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  1. fauxnik
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    This mod has been discontinued. It is available for archival purposes only.
    The last game version it's known to work with is 91.

    For a spiritual successor, try Rolling Stock Ownership.
  2. Ragetron64
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. I like the idea of never despawning cars. Ever. You can build scenes with rail cars and locos like on a model railroad xd But I wish your mod had a feature to turn the job chain thingy on and off. No matter how many effort I put in despawning cars manually while doing jobs, every station reaches a stage where it is clogged. It's weird. I also seem to running into performance problems with a savegame in which the career is going on for like 2 years with this mod enabled... I really just need that "off" button for the job chain generator <3
    1. fauxnik
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Removal of the job chain mechanic is outside the scope of this mod, sorry.

      Btw, I recommend Rolling Stock Ownership, which is a spiritual successor to Persistent Jobs and has many performance improvements compared to it.
  3. CarpenterDiem
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, unfortunately I had to uninstall this mod. I was carrying 3 jobs at once for which I would have gotten over 100k even with the time bonus (which I would have 100% finished) but when I arrived at the destination track I found that all the tracks were completely clogged and there was no way to clear them. I had to cancel the whole job and lost a lot of money. I looked for the problem and unfortunately it was this mode.
    1. Nokiamen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The same story. Moreover, despite the fact that the station is clogged, the mod still continues to generate work there, should I put the wagons on top of each other in 3 tiers? In general, as usual, the idea is good, but the implementation failed.
    2. Nokiamen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How did you cancel the job?
    3. CarpenterDiem
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, you drop the order book in the container next to the order station. 
    4. fauxnik
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      This mod has compatibility issues with build #92 (latest).
    5. jimmyG1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      so i shod not use it right now
    6. fauxnik
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Rolling Stock Ownership is the spiritual successor to Persistent Jobs in some ways. That said, it's also a very different mod.
  4. morrisons90
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Great mod, Is it possible that it could be causing jobs that are too long to unload? I've had two jobs in a row at GF that won't fit between the points on B1L.

    The one in the screenshots is SU-15.
  5. AdmiralEllis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I posted a comment on GitHub a few days ago but haven't received a response. The full text of the comment is this:

    "This is the only mod I have installed. Doing a couple of shunting jobs at Harbor and they all seem to terminate on D7L, the unloading/loading track. Naturally I can't leave them there. I believe this is a bug as they should be taken to Output tracks.Edit: It seems to be more than just Harbor. Shunting jobs in Food Factory and Town are doing the same thing. Cars are said to be left on the loading/unloading track."
    1. nkitsune
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I always just placed it in the outbound tracks myself allowing me some freedom and organization of my own.
  6. hasrock36
    • member
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    Is there any way you could add a keybinding to regenerate the jobs based on where cars are? I think it would be useful for when moving cars onto other tracks so they're out of the way as jobs point you to the wrong tracks if you've moved things.
  7. teiubescmicutzamea
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! Any chance to update this mod to 92 game version? Please ... I need this one.
  8. Kuper2020
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mod is good, but one thing is really annoying - Shunting. Instead of parking loaded cars on output tracks, the game says to leave it on load. And it's making doing a lot of shunting is problematic - load track is getting overload.
  9. SaiDaBeast
    • member
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    Can you please explain why some shunting jobs will not accept and the validator will just beep and do nothing. I saw the release notes say that the job will be deferred. How does this mod decide when to accept the job and when it will not. 
    1. Mattconnors
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you are trying to be fast and pull cars into the loading bay before accepting the job then it will just beep.  Move the cars out of load area accept then push them back in and load.
  10. PITSteelers
    • supporter
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    Edit because I cant figure out how to delete this comment: At first I thought this mod was solely responsible for a fairly significant FPS drop. I then discovered that it alone does affect FPS a little bit (I think), but its more-so an issue having several mods with minimal FPS impacts adds up disproportionately to their individual FPS impacts, I assume as a limitation of DV being built on Unity. Also apparently the interior of the SH282 is pretty poorly optimised, causing between 10-20FPS drop even when stationary. I was able to lower my graphics settings a tad to get things hopefully running above 55 or so FPS. Sorry to bother you with what turned out to be an issue with the game/game engine and not your mod, hopefully the devs will optimise the game (and especially the SH282) in the future
  11. fauxnik
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Hi there! Thanks for your interest in this mod!
    Please know that I don't check this space for posts. If you have an issue, please do one of two things: open a ticket at the github repository or reach out to the #mods-discussion channel on the Derail Valley Discord server. You might even do both as sometimes other members of the Discord may be able to help you in my absence.
    Anyway, thanks for your understanding. Drive safe out there!