About this mod

Adds centered iron sight meshes and animations for most vanilla guns

Permissions and credits
  • Spanish
  • German

Last updated 03.24.12


"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in."  -Mark Twain

Ignore anything I've said previously about never working on this mod again. Look for an update sometime in early 2025.


  • Having issues with RH_IronSights? Some weapons not centering, or your character is shooting at their feet or into the air? Check out the FAQ section below for answers to some of the most common questions.
  • Changing your screen resolution will not have any impact on what weapons are centered!
  • RH_IronSights may not have full functionality when used with a gamepad. Check out rustreaver4d1's hints on playing RH_IronSights with gamepads, available as a text download in the Miscellaneous files section.
  • This mod is not optimized for 3rd person view. Use at your own risk.
  • Thanks to everyone who has endorsed RH_IronSights, and thanks to everyone who voted it File of the Month in November 2009!

RH_IronSights is a comprehensive mesh, texture, and animation replacement package meant to "unlock" iron sights aiming in Fallout 3.

Being able to look directly down the sights of a gun in-game is very immersive. Unfortunately, though Bethesda put the framework for an iron sights system in place, it wasn't included in the final game. So Fallout 3 players miss out on this traditional FPS gameplay mechanic.

The aim of RH_IronSights (forgive the pun) is to adjust the .nif mesh of every vanilla weapon and the .kf file of every animation necessary to allow true, perfectly centered iron sights.

This is a difficult process, and the result causes a few conflicts. It is recommended that you have at least an average degree of game modding experience if you want to run RH_IronSights alongside other major weapon mods.


Complete content breakdown coming soon

  • Main Mod: .esm Master Plugin
  • Patches and Add-Ons: .esp Plugins

  • ArchiveInvalidation! Invalidated: if your mod manager already includes the archive invalidation feature, you won't need to install this separately; FOMM should have an option you can toggle on, and Vortex includes archive invalidation by default
  • FOSE: note the downgrader requirement if you are playing a version of Fallout 3 published after the October 2021 update

I haven't tried any of the following mods; if you're so inclined, please leave a comment in the Posts section with your experiences. If you have a weapon you've adjusted for RH_IronSights, let me know and I'll post the link here, or set RH_IronSights as a requirement for your mod so it shows up in the Requirements section!

The KDStudios Series:

This mod changes the mesh files of dozens of vanilla weapons, including most if not all of the weapons in the Small Guns and Energy Weapons categories. All animation files relating to aiming weapons, and some related to firing and reloading, have also necessarily been changed. This will create mod conflicts! I have made multiple patches, and more have been published by the FO3 modding community. As a rule of thumb, try to load RH_IronSights files as late in your load order as possible.

The optimal load order looks like this:

  • RH_IronSights master file
  • [plugin files which conflict with RH_IronSights that do not have patches available]
  • RH_IronSights plugin files
  • Mod plugin files which conflict with RH_IronSights that have patches available
  • Patches for RH_IronSights and conflicting mods


Main mod installation:
  • Manually download the main mod file and install them via your mod manager of choice.
  • Select Yes if asked to merge or overwrite any files.
  • Ensure that the RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm file and any other .esp plugin files are checked on. Load the .esp files as late in your load order as possible. If you are using other weapon-changing mods like FWE, overwrite my mod with the FWE files then load the available patches.

Patch & plugin installation:
  • Unless noted, plugin installation follows the same instructions as the main mod.
  • Some plugins may have their own separate installation instructions. In those cases, they will be noted in that plugin's description on the Files tab and will also contain a readme file explaining the instructions Please read these carefully.

To uninstall:
  • Uninstall the mod via the mod manager.
  • Restore your animations folders by installing the Backup Animation File, found in the Miscellaneous section of the Files tab.


Coming soon

  • Update links in the Recommended Mods section (DONE)
  • Add complete mod contents list
  • Overhaul the mod page for readability and accuracy
  • Ensure RH_IronSights works well with Vortex
  • Separate New Weapons into its own mod
  • Make Gun Oil optional
  • Expand New Crosshairs add-on options
  • Clean up documentation
  • Update Vanilla Animation Backup file

Q: "None of my weapons are centering."

A: There has probably been an installation problem. Make sure you do not have a Data folder inside your game's main Data folder; all folders with the same name should merge and overwrite if necessary. Also be sure the .esm and .esp files are checked in your mod manager. If all else fails, re-download and re-install the mod.

Q: "Some of the weapons center when they fire, but not when they are being aimed."

A: If you are using weapons from the vanilla game or a supported plugin that don't center while aimed but do center when fired, you probably have a file loaded after RH_IronSights in your load order that changes the same files, causing a conflict. Run the RH_IronSights .esp files as low (late) in your load order as possible, and use FO3Edit to suss out any mod conflicts. If you are making your own weapons and are having trouble with weapons centering when fired but not aimed, this is caused by the 'Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations' flag, which can be removed in the GECK or FO3Edit. And if you have a weapon that doesn't center when fired or aimed, it is probably supposed to be that way. For example, large weapons like the Railway Rifle and all Big Guns are not supported by RH_IronSights (and never will be).

Q: "Wait wait wait hold up -- why won't Big Guns ever be supported?"

A: In order to center a weapon, the mesh has to be adjusted and often downsized so its sight lines up with the middle of the screen. To get Big Guns to center, I would have to reduce their size so much that they would end up as Little Guns. Nobody wants that. Rest assured that Big Guns are best fired from the hip.

Q: "Does this mod work with mods that add a lot of weapons like FWE?"

A: I have made patches for three major weapon mods: FWE, EVE, and CFW. I have also made a patch for WMK (which doesn't add any weapons but I figured I'd mention it). Any other patches will have to come from our talented modding community.

Q: "My characters are firing into the air or into the ground."

A: That is caused by an animation conflict. If you have Fallout 3 Re-Animated installed, use the FO3RA patch found in the Optional files section. Please comment in the Posts section if you see this problem with any other mods.

Q: "Is this a finished mod?"

A: After about oh gosh let me see (checks watch) 13 years, I'm coming back to this mod to tidy it up and make sure it plays well with modern setups. There may be small adjustments but the overall mod is unlikely to see any huge changes going forward.


First of all, a big happy birthday to Skyrim. One year old today!
I've got a couple small updates. First, the Better Uniques package is available again, under the Miscellaneous section. Nab it if you're using a plugin compilation which requires it. Also, my apologies for previously putting up a version of the file with nothing in the .zip, that was just me being silly.

Next, I'm soon going to be uploading a new version of the Remove Reticule plugin. This should remove the crosshair for pistols and rifles while aiming, but keep it for melee and big weapons. It's a work in progress, so please provide feedback!

Finally, I'm going to try to address some other problems people have been posting about, but the time I've found to work on the mod is never enough. Please stay tuned for future updates, and as always, thanks for your patience, and thanks for using my mod!

UPDATE: RH_IronSights BETA Update #1 is now available for download in the Main files section! It makes the noted changes to the Remove Reticule plugin, and also includes the missing scope texture for the Scoped Hunting Rifle. Let me know what you think!

10.24.12 Part II
Folks, I've finally found some time to work on the mod again. I will do everything I can to update the main files and fix some of the problems users have been experiencing. I still do not have a fix for the drifting problem, so if anyone has any insight into that issue, please contact me!

Keep an eye out for an update this Sunday!

Holy crap! GopherVids featured RH_IronSights on his Fallout 3 Mod Clinic! Check it out here here or in the Videos section!

RH_IronSights is currently on a brief hiatus while I fix/replace my graphics card. Please keep an eye on the main page for updates, and thanks so much for your patience.

RH_IronSights can now be Endorsed again. If you tried to Endorse since the WMK bridge was published and were unable to do so, please Endorse again! Thanks!

Big things are happening with RH_IronSights...

First of all, the official RH_IronSights - WMK Bridge has reached the beta stage and is ready for testing! Download it from the Optional files section. Please give feedback on this important patch!

I would like to note that Wision's WMK-IronSights file has been removed from the Helpful Links section. No offense to Wision, but after testing that patch, I was unsatisfied with it and decided to make my own.

The RH_IronSights - WMK Bridge will be in beta testing for about a week. Once I'm satisfied that it is complete, I will begin work on the long-awaited Apocalypse Armory patch. Stay tuned!

The FWE and New Weapons plugins have also been updated to include recent patches and bugfixes.

Finally, I am removing the Better Uniques plugin. I have never had the time to complete it, and will not be able to make compatibility patches for all of the bridges and plugin files I'm making. Pour one out for Sydney's camouflaged SMG. If you desperately want those textures, contact me by PM.

Thanks everyone!

To anyone having trouble with the Reticule Remover plugin, CarnivalOfFear just figured out that there may be problems with it if you're using a 360 controller. Quote:

"The reticule script uses an IsControlPressed line to determine if the aim button is being pressed. The controller system in the game uses a different set of commands when using the (360) controller. So I mapped out all the buttons to keyboard buttons on Xpadder and tried it. It just didn't feel like using the controller usually should so I tried turning on the controller mode and it worked. It seems all control lines in scripts work around the controller/keyboard switch allowing Xpadder to press the aim button (right mouse button). So then I went back into Xpadder, disabled all buttons EXCEPT L-trigger = Right mouse button and it works. Just a tip for everyone using the controller."

Hope that helps some folks. Kudos to CarnivalOfFear!

RH_IronSights has hit the BETA stage of development!

The current version contains a fix for the Gun Oil, removing the unused menu options.

The FWE-RH_IronSights Plugin has also been updated with a fix for Wanda.

I am currently extensively testing Wision's WMK/RH_IronSights plugin to determine if any patching needs to be done. Once that is finished, I WILL be making an Apocalypse Armory plugin.

Thanks, and enjoy!

The Comments section is back! Thanks to the Nexus caretakers!

The Helpful Links section now contains a link to the French translation of RH_IronSights! Try it out and give me some feedback!

The Sten from FWE has now been adjusted for iron sights. Download the Sten patch from the Optional files section. Of course, this requires the RH_IronSights - FWE Bridge to work.

There is a new link in the Helpful Links section: RH_IronSights + WMK Plugin. Please try this out and tell me what you think of it. Thanks to Sergiov for providing the link!

An update for RH_IronSights - New Weapons is available in the Main files section.

This update will:

* repair the .32 Service Revolver damage-to-weapon modifier, which was causing the gun to break after a handful of shots; and

* add missing art assets for the previously invisible Combat Rifle.

If you continue to have problems with these or any other of the New Weapons after updating, please contact me.

RH_IRONSIGHTS v0.91a is here! Download it from the Main files section!

The big changes are:

* The Broken Steel Tribeam / supermutant issue should be resolved. Let me know if your supermutants aren't firing their Tribeams!

* The Zeta Captain's Sidearm texture link has been fixed.

* The Hunting Rifle's iron sight attack animation has been remade. Thanks to J. Holdsclaw!

* Minor tweaks and fixes.

Contact me if you find any problems with this version and I'll correct them as soon as possible. Also, be sure to check out the updated FWE and New Weapons plugins, and the brand new EVE patch! Enjoy!

Big news, everyone! Three new and updated files are available for download...

RH_IronSights - EVE Bridge: the first installment of the long-awaited EVE bridge is finally here!

RH_IronSights - FWE Bridge: the newest update to the FWE bridge sees almost all of the FWE weapons adjusted for iron sights.

RH_IronSights - New Weapons: burn the wasteland clean with the new Flamer Pistol, take it to Jerry with the .44 SMG, or show off your gangster style with the Johnny Gun!

Try out these files and tell me what you think. Feedback is welcome and wanted!

v4 of the FWE patch, renamed the RH_FWE Bridge, is now available in the Optional files section. Most FWE weapons have now been adjusted for iron sights!

An updated version of the New Weapons plugin has been uploaded to the Nexus, and can be found under the Optional files tab.

Important changes include:

* Added the new .44 SMG and Johnny Gun

* Added the rare new Flamer Pistol

* Fixed the Combat Rifle leveled list - Combat Rifles should now occasionally appear on Talon mercs

* .32 Service Revolver:
- increased damage by 300%
- reduced spread by 50%
- raised health by 50%
- increased max range to 1000
- AP use reduced by 2 points

* 5mm TMP
- FOV reset to 70
- Chance To Hit lowered by 50%
- Fire Rate raised from 9 to 10
- AP use reduced by 2 points

* 5.56mm SMG
- Value raised 25 caps
- increased damage by 1 point
- FOV raised

* Battle Rifle
- increased Damage by 250%
- reduced spread by 50%
- Critical Multiplier raised to x1.5
- Weight reduced by 1
- raised health by 75%

Try out the new version and tell me what you think! If you notice any problems (textures missing, weapons not showing up in loot, etc.), have suggestions about weapon balance, or requests for new weapons, post in the comments or send me a PM (better yet, do both).

I have a few days to work on RH_IronSights, so I will be addressing some of the DLC bugs, and doing a little work on my mod bridges. If you have any requests, concerns, questions, etc., please contact me. If you have already contacted me and I did not respond, please do so again, as I've been a little out of the loop the last few months. Thanks!

Please do not use the "RH_IronSights Broken Steel" plugin file, as it currently has a bug. A fix is coming soon. Sorry for the inconvenience! [UPDATE: this will be fixed as of v0.91a]

A patch for the broken Firelance model has been uploaded to the Main file section. Install the patch to your Data folder and overwrite when asked. Please give feedback on this patch and let me know if it resolves all the issues with the Firelance. Thanks!

RH_IronSights v0.9A is now available for download! Please give feedback, comments, and constructive criticism, and be sure to point out any bugs. As soon as all of the kinks are worked out, I'll release v0.9B, as well as updated patches, plugins, and the long-awaited EVE bridge. Enjoy!

An updated version of the FWE Patch is now available for download. It fixes the broken Widowmaker shotgun model link. If you see any more problems while using the FWE Patch, please let me know.

Happy Halloween, fearless wastelanders! As a special treat completely unrelated to the holiday, I present the "RH_IronSights Crouch Bugfix". This small, simple patch fixes the longest-standing bug afflicting this mod, the dreaded 'sneak-lean' bug. Please leave comments on your experience with the patch - I appreciate your feedback!

Oh, and don't go trick-or-treating where the Feral Ghouls live - they only give out Jolly Ranchers and pennies.

An updated version of the FWE patch is now available in the Optional files section! It contains 25+ adjusted models, including a fixed Ithaca shotgun. Enjoy!

I found another video from EssGeeDee on YouTube. It's in the Videos section.

Version 1 of the RH_IronSights / FWE Patch is now available in the Optional files section! There are several very important things to note here:

* This is a straight-up FWE patch - no EVE or WMK yet (coming soon!)
* The patch requires both this mod and FWE to work; it is not a replacement for FWE
* Only about 20 weapons have been added so far; the rest should be hip-fire for now. That will change as more adjusted models are added to the patch.

Thank you all very much for your support during the development of this patch. ~ RH

* Two important files have been uploaded to the site:

- A patch to bring RH_IronSights up to version 0.882A. Please leave feedback on your experience with this patch and the mod in general.

- A new test file which adds a Flamer Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, and their relevant ammo to the player inventory. Try out these WIP weapons and tell me what you think!

* Even more videos have been added to the site!

- New mod demonstrations by EssGeeDee and KDStudios!

- A holographic sights demo featuring four FWE pistols!

- A test of my upcoming Tranquilizer Pistol!

* It's true - I am working on a FWE patch. Check the mod frontpage and Comments section for updates. If you have a FWE, CFW, or EVE weapon that you have adjusted for iron sights, and you would like to see it featured, please send me the link!

* The "Crazy 88" v0.881 Beta publish of RH_IronSights has been uploaded to the Nexus!

This version contains several new fixes and features:

- Due to popular demand, the Revolver Rifle is now included in the 'New Weapons' plugin. It is a work-in-progress (WIP) model. Feedback is welcome!

- The aiming sights and attack animation of the Laser Rifle have been improved.

- The Gun Oil now properly stores custom hand drift settings between gaming sessions.

- The 2hrhandgrip3_combatshotgun.kf animation has been improved.

- All five DLC packs have Basic plugins.

- New weapons like the 5.56mm SMG have been moved to their own plugin.

- The 'Remove Reticule' plugin eliminates the reticule while in 1st person iron sights aiming.

- Various other fixes, tweaks, and new plugins. Check out the readme!

You may want to remove your Textures/0roguehallow folder before installing, as it holds many redundant textures. Back up any changes you may have made to the folder before deleting.

Thanks to jholdsclaw and EssGeeDee for helping me test this version. Thanks to Skyhawk469 for the reticule remover script my plugin is based on, and to Pelinor for the idea. And thanks to everyone who has endorsed this mod!

Thanks to:

  • Bethesda, Obsidian, and Interplay...
  • the moderators and maintainers of the Nexus...
  • HeroinZero for the MP7, M14, and FN SCAR models from his mods, as well as the original model/texture makers: Schmung, the_tub, Spezz, Murdock, Twinkie Masta, Snark, Pete, Enron, Kimono, Qwerty, and The Expert...
  • P. Colada for the Remington 1858 model...
  • the makers of the CFW mod for the Tommy Gun model, on which the .44 SMG and Johnny Gun are based...
  • jholdsclaw and EssGeeDee for helping me test v0.88B...
  • Skyhawk469 for the script my "Remove Reticule" plugin is based on...
  • rustreaver4d1 for the "Detecting gamepad input in scripts" advice...
  • Kenkuro, ZMZMZM, elitesarge, Lt Albrecht, Cehan, Kitoro, Baltherzar, GOGAA, spectra10101, Rune Hunter, Whitsel, Morax, silk6, NitroBullet, Tadaa, testbump, and every single person who left comments, constructive criticism, and endorsements...
  • whoever wrote that hotkey tutorial (I'll credit you when I remember who, I promise)...
  • digitalsushi.com for the Webley picture used in the .32 Service Revolver texture...
  • everyone who has made a weapon mesh compatible with RH_IronSights...
  • ...and thanks, as always, to you, faithful wastelander

  • Please do not upload any file or asset provided in this mod to any site other than the Fallout Nexus.
  • This mod is large and I try to keep it separate from my other game files, but mistakes do happen. If you see a part of your mod in mine and you have not been properly credited, please contact me and I will correct the issue immediately.
  • This mod contains work by other authors. If your work is included in this mod and you a) don't agree with its use and/or b) don't feel that you have been given due credit, please contact me and I will correct the issue faster than immediately.