Fallout 4

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  1. greekrage
    • premium
    • 736 kudos
    New version 1.5 uploaded.
    Some additions and a few changesand small fixes here and there...
  2. Royon
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey greekrage,
    For some reason most of this build is just simply inviseable and some passages seem blocked. Do you have any idea what that could cause? Because with some other settlements I don't have any problems. And as far as I know, I don't have any other mods active that do something with this location. 
    1. greekrage
      • premium
      • 736 kudos
      place it last and try again you have a conflict
  3. TarlTemplar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is a work of art and you sir, are a gifted artist.
  4. justkan
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    My GPU: ah s#*!, here we go again
  5. bobblunderton
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Any word on compatibility with SOTS (South of The Sea) glowing sea mod/overhaul?
    I have to go to this place before your mod is activated to see the differences here.
    If it's not already in SOTS, you should consider adding this in and submitting it, sure they'd love it.

    Thank-you for making a glowing sea settlement with a bit of protection from the weather (I have true storms, but I can shut off the weather and switch to clear from the Pip-Boy, until I change cells anyways). So rads won't bother me too terribly much. Hope to see more of these (Relay Site Alpha by another modder is one of the only other Glowing Sea settlement mods that's good).
    1. aprn7676
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      looks like some issues exist - I wouldn't know how to fix. Here is a description of compatibility from SOTS comments:
      Dubbyk: "Greekrages settlement mod for Federal Cache 84NE, seems to mostly work if you load it after SOTS and remove the previs info from Greek Rages BA2 files, but someone more experienced then my self may want to look into this, it's a great settlement location."
    2. greekrage
      • premium
      • 736 kudos
      sorry cant look or work on this or any of my mods atm..
  6. Dreacon
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    So I am working to do some building on the exterior area and I have found that the fenced in area with the grate looking section inside the fenced in section has an issue where you will fall through the land area and end up inside the base itself. Not sure if this is just a glitch on my end, but I thought I would mention it to see if anyone else is having a similar issue.

    There are also seems to be an issue with not being able to select build items placed in the glitched area once they are placed. I am having to use tlc command to clip through the items to try to get them to highlight so I can move/re position them.

    Other than that this is a pretty kicka$$ area to build at. I have noticed that inside when trying to scrap out desks and stuff, that some items on the desks are not scrappable. I am trying to clear out space to place other items and there are several items that I can't scrap. Any way to change that so I don't have to resort to using the disable console command?
  7. Robbemaster
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice location
  8. glenntheman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do i delete the earth where you can go trough?
  9. leomi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi ,thats a cool mod ,but i have a problem in the underground of this base ,
    there is a kind of layer [I thinks its a lod of the earth on this place without your mod] of earth that despite being able to cross it, it takes a lot of space visually ,how disable that or what can make for disabled this because it spoils your beautiful mod !
    1. greekrage
      • premium
      • 736 kudos
      if you havent installed the included lod files correctly it wont go away .
      The issue was fixed...
  10. Dubbyk
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Would you be able to tell me what cells just the actual supply cache occupies? Trying to sort out some compatibility issues with this mod and some other ones that change the glowing sea and it seems your mod changes cells a far distance away from the settlement it self, so if I knew what cells the main building was in (the X,Y coords) I could keep the main part of your mod while allowing other mods to win conflicts a few blocks away.
    1. greekrage
      • premium
      • 736 kudos
      its around 4-6cells..cant say for sure without loading up the editor which i cant atm.
    2. Dubbyk
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      Guess I'll start with the cell actually labelled Federal Cache 84NE and start from there. I did find a map that supposedly has the cell coordinates on it so I'll see if I can just move data over one cell at a time and see if I can strike a good balance.


      This is the mod I am trying to get working, my goal is to see if I can get your mod's info and keep the settlement intact but have this mod override your changes on the roads and surrounding area. It seems where the fallen electrical tower is the start of the problem area, take one step and the whole horizon changes, you can clearly see where I am going from one mods precombined / previs area to an other.

      I am hoping since the areas where these "seams" start are actually out of eye range of the settlement you made I can tapper out the effects.
  11. or4nth0s
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    hey i love this mod. my only issue is that i play with the frost over haul mod. do you think you could maybe make this settlement an interior cell style settlement? dont know if you play frost but all exterior cells basically pump you full of rads. id love to make this settlement mine but since top side you get rads its troublesome. id love an actual underground mod. love this mod keep up the good work, maybe make a frost friendly one as well
    1. greekrage
      • premium
      • 736 kudos
      if you go in and come back out rads stop...