About this mod
Customize Weapons, Vehicles & On Foot (empty hands) Cameras individually.
- Weapons Camera: Up, Down, Forth, Back, Left, Right, FOV + / -, ADS Offset + / -, Toggle ADS Zoom
- Vehicles Camera: Up, Down, Forth, Back, Left, Right, FOV + / -
- On Foot Camera: Up, Down, Forth, Back, Left, Right, FOV + / -
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Download & Install Cyber Engine Tweaks
- Unzip the "First Person Camera" folder in "Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods"
- Launch the game and open Cyber Engine Tweaks
- Change hotkeys and save your preferences
Formerly known as "Weapon FOV", the mod has been renamed to "First Person Camera" since some time now, but it was only visually, on NexusMods.
Starting from 1.0 version, a lot things have changed (removed Redscript dependency, rewritten logic...). It is now time to properly rename the mod in the files.
How to uninstall the old "Weapon FOV" mod:
- Delete the folder /Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/Weapon FOV/
- Delete the file /Cyberpunk 2077/r6/scripts/Weapon FOV.reds
How to Install "First Person Camera" Mod:
- Unzip the mod as usual. Final path: /Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/First Person Camera/
- Rebind your hotkeys in CET
How to migrate your old camera settings:
- Move the file /Weapon FOV/db.sqlite3 into /First Person Camera/db.sqlite3
- Weapons: Switch to any weapon and use the hotkeys
- Vehicles: Enter in any vehicle and use the hotkeys
- On Foot: Unequip your weapon and use the hotkeys
- Changes are automatically saved each time a hotkey is triggered
- Changes are saved individually for each weapon & vehicle
- Cyber Engine Tweaks by yamashi - For this amazing modding framework - Patreon link
- CP2077 Modding Community - A great modding community! Thanks for your help!
- JB Third Person Mod by Jelle Bakker - Great inspiration, their source code helped me a lot
- psiberx - A true Jedi of CET scripting
- djkovrik - Very inspirational Redscript dev
- Aurora555 - For maintaining a fork during my absence last summer
1.0 - 13/10/2023
- Mod folder has been renamed to "First Person Camera" (SEE UPGRADE NOTICE)
- Code rewritten for Cyber Engine Tweaks only
- Removed Redscript/Cybercmd/Red4Ext dependencies
- Added "ADS: Offset" scoped weapons compatibility
- "ADS: Offset" can now be changed & previewed while maintaining ADS
- Enhanced Slide + ADS transition camera
- Enhanced First Equip + Near Weapon camera
0.9.1 - 14/12/2021
- Enhanced Custom Camera FOV detection & enforcement
- Enhanced Debug helpers
- Fixed minor issue when leaving Lean Left / Right ADS under specific conditions
0.9 - 13/12/2021
- Fixed Lean Left / Right ADS camera (Also compatible with the Manual Lean of Advanced Control Mod 0.8)
- Added Smooth Camera transitions
- Enhanced Slide / Reload camera for Near Weapons
- Completely reworked code base
0.8 - 05/12/2021
- Fixed footsteps being muted (Thanks to Aurora555 fork)
- Fixed changes not being applied until weapon switch
- Updated script compatibility for CP2077 1.31
0.7 - 06/03/2021
- Enhanced FOV detection
- Fixed crash when exiting the game
0.6 - 28/02/2021
- Added FOV + / - hotkeys & logic for Weapons, Vehicles & World
- Added ADS Offset + / - hotkeys & logic for Weapons
- Each vehicles can now be tweaked individually
- Display localized Weapon / Vehicle name when using the "Camera - Reset" hotkey
- Enhanced hotkeys names
0.5 - 26/02/2021
- Completely reworked the code base
- Added Live positioning of individual Weapons / On Foot / Vehicle camera using hotkeys
- User preferences are now automatically saved across game sessions
- Added "Reset Weapon" hotkey
- Added "Toggle ADS Zoom" feature
- Removed Enable/Disable hotkeys. The mod is now always enabled
- Removed settings.lua logic & support
- Fixed ADS animation
- Fixed JB TPP compatibility
0.4 - 24/02/2021
- Enhanced Core & Camera queue scripts
- Added settings.lua file & logic, allowing users to customize weapons settings and share their presets
- Added "On Foot" and "In Vehicle" camera parameters in the Settings file
- Moved "AutoLoad" parameter to Settings file
- Adjusted settings for some Weapons Types
- Added Revolver, Handgun and Precision Rifle to default Settings file
- Removed the "Disable" hotkey. There is now only one single ON/OFF hotkey switch
- Added "Current Weapon Data" hotkey to retrieve current Weapon Type/Name/Data in the console, to customize the Settings file more easily
- Fixed warnings during game initialization
0.3 - 23/02/2021
- Initial Release