Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features without permission from or credit to me
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
Asset use permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
SureAI for the great Enderal
Update provided by my friend Till, many thanks!
Donation Points system
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For the actual Version of Enderal. Update provided by my friend Till, many thanks!
This mod is for those players who prefer in Enderal the fast travel system from Skyrim. Please don't discuss the pros and cons of the fast travel system here, this mod is explicitly made for the users who prefer fast travel.
Warning: You can damage quests if you use the Fast Travel in quest situations where you should not leave the scene (teleport scrolls are not working in these scenes). So please use the Fast Travel carefully and always outside of active story scenes!
Known problem: If you have other mods installed for Enderal the fast travel might not work. Solution: Move the "Enderal Fast Travel EV.esp" in the Enderal Launcher to the bottom so that it will be loaded last.
Edit: I no longer play Skyrim and Enderal and have not installed them at the moment. So I cannot help you with actual problems or provide patches for the time being.