File information
Created by
Halvard - Angeluso - GabriUploaded by
SirHalvardVirus scan
About this mod
A total overhaul of Dark Souls 3, its combat system, visuals, bosses, and more- intended primarily to bring greater balance and depth to the competitive multiplayer. Weapons are made more unique and viable, with new combos, mechanics, and more.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Japanese
- Changelogs

Read previous patch notes here: Champion's Ashes Wiki Patch Notes
For accessing the PVP community and the latest information, be sure to visit the Discord.
Available Translations: 中文 | Français

Q: What is Champion's Ashes?
A: Champion's Ashes is a total overhaul of Dark Souls III, with a focus on creating a balanced and competitive PVP environment. This mod is centred around 1v1 duelling, but has many PVE changes as well. As a community mod, we want to create the best experience possible, please contact us if you have any feedback.
Q: Where can I get involved with the player base and find other players?
A: The majority of our players and all the developers can be found on the Champion's Ashes Discord server. This is the mod's central home: it's where we review player feedback, bug reports, answer questions, host events, find multiplayer, etc.
Q: What languages do you support?
A: Currently only English. Please contact a moderator if you are interested in lending us a hand in translating our mod.
Q: Do you guys have a Wiki?
We have a wiki in-progress at We still need contributors to help fill out all the information here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Q: Where can I find the new weapons?
A: They can be found throughout PVE. If you'd like to access them quickly, you can use an in-game Cheat Code at the Firelink Handmaid by performing "Point Forward > Point Down > Bow" close to her (preferably the little empty corner to the side).
In order to gain souls to level up or buy these items, follow up the previous gestures with "Look Skyward".
We also have a useful Cheat Engine table you can check out on our Discord server.
Q: Do you have any ideas on expanding this mod? More weapons/armor/PVE?
A: Yes. We will be updating this mod with more content. Please follow along and support our journey!
Q: Why are my items coming up with ?GoodsName?
A: We currently only support English, You might have to switch the game's language for proper names to show up. Please contact us If you would like to help translate the mod.
Q: Is Champion's Ashes compatible with previous saves?
A: No. There are a lot of changes that might not work properly on an existing save.
Q: What happens if I play against players who don't have the mod?
A: If the other player does not have the files you have, they will not see the things that they are missing. This includes weapons and animations, which will be invisible for them. Likewise, if the other player is on a mod that you are not on, you will not see their new content either.
Q: Is ___ mod compatible with Champion's Ashes?
A: This is a complicated answer, but the simple answer is-- if the mod in question replaces any files in Champion's Ashes, it is usually not compatible.

Q: Does this mod ban you?
A: If you play on the public steam servers, yes. If you play on private servers (or offline) and use a new save using modengine, no.
Q: How can I play online without getting my main account banned?
A: You can run the mod from the launcher while having the "Private Servers" checkbox ticked. Or download DS3OS and log into the Champion's Ashes server manually.
Q: Is there a way to play offline on my main account without getting banned?
A: Yes. While we highly recommend using the above method, you can also use modengine to prevent bans while offline.
- Go into modengine.ini, which is located in your root game directory (same place you install the mod).
- Under [online], set "blockNetworkAccess=1".
- Under [savefile], set "useAlternateSavefile=1".
Q: How do I know if I am banned?
A: Upon launch, you will receive a message stating: "CAUTION: YOU HAVE BEEN PENALIZED" on the English version of the game. If your game language is set to a different language, this message might not appear, but you could still be banned.

Q: What is the PVP meta level?
A: Please ensure your character is SL 125 and that your attributes are consistent with SL 125.
Q: Where can I find people to PVP with?
A: There are a couple different fight club locations, but the most common one is the rectangular platform at the top of the elevator in the Farron Keep fortress.
The closest bonfire is one of the newly added bonfires called "The Bridge". Check the Discord server to see where people are fighting.
Q: Can I co-op with this mod?
A: Yes.
Q: I have a question not answered here!
A: Please ask us in our Discord server, and we'll try to answer your question.
If you have any feedback the fastest way to contact us is via Discord.
Please do NOT use our mods content without our permission!

1. Download the Ashes Launcher and enable it. The launcher itself can be placed wherever you wish.
2. In the given box on the launcher, choose your root game directory. (where the darksoulsIII.exe is)
3. Clicking the blue button will enable/disable the mod, so you can safely switch between the mod and vanilla.
4. Press "Play" while the blue button is labelled "Mod Enabled" to run Champion's Ashes.
5. To install updates for Champion's Ashes when they are released, run the launcher and press "Play". The update will begin automatically and then launch Champion's Ashes once finished.
Note1: If you have a manual installation without launcher support, delete the Ashes folder inside the AshesLauncher folder from your Game folder, or select another mod directory.
Note2: If you receive any error while trying to launch the mod from a manual install, try pressing "Reset All Files" present under the MODS tab first. It may take a while and the launcher will be unresponsive during that time.
Note3: The launcher may trigger some anti-viruses. This is nothing to be alarmed over, as all the launcher currently does is modify your Dark Souls 3 Game folder. White-list the launcher to solve the issue.
We recommend the use of the Ashes Launcher for consumers, which can be found here:
Check to ensure the link directs you to the latest version, as the mod itself is updated more frequently than the Nexus page.

Created by Halvard, Angeluso and Gabri.
Current Development Team
Rayan (Dahoom)
Simon (Moghedian)
Other Contributors
Ai Placebo
PvP Balance Consultants
Pre-Release Testers
Abyss/eh ja
Majestic Prince
Post-Release Testers
(And many others)
Former Developers and Contributors
Additional thanks to:
Nep.Edler, Awe, and others for the Chinese translations
Falsecobra for the French translation
TKGP for Yapped
MeowMaritus for DSAnimStudio
Katalash for Mod Engine
NamelessHoodie for the HoodiePatcher code
MaxTheMiracle for some armor models
ElFonz0 for some amazing weapon and armor models
Spoongus for even more amazing models
𝐕.𝐈𝐗 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐝𝐢 for the Imperious Medallion icon
Mayhem for animations
Lenox548 for the GFX and UI files
Witness for lighting/skybox changes
Iota for lighting/map changes
PinoIsReading for Bloodborne sets
ForsakenSilver for Alternative set
Wiglow for custom modeled Ledo's set
Salvatron for various sets
Sendogu for various sets
Rodan for the "Valkyrie Helmet"
Alex Roe for allowing us to use their music in the Menu Theme
Lord [size=2]for some incredible screenshots
BathedInBrena for being our social media manager
was421 for LazyLoader, and YARR
Fighter.PL, CastleInTheSky for promoting and hosting our first tournament!
And everyone who plays and supports our mod!

Champion's Ashes: Frequently Asked Questions
A helpful overview of the many common questions new players may have about the mod.
Changelog Discord Twitter