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About this mod

a blueprint for egret tours marina as a pretty secured spot where only a frontal assault is possible and a front entry is a gore-fest

Permissions and credits
Was bore out of my scull so put down some plans for a decent base of operations for nearby forts or glowing sea even (sommerwille place im thinking about to remake next) used mostly the wonderful mod of Sim settlements so the farmers and others need to plant their own damm stuff not wait for me to do the dirty work (dam lazy slob) i tryed to make it a lil bit more cozy as from there is pretty nice view. The whole building is heavily defended as only one entry way is the front what is basically a deathtrap (in time of assault if ur moronic settlers leroy to the enemy they wil be blown to bits if not immortal)
if any question problem bug whatewer feel free to bother me i try to help if i can