Dark Souls Remastered
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  1. Inmortel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I see that the mod is constantly updated despite being the "final version", if it is possible, I would like to know the reason, since I would not like to download it today and have to update it again tomorrow or the day after without knowing what changes have been made.
    I would also like to know what corrections or changes there are, I would like them to be more specified, since I don't think they are just text corrections.

    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      they are just text corrections, specifically the most recent update changing the Warrior of Sunlight name to Warrior of the Sun, a name accurate to the original JPN

      but overall, i genuinely think that after this, I wont update the mod anymore since most stuff that i wanted to change to make the lore more accurate to the original JPN and make the lore more explicit is already done
    2. Inmortel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for answering.
      And thanks for this great work.
  2. Mer0it
    • member
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    Hello! Thank you for this marvellous mod.
    I would like to clarify - what changes GameParam.parambnd.docx ? I want to use your mod with the PVP Overhaul mod.
    What will I lose if I delete GameParam.parambnd.docx from your mod?
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      it removes the man eater shells from dropping purging stones, since they were made from carim

      sure, its only meant to show that these shells can make stones similar to the purging stones, but its cause the item they drop is tied to carim, sooooooooooooooo
    2. Mer0it
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Okay, thanks for clarifying!
  3. TheJazaam
    • premium
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    Olá meu xará! (Também me chamo Rafael)
    Fiquei interessado nesse seu mod e pelo lokey souls que eu não tinha ouvido falar....Gostaria de saber se você pode traduzir para o português brasil ou pode me orientar a traduzir o seu mod. Estou fazendo uma coleção de mods pessoal mesmo do DSR e estou aprendendo a modificar o jogo pois quero mesclar alguns mods (principalmente os de textura pois um anula o outro). Vi pelos comentários que você disse que só precisa da pasta msg para funcionar o mod seu certo ? Só que eu não queria ter restos de arquivos do Better Bonfires pois irei usar o mod "Slightly Better Bonfires".
    Parabéns também por esse mod e os outros que você fez, achei mt bom a ideia e principalmente vai ser bom para meu amigo que sempre reclamou que é dificil de entender a historia do jogo kk.
    Qual programa que você usou para editar o texto do jogo e conseguir mesclar o seu mod mais o mod do Better Bonfire ?
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      opa meu nobre!

      vei, bora meter um papo lá no discord, meu nome lá é rafabalbi, manda la uma dm e eu te ajudo
  4. HeWhomHastFallen
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Apologies if this has been answered already but does the inclusion of the Better Bonfires mod make this mod unsafe for online without getting you banned and if that is the case is there a way to disable it and keep just the updated translations/item descriptions and such?
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      being banned doesnt change that much the online of dark souls, but it may ban you

      if you just want the item descriptions, just drag the msg folder in the Game folder, the reason i included the better bonfires mod is due to lore accuracy
    2. HeWhomHastFallen
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ok, thank you.
  5. BiRaitBec
    • premium
    • 387 kudos
    Missing Menu folder?
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      the menu folder doesnt hold text data, its the msg folder
    2. BiRaitBec
      • premium
      • 387 kudos
      Yeah that i meant, thanks for the update
  6. UnclWish
    • member
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    What about other languages besides english?
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      i dont have the time to go and place that in all other available languages in dark souls lol, idk anything of russian, italian, etc

      only exception would be portuguese, but even still, it would require a lot of time, and since English is considered the "universal language", using that one will suffice
    2. UnclWish
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Maybe you can provide texts for transalting them? I can translate to russian.
  7. DarkTree1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this softlocked a friend's file due to the weird implementation of the "better bonfires" mod wrong warping them to kiln, if you could remove it in the next release for stability that would be highly preferable
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      but the mod isnt weirdly implemented?

      as you said, your friend *wrong warped* to the kiln of the first flame, the mod only allows warping at the start of the game when you kindle bonfires, thats it

      wrong warp has to be something which the player does out of their own volition, so it isnt the mod that caused that
    2. Velmania
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      • 0 kudos
      I am said friend reporting back after trying many things to fix the issue leading into me permanently fucking over my save file. I did not "wrong warp" in the normal sense, which afaik includes some weird setup where you have to fall off a ledge and use homeward as you hit the ground. I used the "warp" feature from this mod that is, yes, poorly implemented and has no mention of in the description or title at all. As mentioned in a previous comment, my Firelink Shrine bonfire was permanently gone even after restoring Anastacia, and when i mistakenly warped to Firelink Altar instead of what I thought was Firelink Shrine i was permanently stuck beyond the altar door that only opens when you have the lord souls. After not finding any other way to get out, I decided to beat Gwyn and just start over in ng+, but not even that worked: after linking the first flame it did the same thing that warping always does (sending you into the void making you reload the game) and then gave me the ending. After continuing, it gave me to lord of dark ending immediately. Loading in now only gives me this ending and I cannot continue otherwise.

      My frustration is mostly that you are incredibly insistent on stating that there is no problem despite multiple people other than me raising their issues to you. At the very least you could have put anywhere in the description or title that there is also a warp feature implemented as well. I installed mods that I thought were all visual, so I didn't think that backing up my files would have been necessary, but there's no easy way at all for me to uninstall your mod now, and the og warp mod explicitly states that you should probably back up your files if you want to uninstall it. Please provide a warning for future ppl installing the mod or something, it's such a headache for something that just seems like a neat mod for lore implementation.
    3. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      first, i said in the description that this bonfires mod, "Better Bonfires", was implemented so that it could be lore accurate to what the game implies, this being that bonfires are supposed to allow you to "warp" between them from the very start, and not something which is locked behind a gameplay mechanic, hence why i am insistent on keeping it

      second, that bug specifically, i did encounter and it was real frustrating to fix. But, it wasnt something caused by the Better Bonfires, rather, it was something that happened to me when i installed the "Dark Souls Re-Remastered" mod made by Fromsoftserve.

      Does your friend have that mod installed along with Ds1 Lore Overhaul?

      also, you can just delete all files in the dsr game folder, verify through steam and your save will be back to how it was supposed to be

      (and if it was badly implemented, you wouldnt even be able to use the warp feature which i mentioned in the description of the mod)
    4. Velmania
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      Firstly, the mention of the better bonfires did pass me over the two times I read it over, I guess just cause it's after the credits, which I usually have only had to read with mods that I thought would have implications of changing the game. I suppose that is on me, but it being something that me, my friend, and afaik one other person in the comments here has passed over as well might be a point that it's not advertised very well.

      Secondly, no, I did not have the re-remastered mod installed. As I said the only mods I would have that would have been inherently gameplay changing were item and enemy randomizers which were not used during the time I played. Here's the list of mods I used:

      - Dark Souls Visual Overhaul by Sborges98
      - Anor Londo Better Distance Textures by NadTheBat
      - Invisible Player Effects by TKGP
      - Pinwheel Masks by halfevil13
      - Better Health Bars and Lock-On by EddyHg80

      And then the lore overhaul.

      I did just end up wiping my files then verifying, but the process still took an hour and a half for something I had no clue would have killed my save file.

      Thirdly, if it's not poorly implemented then it certainly does not function well. I have never played with the actual better bonfires mod, so I don't know if it functions the same as it does in this mod, but it never actually warps you to where the bonfire is. Instead you have to reload and it places you wherever it feels like, and then when you die or use a bone it actually sends you to the bonfire (except in the case of firelink altar apparently). I understand wanting to keep lore accuracy and all, but would it kill to make it optional? Or to just link to the better bonfires mod for 100% accuracy? It feels a bit pedantic to not let up on this one thing even if people are having issues with it. I respect the work but come on, man.
    5. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      im currently travelling rn, so i cant do much to help ya, but maybe, *maybe* its bc since my folder for dsr is a bit messy, i may have left some remnants of that mod there, if thats the case, then im truly sorry

      i can certainly look into it the bonfire disappearing issue as well when i get back as well

      the reason for saying that i doubt it was weirdly implemented was because i reinstalled many times ds1 lore overhaul whenever i had to wipe ds1 clean and all those times it functioned fine, then i wanted to see how was re-remastered looking like and then all this bug began
    6. Velmania
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah gotcha, no rush then. Sorry if I came off as rude, I was just kind of getting frustrated cause we had gotten pretty far before this came up. Hopefully you find something out, cause the item descriptions n s#*! are really cool.
  8. Godslayer40000
    • member
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    could we get a version of this without the bonfires and just the changed tooltips?

    then for people who want to play online they could indeed do so as it would only be a visual mod.
  9. Neonsir
    • supporter
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    Does this mod add the warp feature from the start? Cause I have no other mods which do so. Also will this mod ban me?
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Yes, this mod uses the "Better Bonfires" mod so that the Lordvessel enabling warp mechanic is removed, because in the lore since Ds1, the light of the bonfire is what allows the player to warp, or in other words, to travel across time, hence why you can warp to oolacile for example, with Ds3 outright stating in the repair spell item description that Light is tied to Time

      Regarding the ban, most likely it will take you to the server where banned players reside, yes.
    2. Neonsir
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the reply! The bonfire at Firelink has completely disappeared even after returning the firekeepers soul. Is this a bug with better bonfires?
    3. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      i never got this bug... for me it works fine
  10. KnockKnockItsKnuckles
    • member
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    Now if only PtDE got the same treatment. :')
    1. RafaelBalbinus
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      i would actually do a mod for ptde, however, it isn't available anymore on steam, so yea