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D1v1ne122 - RokMod - DanielVictory

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  1. RoKMod
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Hope that yall enjoy the dungeon, was really fun creating it! If you have any feedback (good and bad), make sure to give it back!

    If you enjoyed the dungeon, please leave an Endorsement and Vote so we can scare some more souls!
    Share any streams or videos on the mod (we love seeing everyone's reactions :D )! Same goes for screenshots!

    Also, if any of you would be interested in more content like this, let us know ;) .
  2. D1v1ne122
    • premium
    • 326 kudos
    The Children of Ug-Qualoth Redux is here!

    The redux version includes:

    - NEW Enemy Variants
    - NEW textures for a variety of assets
    - NEW combat music, sound effects, and soundscapes
    - NEW Narrative lore notes
    - NEW Dungeon Rewards
    - Improved performance in many areas

    Make sure to endorse if you enjoyed the experience! 
    For discussion, hints, or help join our Discord!
  3. D1v1ne122
    • premium
    • 326 kudos
    The next installment in the Ug-Qualtoth storyline is in development!
    Here's a teaser for what is to come!

  4. RoKMod
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    !!NEW PATCH!!
    We have just released out a Post F4 Update-Patch to hopefully fix any general bugs we've found, and added some QoL changes! 

    Patch Notes: 

    - Increased amount of loot and supplies in the dungeon SIGNIFICANTLY
    - Rearranged some NPC locations, adding and removing a few in certain spots. There are also way less of the Head Enemies [By about 50-60%]
    - Balanced the Head Enemies: Explosion damage and range was reduced significantly. Shades in vision act differently.
    - Added more lighting in the dungeon (The dungeon is still DARK, this is more just for aesthetic to make it look prettier in certain locations :p)
    - Removed one section from the Temple
    - Made all of the easter egg orbs easier to find + changed the location of the Orb note. Player will also teleport to the orb room after finding them.
    - Fixed instances where players couldn't find the Skeleton Body parts for the altar puzzle.
    - Potentially fixed instances where players would be trapped in the Post-Boss fight dream sequence.
    - Player can teleport to the top and bottom of the elevator after it's used. After the player uses the elevator and hits the switch at the bottom an Autoload door will enable allowing the player to teleport to the top and bottom of it (quick and easy).
    - Added more beds throughout the dungeon (for Survivor players)
    - Removed many of the autosave triggers
    - When u disable spawning the NPC's in the exterior, the NPC's will die (rather than having to reload the area).
    - Player will be given the option to spawn the Enemies after entering the dungeon (rather than after the dream sequence).
    - Fixed Issue with invulnerable NPC's
    - Added a crafting recipe to swap necklace to an inert version without combat effects.
  5. Asaimoer
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The BA2 version (6.4) of the mod causes my game to crash in the Boston urban area, whereas the loose file version (7.9) does not. I've been trying to identify the cause of the crash because Buffout 4's crash log doesn't provide useful information and led me in the wrong direction.
    When I disabled all mods and enabled them one by one, testing each time with a new game in the urban area (mostly near Bunker Hill, Goodneighbor, and Diamond City), I discovered that the BA2 version of the mod is indeed causing the crash.
    It would be helpful to warn potential users that the BA2 version of this mod may cause crashes. You should strongly suggest they use the loose file version if they encounter the same issue, especially since both versions share the same version number (1.2).🫠
  6. hunteroak7861
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am stuck in the mine/temple area and just want to leave without losing so much of my file. I can load an older save but I’d lose about 20 hours outside of the dungeon and I’m hoping to avoid that. 

    The door at the end of the hallway that opens to the left of the small burning tree is not triggering, leaving me at a dead end. I can’t seem to find the right quest stage id to advance myself manually, and restarting the quest from scratch repeated the problem. 
    1. D1v1ne122
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      You can try to use tcl to walk through the door.
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Help !

    I'm stuck in a room with a small burning tree. There are three tunnels leading from this room. The one on the left leads to a dead end, the one in the middle leads to an obelisk that I've destroyed and the one on the right appears after the obelisk has been destroyed but also leads to a dead end. Watching playthroughs I've seen that the rest of the dungeon is via the right tunnel, but in my case it doesn't lead to anything at all. I've probably missed a stage somewhere but I can't find it.

    Otherwise it's really an exceptional mod, I wasn't expecting such a high level so I'm all the more frustrated at being stuck and not being able to continue.

    PS: Sorry for my english...

    Edit : Even using TCL didn't help at all since the right path indeed exist but is completely empty of loot or children of Ug-Qualtoth
    1. RoKMod
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Check this and see if this works: 

      At that location, the door to the left of the burning tree should open after destroying the obelisk and at the end of the hallway you can interact with a door that should load the next location
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      What I called the right path is surely what you call the left path. I've just taken into account the directions the first time we come up against the tree. So I've already tested the 3 paths and they all lead nowhere. The path you're talking about normally has a passage to the left after climbing the stairs but for me this path is blocked by a door disguised as a wall that I can't interact with. 

      Edit: And I'm not talking about the green door, which is supposed to be further away. I'm talking about a door/wall just after the first set of stairs you take after leaving the tree and passing through a short tunnel and a small sloping obelisk.
      I also tried getting here with TCL and the path is here but there was just a huge light at the place of the door. Maybe that's the part of the dungeon that was removed in ver. 2.1 but that doesn't change the fact that I'm completely stuck.
    3. RoKMod
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      If ud like u can do console command:
      coc CoUTemple03

      Thatll take u to the next section
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks, I will do that on my next try if I'm stuck a second time. I loaded an older save, so I'm starting from scratch and hoping it works this time.

      It's honestly one of the best mods I've tested on the game, the work on the atmospheres and gameplay is really phenomenal, I didn't think I'd get such a big slap in the face after more than 1,000 hours on modded FO4
    5. hunteroak7861
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have the exact same problem and can confirm after a second try from scratch, it is a consistent glitch. I followed the video play through step by step and wound up with the same problem. I think there is a mod conflict or something locking me at that point?
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I tried using "coc Temple03" but nothing happened. I'm stuck again at the same point
    7. RoKMod
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Sry I made a mistake, should be CoUTemple03 

      Once im off work ill take a look into what might be causing this! Did u by anychance download the mod in a package?
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No, I downloaded your redux version (the normal one, not the BA2 files) directly here via NMM. 
    9. jkor7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Are you by any chance using a precombines patch for an older version of the mod? I had one and automatically activated it along with the CoU update, after which I had the same issue you have in the same place.
    10. TYRAANIK
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Oh yes, I hadn't thought of that...
      I downloaded it a long time ago and had completely forgotten about it.

      But if you had this problem, did removing the patch fix it?
    11. jkor7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, uninstalling it fixed the problem immediately (uninstallation is perfectly safe in this case). If you have "PRP.esp" in your load order, place "Children of Ug Qualtoth.esp" below it, otherwise the exit to the surface will be blocked.
  8. Anna2255
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Your mod doesn't work for me, I don't know why. All the doors are closed, there are no ghouls inside, it is not understand what to do.
    When I am attacked, I cannot kill anyone, they are not visible and shooting is useless, it does not harm them
  9. Demonsxhunter
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    After the last update I've experienced frequent CTDs and with a Buffout warning message as bellow,
    it usually happened when I'm going between cells.

    1. Doozz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Getting the same error.
    2. oneeyeless
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
    3. Cheetocat101
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Also having this issue 
    4. Astaldo711
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Also having this error and CTD
    5. YukonZerksis
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Did you ever find a solution to this issue?
    6. YukonZerksis
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      So I just figured it out. Download the old mod manually extract it and only copy the ug files from the data/textures folder and then go to your fallout 4 install folder and find mod texture folder. should be Fallout 4\Data\textures\ChildOfUgQualtoth and then i replaced the Ug_ files with the files from the old mod. works perfect now.
    7. D1v1ne122
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      I have uploaded a new version of the loose version with two textures replaced from the old version. Let me know if the same error occurs. 
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Apologiesa if this is a silly comment, but I'm level 12 and wanted to start this mod.. I'm literally at the very beginning when you turn on the generators.  

    I have a gamma gun and does jack s#*! to these burned ghoul like things. Being that tough and not being targetable in VATS.. is there something I'm missing? I thought that they were supposed to work like Weeping Angels but that isn't the case :(
  11. SeraphixPrime
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, trying to start this but I've been to sleep several times but it wont start. 

    I've already added the lines to my fallout4custom.ini to enable archive invalidation.
    The mod is in my load order, but it just wont start.
    1. RoKMod
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      If your using a mod manager, Id double check in the Mods menu ingame loadout to see if its enabled, juuuuust in the offchance it didnt load.

      Also to really make sure its not loading, u can go directly to the dungeon at the Forgotton Church (if there isnt an entrance in the church, or a hatch above it, then it hasnt loaded). 
    2. jkor7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You are playing on pre-NG FO4, right? Looks familiar, since I am on v1.10.163 myself. The CoU-Q v2.1 has archives of format v0.8, but pre-NG Archive2 can only recognize v0.1, and so the game doesn't see the ba2 assets. As a simple solution, you can download an alternative archive of the mod – with loose files.

      If you prefer using ba2, there are some options.

      (a) You can manually repack both ba2 using  BSArchPro that comes with FO4Edit v4.1.5f.
      (b) Use the mod "Backported BA2 Support" (with the caveat that it will conflict with other mods (up to CTD) that contain a custom MainMenu.swf).
      (c) Patch ba2 headers with the mod "BA2 Archive Version Patcher".
      (d) As (c), but do this manually, using any hex editor. You need to replace the 5th byte with 1. First 8 bytes of any ba2 archives fo FO4 should be: 0x42 0x54 0x44 0x58 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0', where the 1st 4 bytes represent a magic string 'BTDX' for a ba2 file and the next 4 bytes keep a format version. And if in the hex editor you see that the 1st 8 bytes are
      42 54 44 58 07 00 00 00
      or 42 54 44 58 08 00 00 00 you need to replace the 5th byte with '01': 42 54 44 58 01 00 00 00
  12. DeDominator69
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    EDIT: Found the solution in the end. 10/10 mod, temporarily drove me insane in real life too!

    Fantastic mod, had an amazing time with it!

    Swear the Orbs are an elaborate scheme to make me go insane in real life though. Got all three, have scoured everywhere inch of the final boss room but alas no secret rooms opened up. Now having to make my way back through the entire dungeon hugging every single wall to try and find it. I searched all the comments hear and they all go "Oh yeah theres totally a secret room bro, I found it I know where it is its right there" with no mention of where there is, and the couple dev hints seemed to say to "Go back into the Ritual Site" and "Search the big room" but its not there! I swear its not there! I have searched there! This is a conspiracy! You are all out to get me! I KNOW THE TRUTH DAMNIT!!

    Hmm... maybe I shouldnt comment at 3am and go to bed instead.
    1. DeDominator69
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Saw a hint mentioning the broken lift and a green mist that should lead you to the secret room. I found said lift, at the bottom of the Forbidden Mine just before the Temple entrance, and the green mist opposite it, followed that up the stairs onto the walkway where there was a black wall and a hidden door did open up, but the orbs were a lie! There was no place to put the orbs! It was just a regular boring old trunk! What other lies have the comments told me! I had a glimmer of hope, thats been taken away, now all I see are conspiracies and lies. 

      I am searching these walls but they all look the same. Black slimy stone. Black slimy stone. More black slimy stone. Skeleton, thats different exciting! Always black slimy stone but never a damn secret door!
    2. DeDominator69
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      • 0 kudos
      It has just gone 4 hours now since I first entered the mine. Thought it would be a short trip before bed... oh how wrong I was.

      No idea how much time has passed within the Mine, 4 days? 5? Maybe even a whole week? I am beginning to wonder if this secret door even exists, maybe the pedestals have been within me all along? Maybe me and the Orbs are supposed to remain together? I have gone over the Unusual Note so many times for any hint it could give me, "Undo this ones work"? That seems superfluous, no worthwhile hint there as far as I can tell... But "Your birth/death is yet unspoken"... that could be a clue, perhaps sleep? That could be considered a form of death and rebirth right? Maybe I should sleep in the ritual chamber?

      Well I tried that, I slept, not that its done me much good, but alas nothing changed. Everything remains the same as ever... I haven't seen many of those shadow folk around recently, beginning to miss them, some change any change is welcome at this point. The note taker wasn't sure on which word it was, no way I can think of to replicate birth (well, unless I want to dedicate 9 months to this)... but death, I can replicate death. Got plenty of grenades from all the explosive crates found down here. Why would they be here if not to use? Maybe my death is the solution? Maybe that will open the door? Maybe that will help me find where to put the orbs? I could just leave this place and never return but I know there is work yet unfinished! I cant just leave it all behind! I have to try, try more than I have already, death is the final clue, its all I have left to do, its this or nothing and so death it shall be!
    3. DeDominator69
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Death did not set me free. Breaking the very bounds of reality itself failed to reveal anything to me.

      I am stuck here. This place has defeated me. I know I need to give up. To put it behind me and leave. But knowing and doing are two very different things.

      People have found the answers! I know they have, so why cant I? Why have I struggled so? Every inch, every corner has been searched. Every method tried. But no results.

      I have no choice now. Its time to give up. I need to sleep, I cant stay conscious much longer. It is time to let it all rest, until if or when a higher power reveals it all to me.
    4. DeDominator69
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well came back to this after a nights sleep. Still no luck, the room completely eludes me and none of the hints mentioned anywhere in the comments seem to work.

      Looking at the changelog I am going to go ahead and assume that the last update moved the room location, and that my game has just bugged and not teleported me to the Orb room like it was supposed to... Which I take to mean all my suffering last night was a fools errand and I am now locked out of accessing it in my game :'(

      10/10 mod though, one of the best dungeons I have gone through!

      EDIT: Okay so finally found it via using TCL to go through more walls. It is in the room you fall into before the boss chamber at the end of the right hallway just before the door that takes you back up to the top of the ladder. It doesn't open up from the outside however so you HAVE to TCL through the wall to find the door to the room. I guess it doesn't open up from the outside because you are supposed to be teleported inside it, unfortunately that teleport didn't work for me... Not sure if that is just a me issue or a bug, guess would need to see if others have the problem as well in order to know.
  13. DaSimpleBlackGuy
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Thank you for the mod, really enjoyed it 
  14. Axel3xA
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Love it!

    I think it's better you don't bring anything, including ammo (apart from armor, and a knife maybe) and set it to survival mode when you enter.

    You can use beds as save spots there. Feels like a survival horror game.

    I wish I didn't bring a power armor and whole bunch of energy weapons though XD