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Version 1.02
Added signs to the empty billboards in front of the motel.
Removed shadows from the lights in the bathrooms, because the visual was not worth the performance cost.
Updated previs handling by splitting it to a separate file to allow for cleaner load order management.
Updated all patches for the new version.
Version 1.01
Upgraded several pieces of loot to use leveled items rather than being a pre-placed guaranteed item.
Fixed the missing collision on part of the roof pieces. (This fix has been forwarded to PRP for use in future versions.)
Fixed some paintings so that they show the weathering damage they're set to show.
Fixed a gap where you could see the void.
Fixed some floating trash by restoring the missing object beneath it.
Fixed some z-fighting between wall pieces.
Fixed a misplaced concrete foundation.
Moved the pool table slightly to allow NPCs to walk between it and the fence gate.
Uncovered the partially buried safe in the office for easier access.
Updated all patches to work with the new version.
Version 1.00
Modifies Roadside Pines Motel to feel like people actually live there.
You've just found a raider's home. They clearly live here. In fact, they've been here long enough to fortify the place and set up a watch from the roof. So why does it feel like they just walked away halfway and abandoned the whole thing?
More stuff at Roadside Pines Motel.
No, really. That's it. Several previously inaccessible rooms actually exist now, the office has been moved to give access, and the motel as a whole has seen more detail work to make it feel lived in.
Precombines have been rebuilt to improve performance.
Marked as a light plugin (esl-flagged esp) for minimal impact on load orders.
How do I start using this mod?
Just install it! No configuration or special steps necessary.
Does this conflict with other mods?
I have a pinned comment in the comment section with more information on that.
That's a lot of loot. Would you make a version that has less?
No, I won't. While I don't feel it's worth getting into a debate on what immersion is or how different people see different things as immersive, I will say that at the end of the day I make mods I want to play. I've intentionally left the permissions for this mod wide open - anyone is free to reduce the volume of loot I've added to the location, replace the loot with static and movable static lookalikes, or do just about anything else they please with the mod. If you ask around on one of the big modding discords or the mod request forums, you may find someone willing and able to do it.