Major version 5 makes significant changes to previous instructions! Please read the updated instructions!

The video guide is NOT up to date yet.

Installation of LOD Resources

Video for this section:

Of course, FOLIP is required. Follow the instructions in the installer. Please read the instructions while doing so. 

If using 50 Shades of Rust by Undernier, install the optional 50 Shades of Rust LOD Textures file. Credits to Undernier for the source mod textures used to generate these.

You should be using the FO4LODGen Resources made by sheson. In the installer, tick only the FO4LODGen.esp and FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp options. If not using my Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs, also tick FO4LODGen-HighTrees.esp. Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs is recommended for everyone so long as you use TexGen. The same is the case for my Far Harbor 3D Tree LODs. Both of these are compatible with tree mods if you use TexGen. Please read the instructions in the FOMOD installers to ensure compatible options are selected. If confused, the installers default to the most compatible options possible.

I recommend using HD LOD Textures by phlunder for improvements to the vanilla LOD textures that are currently not covered by TexGen. Also grab his LOD Fixes and Additions optional file. Currently, the LOD Fixes and Additons.esp plugin can be disabled, but we want the material fix.

I highly recommend this retexture for the Sanctuary Hills house LODs: ModernHouseLOD by Trsdib.

I highly recommend you grab Weston Water LOD Fix by ossumpossum. If using Community Fixes Merged, you already have it.

Resource conflicts

The assets in FOLIP should in 99% of cases override those of any other mod. It should win against HD LOD Textures or any other LOD texture mod you are using, unless specified otherwise. It should also win against FO4LODGen Resources.

The resources in Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs and Far Harbor 3D Tree LODs should similarly be prioritized to win, but keep in mind that it is possible tree mods may have altered things in a particular way that may or may not be compatible, requiring more advanced conflict resolution. Typically that isn't a problem, but keep it in mind if problems arise.

Load order for generation

For some of these, the order doesn't matter, but I recommend this order:

  • FO4LODGen.esp
  • FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp
  • WestonWaterLOD.esp
  • Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs.esp
  • Far Harbor 3d Tree LODs.esp
  • FOLIP - New LODs.esp
  • ... Rest of load order
  • FOLIP - Before Generation.esp (You may not have this yet if you chose to use the FOLIP xEdit Scripts in the FOLIP installer. It will be generated next in that case.)

Remove These Mods

Do not add LOD mods that turn objects that have been added here into Neverfades. This replaces those and will increase your performance. Remove these plugins:
  • lodfix_beantown_container.esl
  • lodfix_salem_museum.esl
  • NWTransCenLOD.esl
  • StarlightLOD.esl
  • SanctBridgeLOD.esl

(Optional) Use the FOLIP-Before Generation xEdit patcher to generate LOD information

Video for this section: None yet.

Step 1 - Install xEdit
Install the latest version of xEdit from the Github Releases page OR the xEdit Discord's xedit-builds channel
Using the Nexus version is unsupported as it doesn't include the needed 64bit executable.

Step 2 - Configure for Fallout 4
Rename the xFOEdit64.exe to FO4Edit64.exe OR configure to use the -FO4 argument so it knows to launch for Fallout 4. Yes, the 64 bit version is required.

Step 3 - Disable Simple Records
Launch xEdit and and go to the Other > Options menu and untick Simple Records. Close xEdit when finished. You will need to launch again before it will take effect.

Step 4 - Install FOLIP xEdit Scripts
Download the latest FOLIP xEdit Scripts optional file and extract into the Edit Scripts folder inside your xEdit install location.

Step 5 - Run the FOLIP - Before Generation xEdit script
1. Launch xEdit and load all your mods.
2. Right-click any of your plugins and choose Apply Script.

3. From the dropdown, select the FOLIP - Before Generation.pas file and click OK.

4. Optionally configure the options presented in the script's GUI.
Warning! Attention Mod Authors! If you are here to generate pregenerated LOD for your mod, untick Respect Enable Parents option! This feature only works if the user generates LOD for their specific load order and continues to use the generated plugins. This feature will cause CTDs and visual anomalies otherwise.

5. Click Start
6. Wait until it complete. It will generate records into FOLIP - Master.esm and FOLIP - Before Generation.esp. This will take a few minutes. 
7. Once the patch successful message is shown, exit xEdit, saving all plugins.

8. Activate FOLIP - Before Generation.esp.

(Optional, but highly recommended!) Use TexGen to automatically generate LOD textures that match your mods perfectly

Video for this section:

Sheson has made TexGen capable of generating stitched object LOD textures. This is important to use so that the textures for your mods match the LODs. Not all textures can be made this way, but a very large amount of them can, and 99% of the 1000 or so new models I have added uses textures generated via TexGen that will perfectly match your modded textures. If you do not wish to use TexGen, check the appropriate installation option in the FOMOD installer and it will provide TexGen generated textures based off vanilla textures.

Warning! The following plugins MUST be active in your load order for all LOD textures to be generated:
FOLIP - New LODs.esp
Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs.esp (if using it)
Far Harbor 3d Tree LODs.esp (if using it)

1. Download from the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha SSE mod page here:
2. Install to wherever you install tools and configure TexGenx64.exe with the argument -FO4 to launch in Fallout 4 mode as shown in the example below.

3. Default options should generate to a TexGen_Output folder where you installed the tool.
4. Click 
Start to generate the textures.

5. Once complete, click "Zip & Exit" button and install the generated zip like any other mod. It should overwrite all textures provided from any other mod.

Generate your LODs with xLODGen

Video for this section:

The following plugins should be active in your load order for xLODGen generation:

  • FO4LODGen.esp
  • Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs.esp
  • Far Harbor 3d Tree LODs.esp
  • FOLIP - New LODs.esp
  • FOLIP - Before Generation.esp

Warning! Ensure that any previously generated
FOLIP - After Generation.esp is DISABLED before generating LODS!

Warning! Failure to correctly set Arguments for xLODGen to output to a safe directory outside of Mod Organizer, Vortex, or UAC controlled directories will result in broken LODs. See image below for a correct example.

We will use xLODGen (download from here) to generate LOD. Install to wherever you install tools and configure with the arguments needed to direct the output to your specified location (should be outside of Mod Organizer, Vortex, or UAC controlled directories). 

Specific steps for Mod Organizer:

1. Download and extract to C:\Modding\Tools\xLODGen (or some other location you prefer that is outside of UAC control).
2. Open the executables menu (gears icon) at the top of the main Mod Organizer window.
3. In the left pane of the executables config, click the [+] to add a new executable, and then [Add from file...].
4. Browse to and select the xLODGenx64.exe file.
5. Change the title to xLODGenx64.
6. Input the following in the Arguments field: -lodgen -FO4 -o:"C:\Modding\Tools\xLODGen\xLODGen_Output"
7. Please note there is no space between the -o: and the quotation marks. It is -o:"path" not -o:  "path"
8. Tick the Use applications icon for desktop shortcuts box.
9. Click [Apply].

To run xLODGen, select it from the executables dropdown and click Run.

Generate using the following options. 

Pro tip: Consider generating Object LOD and Terrain LOD separately. You can just tick/untick the Object LOD/Terrain LOD checkboxes on separate generations to do so. Terrain LOD rarely ever needs updating, which makes it easy to update Object LOD only if your setup changes.

First time users are often confused by the layout of the GUI, specifically as relates to the "Settings for" LOD dropdown. The dropdown changes the behavior the settings in the Terrain LOD box for the LOD level displayed in the dropdown. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGENERATE FOR EACH DROPDOWN LEVEL. I'm not sure why people seem to invent steps in their brains here, but I've seen people run it multiple times far too often because "the dropdown was only for LOD4." That is not how this works. The dropdown sets the SETTINGS for LOD level. The generate button merely generates all LOD with the settings given.

After Generation Instructions

After generation, it is recommended to package the LOD into BA2 archives. This may improve load times and performance slightly. Be mindful, however, that any loose files will overwrite. If this is too hard, it isn't a big deal if you skip this.

Of course, install the generated LOD as a mod in your mod manager.

It is recommended to test your LOD before returning to your game:

FOLIP - After Generation xEdit patcher

Video for this section: None yet.

Following successful LOD generation, it is recommended to use the FOLIP - After Generation xEdit patcher to fix blinking object LOD when working in settlements.
1. Launch xEdit and load all your mods.
2. Right-click any of your plugins and choose Apply Script.

3. From the dropdown, select the FOLIP - After Generation.pas file and click OK.

4. Optionally configure the options presented in the script's GUI.

5. Click Start
6. Wait until it complete. It will generate records FOLIP - After Generation.esp. This should take a few seconds.
7. Once the patch successful message is shown, exit xEdit, saving all plugins.

Plugins that should be disabled following LOD generation:

Video for this section:
None yet.

The following plugins may be disabled after successful generation (but you don't have to):
  • FO4LODGen.esp
  • Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs.esp
  • Far Harbor 3d Tree LODs.esp
  • FOLIP - Before Generation.esp

Plugins that should remain enabled following LOD generation:

  • FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp
  • WestonWaterLOD.esp
  • FOLIP - New LODs.esp
  • FOLIP - After Generation.esp

Some Technical Details for the Inquisitive

Q: Explain the texture formats you are using.
A: Object LOD diffuse compression should be BC7 Quick. DXT5 is an older format that doesn't compress as well, resulting in more compression artifacts. DXT1 does not support using the "Use source alpha threshold" setting, because DXT1 uses binary alpha (either it's transparent, or it isn't).

Object LOD normal and specular textures should be BC5, because it removes blue channel, and provides best compression, even superior to BC7, due to this fact. Fallout 4 doesn't use blue channel for normals/specular.

DXT1 is used for terrain LOD diffuse, because terrain LOD doesn't need alpha, and DXT1 is half the size of BC7 at the same resolution. Yes, the compression is more prone to artifacts, but you are unlikely to notice this, since the terrain has artificial noise added over top of it anyway.

BC7 Quick is used for the terrain LOD normal textures since normals are more sensitive to compression artifacts.

Q: Why are you using BC7 Quick instead of BC7 Max?
A: There is no advantage to using BC7 Max over BC7 Quick. You are viewing the texture from too far away to be able to see a difference, the only thing that will happen when using it is increased LOD generation time. 

Q: Why should we tick the "No vertex color" option for object LOD?
A: The "No vertex color" setting is necessary to fix the LODs not displaying correctly when viewed from either a worldspace that inherits lod from another worldspace (e.g., Diamond City or Goodneighbor) or when viewed from an interior cell that allows you to look at exterior LOD from out a window or similar. See the conversation about it here.

Q: What does the "Use source alpha threshold" setting do?
A: The "Use source alpha threshold" was bugged up until the latest update (it is fixed starting with xLODGen beta 96). What it does is utilize the alpha threshold from the LOD resource as defined either in the nif or the material to set the appropriate alpha threshold for the trishape in the generated BTO. We use this to correctly threshold textures that contain alpha so they do not appear too thick or too thin in LOD. Using the correct diffuse texture format (BC7) and default alpha threshold is key here.

Q: What does the "Use backlight power" do?
A: "Use backlight power" adds support for respecting the backlight power setting as defined in the installed LOD files. This allows me to alter the appearance of some LODs to appear brighter in a way that responds to the lighting provided. For example, it is used on the Diamond City stadium lights to make them appear to be lit. It is also typically beneficial for tree LODs so that the leaves don't get overshadowed.

Q: What is the purpose behind the "Optimize Unseen" values?
A: The Optimize Unseen values improve terrain LOD around water by shoving terrain LOD under ground where the water is supposed to be.

Q: Why do some LOD plugins remain enabled after generating LOD with them, and others not?
LOD resource plugins typically only assign LOD models to Static records. This tells xLODGen which LOD models to use in the LOD BTO "super meshes" it constructs. Once that BTO has been constructed, the records no longer are needed for these records, as the game will simply load the BTO to display the LOD. Also, Fallout 4 has a bug that often presents itself as showing the LOD in loaded cells for references that still have HasDistantLOD / Visible when distant flags on them. Thus, these types of plugins can be disabled, and can even solve bugs by disabling them post generation.

Other plugins used have different purposes:

  • FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp sets the big wind turbines in Far Harbor as Is Full LOD, so that they can be seen to spin anywhere on the island. Technically there is an LOD model that can be used instead (Meshes\DLC03\LOD\DLC03WindTurbine01_LOD.nif - and  ironically Bethesda opted to not use it, probably because they didn't know how to make a Moveable Static reference receive LOD).
  • WestonWaterLOD.esp uses the Is Full LOD flag on water Activator references that toggle dependent on the quest progress for the Weston Water Plant.
  • FOLIP - New LODs.esp adds any changes that are not able to fixed via normal scripting routines. It remove the Is Full LOD flag from several references that otherwise will cause the plugin to disappear and/or show as double LOD. It adds the Is Full LOD flag to one of the wind turbines in Far Harbor that FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp missed.  It resolves several vanilla material swap bugs that otherwise cause the LOD to not match the loaded objects. It also adds the LOD Respects Enable State Flag to several records to ensure that the LOD only shows when the full objects are enabled.
  • FOLIP - After Generation.esp is needed to fix the LOD bug where objects can briefly show the LOD in loaded cells. It also is required to prevent CTDs when using the Respect Enable Parents option in the xEdit script.

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  1. iceman2032
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I keep running into an error while running the FOLIP - Before Generation script. 

    Assigning LOD models to STAT records...
    SWParkStr02_HasLOD [STAT:00249C04]lod\landscape\sidewalks\park\swparkstr02_lod_0.nif
    [05:08] Exception in unit  line -1: Error in unit 'FOLIP' on line 2044 : Undeclared Identifier 'AddRequiredElementMasters'
    [05:08] Error during Applying script "FOLIP - Before Generation": Error in unit 'FOLIP' on line 2044 : Undeclared Identifier 'AddRequiredElementMasters'

    I'm not sure what masters are missing. The FOLIP master is activated and all the other mods and plugins in your guide including their load orders match. I even tried reinstalling everything but I still receive the error.
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Please update xEdit to the latest version.
    2. iceman2032
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      That fixed it! Thank you
  2. mhawaro
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Does anyone here had luck to run xLODGenx64.on Linux? . Somehow Texgen is working just fine but xLODGenx64. after pressing start, load every mod i had, and then just stopped after background loader : finished then "LODGen Option" is not showing up.
  3. itzrlymykey
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, DoubleYouC. Thank you so much for your in-depth guide to LOD generation.

    Just a quick question; Your video guide mentions to use Synthesis FOLIP Patcher as well as HasDistantLOD. However, your text guide makes no mention of this. You mentioned that the video guide is not up to date yet. I followed this text guide to the letter and have just generated TexGen_Output. Should I disregard using synthesis altogether if I am using your scripts?

    Thanks in advance!
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Correct. The Synthesis patchers have been deprecated. 
    2. itzrlymykey
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome, thank you!
  4. KevinD2000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, my LOD seems to be having a problem. Some places it's hard to see but I have an example of a really obvious area where the LOD pop in is pretty bad even after following this guide exactly.

    Here's an imgur album of what I'm talking about:

    You can see in the first picture the pile of scrap not too far in the distance is just some overstretched textures , but I move 10 feet and suddenly it fades into the game looking WAY more detailed. Is this intended or a problem with the game itself? I know that far away things would look like that but the abrupt change from basically not being there to being there is jarring and super noticeable. 

    Any help or advice would be appreciated, I am running off an NVME SSD so texture streaming should realistically not be a problem. In the meantime I'll probably try to uninstall and re generate the entire LOD
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      You need to lower your expectations, or increase your FOV. That's normal. I'm never going to be able to make LOD for every single model in the game. Here is compared to vanilla for reference:
      FOLIP + OVT
    2. KevinD2000
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I never said you had to make a model for every model in the game.

      It looked like an issue with my generation so I was asking if it was on the guide for LOD generation, the place one would ask when encountering issues.

       There’s no need to be passive aggressive about it for no reason. 

      But thanks for the answer, which is still better than what I got from discord.
    3. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      I am sorry that came across as passive aggressive. That was not my intention. Words on a page fail to convey the spirit and tone of what I was expressing. 
  5. StilesFTW
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    g2m workshop and Better Landscape Grass seem to overwrite a static record in FO4LODGen. Will that cause any issues?
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      If using the xEdit script, then no.
    2. StilesFTW
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Good deal. Thank you!
  6. nexhex
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Does it matter what the priority order is on the left-side pane of MO2 (for everything you recommend installing)? I've prioritized them in the order you have us install them for now.

    One more question... should FOLIP - Before Generation.esp be enabled/active before running TexGen? Or does it not matter one way or the other?

    Another question (I keep editing this). I noticed this when running the After Generation xEdit script. Should I be concerned?

    <Error scaling/rounding float in " \ [FE 051] FOLIP - After Generation.esp \ [1] GRUP Top "STAT" \ [536] CarCoupe04_Static "Car" [STAT:001B4970] \ [6] NVNM - Navmesh Geometry \ [9] Navmesh Grid \ [5] Min Z": 67538AEE 9.98982128275048E23>
    I ran the script twice, but I got the error both times. Out of curiosity, I disabled the "FOLIP - Before Generation.esp" when trying to run the After Generation xEdit script again, and I didn't get that error.
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Priority order does matter. FOLIP should override FO4LODGen Resources and HD LOD Textures. 

      Any plugins generated via the scripts should be enabled after their creation. TexGen currently only requires the plugins mentioned to be enabled when ran, but any plugins adding TexGen rules must be active at runtime. 

      The error message is expected currently and is identical to vanilla. Currently FOLIP - Before Generation.esp must remain enabled, so don't disable it prior to running the After Generation script. 
    2. nexhex
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you, and thank you so much for the guide!
  7. beabear
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hello Double you,
    I'm sorry to have to come back to you for help and I don't want to take up too much of your time, but if you could give me some advice, that would be great.
    for your LODs generation list, I found your mod "Far Harbor Evergreens - A Pine Tree Retexture" which I really like so I'm installing it to replace "Far Harbor 3d Tree LODs.esp" as you indicate it's possible. But, this mod is in .BA2, won't that interfere with the generation of the LODs, shouldn't it be decompressed in "loose file" as are all the resource LODs on the list?
    I know and use BSA browser with .BA2 support as well as Cathedral assets optimized to reverse looses in .BA2.
    The second thing I can't answer is about .DDS images.

    For the sake of brevity, I'll use a few examples.
    In a folder at the top of the list I have two .DSS images
    "A" and "B
    A is in the form of 3 files, and with a size of 1025k each
    B is also found with the same three files d,n and but with a size of 356k each
    underneath I have another resource folder with the same images, the same name, the same path in the directory
    But A is in two files and with size 1366 each just as B is in two files d.dss and n.dss with size 1366 each
    Why is there no Is it the fragmentation of this image that changes but retains all its quality characteristics?

    As it's a loose file, won't texgen or xlogen use the two dds in 1366 and then take the in 1025 and 256 from higher files that don't exist in 1366?
    Wouldn't it be preferable to delete duplicate images, but in this case, which one should you choose?

    Thank you so much for your help,
    Best regards,
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Resources are allowed to be in archives. No extraction should be necessary. Your second question I do not understand. Perhaps give specific details. 
    2. beabear
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      it's very difficult for me to explain in English.I have two texture packs in folders without ESP. just inside the yellow folders textures, meshes, materials. in the first pack there is a rock texture (for example) in three files:;; size1025k
      In my installation order, I have below the first pack a second texture pack, in this folder, without ESP and a single yellow texture file.
      In this folder I have exactly the same rock texture but with two files:, no file in and the size is 1366k
      My question is, why the second texture doesn't have the quality is better because 1366k and is below the other so will overwrite the rock01 texture in 1025k when generating lods?
      But during this generation of LODs, what happens to the file which does not exist in the 1366k texture? will he take the texture in 1025k in exchange? If so, won't that break the final texture?

    3. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Ok, first off, if one texture mod's files is 1025k size and another is 1366k, that is likely the difference between the texture having mipmaps or not. File size is not indicative of quality. The only way to judge is by what it looks like.

      Yes, some mods will only provide some of the textures. Many only provide the diffuse texture. Typically the author does this if they know it will work with the vanilla texture that they did not include. Many authors simply have no idea how to make a specular texture. Now the specular map texture from a separate mod *could* negatively impact the appearance, but the chance is honestly rather low. Again, it comes down to what it looks like in the game. Typically I have not seen many authors making specular textures correctly, but it generally has a rather low impact on the appearance unless you look closely and are trying to see the issue. Indeed, many vanilla textures have horrid specular maps.

      It is generally no different with LOD as it is with the full texture, so if the full texture looks fine, it should look fine in LOD. However, specular textures are slightly more important for LOD, and you may notice flashing LOD objects if the specular is too bright.
    4. beabear
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you very much for your answer.I understand a little better. This is because of the installation of "A FOREST" which is installed after your list to generate the LODs. After installation, I tested it in game and I had pink textured trees and bits of road. not all roads, just a few pieces in the game. I did a lot of research and ended up finding the missing textures in "BETTER LOD RESOURCES".Not being able to include them directly in the A FOREST mod, I first placed "better lod" below "A forest" but without good result. by placing it just above "A FOREST" it worked and no more pink textures in the game.But this "BETTER LOD RESSOURCES" folder is found under your list and I noticed that MO2 entered green + and - red in front of your list to generate the lods and in particular on FOLIP.It was by checking all the textures that I discovered the difference in the sizes and files of each texture.As I don't want "BETTER LOD" to overwrite your textures, I will delete its textures and only keep those that "A FOREST" needs, like that FOLIP and those above will no longer be impactedThanks again double youBest regardsBeabear
  8. DozenthTurmoil
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    "Step 3 - Disable Simple Records
    Launch xEdit and and go to the Other > Options menu and untick Simple Records. Close xEdit when finished. You will need to launch again before it will take effect."

    just to check that is only for the lodgen plugin?

    because i did that, made my lod, and there's no oddities whatsoever or anything like that but i want to make sure i didn't screw myself on anything
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      It's for the FOLIP xEdit scripts. They will not work if Simple Records is not disabled.
    2. DozenthTurmoil
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      sorry, i'll try to better explain it

      do i need to disable simple records for ALL plugins or just fo4lodgen.esp?
    3. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Simple Records is an xEdit setting that will then apply to everything in xEdit. It doesn't matter what plugin you right-clicked on prior to entering the Options menu. 
    4. DozenthTurmoil
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh then i have nothing to worry about.
      sorry if i wasted your time i wanted to be 100% certain i was following the instructions and turns out i was.
      thanks for your awesome work
  9. BlessingS91
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Awesome guide thanks so much for your hard work! Just to be clear, I'm just copying the mesh and texture folders directly from the Lod gen folder to mod organizer right? So I would just make an empty mod within mo2 and place them there without anything else?
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
  10. william09703
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    this question may be a bit weird, but do I need to leave those LOD texture and mesh folders installed after the whole LODgen process completed? Like those in your Far Object LOD Improvement Project, Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs, Far Harbor 3D Tree LODs and other LOD texture I'm using with
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      You don't have to as they will not be used by the game. 
    2. william09703
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      haha, I just did a experiment. if I remove those files, LOD in game will lost their texture. So yeah, best to keep your way lol
    3. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      If the max texture size is too low, or the TexGen size too large, or inflated lod textures exist, the lod can become dependent on the textures. 
    4. william09703
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      I think it's on textgen, since I did generate it a bit much
    5. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      You will find that using 256 is best. Too high of size and the performance degrades significantly. 
  11. drevviken
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    The Before Generation esp overwrites (and thus breaks) several PRP patches since I'm loading it last just before After Generation and the output files. Isn't this supposed to be fixed by the script? How do I place them in relation to PRP and its patches? 
    1. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Finalize the load order prior to using the script. It will forward the winning cell override for any cell it touches.
    2. drevviken
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      That's what I thought. It's why I'm so surprised when I see it hasn't forwarded the winning cell override but an older one in several places? I must have done something wrong, but I don't know what. 
    3. drevviken
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      I reran the script and I'm still seeing this:

      It seems to ignore PRP and anything that goes after. It chooses the file just before PRP in an abundance of cases.
    4. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      I must have a bug in the script then. Let me look into it. 
    5. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Are you sure you are loading ALL mod plugins? It's just strange because, my patch, which has PRP in it, has all the correct cell headers, including the cell shown. What subrecords were make for SpectacleIslandExt? Mine just has 2 warehouse doors (FOLIP_WrhsDoorMed01_FakeStatic and FOLIP_WrhsDoorMed02_FakeStatic). Pastebin a log too if you could.
    6. drevviken
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      I'm sure, yes... do you mean the log when creating the Before Generation esp? It's too big for pastebin but here
    7. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      Update to the FOLIP xEdit Scripts version 5.0.2 should fix this issue.
    8. drevviken
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      And now it's working. Thanks for looking into it :) Only thing left I'm worried about now is this the instances of this kind of reference not being forwarded correctly from Rebuild AIO: 

      Is it some FO4E devilry I don't understand or a problem with the script? If I forward it manually it's corrected. 
    9. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      No no no, don't change that. That's how I am fixing enable parented lod references.

      But do let me know if you have any issues in gameplay. I believe I have covered my bases, but there could always be a bug somewhere. 
    10. drevviken
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      I suspected that so i haven't "corrected" it yet, but I'll let you know if I find some wonkiness since Rebuild AIO is a complex beast. Thanks again.
    11. drevviken
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      • 37 kudos
      Two more questions:

      1. Can the Before Generation esp be ESLified after generation? 
      2. Do we have to generate LODS again every time said esp has been generated/updated or is it only if it affects actual changes in game? 
    12. DoubleYouC
      • premium
      • 683 kudos
      1. I thought I already had flagged it esl? So long as it is beneath formid limits it can be esl. Given that it is dynamically generated, it is possible that a huge mod list may require a full plugin. Currently I am opting to generate esl and wait for someone to have trouble. 

      2. The only requirement is that the Enable Parents match. It is possible for a different setup to use different Enable Parents based on the Persistent state of the references, but it is not likely to change frequently. If it does happen, you honestly are not extremely likely to notice it. 
    13. drevviken
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Got it. After Generation is eslified but not Before Generation. I could eslify it without compacting it (despite a huge LO), though, so I did now when I got the green light.  
    14. DoubleYouC
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      • 683 kudos
      It may not always be possible to eslify without first compacting formids, as it does create new records.