Dragon Age: Origins


  1. TommyIrianto
    • premium
    • 122 kudos
    For you guys out there who downloaded the Core Mod required NOT as a .DAZIP file but as a .ZIP file instead. I'm sorry but I think if you are using Chrome, you can only get a .ZIP version. To install it correctly, simply change the .ZIP file by renaming it into .DAZIP file.. And you can install the mod as intended. Or download using Edge or Firefox, that should work too.

    In other words, make sure you install using DAUpdater and nothing else. Because DAUpdater doesn't just slap in the files in there, it also builds a registry of items in the correct ID codes and names to refer to. Without it, the mod won't work.

    For anyone experiencing naked Duncan or invisible/missing limbs. There's definitely a mod conflict somewhere. I've made this mod all those years ago, and in all that years, the modding community keeps growing, with new mods, and massive overhauls everywhere. When it comes to overhaul mods, there's always a risk of conflict with another mod, just like this one.

    This mod is designed to be used best when playing in a new game, not for loading a saved game no matter how early in the game the save is. If you're having issues, my suggestion is to test things out first:

    1. Uninstall everything, your game, your save file, everything in the documents folder..
    2. Reinstall the game, make sure every settings all reset to default.
    3. Install this mod. Remember, always install the CORE mod first, then the MAIN file.
    4. Start a new game, and play around for a while. Try out using the console command to spawn the file, and make sure that Duncan appears properly.
    5. If everything looks okay. Then one by one, install the other mods you have/want.
    6. Everytime you install a mod, start a new game, and do Step 4. again. Make sure Duncan and your item spawn and looks properly.
    7. Chances are, you're gonna come across one or two mod, that after installing it, makes Duncan naked or wear the yellow spandex. Then you'll know which mod conflicts it.
  2. OfficiallyJewls
    • supporter
    • 43 kudos

    To those who are also having this problem, I've found the solution! Thanks to lemoncanary631 for putting me in the right direction by pointing out that there's something in the Ferelden pack mod that doesn't like this mod.

    Now, to make this mod work with Ferelden pack, you're going to have to delete only two files that can be found here:

    Ferelden pack -> Ferelden armor -> Light armor -> Ferelden scout 

    The files that you specifically need to delete, or remove if you want to keep the files, are these:



    You would also need to delete the file named 'Grey Warden', it also turns the light armour back to medium.

    I hope this helps others who had the same problem as me with this mod!
  3. plagueisd07
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Could you please advise, what file name should I look for to fix a conflict with the scout hood?
    It makes half of its wearer's head (where the hood should be) invisible (for NPCs, main character and companions alike), while every other equipment works perfectly.
    I uploaded a screenshot here.

    I'd like to delete the conflicting file from the responsible mod, but I have no idea what to look for.

    The two big mods I use are 'Ferelden Elves - DA2 Style' and 'Unique Characters Overhaul'.

    Any help is appreciated!

    EDIT: I was able to fix this issue, but I will leave this comment here in case someone has it in the future.

    The culprit was the qunari mage mask (gen_im_arm_hel_med_magb.uti) from the 'qunari update', it has the same item variation as the Grey Warden Scout Hood (gen_im_arm_hel_med_wlt.uti), both being 177.

    How I fixed it:

    1. Opened gen_im_arm_hel_med_magb.uti with Gff Editor
    2. Simply changed the ModelVariation number from 177 to 178 (see screenshot)
    3. Saved and closed the file.

    After this
    4. Opened helmet_medium_variation_mgb.gda with GDApp
    5. Under 'int', I changed 177 to 178 (see screenshot)
    6. Clicked 'File' then 'Save'

    And that's it! Of course you can change the item variation to another number, but I found that 178 doesn't conflict with any big mod I use, and I use plenty.
    1. GTheGenerous
      • premium
      • 275 kudos
      I thought this problem occurred due to the elf mods I used, thanks you for spotting the issue as well as provide a solution!
    2. angelfolks
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you !!!!!!! <3
  4. vincent23333
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I have a problem with the console

    When im trying to write ''runscript givewardenarmors'' (I didn't do mistakes in spelling) the console says that it "cannot execute function" 
    I dont know what's wrong, but the mod works fine, because I already have a set of warden armor in my inventory from the joining ceremony

    Any advice on how to fix it? I'm not a modding person and started to use mods not a while ago
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      Have you enabled the developer console? If so, what method did you use?

      Are you able to successfully use other runscript console codes? (A good vanilla script to try is 'runscript killallhostiles'. Even in an area without any enemies, the script will run and if it does so without errors, will return a 'success' message.)
    2. vincent23333
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      no, this script doesn't work either
      I've enabled the console following the guide with steam version
    3. vincent23333
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      oh wait. It's working now
      ig there was something with accessing the console so I rebind the button and now it is working
      anyway, appreciate your help !
    4. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      Glad you got it sorted!
  5. AdultGaming2022
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    Where is the grey warden shop in the game?
    1. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      In DAO, Mikhael Dryden at Soldier's Peak will sell all items (except the Blight Warden Commander set), when he sets up shop after the Warden's Keep DLC is completed.

      Ruck in Ortan Thaig (Deep Roads) vends the Blighted Warden Commander set.

      In Awakening, Herren will sell the same stock as Mikhael Dryden when he opens his shop at Vigil's Keep.
  6. WardenAce
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    • 0 kudos
    need help how to unequip riordan hood. his ears popping out
    1. TommyIrianto
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      Huh... I don't remember ever giving Riordan an equippable hood. But if the ears clip, there's probably another mod somewhere that edits the hood mesh.
    2. crashdown27
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Having the same issue. In the first scene where he kills the guard and steals his armor, he wears the guard's armor correctly but he also comes with a scout hood, with his ears clipping through. Disabling this mod before meeting him there prevents this from happening.

      Later when you see him again in Eamon's estate, he's wearing his GW armor and there is no scout hood.
      Not sure what else I have that could be causing this. I'm using the unofficial remaster mod too, but don't think that was even released when the above poster first commented about this.
    3. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      I just looked at Riordan's various UTC files. He isn't equipped with the hood, but it is in his inventory, as a non-equipped Item (along with the set of splintmail that he equips in the base game). Unfortunately, I can't look at the script for the scene - I don't have the toolset installed - but I suspect that it is telling the game (during the scene where he steals the guard's armor) to do something like check all equipment slots, and if a slot is empty, then equip  an item that meets the requirements, if one is available.

      I edited the UTC files to remove the hood from Riordan's inventory entirely (the file is here). It is completely untested, however, since I don't have a save anywhere near that part of the game, but if anyone wants to test it, there it is.
    4. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      Thanks @theskymoves. I've also given you permission to update and edit this mod if there's any other fixes that you have with you. Feel free to update the mod as you see fit.
    5. crashdown27
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      theskymoves, I just tested the fix you uploaded and it works. Had to find a save before I entered Howe's estate. No more derpy hood :)
    6. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      @NeoKingArthur- Thank you! I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but I will give it my best.

      @crashdown27 - Thank you very much for testing the file, and for the feedback!
    7. gioveb
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Let me know if you need some modification or correction of other scripts from Grey Warden of Ferelden. I have the toolset working. I do not play much now, but Riordan looked fine to me.
  7. Crypto217
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Point 5 of the description mentions that after Joining, a set of armor according to my character's class will be added to my inventory to be equipped manually.

    I did the Joining with a warrior and then with a mage, in no case do they appear in my inventory "automatically".

    Everything else in the mod works perfectly, both Alistair and Duncan have the armor equipped, and I can generate it using the console command. But I am very disappointed to lose that "immersion" detail of being granted after the initiation.

    I don't know what could be wrong, I have the main file in my override and also the Core Mod in my dazips.

    Any solution? Maybe it's something very simple but I can't find a solution on my own.
    1. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      Usually it might have been in conflict with something else or another mod that changes a script during the joining. This is a 12 year old mod. The joining script was modded directly from the vanilla script at that time. If a game update happens since then that changes the way the script works, or if you install any other mod (overhaul type mod is usually the culprit) that would have changed the way the joining script is run, then my joining script from this mod would have been broken.

      I can't help you other than this I'm afraid. I'm not supporting this mod anymore nor I have the game with me anymore or this mod's original source file. What you see is what you get. And the joining script was working when I made it and tested it 12 years ago.
    2. gioveb
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Hi NeoKingArthur. First of all, your GWoF mod is beatiful, and it is a must have mod.
      I am aware of the issue with the armors/weapons being not given after the Joining, and it is a pity.

      1) I have found your original script "pre100pt_ritual.nss" under the GWoF directory in the override directory. I think this should spawn the set after the joining. Is this the original Bioware script of the joining you modified, am I right?
      Maybe extracting the latest one (from the ultimate edition) with the toolset, it is possible to make a new working one as you did 12 yeras ago. I can have a try (no guarantee of success). I will also look if there are conflicts. I remember there is one mod adjusting the calice position during the joining, maybe it overrides your one? I will check...

      2) GWoF is a bit messy, unfortunately. After installing it, I have found 61 textures out of 65 duplicated in the .erf file under "Addins", while they are already in .erf file under the usual "override" directory. Is there a reason for that?

      3) another question: there is a script called "cli300prc_7704wardenarmour.ncs" (compiled script) which has not his source counterpart ".nss" to edit. can you check if you can find the source one and send it to me? is it from the author tmp7704?
    3. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      Indeed, both GWoF and Goblet De-Gobbler edit the same BioWare script: pre100pt_ritual.ncs.

      cli300prc_7704wardenarmour.ncs is a script from the original tmp7704 Warden Armours mod. It adds a chest with the armors to Redcliffe Castle (in the corresponding container cli300ip_7704wardenarmour.utp). Using a unique PRCSCR script to spawn the items (rather than editing the vanilla script) would avoid conflicts with other files, though they only spawn items on 'next load' after the requirementplot flag is met, in my experience.
    4. gioveb
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      ***I found the error in the script for the DAO joining sequence. HERE the corrected script to receive the proper set after the joining.***
      Can you test it?
    5. Crypto217
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can confirm that the script you just uploaded works correctly :)
  8. ColColton
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Amazing mod, have been using it for years! Recently decided to replay Origins and have a slight issue, I finished Soldiers Peak and decided to buy the Grey Warden Commander Armor set from the shop there, however, when I equip it I don't get an item set bonus. I tried buying and equipping various other warden armor sets and they also didn't give me the bonus. When I buy any other armor set from there (Heavy Chainmail for example) I do get the item set bonus, it only seems to not work on the Warden set. Do you have any idea why/how to resolve this?

    I would also like to mention that I don't have this issue with the Warden Armor you get at the begining of the game after completing the joining.

    Again, I love this mod and appreciate the work you put into it!
    1. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      Huh, weird. I'm not sure why, though. I can't really remember.

      But I think if you use another mod like The Winter Forge, you can add your item set bonuses yourself manually.
  9. steelspurs111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there! Loving the mod. Have a bit of an issue. I'm in Awakening now and Anders and Oghren have done the Joining, but their Grey Warden gear doesn't automatically go into my inventory. Any ideas why? Thanks!
    1. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      Must be an issue with the script spawning the uniform. Either it's incompatible with another mod that runs the same script after joining, or something else. In any case, you can just manually purchase the uniform from the Vigil's keep store with Wade/Herren. They have full list of all the Grey Warden armour uniforms there. (Unless you also installed another mod that changes their shop inventory which would make it incompatible as well).
  10. Mhairwen
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Playing DAO after many years away and everything seemed to be working fine, except my recruit armor isn't the blue and silver it used to be (and like the screenshots on this mod), but it's a brassy color with green. Not sure if I'm missing a texture file? Everyone else wearing the GW armor looks perfect. It's only the recruit armor. I'm using the file from his mod.

    If anyone could point me in the right direction, I appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
    1. MaryJ666
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I dont know if you are still searching but here is the link: www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1294
  11. Dukemon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Which file do I have to remove from the folder so that Roland doesn't wear the Warden armour in Awakening? He was recruited at the same time as Maihri and she hasn't had the ritual of joining yet. So I don't think it makes sense that Roland wears the armour but Maihri doesn't.
    1. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      It should be a .UTC file which is a character/NPC file. Maybe with a Roland in its name?
    2. Dukemon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can't find a file for Rowland in the folders.
  12. KensyBlackwood
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    Hey I'm having a problem when trying to upgrade the armor. I sell it to Bodahn and go to a different area. When I come back it's gone from the shop.
    Do you know what might have caused this or am I doing something wrong?
    1. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      Did you sell to Bodahn on the first time you visited your camp (the one with the archdemon vision)? If so, it's technically a separate/different camp than the one you get to visit regularly at other times? You can't access that first camp anymore after that scene. So your items might be gone forever. But if you do the Soldier's peak DLC quest, you can buy the armors again at the shop.

      Otherwise, you might need to reload an earlier save, go through the archdemon vision scene, then exit the camp and come back in. That should let you access the normal campsite where you can sell your gear to Bodahn, leave the camp again and visit back in.

      Otherwise, there might be a mod conflict/incompatibility somewhere that also edits Bodahn's shop inventory.
    2. KensyBlackwood
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yea then it's a different mod that caused it since it was waaayy after the first vision, thanks :)
  13. Amergan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't know if you're still active but last time I tried to play this game modded I couldn't finish the game bc the warden armor crashed the game during some cutscene. Is there a fix for that?
    1. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      I'm still active on Nexus, but I'm no longer active with modding this game. The game crash is an unfortunate side effect of the mod during the first Archdemon dream cutscene. There's no known solution other than disabling the mod prior to the cutscene so that it doesn't crash the game. After you wake up in the camp the first time, you just need to exit the camp, go somewhere and come back to the campsite. Save your game, then enable the mod and load the game again. There's no known game-crashing cutscene with this mod on other than that first Archdemon dream/vision cutscene afterwards.
    2. Arien674
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I can confirm, IA is a great idea. But there is too many mods that were not considered in its creation, so they are not compatible.  Also this mod doesen't work with it.

      I tried it, but sadly IA made Duncan wear a yellow Full Body Comdom for me (missing texures). :D
      Also my Mabari became invisible if i used other texure mods for him.
      On Top the game got stuck each time i entered the first Mabari Dialogue.

      Ergo, i uninstalled everything and skipped IA. It's a big shame that IA doesn't play nice with so many Mods i like. But i rather wanted this mod instead. It also helps the rest of your party with items that the base game is a bit too stingy with in the beginning.^^

      Regarding OP, that is not true in my eyes. It starts at level 1 and yes, if it is too strong, don't level it any further.  If you want to level it, i noticed that it is compatible with the Leveling Altar, that comes with MerAnne's Storage Mod. Just cklick the Altar in camp and it will upgrade your Warden items, too. ;)

      My question is how do i see which Texture Pack is which in the screenshots? I am a bit confused, bceause i didn't recognize all of them. Can anyone help me sort it out?
    3. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      I think you can do a google image search for each of the texture packs. Hopefully there's some images out there in the internet that can show you what they look like.
    4. Hexx0117
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      wait but the description says
      This mod is now compatible with Improved Atmosphere mod by SpaceAlex. Simply
      download and install the Core Mod DAZIP file first, then Download and
      Install the Improved Atmosphere Compatibility Pack. Simply extract it
      into your Override folder and overwrite everything when asked.

      is that just not true?
    5. theskymoves
      • premium
      • 245 kudos
      On the 'Images' tab for the mod, scroll down to the user-submitted images area. I uploaded clearly labeled images of each of the various texture packs. (It was fairly recently, so they might even still be on page 1.)
    6. NeoKingArthur
      • premium
      • 122 kudos
      It was true.... 12 years ago.. with the version of IA that was released before the latest update date of this mod. IA has changed a lot since then while this mod's pretty much stays as is. So whatever changes they made since then, I'm not sure if it's compatible anymore.

      I think there's another mod in Nexus with an updated IA-GWF compatibility mod somewhere, but I don't know what keyword to use.
    7. Amergan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The mods great I absolutely love the armor Weirdly enough I only had problems with the cutscene in Redcliff after killing the desire demon had no other problems with any other cutscene. But to be fair it was my first time ever modding the game and I did it very weirdly so hopeful this time goes way better so far its going very smooth.