Fallout 4

I've spent almost a decade on The Nexus now. Put up with a lot of stuff. Bullying, racism, angry PMs, elitism, and something else. Something which I assumed was folly. Namely the ridiculous Jingoistic attitude levied towards everyone.

A while ago, a modder approached me offering the permission to use some of his assets. This modder was part of a certain famous modding team. I said I was interested, and thought his meshes looked cool. He never got back to me.

Years pass, and I tell this guy about it when we're talking about this modding team, and how I almost collaborated with them once. Suddenly, he tells the modding team itself. They send in one of their pretend lawyers to investigate the matter. I politely told the guy that if the modder who offered me the assets wanted him, the internet lawyer, to know anything about his, the modder's, personal business, then he, the modder, would tell him, the internet lawyer.

Suddenly I was "Possibly protecting a mod thief." I never actually got any assets, so no, I wasn't. I thought this was just a pathetic scare tactic to get me to violate someone's confidentiality. A false accusation without evidence. Something no person should have to care the slightest about.

Turns out I was wrong.

Even though, thanks to nVidia, I own two legal copies of Fallout 4, I don't feel safe here anymore. Suspicion is now evidence, and the moderators here may or may not stalk me on social media profiles outside of The Nexus. They crossed a pretty clear line, and I don't know where the new one is drawn.

If they had banned him on the comment alone, I'd say "That's a bit paranoid, but whatever."

But when they actually go after people on other websites outside of their own jurisdiction, then we're looking at internet vigilantism and borderline doxxing.

As of now, I'm retiring from modding. This is simply absurd, and just by witnessing this level of overzealous moderation, I feel completely violated.

I've put up all kinds of content here, and probably generated thousands of dollars or pounds or whatever in ad revenue for The Nexus. I hope The Nexus lets me keep my account to download and use mods. I'll even offer modders advice like I usually to. But I'm done modding. I've been so
exhausted and burned out from doing it, and now I've lost all motivation. There is no trust. No respect, and no boundaries.

I won't cause any drama, or hide my files. Obviously people should still be allowed to enjoy them. But my spirit is completely broken, this has simply been too much.

Good day. It's been fun... kind of.

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  1. taruser12
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thanks god you left,you made so much drama and stirred s#*! up so much,even if some of your mods were good you just aren't good as a person and spreaded hate on this site for no reason at all
  2. ironhead333
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I hope you reconsider someday : (
  3. umesh22
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    a modder here on the nexus once put up a child mod, where you could play as a child. the only thing that bothered me is how he only did girls and explicity said you must try it out with the cbbe. (nudity) i called him out for child pornography. instead, i received a ban for falsely accusing. yea right. he put offline the mods himself a few days later because i wasnt the only one. the moderators of the nexus really are something else. and not the good kind.
    1. ShyLeviathan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      By any chance, is it this one?

  4. DeviousLuxray
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ....What was he even banned over?
    1. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 621 kudos
      He didn't have a copy on Fallout 4 on Steam.

      And since Steam is the sole provider of Fallout 4 copies, that means he didn't have a license for it.

      The italics represent internet cop logic.
    2. Loveblanket
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      nvm. Not worth it.
    3. TreyM
      • premium
      • 447 kudos
      Regardless of whether or not I think he should have been banned for hypothetical piracy, the whole "doesn't have a copy on Steam" logic holds up... How else could he "own" a license for the game?
    4. User_15964729
      • account closed
      • 76 kudos
      TreyM: Agreed I guess (he did create content though and perhaps generated way more than the game costs). But yeah the rules are what they are, and I totally understand why Nexus has this policy.

      But having a public Steam-profile isn't part of the rules and the I find the invasion of privacy worse than the offense he was accused of. Just to be clear, while he hinted that he didn't have the latest version it could have just as well been due to forced updates rendering your preferred mods out of order. While from the context it seems more likely he did in fact not contribute financially to Bethesda and kept a foulmouthed parrot as a pet.

      If he was banned at this point it wouldn't be that much of a big deal. But then someone links his assumed profile on Steam where FO4 can't be found among the games (tbh I have no clue how Steam handles your profile information by default). And that is semi-doxing in my book. Which I consider way worse than suspected piracy of a game that made 750 million dollars at launch. The person who did the ban then demands he opens his profile for inspection which is a totally unreasonable request.

      Anyway, fever ramlbing accomplished. I'm gonna stop now :)
    5. TreyM
      • premium
      • 447 kudos
      Honestly, my stance on the piracy issue is: I don't GAF about what other people do. My copy is legit and if I use a mod created by an author who didn't pay for the game, my copy is still legit. Like I said I don't GAF what other people do.
    6. PhamousV
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You know you can still buy the game as hardcopy right?
    7. LupusVir
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, but on PC, you then register it with Steam.
    8. JTHMfan
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      He might have had it registered on a friend's account. I do that for games that run better on my friend's computer or VR games since I don't have a headset. I guess that would mean I would be accused of piracy if I made mods for those games. Not very logical.
  5. ShwayNorris
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Late to the party, all this shows is that moderators on this site are extremely unprofessional and need to take a look at themselves. If the Nexus failed tomorrow the modding community would find a new home. Y'all need us to continue on as you have, we don't need you.
    1. JTHMfan
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      100% agree
  6. JTHMfan
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Ive been a victim of this s#*! a few times, where I had a disagreement with someone on Facebook and they had me banned here. It is total bullshit
    • member
    • 180 kudos
    You are cool man, I am a coward whom did not back you up on one point you made concerning veiled racism in a mod but YOU were absolutely correct about it so sorry for not being there for you on that.

    The Nexus will be the more poor for losing a long time mod maker like yourself and most of those whom bully, are crude, use veiled racism and/or open racism that somehow slip's passed the mod's are actually very rarely any credit to the site at all were you most certainly were, your mod's - even your joke mod are truly excellent and of a high quality that put's many other's to shame.

    I am very sorry to hear you have given up, those idiot's and that is all they are have no sense of decency, no respect for others and the fact you encountered this internet lawyer if that is even what the idiot was and were threatened may be something that you can take action over and perhaps even claim losses from him and or the person responsible so long as you have kept the electronic communique with this person/entity, if they accused you outright that is actually something that you may be able to prosecute over and definitely if they have accused you in public.

    I did notice some denigrating attitude toward you on that mod I mentioned above also were I failed to back you up and really should have, they spoke about you in a manner which was condescending and in fact you most definitely have a far higher IQ and level of modding expertise than they do AND you were morally correct and had and still have the moral high ground.

    Whatever you do now keep well man and stay safe,.

    I am truly sorry I did not back you up on that comment section, I took that mod as a joke mod and the description was funny to my rather simplistic mind until you correctly pointed out the racism veiled or otherwise toward South American's that had polluted it.

    And thank your for not deleting your mod's they are great work's and worth anyone checking out, your weathers for Dustbowl is an essential addition to that mod as well.
  8. doodlum
    • premium
    • 3,551 kudos
    Hehe, I'm "this guy"

    Yeah you should of told the guys. I don't think moderators are in the wrong either
    1. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 621 kudos
      I'm not a snitch, Doodle. We've been over this. Nobody trusts a rat.
    2. Loveblanket
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      Yeah, society works really well with the "no snitching" policy.
    3. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 621 kudos
      Knew a guy from Albania once. He told me about how snitches would come to their village and rat out Muslims to the Serbs and Chechen mercenaries.

      Thousands died.

      A snitch is a lowly being indeed.
    4. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,551 kudos
      Yes this is completely the same
    5. deleted17641124
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      His point is snitching or telling others about a situation that they have no right to know about is sometimes worthwhile and sometimes not and in this instance it is not worthwhile.

      There is no harm done in "stealing" other modders work as long as they aren't selling it which by the way is so illegal, in violation to modders rights, and suable that it's not even funny.

      However, this "theft" is taking certain resources from a mod and using it in one's own and distributing it for free. Kind of like having an open source project that you dont want open source because you are too much of a dick and want all the credit for yourself.

      People like this could simply ask for credit for using their resources instead of trying to hoard it all for themselves and since in the modding community it is based upon free and open available resources open which private downloaders can use for themselves, this method is not only hypocritical but also selfish and irrational.

      So yes, these "devas" as thumblesteen put it are best left out of the modding community because people like that will start making us suck their Kentucky Fried Chicken for mod updates.

      Sorry to see such a good modder go and hope maybe that he comes back after a good break.
    6. deleted17641124
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Also keep in mind, if Bethesda had the same thought process these modders had, modding wouldn't even be available to us then. So keep that in mind, no mods, because Bethesda doesnt want anyone using their resources with anything else.
    7. Loveblanket
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      That isn't snitching where I come from, I don't think you understand the word. Snitching is a derogative term for reporting a crime. If you have knowledge of a crime and don't report it, then you are what is called culpable and you are considered as a guilty party in the eyes of the law and those laws were put in place decades ago to combat organized crime. Lovely things like human trafficking, narcotics, murder for hire. So by not being a "rat" you are assume a direct responsibility for those things existing. This has nothing to do with this situation, I'm just sick of the snitches get stitches attitude childish and uncivilized people have. I'll take you to a couple neighborhoods in my city where people don't report crimes and we'll see if you want to get out of the car and walk around those areas. To put it in perspective, if you removed those two areas from Chicago, the Chicago metropolitan area would be the 4th safest major metropolitan city on Earth, not in the US, not in Illinois, but on Earth. Chicago is a seen as a massive murder capital of the world because of two neighborhoods a few blocks wide and long because so much crime goes on there unreported. What you are talking about in the Balkans war has nothing to do with that. Those aren't snitches, they are spies and genocidal lunatics.
  9. Veladarius
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    If I ask someone for permission to use assets they have made I keep a copy of the conversation, shuts up the internet police quick and any assets I use I credit the original author and usually link to the original mod it came from. If someone comes to me from another site trying to cause problems I say bring it on. If a site bans me due to what I do somewhere else then the site that banned me isn't worth staying at or keeping anything on, I would remove everything and go somewhere else.

    I have custom assets for one of my mods on another site where I allow the use of most of them and have not had any issues with it so far. I have sort of had my mod distributed on other sites but since they went and translated the mod into another language I don't mind though I will only support the versions I personally uploaded.
  10. Heybreh
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    A shame, really enjoyed your mods for all three fallout games.