Fallout 4

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Neanka and Valdacil and Old Nick and ParasiteX and sekoms

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  1. valdacil
    • premium
    • 812 kudos
    Neanka has given me permission to re-release DEF_INV and DEF_HUD. I created a combined fomod installer that I hope will streamline the installation process a bit.

    IMPORTANT: Neanka is under no obligations to support or monitor the status of this file. I am providing this as-is. If you cannot get it to work, instead of complaining just uninstall and move on.

    I am working from memory regarding readme, installation process, FAQ, etc. So for now these things may seem a bit light. I intend to flesh those things out a bit more and will create a FAQ as questions arise.
    1. Old Nick
      Old Nick
      • premium
      • 219 kudos
      In addition (edited 4 Oct 2016):

      Bethesda made significant changes to the flash files in the 1.7 updates in preparation for the final DLC — Nuka World, and when Nuka World came out and the game expected to find those changes and didn't (as this mod didn't contain them) it crashed, just like what happened with the 1.4 update and Automatron (because of the Mechanist Lair icon missing from the HUD).

      Neanka (the original creator of this mod) has stopped working on the mod and neither me (Old Nick) nor Valdacil have the required skills, so until someone else stepped forward the mod had to remain in its broken state.

      Luckily ParasiteX did step forward , thanks to him we now have a working HUD file for 1.7 and Nuka-World, everyone go give him some kudos

      I uploaded an extra installer with just ParasiteX's new HUDMenu files, while Nuka-World was still in closed beta, and it fixed the CTDs (thanks to the few DLC beta testers for confirming), but I waited to update the main file in case we got a few more little fixes and updates, which we did

      I've now finally updated the main installer with ParasiteX's new HUDMenu files, along with the various other small fixes that have been provided by me (Old Nick), sekoms and ParasiteX again plus some translation files.
  2. valdacil
    • premium
    • 812 kudos

    Q: What is the minimum game update that DEF_UI works with?
    A: DEF_UI requires game update 1.5.x

    Q: Something isn't working. How do I know if I am missing any required files?
    A: DEF_HUD requires:
    - Data\interface\HUDMenu.swf
    - Data\interface\iconlibs2.swf
    - Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml
    - Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV.xml
    - Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml
    DEF_INV requires:
    - Data\interface\BarterMenu.swf
    - Data\interface\ContainerMenu.swf
    - Data\interface\CustomFonts.swf
    - Data\interface\ExamineConfirmMenu.swf
    - Data\interface\ExamineMenu.swf
    - Data\interface\iconslibs2.swf
    - Data\interface\lyrConf.xml
    - Data\interface\Pipboy_InvPage.swf
    - Data\interface\PipboyMenu.swf
    - Data\interface\translate_xx.txt (where xx is your language code, eg: en, de, fr, etc)
    - Data\interface\Workshop.swf
    - Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TABS.xml
    - Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml

    If you are missing any of these files, then something isn't installed right and unexpected results are likely to occur.

    Q: OMG!! OMG!! I have a problem. What do I do now?
    A: First, don't post a single statement of 'Your mod doesn't work." That doesn't even begin to give enough information for anyone to help you and only serves to frustrate and anger mod authors. The following tips are useful for ANY mod bug report, not just DEF_UI.

    Useful pieces of information:
    1) What is the nature of your problem? Screen doesn't look right, CTD, flying pigs attacking your settlement? Provide something descriptive.

    2) What were you doing in the game when the problem occurred? Also known as Steps to Reproduce. Most of the time mod authors can't fix a problem if they cannot identify the cause which usually requires them to reproduce the problem. Knowing what you are doing when the problem occurred helps them to try to reproduce the problem or at least know what game interactions were occurring at the time.

    3) Screenshot. Most people don't do a great job fully describing in detail what their problem is and some describe expected behavior as a problem. You know what they say: A picture is worth a thousand words. Use Imgur to post screenshots if you don't already have a similar service. Imgur is completely free, takes a few seconds to setup, take a few more to upload the screenshots, then gives you a nice short URL you can share with the author so they can see what you see.

    4) Your load order. This tells the author what other mods you have loaded (some of them may have known issues) and in what order they are loaded (so conflict winner/losers can be identified). In extreme cases, an author can even load the same mods as you to try to reproduce the problem (what a nice author that would be... they definitely deserve a donation). When you do post your load order, don't just dump your load order into the discussion thread. Wrap it in tags. Right before pasting the load order, put a [ spoiler ] (without spaces) tag, and immediately following put a [ /spoiler ] (without spaces) tag. This condenses the load order so everyone doesn't have to scroll past it to see other comments just like this FAQ.

    Q: The top bar is missing in workshop mode. How do I get it back?
    This will happen if you are not on game patch 1.4.x or later (see minimum game version FAQ above). Update your game patch.

    Q: I am using VIS and have icons instead of tags for most items except armor pieces (ArmL, ArmR, Chest, LegL, LegR). Those show both icon and tag. How do I show just the icon?
    This is default behavior for these pieces. A lot of people had trouble determining that the icon was and wanted to see both. You can change this behavior in the file data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml. Modify the line for these items to change the 'hidetags' property to 'true'.

    Q: Some UI elements show a $ symbol (like $DPS, $Time, etc).
    There are 2 possible causes:
    1) You have not properly setup ArchiveInvalidation. Follow this guide.
    2) You are missing your translate file (see FAQ question above regarding required files.

    Q: Pipboy font is small after modifying settings using Settings.swf.
    Open data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV.xml with Notepad (or Notepad++ is better) and set the font size to 23.

    Q: The game crashes near the Mechanist's Lair if I have Automotron DLC and DEF_UI.
    Update to the latest version of DEF_UI. This has been fixed.

    Q: I opened an existing HUD preset in HUDMenuSet.exe from 1.3.0+ but still can't see/move the effects icon bar (Survival Mode Effects Bar).
    Open your DEF_HUD.xml and replace the HUDActiveEffectsWidget_mc section with the following code. If the below section doesn't exist, paste the below code in on the line right BEFORE the </HUD> tag:


    Save and close. Run HUDMenuSet.exe and you should see and be able to move the effects icon bar.

    Q: I get a momentary slowdown switching tabs in Pipboy.
    This has been brought up quite a few times (scroll back a few pages and I'm sure you'll find posts)... I'll speak to this one more time. DEF_INV has 2 main features for inventory: tag replacement with icons and rollups. Both features require parsing the text of every inventory item to determine whether that item needs an icon and/or should be in a rollup. There is a non-zero impact on processing load for every regex transaction. Nature of the beast, nothing can be done about it.

    Therefore, if your PC is not very powerful, that processing load can cause a slowdown when switching tabs (which cause DEF_UI to calculate all the items on that tab). Additionally, since it has to parse every item in your inventory, having an excessively large number of items in your inventory can amplify the effect.

    Now personally, I've never experienced any noticeable slowdown in the pipboy. I have a decent rig and limit my inventory to only what I need, not carrying around extra items. If you are getting a slowdown and if you don't have a large number of inventory items, then you basically have 2 choices: 1) upgrade your computer or 2) don't use DEF_UI... (or 3) live with the slight hiccup).


    Installing VIS and DEF_UI by Gopher
    Customizing DEF_UI written by Valdacil
    Quit Screwing With My Interface by yatz - This guide goes over updating mods for 1.5 game patch
  3. valdacil
    • premium
    • 812 kudos
    Known DEF_HUD Presets
    Clean HUD by TheDrunkKnight
    Unobtrusive Interface by stabcops
    Organized Simple HUD by kaimar
    Commonwealth Commonsense by kirkonacid
    Ergonomic HUD by aselnor
    Scavver's HUD by Horus5
    Pleasant_DEF_HUD by osmhoze
    Smiths' HUD Pre-set by jsmith256
    Yatz UI Presets by Yatz
    QBITs Small HUD Preset by QBit71
    HUD Redefined 2 by maudkon
    Minimalistic HUD by maudkon
    DarkWolf's Simplistic UI by DarkWolfModding
    Heaven HUD Widescreen by ashismyname
    Simple Immersive HUD by Canilobo
    Small PC User Interface by Henke100
    Survival UI by Nostalgiamate
    SKY DEF_UI Preset by wehrberus
    Reav's Centralized FPS by Reavenant
    Out of Sight Out of Mind by Tarew
    Creed HUD by DatGuyCreed
    twizz0r's 16x10 DEF_UI HUD by twizz0r
    Big N' Juicy HUD by WavySafe

    Update ICONSLIB2.swf by omega9380
    DEF_UI Pipboy Controller Support Tweak by ngliii74
  4. Neanka
    • premium
    • 658 kudos
    how to show Value instead of DPS right in item list in barter menu

    how to rebind "Back" button for close rollups from spacebar to any free button
    how to change text 

    how to change key binding

    how to add your own icons (make custom icons library) into def_ui

  5. valdacil
    • premium
    • 812 kudos
    Creating an Updated Translate_xx.txt file (instructions by Old Nick):

    • Rename the Translate_xx.txt file for your language currently installed in Data\Interface\ to something else (e.g. add '_old' to the end)
    • Download BSA Browser from Nexus
    • In BSA Browser > File > Open Archive > select Fallout4 - Interface.ba2
    • Scroll down to the interface\Translate_xx.txt files
    • Extract the Translate_xx.txt file for your language from Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 into Data\Interface\
    • Copy the last 11 lines (starting with the $vwt line and ending with the $gtime line) from the DEF_UI version of the file that you renamed, and paste them at the end of the file you just extracted, and save it.
    • You can delete the old renamed file if you like

    NOTE: Copied and updated instructions from 2016-05-01 post so that post (with comments) can be unpinned.
  6. NoobYorkCity
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Stupid question: Can you just save these files to the Fallout 4 Data folder in the Steam Deck? It runs Linux which I know little to nothing about, so IDK if it will work just the same. I tried using the "DEF_UI Core" version from the "Mods" menu inside the game, but it doesn't work. It says edit the xml files if it doesn't work, but I can't find any. 

    Sorry if this has already been asked 100x, but I can't search the forums like I used to be able to. IDK why they changed that.
  7. Hen11911
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i cant launch my game now because of this mod
    after i followed the mods download instructions the game would not launch
  8. Darkstalker1138
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance this will be updated for console? I really miss being able to use custom hud presets. The next gen update broke the def ui mods so when I try to use them the game crashes bake to the dashboard.( on Xbox series X )
  9. DracGonStrider
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    • 0 kudos
    question how do i fix the weird stretching and some of the hud cutting off half of the menus on the hud and yes ive followed all the info made sure the hudmenu.exe was updated even after the NG updates and still stretching and cutting off half of them menus
  10. thenamelessmist
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    My quest item submenu keeps duplicating, any idea of what might cause it?
  11. Malatar
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I've used this great mod for a long time, but I was wondering if anyone had the modified BarterMenu.swf to have prices instead of DPS?  I tried following the instructions, but couldn't make it work right...  Maybe add it as an optional file, please?
  12. JasonDayspring
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Settings.exe Has 3 spots for C, 2nd is S, 3rd is D.  Don't know why they are mislabeled.  Make sure you are saving the config to the correct folder, the default is the location of the exe which will not work.  If you use arrow keys, you can hold alt then type on the numpad for better labeling.  Alt + 24 ↑ , 25 ↓, 26 →, 27 ←.

    If you are like me and had your keys rebound before finding this, here is the list of functions so you don't have to guess at what does what or reset your keys to figure it out.

    Q: Vats
    W: Move Forward
    A: Strafe Left
    Z: Inventory Sorting in Trade/Container menu. (Always Run if using Key Remapping Done Proper.)
    E: Activate
    R: Reload
    T: Bash/Grenade
    X: Automove / Inspect in Trade/Container menu.
    Tab: Pipboy
    C: Run
    2nd C (Actually S): Move Backward
    3rd C (Actually D): Strafe Right

    P.S.  Also, is there a way to use this without the bloody Icons disabling my Sorting tags?  I hate the icons, but turning them off doesn't bring back the tags from my sorting mod. 

    Honestly, the only reason I use this is because Bethesda hired morons that aren't capable of understanding that some people might have accessibility needs or preferences that make their default (and mostly unchangeable) keybinds unusable.  This is the only thing I've found to update the UI with the keys I use instead of showing the defaults.  I could really do without the rest of the mod, but the key updates are necessary.

    Edit:  Use FallUI instead.  It can do everything this can do, and be configured ingame.
  13. androshalforc
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Pre-installation: Follow this guide to prepare your game for mods. (This is needed regardless of NMM or manual installation).

    i believe the link above is broken and should be https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation
  14. nicksels
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This one might be kinda basic, but I'm trying to tweak my HUDMenuSet through the flash player executable and for some reason I don't get any pop-up to save the Menuset when I press "Ctrl+S".

    Is there something I'm doing wrong in the Flash Player? Is there some setting in my computer I should enable? Can I perhaps save made changes through a different way than "Ctrl+S", or is there some manual file I can edit? Any help would be appreciated!

    EDIT: Fixed it! Forgot I had a shortcut enabled on Wallpaper engine with the same key combination for a monitor that wasn't in use.
  15. Nebvie
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    It seems the current Xbox upload of DEF_UI Core no longer works as of the April 25th next-gen update (the game crashes when loading a save with DEF_UI enabled). Will it be possible to see the Xbox version of DEF_UI Core be updated in the near future? If nobody is available on the team to update it, would it be possible to acquire permissions for an Xbox porter to be able to upload an updated version? With DEF_UI Core not working, nearly every Xbox HUD mod no-longer functions. Many thanks, regardless of the conclusion.
    1. syrops
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      came here to ask the same.
    2. valdacil
      • premium
      • 812 kudos
      I'm afraid I don't use Xbox and thus have no way of testing the current version.  I've seen reports that Xbox DEF_UI Core wasn't working, but I'm unlikely to be able to update it and I think the rest of the team is no longer modding.  If one of them is still around, they can correct me if I'm wrong.  I'm sorry this isn't the answer you were hoping for.
    3. Nebvie
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I was curious and did some testing.

      - The crash happens when loading into any save file during the 'loading save' loading screen when the mod is enabled.
      - The crash also happens immeditaly when pressing 'new game', when the mod is enabled.
      - The crash happens with Core by itself with no presets or configs installed. No presets or configs I have installed have prevented the crash.
      - The game didn't crash when I loaded someone's INV config without Core enabled (which the config didn't work, as expected).
      - The game didn't crash when I loaded someone's UI preset without Core enabled (which the preset didn't work, as expected).

      According to the mod description on Bethesda, the only files in core are the two XMLs for HUD and INV (which I'm unsure because the mod on Xbox is just over 1mb, and two XML files are not +1mb in size so idk - would love to know info on that). Since it needed a dummy .esp to upload the archived XMLs, maybe there's a rogue edit in the .esp itself. Could be worth just reuploading the archive and Core with a new blank .esp file to confirm that.

      There's currently a crashing issue that started since next-gen on Xbox (or maybe all controller players?) that causing crashing in the pip-boy when switching to or from the map tab while holding the left analogue stick in any direction. If that is relevant; it's probably not. It's the only console/controller specific issue I can define that *might* be relevant to any version differences regarding INV or HUD with the next-gen update with our limited information, if this is a version difference issue.

      I'd test this myself as I have experience with porting mods with Skyrim, but I don't own FO4 on PC so I cant. I'd glady test the mod on the Xbox end if someone wants to take a crack at fixing the Xbox port though.