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Adds 2 new ammunition plants for crafting Munitions' ammunition.

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  • French
Brand new ammunition manufacturing plants for all your Munitions crafting needs. They're functionally identical to the vanilla ammo plant: certain ammunition types require certain perks in order to show up in the crafting menu, the plants require Gun Nut 1 and Science 1 to build, and all recipes output bundles of 10 ammo. Only ammo types that you've selected to inject into leveled lists will show up in the menu, even if you meet the perk requirements. The plugin is an esl-esp and won't take up a load order slot.

Xbox Version: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4360561

Version 1.2 Update: Due to limitations with the vanilla ammo terminal script, the ammo crafting terminal menus max out at 16 entries. To accommodate all of the new Munitions ammo types, the Munitions Plant has been split into 2 separate machines: Munitions Ammunition Plant 1 and Munitions Ammunition Plant 2. If you're updating from version 1.1, you may notice that ammo has been re-arranged in the menu or moved over to the second plant.

Version 1.3 Update: Added .455 Rounds and 5.7mm Rounds to Munitions Ammunition Plant 2. Additionally, both plants have been updated with terminal entries, " > Munitions Ammunition Plant 1 Operator Information" and " > Munitions Ammunition Plant 2 Operator Information" respectively, containing a reminder that the ammo types need to be injected with the Munitions holotape, and outlining the perk requirements listed below so that you don't need to memorize them or refer back to this page.

Version 1.3a Update: Fixed a long-standing bug where, due to an oversight on my part, Manufacturing Extended was actually a soft requirement for certain ammo types to show up properly in the terminal menu. This was due to it including an edited version of the vanilla ammunition builder script that is used by the vanilla ammunition plant, the same one that I was also re-using for this mod, in its .ba2 archive, and I was testing this mod with Manufacturing Extended installed. I apologize for not catching this sooner. Special thanks to FreakUK for their help with bug testing.

I've added an edited and renamed version of the vanilla builder script for the terminals, so now there shouldn't be any dependencies or conflicts with any other mods that edit the vanilla script, like Manufacturing Extended. Additionally, I've re-ordered the ammunition into proper numerical/alphabetical order, so you may need to re-select your desired ammo type if you're actively manufacturing ammo in your save when updating. The Operator Information sections of both terminals has been updated to reflect these changes, and the in-terminal software revision has been iterated to Rev. 1.3a, for additional immersion.

I tested making a singular machine with all 31 ammo types available but going beyond 16 on a single machine caused the menu to bug out when selecting ammo types past that point, which is the reason why there are 2 separate machines. I believe the author of Manufacturing Extended ran into the same issue, as their script was also limited to 16 menu entries. I'm very papyrus-illiterate, so I'm not sure if this is a issue with the script or just a limitation of script fragments themselves. That said, this should hopefully be the last update unless Munitions adds more ammunition types in the future.

Munitions Ammunition Plant 1
.22 Round
  •  No Perk - 1 fertilizer, 1 steel
.223 Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 fertilizer, 2 lead
.280 Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 fertilizer, 2 lead
.30 Round
  • No Perk - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel
.30-06 Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 fertilizer, 2 lead
.303 Round
  • Gun Nut 2 - 1 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
.32 Round
  • No Perk - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel
.357 Round
  • Gun Nut 2 - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel
.40 Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
.410 Gauge Shell
  • Gun Nut 2 - 2 fertilizer, 2 lead, 2 plastic
.44-40 Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
.455 Round
  • Gun Nut 2 - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel
.50 Caliber Ball
  • Gun Nut 3 - 3 lead
4.7mm Caseless
  • Gun Nut 4 - 2 copper, 2 fertilizer, 1 plastic, 1 steel
5.45mm Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 2 lead, 1 fertilizer
5.7mm Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 2 lead, 1 fertilizer

Munitions Ammunition Plant 2
6.5mm Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 1 copper, 1 lead, 1 fertilizer
7.62mm Tokarev Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 2 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
7.92mm Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 2 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
9mm Round
  • No Perk - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel
12.7mm Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 2 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
20 Gauge Shell
  • Gun Nut 2 - 2 fertilizer, 2 lead, 2 plastic
20mm Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 4 copper, 2 fertilizer, 2 lead
25mm Grenade
  • Demolition Expert 2 - 2 adhesive, 2 aluminum, 2 fertilizer, 2 oil, 1 steel
40mm Grenade
  • Demolition Expert 3 - 3 adhesive, 3 aluminum, 3 fertilizer, 3 oil, 2 steel
BB Pellet
  • No Perk - 1 steel
Electron Charge Pack
  • Science 2 - 1 circuitry, 2 nuclear material, 1 plastic
Energy Cell
  • No Perk - 1 circuitry, 1 nuclear material, 1 plastic
  • No Perk - 2 steel
Plasma Core
  • Science 4 - 40 acid, 20 aluminum, 30 copper, 40 nuclear material
  • Demolition Expert 2 - 1 adhesive, 2 aluminum, 3 oil, 3 fertilizer, 2 steel

Munitions Manufacturing - Additional Ammo Expansion - Version 1.1 Update: Added Cowboy Pack ammo and an Operator Information section, and re-ordered the ammo menu alphanumerically, Added conditions so that ammo now needs to be injected to be crafted. You may need to re-select your desired ammo type if you're actively manufacturing ammo in your save when updating.

Munitions Additional Ammunition Plant
(Optional File - Requires Munitions - Additional Ammo by PIZZASPULUNKER)
.30-30 Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 fertilizer, 2 lead
.45 Long Round
  • Gun Nut 3 - 1 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
6.5mm Italian Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 1 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
7.62mm Rimmed Round
  • Gun Nut 4 - 2 copper, 1 fertilizer, 1 lead
9mm Soviet Round
  • No Perk - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel
9mm Subsonic Round
  • No Perk - 1 fertilizer, 2 steel