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  1. Magicockerel
    • premium
    • 474 kudos
    Please leave any questions under the POSTS section, and any bugs under the BUGS section.

    If you read the changelog for version 1.1.0 you will notice that there are advantages and disadvantages to the new implementation. Most notably, the new implementation does not work for pre-placed containers and doors in settlements. This is due to Bethesda not establishing a link between the pre-placed objects and their respective settlement via the WorkshopItemKeyword (or via any other method for that matter). Subsequently, I've left versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 up for those who prefer how things worked in those versions. Personally, I'll be using version 1.1.0.
  2. ShaunIronside
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hey I can lock no problem but to unlock Its giving me a lockpick (novice) option should that happen?
    1. surg23
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Likely you have another mod that has conflicting functionality. Sex attributes for instance will conflict with it due to Willpower unlocking feature which you can disable in MCM. 
    2. Kanori24
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Do you mean SSEX (Settlement Supplies Expanded) attributes? XD I've been having the same issue where everything I've locked will lost the unlock function after a random about of play time, and I'd have to do lockpicking. That or restart the game. I just opened the console and clicked on a door, and its showing SSEX.esp as the last modifier. I'm gonna try to load this mod after SSEX and see if it helps.
    3. surg23
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I'm not familiar with that one. I do know that this is mildly incompatible with Sex attributes (FP_Attributes.esp) part of Sexual Harassment mod. Won't cause errors/instability but the two functions will compete with each other until one is disabled through MCM. 

      I've never had an instance of a container unlocking itself over time. You might be on the right track with that settlement mod. If its not that maybe check MCM settings to see if anything touches/influences UI/interaction functions. 
    4. Kanori24
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Oooohhhhh you meant some other kinds of mods XD But yeah I did confirm SSEX was altering the doors after Hands Off. I didn't actually change the load order earlier like I said I would. I got distracted lol but I'll do it now.
    5. surg23
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Nice one. Hopefully that will rectify it. :)
    6. Kanori24
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Oddly enough, after having HandsOff load after SSEX, the console still shows the last base change being from SSEX, so I opened everything in xEdit. Look at HandsOff, there are no conflicts with anything else, and it's actually a very small mod. It doesn't really touch any doors or containers directly, either. Hmmm...
    7. surg23
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Yeah I can't even make sense of how HO works. Maybe you can isolate the feature from SSEX and disable the script/spell it uses. Sounds fairly complex and I don't have SSEX to check myself. 
    8. Kanori24
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Alright, it's been a little while since I moved hands off to load after SSEX, and... no change. Doors and containers still randomly lose the function of hands off. Saving and restarting the game still corrects it.
    9. CapitanJAL
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Alternative Activation Prompts
      is and upgrade version of hands off you need to check if you have some of the mods listed in incompatibilities and uninstall them, AIO mods are good fort the plugin limit
  3. LD2560
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there any chance your items will despawn from your locked containers after a while? Because that's something that I'm worried about.
    1. surg23
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      This only changes interface options, nothing that would influence retention of items. Been using for years, never had anything despawn. 
  4. meruru4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This a great mod for me, because I get so annoyed with my settlers nabbing my weapons.  It doesn't seem to work with Provisioner Supply Containers though.  I guess because they're not just regular containers they're not compatible.  I'd be SUPER grateful if you made a compatibility patch for it.
  5. pfwolfson
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Does this stop Dogger aka Dogmeat robbing stuff from shelves LOL.

    One of my mods is Better Armoury (BAM) and i couldnt for the life of me figure out how each day one of the laser muskets in the gun rack was disappearing. The armoury was getting smaller by the day lol, at first i thought a settler had grabbed them for use and then one day opening Dogmeats inventory and I find them all there, cheeky thieving magpie playful hound ROFL.


  6. akouf143
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I really like the mod. I was getting tired of Dogmeat opening my doors at the Red Rocket all the time. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't lock the actual Red Rocket doors and I had to build walls with the doors lined up in order to lock them. Other than that, Its an awesome mod.
    1. Magicockerel
      • premium
      • 474 kudos
      This mod allows you to lock any containers and doors that are linked to a settlement that you own. Bethesda has not linked all pre-existing workshop objects to their respective workshop. In your particular case you should be able to do this using the "setlinkedref 54bae workshopitemkeyword" console command while you have the door selected.

      For future reference, "54bae" is the Red Rocket workshop ID, which you can get by selecting the workbench in the console. You can make sure that you have the correct object reference selected in the console using the Highlight Console Reference mod.
    2. spacefiddle
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      Ooo, very good to know!
    3. Becerrus
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Awesome. I was looking for this!
    4. SuperDaddyD
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Can you please explain this for a noob like me? I mean how to do this? I tried selecting the door in console and entering setlinkedref 54bae and still cant lock the sliding doors.
    5. jacobpaige
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You should consider adding this to the description. I was having trouble figuring out which version to download after reading the sticky comment since I too was trying to lock the doors at Red Rocket. After doing this, the mod works great. Though, sadly, it doesn't stop the thieving SoBs from spawning inside of my workshop ;)
  7. Iqbalev
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Is it possible to lock and unlock with the same key (space)?
  8. superdragon1772
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is it possible to change the lock level of novice to master? I don't mind going into FO4Edit or Creation kit, it just seems master or expert would feel more secure. Just lmk pls
    1. Blackbeard1965
      • member
      • 2 kudos
    2. Blackbeard1965
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You can use the console after you lock it, click on the object and enter
      Lock 100
      to lock it at master level. This is a repeating chore though, as a re-lock sets it back at novice. 
  9. Blackbeard1965
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I found the looks mirror bug, lol, and grabbed the patch. As a manual modder, I should load your mod, the patch and looks mirror in that order, correct? 
    Or should I load looks mirror first? 
  10. Dahveed
    • premium
    • 163 kudos
    Incompatible with stash container mods...  I have a craftable stash mod (which shares between settlements) and this mod empties it lol.

    Is there a doors only version?
  11. Ankhras85
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Hello, is it possible to have the function put to another key? or even be able to choose a (hot)key via MCM? that would be insanely awesome!

    Anyways, fantastic mod... too often you dont know to laugh or cry when filching settlers after an attack...