Fallout 4

Mod articles

  • Navmesh and Sizing for Objects

    Navmesh is complicated and I absolutely hate it. It's a part of the mod life though, so here's what you need to know in a brief summary.

    Navmeshing an object requires a certain size. The standard 1x1 flooring I have in my mod is way too small to be Navmeshed. NPCs look at that flooring object and literally turn the other way because it is just way too small to walk on. There's probably a golden ratio in which you can actually get NPCs to walk on a small object like that, but it's not worth the time or effort on getting it to work.

    A great size is my 2x2 which is around 132x132 units in 3DS max. Anything smaller than that and you're playing with fire.

    Best of luck to those of you out there who are looking for a solution to Navmeshin...