About this mod
Add utility vehicles to your summonable car list
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
You'll need Cyber Engine Tweaks and TweakXL. These are mandatory and in no way optional.
Highly recommended
If you want to drive the big boy, Kaukaz Bratsk, you'll need Open Sesame Mod (Press E to open Locked Doors and Cars and more). With this mod you can drive it. Without this mod you can spawn it, but it'll just cause a traffic congestion since it's just sitting there looking imposing.
Have a look at Vehicle Customizer as well. This allows you to change the color of the vehicles, or in case of the Behemoth you can select the Camo look, or Arasaka or whichever one tickles your fancy.
Have a look at CET Add Vehicle Menu as well, a proper menu within CET will make things a lot easier.
1. Unpack the contents of the file straight into the game folder, so that the r6 content will be added into the existing r6 folder
2. Open the CET console in the game and enter the following commands:
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk_concrete', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk_container', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk_dumpster', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk_machine', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk_metalstud', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle("Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_bratsk_extended", true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_zeya', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_zeya_freight', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_zeya_full', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_zeya_barrels', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_zeya_container', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_militech_behemoth', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_chevalier_centurion_flatbed', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_chevalier_centurion_cargo', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_chevalier_centurion_poor', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_militech_behemoth_netwatch', true, false)
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle('Vehicle.v_utility4_kaukaz_zeya_kurtz', true, false)
UPDATE October 10th 2023
Thanks a lot to PicardZhuG for finding the Chevillon Centurion 1000! It seems I was blind and missed a few entries.
Update October 12th 2023
A big thank you to faucheur731 for finding the secret to using the huge Kaukaz Bratsk we see in the Nomad mission. The vehicle was spawnable, but not driveable. Have a look at Open Sesame Mod (Press E to open Locked Doors and Cars and more). This mod is required to be able to drive the big boy. Without the mod the big one is only eye candy.
You can feel like you're the king (or queen) of the road in a big truck. Or if you're into roleplaying then the small utility vehicles can help you blend in while scanning your surroundings or tailing a suspect. Or take them onto the main roads and annoy the faster traffic.
Unfortunately the vehicles don't have icons of their own in the vehicle summon menu, and since the vehicles are pretty much the same, but with different cargo, the names of the vehicles are also the same in the menu. So it may take a bit of trial and error to find your favorite vehicle in the menu.