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  1. gamingdefrost
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am trying to uninstall this MOD but can't find it in the Addins folder and package/core/data. I also followed your thread and tried reading the instructions, but I cannot uninstall it. Is there any other way to do it?
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      How did you originally install the mod (daupdater.exe, DAO ModManager, DAModder, NMM, Vortex, ???)?
  2. grailskull
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The banter definitely isn't working with dog as a fifth party member :(! I've only gotten dialouge between him and other companions when he's in a normal companion slot.

    Anything I can do to fix this?
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      Apart from using Dog as full companion, no. The game scripting for the banter array only accounts for three companions at most, so it doesn't recognize the summoned Dog as a companion for triggering banter.
  3. mintraiinbow
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I must just be stupid, but I did install this mod like I do all the other mods and it does not work. The dog portrait doesn't show up, nothing in inventory to summon, it's like it doesn't even exist. Am I missing something? Does it only work with a brand new save and not an existing one? 
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      EDS does not require a new game. (In fact, it's best not to install it until after recruiting Dog and three other companions. Dog cannot be summoned until after those conditions are met.)

      I fear 'installed like all other mods' is not specific enough to be helpful in troubleshooting.  How exactly did you install it?

      Also, does 'Extra Dog Slot v.1.41' appear on the 'Installed Content' tab under 'Downloadable Content' on the start menu screen, with the 'Enabled' box ticked, and in the game, on the list of Downloadable Content in the Journal?

      Finally, does the Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\ folder contain an Extra_Dog_Slot folder, with the Extra_Dog_Slot_package.erf  file in Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data\?
    2. mintraiinbow
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry, I should have been more clear. My installed mods usually follow this path when I download them: Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override. So it sounds like I may have installed it wrong since it doesn't appear under the downloadable content on the start menu screen or in game in the journal. 

      Do I need to move the Extra_Dog_Slot folder to the AddIns folder and then move (or copy?) the erf file into the other folder? Sorry if I'm not making sense, I'm kind of a noob when it comes to all of this. 
    3. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      Indeed, the issue is that you have not installed EDS correctly.

      Extra Dog Slot is a DAzip mod, not an override. DAzips must be installed either with the daupdater.exe utility included with the game (located in the bin_ship folder of the game install location), or a third party installer like DAO ModManager or DA Modder. Just moving the files won't work, as there is information about the mod that need to be written (by the installer utility) to the AddIns.xml file.

      The EDS file should have downloaded to your PC as 'dao_extradogslot_1_41-664.dazip'. Sometimes  browsers don't recognize the file type, and change the file extension to just 'zip', rather than 'dazip'. if that is the case, then it is safe to manually change the extension.

      For more information on installing the different types of DAO mods, see Installing Dragon Age mods, Using Dragon Age mods, and my oppressively wordy explainer on the subject.
    4. mintraiinbow
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Perfect, I managed to get it installed and working. I was just a dumb dumb and didn't realize I needed to install it within the updater. Thanks for your help!
    5. MattDay2u
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I know I caused my own problem by somehow deleting 'My Documents' without realising. Vortex will no longer run, even though it looks like I've repaired the Documents folder.
      I've since completely reinstalled the game, loaded the 4GB memory fix and run the updaters to recover installed content. While I show Extra Dog Slot v.1.41 as installed and enabled (in Downloadable Content), I do not have \addins\Extra_Dog_Slot folder or the erf file. 
      I installed both with DAUpdater and DAOrigins Modmanager v1.9d, but it isn't creating the folder/file required. 
      Any suggestions? 

      EDIT: Vortex loads now after restoring my docs folder, but still have issue with this mod as noted above. 
      EDIT2: After reinstalling with Vortex, the mod works. I checked the Vortex config, and the Bioware folder is from a Microsoft OneDrive linked to my PC. :-/ 
    6. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      While Vortex may not have installed the mod correctly, reinstalling with daupdater.exe and even DAO ModManager should have corrected the situation.

      The Documents folder being on OneDrive may  be where the issue lies. On that I can only point you to the search engines, for anecdotal references like this and this.  (Getting rid of OneDrive was the first thing I did when I took delivery of my gaming rig, so I have no experience fixing an install that has already written files to the cloud. Sorry.)

      I do not recommend using Vortex to mod DAO. It doesn't do a good job of installing DAzips. There are even numerous reports of Vortex ruining modded installations by wiping everything but the last installed DAzip.

      While it is not being actively developed, DAO ModManager is an excellent, reliable manager for DAzip (and .overrride) packages.

  4. ronyalan
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    a must have mod

  5. Galaxymanticore
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've recently uninstalled this mod, but my save still has the small 'summon creature' tab next to my character's portrait. How would I go about removing this?
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      How did you uninstall the mod?

      What you've described indicates that the mod was not uninstalled correctly, or that Dog was an active summon or party member at the time of un-installation.

      To ensure the mod is properly uninstalled:

      • Dismiss the summoned Dog.(Dog CANNOT be an active summon when the mod is removed!)
      • Swap out all your party members, and assemble a complete party that does not include Dog.(Dog CANNOT be an active party member when the mod is removed!)
      • Save the game in a new slot. Call it something like 'No Dog'.
      • Uninstall the mod. (Note: Depending on how you install and uninstall DAzip mods, you may need to remove some files manually. The files/folders that need removal for the mod to be completely uninstalled are Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\Extra_Dog_Slot and Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data\Extra_Dog_Slot_package.erf)
      • Now load that last 'No Dog' save. You should be given a warning that EDS is missing. Ignore the warning and continue to load.
      • Go to party camp. Is Dog there, alive? If so, your save should be okay.
      • If  Dog is not in camp, is dead, or you still have the summons avatar frame appearing next to the Warden portrait, you will need to reinstall EDS, roll back to a save  prior to uninstalling, and follow the above steps to safely uninstall it.
  6. QweSteR2142
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Как влияет на баланс собака?
  7. ProdigalRevan
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Thanks, it's an essential mod now even tho it's buggy just as many other commenters described.

    Indeed, sometimes your dog dies and refuses to be summoned again. Sometimes that problem fixes itself when changing the location, other times even that doesn't help, and in such case you have to go to character selection screen, include the dog in your party, accept, exit party selection screen, dog will be there (probably with 1 hp, let it heal), back to party screen again, exclude, choose any other 3 companions, exit party selection screen, dog will be there as the 5th.

    Another point, if you're a ranger you can summon bear/spider when the dog dies and keep exploring with those summons till you're able to change the party. Wolf might be kinda buggy and refuse to be summoned, no idea if it's connected to this particular mod, I never had a ranger or mods in DAO before.

    And yet another point: this was the first mod I downloaded and tried to install, seemed as if DAUpdater didn't work or the mod was broken. Well, turns out you need the game to create some folders n files first for DAUpdater to work, so if you just downloaded it you need to launch it, start a new game, then you can exit and begin installing mods. 
  8. SerdnaOdraude
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Good morning, sorry, how could I make sure that the dog whistle does not appear in the inventory every time I load the game... I wanted to do it as a prize item or be able to buy it, thank you.
  9. Traurigaist
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Heyy, im new in terms of using mods and i´d like to know where exactly i have to put the mod file for it to work and dont mess up anything, thanks!!
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      Instructions for Installing DAO mods and Using DAO mods for Dummies.

      EDS is a DAzip mod. Use the daupdater.exe installer located in the game's bin_ship folder to install the mod, as described in the above linked tutorials.
    2. Mefista
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks. It has been 10 years... and I forgot how to install those mods. I love this game 
    3. hominahh
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      TMS, I found your post from earlier in these comments about how to truly uninstall the mod (copied below), and I have a quick question:  Do I need to really remove it per these uninstall instructions (e.g., before "Captured!"), or, since I installed it through ModManager, can I just savemy game / exit / uncheck (disable?) the EDS dazip in ModManager, and then launch / force load (past the warning that EDS is not there) my save? (And then re-enable it after the quest is done by re-checking the box in MM?) 

      Thanks for all the help you provide in this forum!

      <With the mod INSTALLED,> summon Dog as extra party member. Dismiss the summoned Dog. Swap out all your party members, and assemble a complete party that does NOT include Dog. Save the game in a new slot. Call it something like 'No Dog'. Uninstall the mod. (Note: Depending on how you install and uninstall DAzip mods, you may need to remove some files manually. The files/folders that need removal for the mod to be completely uninstalled are Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\Extra_Dog_Slot and Documents\BioWare\DragonAge\packages\core\data\Extra_Dog_Slot_package.erf) Now load that last 'No Dog' save. You should be given a warning that EDS is missing. Ignore the warning and continue to load. Go to party camp. Is Dog there, alive? If so, your save should be okay. If Dog is not in camp, is dead, or you still have the summons avatar frame appearing next to the Warden portrait, you may need to roll back to a save from prior to Broken Circle to successfully remove the mod.
    4. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 253 kudos
      I'm a very cautious mod user and have never risked just disabling the mod in DAO ModManager, so I don't have a definitive answer. I will say that even with the mod disabled, there would be a risk of the game still reading the Extra_Dog_Slot_package.erf (which contains EventManager scripts) in packages/core/data and the potential for issues to arise.

      If you do decide to merely disable the mod, be sure to first  dismiss the summoned Dog as with a full uninstall and create a full 'no dog' party.
    5. hominahh
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you theskymoves! I would rather do it right correctly? completely? in a way that's guaranteed to work? too, I guess. Many thanks.
    6. johnnycousland
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Welcome back fellow grey warden :D
    7. CobraMission
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It works, thank you very much.
  10. galedekarios
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    whenever i summon as a ranger, the summon instantly dies and it re-summons the dog if already whistled or summons the dog if not already whistled
    1. DonProtein
      • supporter
      • 447 kudos
      You could possibly read a mod page.
    2. ZaruenVoresu
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      the mod page says nothing?
    3. galedekarios
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      yeah lol, the mod page doesn't say anything about it being incompatible with ranger summons.