Fallout 4

Customizing DEF_UI

This guide is indented to describe customizing DEF_UI; first via the customize utilities, then via the xml files.

1) DEF_HUD Files and Customize Tool
2) DEF_HUD.xml
3) DEF_INV Files and Customize Tool
4) DEF_INV.xml
7) lyrConf.xml

DEF_HUD Files and Customize Tool

DEF_HUD requires the following files for proper function (all files are in refence to your game folder):

- Data\interface\HudMenu.swf (this is the main HUD interface file)
- Data\interface\iconslibs2.swf (this contains all of the icons used by the Quick Container element)
- Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml (this contains the DEF_HUD settings)
- Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV.xml (this is the DEF_INV settings, but parts are referenced by DEF_HUD even if DEF_INV isn't installed)
- Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml (this is referenced by the Quick Container element for icon substitution)

The customize file used by DEF_HUD is not required to make it run, but for customizing:
- Data\interface\HUDMenuSet.swf

In order to customize DEF_HUD, open HUDMenuSet.swf with Flash Player.  DO NOT open it with your default web browser.  The web browsers do not properly interpret the .swf file and you won't be able to do all the customization and save the file properly.  There is a copy of Flash Player 20 included in DEF_HUD and should be located at Data\Interface\flashplayer_20_sa.exe.  Just drag and drop HUDMenuSet.swf onto flashplayer_20_sa.exe and it should automatically open your existing Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml so you can continue customizing from there.

In the tool, cursor over any element will show you properties of that element as well as some help dialog.  Top left corner of the tooltip shows the X,Y position of the element, then the X scale and Y scale (scale from default), and finally the rotation from default.  You can move elements either by dragging them to a new position or using WASD.  Holding [Shift] and scrolling the mouse wheel will increase/decrease the width of the element.  Holding [Cntl] and scrolling the mouse wheel will increase/decrease height of the element.  And finally, [Q] and [E] rotate the element counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively.  Pressing [Z] restores the element to default position, size and rotation.

Some elements have additional options.  These elements will show properties numbered [1] through [8].  Pressing the corresponding number will toggle that option On/Off.  For instance you can turn off Enemy Markers on the Compass by toggling [3].

Once you are satisfied with your customized HUD, press [Ctrl]+[S] to save.  When prompted make sure to name the DEF_HUD.xml and save it to Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_HUD.xml.  Launch the game and enjoy your customized interface.  If at any time you want to change something, you can just re-open HudMenuSet.swf as described above and it should open your existing DEF_HUD.xml in edit mode.


The easiest way to customize the HUD is to use HudMenuSet.swf as described above.  However, you can inspect (and alter) the DEF_HUD.xml file.  This will not be an exhaustive list of every element of that .xml file, but here are a few highlights.
In the top header, <author>, <name> and <version> are useful if you plan to release the HUD on Nexus for others to download.

I believe <trunc> controls the border area which prevents elements from going off the screen.  Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.  I believe the globalscale tags will control the scale of every object at once.  <trunc>, <SafeX>, <SafeY>, <globalscaleX>, and <globalscaleY> should not be edited.

After the header elements, you'll see tag groups for each HUD element.  Within these tag groups, are various properties.  <x>, <y>, <scaleX>, <scaleY>, and <rotation> control position, size, and rotation.  These are all safe to edit.  I believe <flags> has to do with the options set on the element, but I cannot tell you how to decode the value.  Use HudMenuSet.swf to set flags properly.  I don't know what the impact of editing the color attributes is, but a value of 0xFFFFFF causes the game to use the HUD color defined in game settings.  Do not change <parname>.

DEF_INV Files and Customize Tool

DEF_INV requires the following files for proper function (all files are in refence to your game folder):

- Data\interface\BarterMenu.swf
- Data\interface\ContainerMenu.swf
- Data\interface\CustomFonts.swf
- Data\interface\ExamineConfirmMenu.swf
- Data\interface\ExamineMenu.swf
- Data\interface\iconslibs2.swf (contains all of the icons used by DEF_INV for icon substitution)
- Data\interface\lyrConf.xml (configuration file for item rollups)
- Data\interface\Pipboy_InvPage.swf
- Data\interface\PipboyMenu.swf
- Data\interface\translate_xx.txt (where xx is your language code, eg: en, de, fr, etc)
- Data\interface\Workshop.swf
- Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TABS.xml (configuration file for tabs in Barter and Container screens)
- Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml (configuration file for icon substitution)

The customize file for DEF_INV is not required for it to run, but for customization:
- Data\interface\Settings.swf

In order to customize DEF_INV, open Settings.swf with Flash Player.  DO NOT open it with your default web browser.  The web browsers do not properly interpret the .swf file and you won't be able to do all the customization and save the file properly.  There is a copy of Flash Player 20 included in DEF_INV and should be located at Data\Interface\flashplayer_20_sa.exe.  Just drag and drop Settings.swf onto flashplayer_20_sa.exe and it should automatically open your existing Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV.xml so you can continue customizing from there.

In Settings.swf tool, you can choose a number of options, most should be self explanatory.  The search string value is a regular express (regex) for what delimiters are present in your sorting tags.  If your sorting mod uses non-standard delimiters, then you'll need to research how to write a regex to include those non-standard delimiters.  If you aren't sure what this means, don't edit this expression.

You can also click the "Icons" button to get a reference chart for all of the icons contained in iconslibs2.swf.  You will need this reference later if you choose to customize what icons are assigned to item tags.  Once you are satisfied with your customization, click the Save button in the bottom right corner and make sure to save the file named DEF_INV.xml at this location: Data\interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV.xml.


Most elements within the XML file match up to settings in the utility pretty clearly.  I am actually not going to go into much detail here since the utility spells these out fairly clearly.  Best thing to do if you are curious is to modify something in the utility then look for the change in the XML file.


This is where the magic starts to happen.  DEF_INV_TAGS.xml controls all icon-to-tag mappings.  With the <tags> node, each line contains a single sorting tag to icon map.  Each line should read similar to the following:

<tag icon='med' keyword='Aid' hidetag='true'/>

icon - this must match the definition of an icon in iconslibs2.swf.  You can find these listed on the Icons tab of the utility as described above.
keyword - this is the sorting tag that you wish to use the icon for.  DEF_INV will search for this keyword at the beginning of an item name based on the regex defined by Search String
hidetag - this property must be either 'true' or 'false' and toggles whether to show the tag in addition to the icon.  If set to 'true' then the tag is hiden, if set to 'false', then the icon AND the sorting tag will show

That's about all there is to this file.  It is used by both DEF_INV (for Pipboy, Container, and Barter screens) and DEF_HUD (for Quick Container).


This file controls the tabs that are present in the Container and Barter screens.  Within the <tabs> node, each <tab> definition controls a new tab in the display.  Each has the following properties:

icon - this must match the definition of an icon in iconslibs2.swf.  You can find these listed on the Icons tab of the utility as described above.
name - this matches some items in the code of BarterMenu.swf or ContainerMenu.swf.  Do not change this value.
filter - this matches the defined filters as described in the comment at the top of the xml and below

Additionally, the following properties further control what items show up on that tab:
filterflag - set to 1 to only show legendary and favorited items matching the filter value
incltags - additional tags to include in this tab even if they don't match the filter value
distags - tags to be not included even if they match the filter value
incltags and distags are mutually exclusive.  Use either one or the other.

Filter Values:
4294967295 - all
1   - favorites
2   - weapons
4   - apparel
8   - aid
512   - all misc
1024  - junk
2048  - modifications
4096  - ammo
8192  - all holotapes
128   - all notes and magazines

To include items from multiple tabs, sum those filter values together.  For instance, to make a tab that shows armor and weapons: 2+4 = 6, so set 6 as the filter value.

Some examples of how to use the above:
This shows a tab using the pack icon which shows all inventory items.

This shows a tab using the star icon which shows all inventory items that are legendary or favorited.

This shows a tab using the weap icon which shows all Weapons items unless they have a tag Grenade, Mine, or Signal.

This shows a tab using the food icon which shows Aid items that match tags Food, Prewar, and Raw.


This file controls the item rollups in the Pipboy.  Between the <subCatagories> node are the definition for each rollup defined by <subCatagory>.  Each subCatagory node contains a number of elements:

subCatagory - tag value is a regex of the text to search for items to include in the rollup (search the internet for more on regex (or 'regular expression')
favorite - whether the rollup shows the heart icon
taggedForSearch - whether the rollup shows the magnifying glass icon (visual only)
isLegendary - whether the rollup shows the star icon
filterFlag - which Pipboy tab to put the rollup.  Match a value from the table below
equipState - whether the rollup shows the square icon to indicate it is equiped (visual only)
text - name of the rollup.  You can use sorting tags in the name to get icon substitution.  If so, you must make a definition in DEF_INV_TAGS.xml.  DO NOT use the same tag as items contained within the rollup or you were generate a circular reference and bad things will happen.
canFavorite - whether the rollup can be favorited.  This should always be set to False and ignored.
filterMask - from which Pipboy tab should items be included in the rollup.  Match a value from the table below
subFilter - must be a unique value across all defined rollups and a power of 2 starting from 65536.  Example: first rollup 65536, second rollup 131072, third rollup 262144, etc.

Filter Mask and Flag values:
4294967295 - all
1   - favorites
2   - weapons
4   - apparel
8   - aid
512   - all misc
1024  - junk
2048  - modifications
4096  - ammo
8192  - all holotapes
128   - all notes and magazines

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  1. DoktorFrankenstein
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    In response to anyone who's head might explode from that green square that is the aftermath of wrong settings that says "Make config xml with config app please run Hudmenuset.exe from datainterface folder" remove DEF_UI with Vortex then right click and delete it [while still in Vortex]. Unfortunately it will still have that stupid huge green square to make you think what the fuuuuck is the point in such a huge error message that won't go away? Go to fallout4/data/interface and delete the s#*! out of the whole interface folder. The big green stupid error message will disappear and you can go back to playing the game instead of screwing around with something that should have the word beta in the title.  Happy happy happy and joy.  Not worth the hassle in my unprofessional opinion.  
    1. PsiloCybinPC
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  2. MGMiNdfuL
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I have an issue where once the game is loaded, it states I need to set the config file, to my knowledge, I have, how can I make the message go away?
  3. exploiteddna
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    does anyone here know about the filtermask element used in each subcategory? The standard values are all listed above, but for example.. when you look at lyrConf.xml for VIS, you will see some of the subcategories are using values not listed in the comments. something like this:
    <filterMask type="int">1536</filterMask>
    wth is 1536? is this just a random number? All of the values that are listed in the comment section of lyrConf are Base-2 values (with nothing listed for 64, 128, or 256) .. I'm just trying to add my own <subcategory> but Im not sure which value to use for the <filterMask> element .. I suppose I should stick with one of the defined values listed above.. but I am curious about these other values that Valdacil uses which are not listed.. what do they mean, how and why did you choose this number, etc.
  4. mattymattias
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Hey there, I've been making submenus or rollups and adding items into them fine. My issue is how the eff do I organize the rollups them selves?? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with <text>name_of_rollup</text> but can't figure it out. For example I have a few rollups for Meds, Drinks, and Food. I'd like to organize them in that order, but they show up in the Pip-Boy: Drinks, Meds, Food.... so that rules out alphbetical lol... I am using tags for each rollup. I've tried addings tags for icons to "alphabetically" sort the icons (Thinking it used the first character in the total rollup name, but no dice...)
    If this makes sense to anyone out there on the Nexus....HALP!
    1. SotiCoto
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      I tried changing all sorts of things in the names of the rollups. Didn't do anything.
      I tried changing the brackets of the tags of the items going into the rollups. Didn't do anything.
      It doesn't have anything to do with the order in which the rollups are entered into the xml file, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the unique subfilter number either (don't even get me started on why those start at 2^16 and go up by increments of power)...

      I've managed to change the order of the rollup by adding more item tags into a particular rollup tag, and to a certain extent I've managed to change the order of the rollups once or twice by changing how the rollup tag is written... BUT I can't find any pattern in it, which is utterly infuriating. Most changes to the particulars of the rollup tag yield no changes in order whatsoever. I'm suspecting there is some sort of weird sorting of regex lines going on which isn't immediately apparent from looking at the characters in order...

      What it HAS taught me however is that whoever wrote this file got something slightly wrong with the regex. "\[Milk|Eggs|Ham\]" won't bring back results specifically for "[Milk]","[Eggs]" and "[Ham]". It brings back results for "[Milk", "Eggs" and "Ham]". Seems if you don't put the brackets around every word, they don't count around every word... and if you happen to have an item with the word "Eggs" in the middle, it gets dragged into the group. It seems that "\[(Milk|Eggs|Ham)\]" works though.

      Still... none of this tells me why it is ordering the way it is.
      Funny that your drinks end up at the start. My drinks are at the end and I want to put them in third place (what I want is Aid>Chems>Drinks>Ingredients>Food>Prewar, but what I seem to be stuck with is Chems>Ingredients>Prewar>Food>Aid>Drinks, and the only ones I've managed to move are Ingredients up and Prewar down... slightly).
    2. Valour549
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Very sad that the authors still have not provided an explanation for this.

      The order of the rollups (subcategories) are just as random as ever.
  5. GuruSR
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    I was trying to not do any sorting (vanilla for DEF_INV) and was wanting the original tabs back, just wanted it wider, anyone have the settings for it, because using the Settings.exe, I'm left with a dark grey background with black text on it, also the instructions on what some of the key bindings do are missing, if at all.  I was wanting just to swap tabs while in vending/trading, the Pipboy works fine, there are also no icons, not sure why, they should be there.

  6. DrCatalyst
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Is there any way for removing weapon mod names like {Compressed}{Subnosed}, etc appearing after weapon name in Pipboy and container menu?
  7. omega8870
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I would like to add an important note.

    When customizing lyrConf.xml, each item roll-up is uniquely identified by the subFilter entry. This is a number following this pattern 2^X, starting with 2^16 = 65536. Importantly, this can only reach a maximum of 2^31=2147483648, as 2^32 is larger than what a int datatype can hold. Thus there can only be 15 possible item roll-ups (2^15 to 2^31).

    This was painfully discovered whilst attempting to add more roll-ups to my settings.
    1. Fogman73
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, was pulling my hair out...
    2. spaljeni
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, I was going crazy lol.
  8. BenRockstar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason icons dont show on anything but other stuff is fine why is that?
  9. TrueShadowAbyss
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Does anyone know how to add custom icons? I've tried everything :P
    1. Mikcos
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chhdu_CTMTs try this
  10. Sacapuntas24
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone able to help me figure out how I can make the UI 32:9 Aspect Ratio friendly? I am running 3840x1080 on the CHG90 by Samsung and the Flawless Widescreen app helps but its not even close to perfect. Thanks in advance.
    1. efg3
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      that is indeed a weird resolution
    2. theswagnoob4
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      check out your games settings launcher (default launcher, not f4se if you have that)