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About this mod
2023 update
Fully compatible with Next-Gen Update
Vivid Fallout textures combined in one ba2
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Fallout 4 In The Grungy Style of Fallout 3 and Newvegas You can use any weathers, textures, models, lighting mods. This one is the testedusage case. Fallout 76 Inspired Autumn Flora Overhaul Optional. But highly recommended Le-xi's Sanctuary and Player Home Red Rocket Companion Pad Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Complex Parallax Occlusion You need my landscapes or my All in One as base Vivid Fallout - Rocks - Complex Parallax Occlusion You need Vivid Fallout - Rocks or Vivid Fallout - All in One as base - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
- Console modding permission The author uploaded this mod to and it is available for console users
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Changelogs
Version 1.9
- fixed the invisible dirt piles (for example near Abernathy farm) caused by the new puddle texture
- If you dislike the additional puddles just install the optional 'Puddle Remover'
Version 1.8
- added water debris, glowing sea cliffs and rock rubble
Version 1.7
- overhault private hedges
- added an optional download to remove all the additional puddles
Version 1.5
- added 'Northern Hills' and 'Glowing Sea' set, it should help a lot with performance in those areas
- added a lot of puddles to give the game a wetter look
- resaved many normal maps for 4k version, they look the same by 1/4 of V-Ram ussage
- removed the ugly cracked dirt which appeared with v. 1.4
- added privet hedges
Version 1.4
- resaved many normal maps for 4k version, they look the same by 1/4 of V-Ram ussage
Version 1.2
- added many house related textures in downtown
- most house windows done, they finally look like glass
- removed the power armor frame from All in One
- most important brickwalls done
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Use it together with Complex Parallax enhancement and matching LOD's
Vivid Fallout - LOD and Distant Detail
Vivid Fallout LOD - Far Harbor
Vivid Fallout LOD - Nuka World
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Complex Parallax Occlusion
Vivid Fallout - Rocks - Complex Parallax Occlusion
thanks a lot for your support, you are just great!
Vivid Fallout - LOD and Distant Detail
Vivid Fallout LOD - Far Harbor
Vivid Fallout LOD - Nuka World
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Complex Parallax Occlusion
Vivid Fallout - Rocks - Complex Parallax Occlusion
thanks a lot for your support, you are just great!

my other mods:
Vivid Fallout - Thicket Excavations Quarry 1k-2k-4k
Vivid Fallout - Armor Workbench (Workstation) 1k-2k-4k
Vivid Fallout - Mirelurks 1k-2k-4k
Hey folks!
Finally I found the time to combine much of my stuff to an All in One.
currently included:
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes
Vivid Fallout - Rocks
Vivid Fallout - Trees
Vivid Fallout - Roads and Bridges
What the benefits are?
Firstly you don't have to install all my mods independently anymore.
Secondly and even more important, the ba2 archive runs a lot smoother
than loose files, especially regarding loading times!
Vivid Fallout is an overhaul of all landscape grounds, but also trees, rocks, roads, bridges and other concrete stuff.
In many cases I just sharpened the games original textures somewhat, made new normal maps and enhanced shadowing.
However, the result looks quite good and...
the textures are less V-Ram heavy than the original ones!
If you don't like the added puddles just install my optional 'puddle remover' and they are gone.
Just keep the mod tracked if you want to stay up to date
Finally I found the time to combine much of my stuff to an All in One.
currently included:
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes
Vivid Fallout - Rocks
Vivid Fallout - Trees
Vivid Fallout - Roads and Bridges
What the benefits are?
Firstly you don't have to install all my mods independently anymore.
Secondly and even more important, the ba2 archive runs a lot smoother
than loose files, especially regarding loading times!
Vivid Fallout is an overhaul of all landscape grounds, but also trees, rocks, roads, bridges and other concrete stuff.
In many cases I just sharpened the games original textures somewhat, made new normal maps and enhanced shadowing.
However, the result looks quite good and...
the textures are less V-Ram heavy than the original ones!
If you don't like the added puddles just install my optional 'puddle remover' and they are gone.
Just keep the mod tracked if you want to stay up to date