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king bore haha

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  1. Kunashgi14
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    • 0 kudos
    I'm having a blast playing with this mod, I completed 100% of the darkmoon covenant and killed their god for good measure, the only issue I have is that there's a chest that says sealed when I try to open it. Does anyone have any ideas?
    1. Kunashgi14
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I got it, it seems that I just needed to keep killing everything
  2. Gerrrionnn
    • member
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    Ooof, this is a very cool mod!
    Started some quality weekend for first game return, planing to make adorable magic knight, searching for embers aaaand, found it only after a while and half game done. But its still good for someone who already spent around 1k hours:)
    Having problem right now with "Lady of the Forest" cant find her and already killed every shroom and hunters (except Alvina, lol), but cant find her
    1. KingBoreHaha
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      • 15 kudos
      She's near the cliff on the forest-hunter side of Darkroot Forest. So, if you go through the Crest of Artorias door and immediately go right, you should run into her. If you don't see her, also make sure you have the proof of guilt in your inventory and you're still in the Darkmoon covenant
  3. MKx00
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    has any co-op / multiplayer testing been done in any capacity? will it work?
    1. KingBoreHaha
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      • 15 kudos
      Untested, and I'm pretty sure it will cause issues. Sorry!
    2. Dinmyr
      • premium
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      So you claim that one does not need to pay $100+ for a PTD steam game, but you don't specify how. My brother is really interested in playing the superior version of the game, and i'd love if you could explain how to do this? Because otherwise i'm calling bullshit lol
    3. Devianteist
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      • 1 kudos
      they're talking about piracy bud.
  4. pavlomeks1016
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    Please tell me where Alvina is, I went around the whole forest, lost my soul by 20 levels, but couldn’t find it. Yaith +7(195) deals 41 damage to Sif.
  5. Anachorite
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    are human npcs supposed to take 50-250 hits to kill
  6. christianware
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i cant get the dsfix to detect the .dll

    i have double checked and done all this 

    Step 2B (Using DSFix)

    • Open "DSFix.ini" in the Dark Souls "DATA" folder
    • Find the "dinput8dllWrapper" option
    • Change "dinput8dllWrapper none" to "dinput8dllWrapper SOTE_PTDE.dll"
  7. Inmortel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So now you've added the Izalith Swamp into the Eclipse?
    1. Inmortel
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      I like to use the Dark Souls Overhaul mod and I had no major problems with the Izalith Swamp mod, but you are talking about .dll files, which this other mod also has, so are dark souls overhaul and shadow of the eclipse compatible?
    2. christianware
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      i doudt they are compatable. dark souls mods this large have never been compatable befor.
  8. Emarrel
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Reworked. Damage now decreases over time
    1. KingBoreHaha
      • member
      • 15 kudos
  9. joebykaeby
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I doubt very much that it would be possible, but I would really love to see a version of this mod that includes the reimaginings and area revamps and such, all the cool new ideas, but does not include the stat nerfs, the difficulty hikes, and some of the ganky enemy placements. I got excited about this mod as an overhaul; was dissapointed to find that it's much more of a challenge mod.
    1. KingBoreHaha
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      • 15 kudos
      There has always been a vague plan to use SOTE as a base for significantly wackier mod, but yeah that was never the intention with SOTE itself. I just made a mod that is just the version of dark souls I wanted to play, can't get more subjective than that lol.

      SOTE was never intended to be harder but yeah, it ultimately is. While I would like to think the things that I made significantly more viable (like, non fast-rolling, backstepping, many many weapons) make up for the culling of more exploitable tactics, + the varied adjustments made towards bosses (some are strictly easier, some are strictly harder) would be reasonably fair overall - I know that's not really the case. Though I will maintain it gets easier once you experiment with equipment and tactics that are bad in vanilla, but are very very good in SOTE.

      If you don't mind, would you be willing to give more details on enemy placement issues and areas you felt were too hard? Unfair enemy placement is very much something I'm always concerned with.

    2. InsaneInsomniac
      • supporter
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      there's a few times where you get to a door and ya dun put a high powered enemy (relative to the area) behind it and I'm almost certain to get hit just from coming out of the door opening animation. that's kinda mean. sure it's a one off since the door stays open, but it's mean. and often deadly.
      especially the butcher enemy behind the depths shortcut door. THAT was nasty, making you fight it in that tiny room after already getting hit once from cheap placement. also, I do NOT remember there being that many giant skeleton dogs in the area after pinwheel.
      also also. speaking of pinwheel... where the hell is the rite of kindling?!?
      EDIT: found it in the change logs...but much confused. why Sif?
    3. KingBoreHaha
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      • 15 kudos
      Depths butcher: that butcher in particular can be seen from the large rat room and when you walk above that shortcut room and you have to take either of those paths in order to unlock that door in the first place. So eh I personally consider that pretty fair warning if you're paying attention. I assume you're referring to a certain mushroom as the other example, and yeah that one is just entirely mean and I'm sorry 😔.

      Tomb of the Giants: this may surprise you, but SOTE has 2 less Skeleton Beasts than vanilla! Vanilla just has a whole lot of those guys.

      Rite of Kindling: the reason it was moved elsewhere is mostly because of gameplay purposes, but per-lore it is expanded on as you progress through the Gravelord Covenant.
  10. pchclx
    • member
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    I'm sorry for the stupid question but- will Steam Achievements pop while playing this mod?  I have a few I still need to tick off; and would love to do it with this new experience.  
    1. KingBoreHaha
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      • 15 kudos
      All sorceries / All miracles probably won't work, but everything else should. Those will be fixed in an upcoming patch however.