for value, dont loot at hacker. With this change, you can justify it on high inteligence characters. You pretty much sacrifice perks to get more of them later on.. and you get to use terminals as a benefit. Also last rank is much weaker that others, so it gets +2 int.

Future updates: 
Looks ok now 

Nerd rage (1.0): Buff across the board

R1:+20 to all resistances,+20% damage, trigger at 30%
R2:+60 to all resistances,+100% damage
R3:+60 to all resistances,+150% damage (life on kill stays)

Rank 1 was quite good, but not consistent enough. Rank 2 just gave more combat effectiveness during those special moments and rank 3 gave healing on top of combat effectiveness. Decided to buff all 3 ranks since its just a situactional buff, while buffing rank 2 more since it doesnt add anything new unlike rank 1 slow and rank 3 healing. The buff to all resistances gives also all exotic resistances like radiation or electric.

Future updates: 
Looks ok now

Gunslinger (1.2): reworked

Non-automatic pistols gain:
R1: 20% more damage, Hip-fire spread reduced by 20%
R2: 40% more damage, Hip-fire spread reduced by 40%
R3: 60% more damage, 25% increased range
R4: 80% more damage, 20% chance to disarm
R5: 100% more damage, 10% chance to cripple a limb

Gunsliger perk used to give a lot of range, this stat made little sense for the shortest weapon type in the game.
Reduced effective range, but improved hip fire accuracy.

Future updates: Looks ok now

Commando (1.2): reworked

Automatic weapons gain:
R1: 20% more damage, hip fire spread reduced by 20%
R2: 40% more damage, hip fire spread reduced by 40%
R3: 60% more damage, hip fire spread reduced by 60%
R4: 80% more damage, 10% chance to stagger on hit
R5: 100% more damage, 20% chance to stagger on hit

Reason: Commando was allready a decent perk, decided to improve hip fire accuracy to make you land more shots without aiming and improved chance to stagger to make automatic weapons feel more powerfull against more powerfull enemies.

Moving target (1.2): removed flat damage reduction, added % damage reduction while moving, doubled while sprinting

R1:while moving, resist 10% damage and 20% while sprinting, sprinting costs 10% less action points
R2:while moving, resist 20% damage and 40% while sprinting, sprinting costs 20% less action points
R3:while moving, resist 30% damage and 60% while sprinting, sprinting costs 30% less action points

Flat damage reduction was quickly outscaled. Running was not an action player did frequently, becouse of that, moving target was not taken much. Adressed the issues.

Future updates:
Cant verify it now, but I have strong suspision that I accidently made the damage reduction multiplicative while running with that while moving.
In other words, you get a bit more than is stated. If true, R3 gives 72% dr instead of 60. Will verify soon and if true, will be eventualy updated.

Quick Hands (1.1): R1 and R2 now both give reload speed. V.A.T.S. cost is now tied to reload speed buff from this perk, removed R3

R1:+40% reload speed, vats cost is a bit cheaper
R2:+100% reload speed, vats cost is 50% cheaper

R1 was ok, but didnt synergize with R2, also both perks were quite weak.
Buffed R1 a bit, added R2 reload speed and made reload speed from this perk affect V.A.T.S. cost as well.

Future updates:
Even though this perk makes more sense and is better now, I dont see it being a high priority as was majority of time you spend shooting instead of reloading... unless you play shotguns or revolvers, it might be ok there. I am planning on adding some small fire rate buff per rank, maybe 4-7% to make the perk more worth it. Not sure yet how to do it.

Bloody mess (1.2): 
General damage replaced by limb damage.
Significantly buffed limb damage
reduced limb damage, added back base damage. also removed bug causing significantly more limb damage than intended.

R1:+5% damage +20% limb damage
R2:+10% damage +40% limb damage
R3:+15% damage +60% limb damage
R4:+20% damage +80% limb damage

Vanilla perk was too weak and general. Added limb damage for more power and fun.

Future updates: Perk looks ok now.

Ricochet (1.2):  Higher base chance, no longer depenant on conditions like: enemy under 100 hp or under 40% health. No longer instakill. Chance no longer dependant on if the attacker attacked with automatic weapon or not.

R1:40% chance to ricochet, deals 2x damage back to attacker
R2:40% chance to ricochet, deals 4x damage back to attacker
R3:25% chance to get crit when ricochet procs

Higher base chance makes this perk feel better and the damage multiplication should feel more balanced than instakills.

Future updates: This perk was balanced based of observations of my gameplay, damage taken and damage dealt. This perk should be quite impactfull without being too powerfull. That being sayed, the perk is supposed to be powerfull as it only works agains enemies with guns. Might get rebalanced in the future.

Upcoming perks:

Idealy R1 would work without holding breath and affect vats a bit as well, R2 would give range and R3 headshot multiplier. Both R2 and 3 for all weapons, maybe even R1.

Mysterious stranger
R1 is pretty good, others no so much, will get rebalanced.

Currently working on about 6 more.

For example cannibal might be quite cool.
You get ability to consume humans, additional % damage reduction (bigger than lone vanderer), but as you rank up, loose effect of consumables (most of it).

Recomended mods: (Those mods will remove bullet sponges and make the game faster and more tactical.)

Unbogus Health Scaling - to remove player, companion and enemy health per level scaling, endurance now gives flat 20 health

Global Damage Multipliers for all Difficulties - To make the game more tactical and fast paced. Without armour you die in just a few hits, enemies too. This way the game will feel more realistic as no-one is realisticaly taking 3 bodyshots from shotgun to tell the tale.
Melee is in a bigger disadvantage as you get killed faster. From my testing, melee is only viable with sneak or power armour.
Part of the problem is also that melee weapons dont do much more damage than ranged weapons by default. So with 7 strenght character you might have weapon, that does 35 damage per hit, but the hits are slow and melee, unlike pipe pistol that fires 3 times faster with 13 danage per shot from ranged.
As a side effect of theese mods, you will consume more healing items (as melee) and less ammunition (as ranged). So melee in trully in disadvantage with theese mods. But at least its more realistic.
I use 3x for incoming an outgoing damage on very hard and would recomend that for for all difficulties besides survival, go fo 2x there.

Additional melee thoughts with the 2 mods above:
Melee is less playable especialy early on. It was always like this, but the 2 mods above push melee even further behind as enemies can kill you before you even get to them if you dont already have high damage reduction. The fix was attempted by bethesda by adding perks linke ninja and blitz, but those who didnt want power armour or high agility were at disadvantage. This could be fixed by mods that buff melee weapons to overcome this downside. Currently melee weapons only have an edge becouse of its powerfull strength scaling and few perks together with high armour scaling to reduce the melee downside, but those things are mostly late game stuff, so melee will still strugle early on.

I am also   working on/had done   a few perks to make melee feel a bit better.
1) more power armour uptime
2) stronger sneak
3) damage reduction perks
4) perks for better healing