Fallout 4

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  1. skiesbleed
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    Hello, welcome! I'm glad you've found yourself here. Let me try and answer a few questions you might have to save you from posting.

    Q: Will this mod work with the Next Gen Update?

    A: Yes, it works. There are a few new paint jobs in the next gen update that won't rename the armor (e.g. the new Enclave paint), but that's it. I will have a patch for this in a later release. 

    Mod Configuration Menu has not been updated to work with the new version of F4SE, so the configuration for this mod will be unavailable.

    If you have the Next Gen update, don't choose LL_FourPlay in the installer. This plugin does not work with the Next Gen version of F4SE.

    All releases are compatible with both the old version of the game and the next gen version.

    Q: I installed the mod, but it's not working!

    A: Sort your mods. This is the #1 reason why people experience crashes.

    Are you using the 4K ESP version of T-65? That's not supported. Use the 4K/2K ESL T-65 or the 2K ESP T-65, otherwise you will experience crashes.

    If that doesn't work, check the Troubleshooting Guide to look for an answer. If you don't see one, check the Bugs section of this page to see if there is already a solved bug related to your issue.

    Q: Are there any issues I might encounter when I upgrade to the latest version of this mod?

    Updating from 2.1.0 or later
    You can likely upgrade without any special considerations. You might see some naked Trappers in Far Harbor, so take a look at the instructions below if you're in Far Harbor when you update.

    Updating from 2.0 or installing for the first time mid-game
    Some enemies that have already been loaded (most likely outside) may not be wearing clothes. It's best to go into an interior cell and wait for a long period of time (more than a week) to make sure enemies reset. I personally used these console commands, which make 30 days pass and prevent any old loaded cells from hanging around, in an interior cell to make sure everything refreshed:
    passtime 720

    Updating from 1.x
    It is recommended that you start a new game instead of upgrading from 1.x. However, there are backwards compatibility patches in the installer that can be used if you decide to upgrade instead - you will need to make sure to follow the above instructions for resetting NPCs without clothes.

    Q: What mods are you considering adding support for?

    A: For the next release, I am planning to support:

    • Tumbajamba's Combat Power Armor
    • Midwest Power Armor Revolution
    • Classic Advanced Power Armor Overhaul
    • Visual Tesla Coils
    • SuperAlloys paint jobs

    There are no guarantees that I will add support for anything else. If I do come back to it, these are the mods I'm considering supporting:

    • Some additional support for Tumbajamba's Synth Power Armor
    • TES-51 (maybe)
    • Trapper Power Armor (maybe)
    • Construction Power Armor (if I get permission from the author, whom I have not been able to reach)

    Q: Will you add power armor set X or a patch for mod Y?

    A: Maybe! Let me know it's something you're interested in so I can get an idea of what people want most. A few further notes regarding suggestions:

    • This mod is focused on being lore-friendly, but not necessarily canon. If you can make an argument for why it might make sense in the world, then I'm listening! 
    • A link to what you are talking about is always helpful, along with any ideas you have about how you see it fitting in. I may not use those ideas, but you may see something I don't when you look at one of those other mods.

    Q: Are there any other features that you have planned?

    A: No. All of the features I've planned have now been incorporated.
  2. Drkstar76
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. Had a  question.  So I obviously used the mod but I wanted  to turn the abandoned power armor back on  and wanted to grab the one near sanctuary  early  just to have it. So anyway  i went there before I "turned the abandoned back on "  figured oh ok that's probably the issue. So loaded a game b4 I got to the spot  activated  the armors...and yet when I get to ther the vertiburd crash sight still no t 45.  So what do I need to do I guess is my question after all that. Thanks
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      The power armor from the main game gets removed by my Abandonment patch. It's a feature you have to choose in the installer. If you accidentally included it, I think you can remove it mid-game - it doesn't add any new records.

      The MCM setting is for bringing back abandoned power armor from all of the other mods, and you can do it even when standing right in front of the spot. It can't be turned off again, though.
    2. Drkstar76
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Oh. I wasn't aware I used magnum opus installer so..  hmm any ideas how I would remove it  oh and ty 4 quick reply
    3. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I didn't realize this mod is in Magnum Opus. If you go into your mod manager, you can disable the Power Armor to the People - Abandonment.esp plugin to get the standard power armor left around the world back.
    4. Drkstar76
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Cool and ty again 
    5. Drkstar76
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I don't see that esp in the plug ins. Maybe my tired ass missed I looked twice scrolling slow. Only ones ibsaw were  automatron, excavator,far harbor ,2 gunner pack., Hellcat ,nuka world's. ,Minutemen and of course  power to the people  the only thing I saw related  to abandoned  was a pax file called abandoned  powerarmorhandler.pax under Pattp under scripts.   This was in  MO2.  It's OK I'll be fine without lol unless  u know what I'm missing  ty agin 
    6. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      If that's not there, my mod isn't the one that is removing them. I know Some Assembly Required also does it, and a few others I'm sure. 
  3. GarethEnthusiast
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Will we ever get the Porshet-5 German Power Armor one day? It's a pretty recent one but really nice to look at, and would be pretty cool if it was seen in Raider or Brotherhood hands.
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I've typically tried to keep some kind of lore-friendliness to the power armor sets, so Red Shift and Soviet Power Armor aren't typically worn by anyone. This is the same kind of situation. Where would so many sets of German power armor have come from, such that Raiders and the Brotherhood had multiple?
    2. GarethEnthusiast
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Fair enough, though iirc Germany made a decent amount of energy weapons back during the pre-war era, most notably the original Gauss weapons (minus the minigun, which was a Chinese clone of a German design) in the isometric games. If anything, the Porshet-5 could easily be described as gotten through international arms trades pre-war in exchange for older yet more numerous and cheaper to repair T-45 power armor. This would rule out the Raiders (Disciples don't wear power armor sadly, rip that nice paintjob...), but the Brotherhood could easily have found some in their pre-war origins or old records and have it in use for higher ranking members, especially due to the simple fear factor it can exude. 
    3. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      Okay. I will consider adding this in a future update if I have time and can think of a good way to do it.
    4. GarethEnthusiast
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you for the consideration!
  4. jakeamhughes
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    anyone happen to know how or if this works in conjunction with LEO and WIPAG?
  5. TheVambrony
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Glad to see you back! thought you had stopped modding, happy that you ended up coming back! this is one of my top fav mods ever!
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I'm glad you like the mod!

      I did stop modding, and this is just a temporary check-in to support a bunch of mods that have come out over the last year. I actually stopped playing video games altogether and though I'm revisiting modding for a bit, I'm still not getting back into them. I follow Jesus, and God made it clear to me last year that I needed to cut video games out of my life. I get far too into them and spend too much of my time and thoughts on them, sacrificing sleep and responsibility, and I have important things that I need to spend my time and thoughts on. I asked if I could revisit the mod with the release of the next-gen update and a couple of things I wanted to support that I had spoken to the mod authors about last year but never did do, and that's why I'm back, but I'm going to be wrapping this up and disappearing again, at least for a while. Even now I'm spending more time than I have so I need to dial it back.

      Probably a lot more than you bargained for in a response, but there you go. Thanks for taking the time to comment to let me know how you've enjoyed the mod, it's certainly nice to hear that people are able to enjoy something I've worked hard on.

      Have a great weekend!
    2. Shadowtwili
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, me and hundreds, if not thousands, of people are glad you came back temporary to check in on this mod of yours.

      It's gotta be one of the best mods out there!

      Your other responsibilities ofcourse take precedence, but I hope we'll see you again in the future, wether that is for another check-in, a full return, or just some social talks/or light gaming is all up to you though ;)
  6. Wulfpack
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello would it be possible to add midwest power armor revolution?
    it's basically a newer version of midwest power armor evolution by the same mod author x) 
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I will add it to my list of sets I might support.
    2. Wulfpack
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you! :)
    3. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      You're welcome. :)
    4. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      This will be in the next release.
    5. Wulfpack
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  7. drocadile
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    When I saw this in the recently updated mods section, it made my day. Welcome back to the Nexus community :^).
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm not sure how long I'll be back, but I'm blazing a mad trail through mods that came out while I was away. :)
  8. littlebob38
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm a bit new to adding mods to fallout 4 but from what I've seen in the game the issue seems to only be present within the brotherhood of steel. Basically whenever I play there is a problem where brotherhood knights that wear the T 60 end up missing the right t 60 leg or just both t 60 legs. This even happens on the armors in the prydwen. The only t60 not effected are the ones I spawn with the cheat terminal or the one that is given to you when you get promoted to knight. But the custom power armors that knights can spawn with are fine it's just the T60s. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if this is issue has not been seen before but I tried looking around for help and well haven't seen anybody with the same issue yet. I was wondering if someone had the answer to this issue and how to fix it.
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I've never heard of that happening before. My guess would be that something replaced the items included with their power armor frame.

      If you want to hunt it down, here's what I would do. First, you need FO4Edit so you can look at the records that make up all of the game data. In the top left of FO4Edit, in the FormID box, you can type 00181520 and press enter. That's the code for the power armor furniture used by BoS Knights. Don't worry, most things have names and are organized - this is just a shortcut to get you to the right place.

      Check if it shows multiple columns side-by-side, which means a mod is making changes. Scroll down and take a look at the Items section. See if a mod is overwriting it - the names at the top of each column are the mods that override it.

      If nothing is overriding it, Ctrl+Click LL_Armor_Power_T60_Set_BOSKnight_Dmg50 in the Items section and see if anything is overriding that. If it is, look for things like a missing right leg in the list or Chance None set to something higher than 0.

      Take a look and let me know if you have more questions.
  9. GrumpyWastelander24
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome mod. Though, I can't help but notice that The Railroad has been left out. Makes some sense though since they're all about being stealthy and having access to some Power Armor might contradict that. Bet you Glory is not happy about that. Haha~
    1. GarethEnthusiast
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ironically, the stealthiest armor I can think of is the Red Shift armor, since it has a Stealth Boy module. However, they could also use Excavator or maybe even the SE-1 pa, I think it would fit well.
    2. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      It doesn't make sense to me that the Railroad would use power armor. It's big, clunky, and loud and the last thing they want is to attract attention. That's why I didn't add anything for them. There are also very few instances where we see them fight en masse and they don't patrol or have random encounters where it would make sense, so it's a lot of work for just a couple of moments in the main story.
  10. Shadowtwili
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Skiesbleed!

    Love the update, immediatly downloaded it, but I have to ask, would you consider adding other (tesla) PA's to the Rust Devils?

    I know they get the Spartan Battle Armor but that never did it for me appearance wise and since the Rust Devils took over (old) military facilities I think T-45, T-47R, T-51, T-51c and the T-60 and Tesla variants would work well for them too!

    Either way, if you don't want to do that it's still a cool update and I love it! Thanks <3!

    Gonna play it the moment I get home!
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback. I went with the Spartan Battle Suit because it's made out of a sentry bot so it fit in with their current armor motif.

      We do see them with the T-60 Tesla armor, so I think what you're saying could make sense. One of my main goals with Power Armor to the People is to make sure the factions are visually distinct - I don't ever want two factions running around in the same power armor unless there is a distinct difference in the paint job.

      To that end, do you have any thoughts on how the Rust Devils could be made visually distinct if they used the same power armor as everyone else? The only idea I have off hand is to give them rusted Tesla armor and require a mod that adds Tesla attachments. Rusted power armor with Tesla coils is distinctly different and fits the general feel of the faction.
    2. Shadowtwili
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thats a perfect idea/fit! Rusted Tesla armour would work perfect for them!

      Another idea I had was maybe could have them use Hot Rod paint schemes? If the Tesla plan doesn't pan out, it would still make them visually distinct while using the same armours as Gunners and BoS

      I don't know if there's already mod(s) for it though!
    3. Shadowtwili
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Actually been thinking it out (my brain hurts), but I think rusted T-series armor could work for the Rust Devils.

      Raiders use rusted armor too, true, but they'll never have a full set of T-45, T-51 or T-60 which the Rust Devils could have as their only sets alongside the Spartan.

      They would only use (old) pre-war military power armors and no fancy suits like the X-01 or Enclave PAs, but nothing as cobbled together as the Raider PA's either.

      This would make sense since we see multiple power armor stations in their base and their leader has a set of T-60 Tesla armor!
    4. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I've actually got two options for rusted Tesla sets already working and configurable for the vanilla T-series and X-01 (Visual Tesla Coils and SuperAlloys).

      So I guess my question is this: would you still want the option to give them full rusted sets if these Tesla patches are available?
    5. Shadowtwili
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well darn, give me the Tesla versions any day!

      It would keep them 100% unique for sure and fit their boss' aesthetic better!

      I love your work man!

      Edit: Just want to add, I would 100% go for the full Tesla variants, but I know some people might think otherwise!
  11. Genesis026
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so i have a question, there is a modder who made mods to upgrade several factions in the game, like this mod called "Improved Institute" Improved Institute at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

    one of the changes is add some modded power armor to npc, similar to what this mod does
    would be any conflicts? im interested in use both mods
    1. skiesbleed
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      Based on the description, this would require a patch to work together. At present, you would need to choose one or the other. It does look like they have provided power armor and an Institute Gatling like I did, so you could take theirs and put it lower in your order to handle synths and use mine for everything else. That would probably work.
    2. Genesis026
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      got it, thank you for replying it
      mod comes with an installer and in an optional setting i can disable the power armor additions from their mod, so my game could use your mod