About this mod
Balance changes to VUWR, including some entirely new effects. Also turns into ESL marked ESP.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
So VUWR includes a bunch of custom receivers, stocks, mags etc. for uniques, but the special effects are always actually tied to a non-removable Legendary, and the custom removable bits are usually just enhanced normal things.
So, I moved all of the effects onto the parts themselves instead! This means you can make hybrids of some uniques, AND still put on a normal Legendary if you use something like Legendary Modifications (-G).
Because of this, I nerfed some effects, but not by much. Some effects I even buffed.
Some effects were also changed completely! Also includes FAB001's Silver Shroud Costume Tweak which is also applied to the hat, as well as Ballistic Weave if you for some reason didn't already have a mod for that (such as my old weaves mod that still needs an update.) I'm considering making Unique Armors have Unique Effects as well, but that's low on my list of to-dos. (Except PA, which are all becoming Unique next mod ;p )
In every case, part names and descriptions were changed a bit to reflect that it's the part causing the effect and not a Legendary. Occasionally, grammar fixes were also made, as English isn't lKocMoHaBTl's first language.
Lastly, I included a very small optional replacer-plugin for More Uniques. This doesn't have any content changes, but I fixed a few bugs, removed some ITMs and unreferenced records, and turned it into an ESL.
BOTH MODS ARE ACTUALLY... erm... untested. Sorry, you're all my beta testers haha; but everything in xEdit seems good. I made a backup of both mods before I made either into ESLs in case the formID compacting messed anything up, but that's unlikely.