Fallout 4

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Thirdstorm - KKtheBeast - MunkySpunk

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  1. Thirdstorm
    • premium
    • 580 kudos
    I really suggest Crafting Highlight Fix by registrator2000.
    Make it so much easier to see what the texture looks like while in the bench!
  2. PhoenixKnight13
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Cool little mod functionality, especially since it's compatible with the Vault-Tec Security Armor Replacement!
  3. Benjango
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I'm tardy to the party, but I would like to say that I love the texture work for both the helmet itself and the visor. Exactly what I'm looking for in my VT char playthrough. The only hangup I have with this is the fact that the guards in Vault 81 all have randomly colored helmets. Not sure how that works, it's slightly distracting, but thankfully most of the colors tend to fit the aesthetic. Hope all is well in your life, and hope to see you return to us someday. : )
  4. MrOrangeKat
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i know im like way tooo late but to ask but, is there a way to set the visor to a key press to lower instead of it auto lowering when drawing weapon, or would that be too much? and i dont mean a hand animation to lower/raise it, just a simple its up, or its down
  5. ElderFall
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. I love the mod but I'd like to use it without the helmets spawning in random colors. What changes can I make in FO4Edit tp remove that feature?
  6. JokeDeity
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I asked on your welding helmet mod, but it can't hurt to ask here either.  Any chance you could show me how to animate this in the same way:
    1. JokeDeity
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Alternatively, how can I just make it instantly swap?  I don't even need the animation, I just want it down in combat and up outside of combat.
  7. realchuz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey! Nice work. The helmet looks nice, sure, but... That crazy armor even more! I NEED a Jangles on my back! How do I get it? :)
  8. infinitehowl
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Where do you find the helmets?,i have used the armorsmith station,spawned helmets in,but none of them are animated.
    1. Billtcm
      • premium
      • 282 kudos
      I can't find it either unfortunately :(
    2. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      Sorry for the delay, I am trying to finish the ArmorKeywords update, and it was soulcrushing..

      The base (Vanilla) helmets should animate when in and out of combat, if it's not try tweaking your load order a bit..
  9. duchuy613
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I'm still kinda amazed at how you managed this. I've seen your welding helmet too. I wonder how difficult it is to do this? Do you need to make a new mesh for it to work?
    And if there's any chance for a collaboration between you and the author of this Altyn Assault Helmet mod?
    Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25967
    1. kkthebeast
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      Not fun, not easy, TIME CONSUMING but all should be possible.
    2. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      It's hard, actually a huge Pain, which I think is why it's not been done before.
      heck the Animations I've brute force created have some imperfections as well, which can't be fixed until we have the full tools available..

      My Inbox is full and I have a ton of work left to do, but if you want to PM the author and get permissions, posting the results here I'd be happy to animate it.
    3. duchuy613
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Well, I don't understand how you guys did it, but you guys are geniuses.

      Anyways, I asked the author of the Assault Helmet mod, and he gave permission to use the asset to make the animation. However he prefer that his mod is a requirement as he doesn't want his mods to be packed and uploaded separately. I don't know how you managed to add animation to an inanimated object, so I wonder if this is feasible?
    4. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      Can you post a screen capture of the approval? (Use spoiler tags) and totally doable.
    5. duchuy613
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Here is the permission from Nutulator, the author of the Altyn Assault Helmet mod. Thank you for your awesome mods.

    6. warheadz
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      You got the green light, dew it lads! :D
    7. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      Going to be a bit, working on finishing some other things, including helping with a major ArmorKeywords update to build in some of our framework, but it's high on the to-do list
  10. GasMaskGuy21
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Not wanting to cause trouble, but there's a mod called 'Useful Security Helmets' that already has the shield lowered.
    Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12720
    I personally use it because I prefer the helmet visor to be down all the time, and i'm sure there's someone out there who'd like this too.
    1. ClockworkNick
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      So go use it then. Shove off.
    2. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      You are not causing trouble.. But pretty sure this is the first animated one... Aka lowers when you enter combat and raises when you holster your weapon.

      Part of the mod that will be released later is a built in system that allows for user controlled up and down positions of the helmet visors (not just this one), and also allows for swapping of the lens textures and hundreds and hundreds of other little customizations.
    3. amokrun1
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      User controlled sounds sick! Any estimate on when it might be ready for the welding helmet?
    4. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos

      Well, I'm helping with an AK, updating moving part of the framework into it to allow for others to add to the options easily, and once that's done pretty soon after I hope.

      That said, part of the new options will be limited on "Animated" objects (very small fraction of what we are adding) until the material swap issue (unable to target art objects indirectly) there will be fewer options available on them.

      The options will be available on the "static" up and down variants however.

      I've build about 50 lens texture options for helmets like the Welding and Security helmet, but the material swaps can't target the lens in the animation portion easily, requiring an "index" and new ArmorAddon for each lens, decal and main (helmet) texture. It's kind of crazy to build an Index point for all roughly 212,500 possible welding helmet combos.
      (50 Lens textures x 250'ish decal textures X 17 Main textures).
    5. amokrun1
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      That many combos?!? I had no idea it was so huge, looking forward to it! Thanks for your hard work and dedication, truly.
    6. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      That many combos?!? I had no idea it was so huge, looking forward to it! Thanks for your hard work and dedication, truly.

      I actually missed a couple of the combos on the Welding helmet, there is another set of 20 decals taking it to 4,250,000 I think..

      Wait till you see the torso options, the calculator broke, and I'm not kidding around 1,235,500,801,920,000 possible combinations for ONE Torso.
    7. amokrun1
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Ok, forgive me, just trying to wrap my head around this. You mean there will be literally THAT MANY customization choices for these items in-game? Like if I go with, say, lens texture 1, there will be 250(or 270?) decals to choose from to match it up with, and on top of that, a main texture? And the same for the 49 other lenses?
    8. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 580 kudos
      The framework I've built is pretty elaborate..
      Helmet Example:
      Bomber Flight Helmet (Renamed Brown flight helmet) has roughtly
      -15 texture options
      -35 lens color / style options
      -20 lens decal options (can be applied at the same time)
      -270 "icon" decal options
      -40'ish "weathering" options that overlay the entire model..
      All of the above can be 0 - X on each level, and all are their own slots, so can be applied at the same time (one option per open slot)
      Additionally I've created:
      -5 versions of the "Bomber Flight Helmet" (model changes)
      -10'ish Gubbins upgrades (stat or other bonus upgrades that have a model associated with them that display on the helmet in game)
      -10+ Greebles upgrades (trophy or other visual but no real stat changes).

      Posting from my Mobile so can't do the math, but
      35 X 20 X 270 X 40 X 5 X 10 X 10 X 15 = ?
      That's one helmet.

      And I've build the OMOD and MODCOL to allow NPC's to spawn with said options, so not just the player
  11. Amcf12312
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Awesome! So if I go attack Vault 81, will the security's helmets drop down in combat or it just on your own character?
    1. kkthebeast
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      yes they should drop down. have fun go crazy you trouble maker you :P :)
    2. Amcf12312
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Lol okay