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  1. Garloft
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but in my game having the .esp activated causes my main menu to not load in, I narrowed it down to this one as it loaded the game with every other mod installed.

  2. bdbd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i cant create the ballista someone have the same problem???(i speake spanish so my english is not good XD)
    1. edgeburner
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same here. I have the schematic and the items required to craft it, but it doesn't show up in the workbench item crafting list.

      I am not very well versed in modding, but looking at this mod in FO3edit, it appears to be a scripting issue with FWE and the main FO3 esm's .....but again, I am no modder.
    2. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      If it's not showing up it's likely because another mod is overriding the Workbench script with its own version. In your case, it may be the FWE mod you mentioned... I don't know if FWE has any crafting but if it does, there's your answer.

      To get around this you can either temporarily disable the suspected mod or move EVE-LostAndFound.esp lower in the load order so it takes priority. You can then make the Ballista and once you have the weapon, adjust the load order back the way you like it or re-enable the other mod.

      Hope this helped and have fun with your new toy!
  3. mealyman
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Getting 4000+ DAM, on the Laser Autocannon, and 1000+ on the HE Gatling Laser, I think an adjustment by me in FO3edit is in order. Can't endorse it until that is fixed in the distribution.
    1. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      If you wanna tweak in FO3Edit go right ahead but as you'll find out once you load my .esp and look at the numbers, you'll discover that what you're reporting for damage is not matching up. Base damage for the HE Gatling Laser is 105 and for the LAC is 135. At least, those are the numbers for the FWE Gore version I see you've DLed. If you're still using the original Lost And Found .esp, they're slightly higher and can be found in an earlier reply here to Zechdeed.

      As I suggested to Zechdeed, if you're getting numbers like that, then it's possible another mod is somehow interfering and you could use FO3Edit to check for conflicts. I'm pretty sure it's nothing I've done or overlooked. Try moving the .esp around in your load order.

      Hope this helped but, in any event, let me know how it went. Your reply may help others who may experience a similar problem.
    2. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 579 kudos
      Since he's using FWE as well, It's entirely plausible that he is looking at the DPS value and not the base DMG value. Simply highlighting any weapon will display grossly disproportionate numbers.

      FWE added a weapon scanner to give proper results. If he equips said item and presses "s" he should get the proper numbers. If his weapon scanner still says 4000+ dmg/shot then there is likely another mod changing this like you said.
    3. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Good point akkalat85! Thanks for clearing that up for FWE users. Hopefully your tip will clear up any future confusion over this issue.
  4. BlackRangerXIII
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Can I give a suggestion Ranx31?
    Could you make it compatible with FWE, RH_Ironsights, WMK and other mods?
    1. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 579 kudos
      What is it that's incompatible? You are asking for mountains of work.
    2. BlackRangerXIII
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Scratching the RH_Ironsights since there is no ironsight based weapon
      The Damage might be lower or Higher to FWE standards and, for me who is a WMK user, I feel that all weapons should have weapon mods
    3. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Well, at this time, I have to say,"Sorry but that's not likely any time soon.". I am not running any of the major mods you listed there and couldn't say if they even incorporate EVE's weapons into them. I doubt that I'm going to start researching them and/or using them for this simple reason:

      As far as I'm aware, my mod only adds 2 weapons that would need to made compatible with other weapon mods: the Ballista and the Plasma sniper rifle. The gatling laser and cannon, being heavy weapons, don't need Iron sights right? And the others are just melee weapons. You can't add any more parts to them either, correct?

      As for "other mods", isn't my mod already compatible with other mods?

      However, if someone else wants to go ahead and make their own compatible versions, there's nothing stopping them. EVE is now open-source and they have the freedom to modify its weapons just like I did.
    4. BlackRangerXIII
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks Ranx
    5. MaeseAtorrante
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      Make it compatible with arwens realism tweaks!!
    6. africaisstarving
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      guys all you need to do is open FO3 edit and tweak the damage to match the other weapons in the mod of your choice (fwe, arwen fook etc)
    7. IIIProZoneIII
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Asking him to make it compatible with RH and WMK is unreasonable. I myself have made changes to the esp to make it correspond more with FWE, it's easy using FO3 Edit, like africaisstarving stated.
  5. AKcelsior
    • premium
    • 579 kudos
    I nearly passed up this mod because the description says to have eve.esm AND eve.esp installed. Thankfully it only requires the esm. Maybe you should change the install instructions. Anyone reading the description (like 3 people) may see it and pass this up. Great additions to the game my friend. Thank you for the additional content, and of course weij for the source code. Endorsed.
    1. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      As I'm still running EVE 0.97, I assumed that both the master and .esp are required if you want to use EVE. If that's not the case with newer versions then I stand corrected. If the newer ones incorporate all the changes of the .esp then it is indeed the case that the EVE.esp would not be needed. However, until I know for certain, one way or another, my statements will stand. In any event, thanks for pointing it out and will keep it in mind. Oh, and just to throw it out there, isn't it true that any mod depending on another can only call on the master .esm anyway?

      Thanks for the good words! It's great to hear that you consider them worthy additions... Enjoy!
    2. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 579 kudos
      Load up your esp in fo3edit or a mod manager and look at the header. Its only dependent master is EVE.esm. The newer versions of EVE don't have an esp.
    3. Monrovae
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yes, EVE 097 and newer uses the merged esm. The only required master for this mod is the esm.
    4. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Load up your esp in fo3edit or a mod manager and look at the header. Its only dependent master is EVE.esm. The newer versions of EVE don't have an esp.

      Yes, that's true. Which goes right back to what I said about masters being the only requirements for dependent mods... But I was referring more to the fact that if you want to use the EVE 0.97 version it requires the .esp as well. Here's a quote straight from WJS's install instructions:


      Listen CLOSELY so you dont get (!), red triangles, missing textures, or lose your wallet.
      1.) UNZIP (the file, NOT ur pants!)
      2.) Put the folders in this Data folder into YOUR data folder and overwrite!
      3.) Open FOMM or something and check the EVE.esm as well as EnergyVisualsEnhanced.esp
      4.) Play Fallout 3 and witness energy weapons as they should've been.

      This is why I assumed both were needed and that's what's still in my load order. Others reading this all should just take away the point that the .esp is NOT required IF you don't already have it.
    5. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 579 kudos
      "Oh, and just to throw it out there, isn't it true that any mod depending on another can only call on the master .esm anyway?"


      Honestly I'm not certain, but I'm leaning towards no. For example, I run a mod called '85 Outfits ReColor' by BeZen. His file contains only 1 esp (no esm) which is marked as a master in my merge patch. My patch is referencing items from many other esps w/o any linked esms either. Although one could say all mods ultimately depend on Fallout3.esm as a master. But in my experience with my mod list I have a number of instances where esps are grabbing refs from other esps directly w/o the need of a parent esm. Logically it would make sense to only be able to ref esms in esps, but my eyes are showing me something different.

      For every answer solved, 2 more questions arise.
    6. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Maybe I should have said a mod 'should' only call on a master? I'm far from an expert on this subject but, to me, it seems somewhat logical as masters are less subject to change because they normally can't be changed once created? I'm talking with the average person in mind who doesn't know how to work the tools of the trade here...

      But yes, it's obviously possible for one .esp to use another's refs but can you guarantee that's going to work on anyone's system? Unless they have the exact same ones as you, there's going to be problems. One edit in the GECK and there goes that ref ID! Whereas the master usually remains unchanged and has reliable, fixed refs to call on. See where I'm going?

      I'm thinking if people were to start changing master .ESMs willy-nilly it's going to irritate a lot of people that relied on it's previous form who may then be forced to update, etc..

      'Nuff said?!
    7. africaisstarving
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      a mod can also call on an esp ..and can even use elements from other mods that it doesn't even require as masters..like loading 2 esp the bottom one can use stuff from the top one..and when you save the bottom one will auto add elements from the top one in but not all. sometimes if the other esp is not listed as master all the stuff used from it just don't show up unless you put the esp that has the stuff above. master stuff is all bs. is just mostly when you wanna override/extend objects but not straight out use objects.
  6. weijiesen
    • supporter
    • 1,202 kudos
    aaah the Ballista!

    Good times

    (beating and cutting ppl with saws an plungers was equally fun)
    1. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Ya, the Ballista is my favorite weapon now for dropping common enemies or when I want to take my time with them! Did you happen to notice the change I made to the launcher mechanism? I added a small plate to make the tubing wider at the back so there's no more clipping of the tubing through the stimpak...
    2. kingwilfre16
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I take it that this has your official endorsement.
    3. weijiesen
      • supporter
      • 1,202 kudos

      EVE for FO3 is opensource

      What most didn't realize, was that (much like bethesda) I'd left some WIP and ''cut content'' within the assets, knowing full well that sooner or later a user would come across them and find a use for them
  7. Zechdeed
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    The HE laser and autocannon both do over 1000 damage in my game is this intentional?
    1. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Base damage of the HE Gat Laser is 150 per shot and the Autocannon is 200 per shot. Depending on various factors (perks, XP level, etc.) that could obviously be slightly more... Know also that these values are unchanged by me from the original implementation by WJS. However, if you're getting sky-high numbers like that PER shot, then maybe another mod is affecting them? I do know that the edit I made to the Autocannon's ammo use and clip size make it possible to hit a value like 1000 dmg after using a whole clip though. In my game, I was able to almost kill a Super Mutant Overlord with one clip's worth of ammo (or 4 shots). One more shot finished him off.

      To see which mod is affecting these weapons you'll need to load your mod list using FO3Edit and see which conflicts with them. If any conflicts are found, move EVE - Lost And Found.esp after the one overriding it.
    2. Zechdeed
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Okay thanks for your response great mod I love energy weapons so this is great.
  8. Lamaki666
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    everyone in Vault 6 have the Handsaw with EVE installed properly...also all of those weapons could be obtained when you have both AA and EVE,just coc aaqa and there they are with all the AA goodness...AA stands for Apocalipse Armory...
    1. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Vault 6? Did you mean Vault 108? In my game, with EVE installed, that's the one where the inhabitants have the saws. As for Apocalypse Armory, I know nothing about it and wasn't aware it used the same weapons. Even so, I highly doubt the same fixes and edits I made exist in that mod. The ballista was nothing more than the .nif and everything else I did from scratch. Same with the Zippo lighter. I guess if you already have AA and you like it's implementation of the weapons then a person can just skip my version - it's their choice!
    2. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Did a search for 'Apocalypse Armory' here and that mod no longer exists! There were only a couple compatibility patches. So I Googled it and, from what I learned, it sounds like that mod hasn't been on here for a couple years and the author was possibly banned for it (for whatever reason).

      So Lamaki666, your comment may be misleading for anyone reading it and thinking they could get AA from the Nexus instead of using mine!
  9. AncientGamer65
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Do you need EVE installed to get these?
    1. MaxyBoii
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      I would assume you do, as it seems to be an extension for it. Otherwise, I'm sure the author has proper permission.
    2. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 579 kudos
    3. africaisstarving
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      of course..this enables or fixes the weapons in the eve mod that never made the cut but still in there.
    4. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Yes, you need EVE installed. You can verify requirements on any mod by clicking on the 'REQUIRED' button to the right of ACTIONS (below the mod pics). Perhaps I could have stated that in the description... Maybe I'll add that to eliminate any confusion.

      Maxyboii: Don't really need permission cuz EVE has been declared open-source! But I talked to Weijiesen back and forth for a bit and he's cool with it.
    5. AncientGamer65
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Yes, when I clicked on the " Download" button out of curiosity, sure enough I saw that you do need EVE. I THOUGHT you might...but since it wasn't in the description, I thought I'd ask here as well...part of the "Sherlock Holmes" process of getting to the answer, I guess. I thought you might've ported them out in a way that made it possible for EVE not to be in your game, is all. :/

      In any case...not to be rude, but the more information in the description the better...as I don't run EVE, I would've loved knowing this without having to go to the downloads page and actually starting a download to find it out...unless my newness to modding is showing, and this is a "derp" beyond all measure and with a mod of this like, you should expect to have to have the original installed.

    6. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Sorry for the confusion! It was unintentional, I assure you. I'll edit the description to clear things up.
  10. africaisstarving
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    can u make another one for RH_ironsights? there are a LOT of things in there not used in the mod such as swappable ammo,bait grenade, and many weapons. Few ofthem get enabled by an optional add on but most of them are not used in the mod but seem functional or semi functional.
    1. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Sorry, I don't have RH_Ironsights and don't plan on using it any time soon. I also have a couple other projects keeping me busy right now so it would've had to wait even if I did have Ironsights.

      Funny you should mention the bait grenade though. I was just wondering the other day if anyone had ever implemented it. It's in the default game but what level of completion it's at I never looked into.
    2. africaisstarving
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      inside ironsights the bait grenade fully functional just nowhere in the game .in ironsights version it frenzies animals which is pretty damn handy against albino radscorpions, mirelurks, ant queen , fire ants yao guai and other tougher animals.
    3. Ranx31
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Nice! That would be handy. I imagine you could always look up its ID and spawn it through the console for yourself if you want it though.