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Pose Requests 2 (51 comments)

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  1. davethedrunk
    • premium
    • 236 kudos
    The time to make requests has ended. Thank you everyone who made a request. We got some good ones in here. I look forward to seeing them released.


    Hello everyone, if there's a pose you've been dying to see make your requests here and please abide by the following rules:

    1. Provide a picture of the pose you want to see.
    Post the picture here or link it.  
    (if your reference picture is NSFW then mark it as such and do not post it directly here for everyone to see)
    2. Limit 5 poses requested per person.
    3. No sex poses/animations.  
    4. No conversion requests.
    5. Request period ends 3/22/17

    That's it, thank you!
  2. Captainoob6
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Hopefully it isn't too late at this point, but I'd like to see some more rifle poses in this mod if you have the time!

    1) https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-serious-man-gangster-in-sunglsees-poses-holding-shoot-gun-in-his-hands-245243230.jpg

    2) [NSFW] https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/418/18066356374_16f57e59e0_c.jpg
    Either 1 or 2 will do. Both would be splendid!

    3) http://www.figures.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=22534&stc=1&d=1317049516

    4) https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/3192188/419693809/stock-photo-young-pretty-girl-in-little-black-dress-with-rifle-in-different-poses-on-white-background-collage-419693809.jpg

    I like using your poses in my thumbnials of my YT videos, they're a little more interesting that simply aiming the weapon. Thanks for your time
  3. Ivarov
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Thanks for creating this and for taking suggestions :D

    In the off-chance these "famous" poses have not yet been done (havent been through all available poses yet sorry), here are my suggestions (also if something I say isn't clear, forgive my english and ask back):

    1) Morpheus Standing pose : http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/11/08/article-2229837-0064D3AB00000258-478_468x311.jpg --
    -- backside: https://bplusmovieblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/the-matrix-553.png
    (if these could be made as a walking animation it would be cool, but I realise out of the scope of this mod. Still, just throwing it out there :P )

    2) Godfather sitting : http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/al-pacino-sits-in-a-chair-in-a-scene-from-the-film-the-godfather-part-picture-id159840433 (I know theres some sitting poses, this one specifically I would say has a serious 'tone' to it, the hands, the angled back, quite imposing. Also not sure if poses can be made and the character adjusted to sit, or even better have this pose as the character sits)

    3) Another matrix one: http://www.starhtml.de/matrix/bilder/desktop/explosion.jpg (one would do better to have one's back to the explosion for baddassness of course. Not much secret in front view. head facing front, spine angled about 30 degrees from ground, right hand on ground and elbow slightly arched)

    4) Needs no introduction: http://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Pulp-Fiction.jpg (either character's pose would be great)

    5) Ghost In the Shell Majors sitting pose: This ones a bit tricky to find a clear pose, but here goes some:
    CG: http://timmaughanbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/gits2-2b.jpg
    front (couldnt find full front): http://timmaughanbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/gits2-3a.jpg
    She's sitting on the edge of a building, looking slightly down, LEFT side: leg retracted (foot near back of the lag/bottom), arm relaxed placed over knee, RIGHT side: leg 'swinging' off the edge, arm relaxed placed over upside thigh.
    Of course, in case this interests your creative process, adapt however you see fit. :)

    Thanks Again!
  4. CursingNash19
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Great work! I decided to create some poses so I'll email you the link as well as paste it below to my google drive so you can download the references images in the "POSES" folder. I have the Three I know I do want in the requested folder that I number in reference to below.

    1# As for poses, possibly one where they are pulling back the slide of a pistol with their teeth whilst in mid stride with another pistol in their other hand, possibly pointed forward, or they just released the mag.
    2# Another where the character has their arms crossed, legs at shoulder's width for a wide stance, and in each hand you see a pistol poking out from under each elbow while the head is slightly tilted down to give a 'glare'. I'm aware pistols can't be 'duel wielded' so if its not workable, perhaps something else in the other hand, be creative.
    3# One where a character is casually tossing a grenade up and down with one hand and catching it. Probably mid toss to show this being done, all the while they are in a verrryy laid back sitting position, almost as if their ass is about to slide off the seat of the chair. so they're basically sliding out of it. I'd say the common red comfy chair with arms.

    The Extra Folder is there to fill out the last two requests I have so Feel free to pick the last two you like the most, for I'm well aware one pose may not work as well as I thought it to be so you can simply replace it with one of the ones in the extra folder!

    Refer to images provided.

    1. femshepping
      • premium
      • 1,358 kudos
      Hi there, if you could post links to the images directly rather than the drive that would be helpful and would also help to not have poses requested multiple times thank you!
      Also the grenade one probably wouldn't work as I don't think the grenade could be animated that way to work with the pose.
    2. CursingNash19
      • premium
      • 16 kudos

      There are all the poses, as for the grenade one, I was thinking the same one. If anything, dave can just pick from one of the extras that he'll know will work.
    3. davethedrunk
      • premium
      • 236 kudos
      great! thank you
    4. CursingNash19
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Enjoy, figured it would be easy on you if I made the poses rather than hashing together a bunch of random google images.
  5. Skawn
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Thanks for being awesome !

    Here are my suggestions :

    1 / http://img.amiami.jp/images/product/review/114/FIG-IPN-2660_01.jpg

    2 / http://s8.postimg.org/hbtzdvhrp/IMG_3873.jpg

    3 /https://assets.vg247.com/current//2016/07/Dishonored2_Emily_pose_730x627-600x515.jpg (Can't find a better angle :/ )

    4 / http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/diablo/images/3/3b/D3Necro-female.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161107120923

    5 /And why not some victory pose like this https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/71/b0/bc/71b0bc008ac954c498e1ccf4b27246cf.jpg

  6. guan12
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I know the pictures are about the most hated faction called the Waffen-SS, but its the only ones I could find that shows it clearly. The rest on Google are mostly taken with a potato. Yet, these few poses would make the Brotherhood pose I have in mind much more better.




  7. Drutho447
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for these. Loved the previous work on this mod! Here are a few:

    Yoga "Cow"

    Under Arrest:

    Under Arrest 2:

    Under Arrest 3:

    Lying on stomach (the girl in this pic):


  8. fishysss
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for all your hard work. Here are some hypno theme ones.

    NSFW http://hypnowalker.deviantart.com/art/Cammy-sleepwalking-1-521422112

    NSFW http://hypnowalker.deviantart.com/art/Morrigan-s-Bikini-Babes-347955000

    NSFW http://hypnowalker.deviantart.com/art/Jessica-Rabbit-hypno-comic-6-Beg-me-to-faint-548720386
    (4th image down)

    NSFW http://hypnowalker.deviantart.com/art/Morrigan-hypnotized-slave-520475445
    this one is more about the expression


    awsome work.
  9. SaturnVII
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    If you'd be so inclined, some actual stills from combat would be pretty nice. Would work well for some of those "Before the storm" type photos.

    1. http://tinyurl.com/holwm6l - Crouched down into sandbags.

    2. http://tinyurl.com/hbpypfh - Man on left standing, aimed weapon.

    3. http://tinyurl.com/hzvvh9k - Crouched, head up, alert. Weapon is rested on stock, on ground. I realize there could be length issues there, so I'd trust your judgement if you take this on to take that into consideration if necessary and possibly change the weapon pose.

    4. http://tinyurl.com/hgkhk4h - Not combat, but a good, practical pose with weapon. Modest and composed.

    Thanks ahead of time! And don't feel inclined to do them all if you don't want to! It's a hobby after all, right?
  10. ceccobeppe
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    NFSW http://www.martinifrancesco.net/home/images/banners/pose.jpg

  11. Dexter032
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Arnold Schwarzenegger poses
    A.S. (1) http://www.gmv.com.au/images/arnold%20s%20for%20web/1970-Arnold-1.jpg
    A.S. (2) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fc/8a/e1/fc8ae13730c55edfbe2d6f4694870974.jpg
    A.S. (3) http://images.boomsbeat.com/data/images/full/159469/3-jpg.jpg
    A.S. )4) http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=270973&d=1137928374---- Front Lat Spread

    Thought I'd add this too, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEgVM3bzN_Y

    Thank for having this and for producing great content!
    1. davethedrunk
      • premium
      • 236 kudos
      these are great thank you. sorry for the late reply. I'll do this list for sure, but as for the tactical list i'm going to kinda pick and choose which ones from that list.
    2. Dexter032
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      No worries. Sounds great. Thank you again for all your work!