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This mod recreates Lilith from BL1 as a playable character in BL2.
There are limitations to what can be done in BL2 modding. So this is not a new character, but a (rather extensive) rework of Maya.

Phasewalk and all of Lilith's skills work mostly the same as in BL1. There are a few differences here and there, either for technical reasons or for balancing purposes. Many of the latter differences can optionally be reversed. More details are given below.

If you like the mod, don't hesitate to endorse / give some feedback. Also, feel free to post and discuss your builds in the Forum.


This was all written by me.

Special Thanks to Shadowevil, LightChaosMan, C0dycode, FromDarkHell & Apocalyptech, for making stuff possible and practical.

If you are feeling burningly supportive, you can dupe me a Hellfire

Installation and Compatibility

1. General information

For using Borderlands 2 mods in general, I highly recommend checking out this webpage first; Running Mods - Borderlands Modding
1. Setting up the game for mods.

On windows, you want to start by installing the PythonSDK (see webpage linked just above).
On mac, you have to hexedit manually.

2. Configuration of the Lilith mod

First you need to install OpenBLCMM.

Open Lilith.blcm in OpenBLCMM and configure the file depending on which DLCs you own. You can also un-check some of the optional boosts if you don't want those.

You need to save Lilith.blcm (and Lilith-fix.blcm) in your game binaries. When you "Save As" in OpenBLCMM, there should be a link to the Binaries directory, on the left side of the save popup screen).

3. Using Lilith with other mods

Lilith is self-contained and can be used as a standalone.

You can also try to combine it with other mods, but they need to be combined into ONE SINGLE file in OpenBLCMM. Lilith should be compatible with most other mods, but pay attention to a few things:
  • Use "Import single mod" in OpenBLCMM to import Lilith, preferably after importing any other mods you wish to use.
  • Roland should be mostly compatible with the UCP (though I haven't tested extensively), as long as you import the Lilith mod after the UCP. And it is still preferable to disable anything Axton-related in the UCP.
  • If other mods affect Maya's skills or class mods in any way, make sure to disable those changes.
  • This mod is balanced for the vanilla version of Borderlands 2. It is therefore not recommended to combine it with mods that affect the balance of the game (e.g. slag overhaul, UVHM overhaul, BL1-like scaling, etc. Even the Assault Rifle boosts in the UCP might be too much). You may still try to do so, and it might not create any technical issues, but your mileage may vary in terms of gameplay.

4. Running the mod(s)

Launch the game, and go to the main menu screen (with New Game, etc). Open the console and type e.g. "exec Lilith.blcm". If you combined it with other mods in another file, you need to exec that file instead (e.g. "exec allmymods.blcm").

5. Playing in co-op

Lilith should work fine in co-op, as a long as all players are running the mod.

You can play multiple Liliths together. You can play Lilith in co-op with any of the vanilla Vault Hunters EXCEPT Maya.

Unfortunately, at the moment, it is not possible to play Lilith in co-op with Roland or Mordecai (my other mods). This may become an option in the future.

6. Known issues

Starting a New Game does not always work very smoothly. If you have problems: start a new Maya without mods, then save quit when you see claptrap, exec the mod and come back.
The new version of the model swap (from v1.7) is in principle better, but is not perfect (notably it may affect the inventory pose of some other players in coop). So I left the old version as optional. For some users, the model change from Maya to Lilith in the inventory menu might not apply. This problem never happened to me, and is of unknown origin. If you do see Lilith in the Inventory Menu, this is not necessary. But otherwise, a possible solution (not guaranteed to work) is as follows:
  • Save the additional file Lilith-fix.blcm in your BL2 binaries (individually, do not import it in your main mod file).
  • Exec your main mod file including Lilith.blcm as usual from the main menu.
  • Load your save file and enter the game as Maya/Lilith. 
  • When in game, open the console and type "exec Lilith-fix.blcm".  

Press [ActionSkill] while targeting an enemy, to Gain the ability to turn invisible and move incredibly fast. Upon entering/leaving Phasewalk, you create a Phase Blast that damages nearby enemies. You can Melee attack to end Phasewalk early.

Unlike in BL1, you must be targeting an enemy while pressing the Action Skill button, in order to start Phasewalk. Similarly, a melee attack will end Phasewalk only if it connects with an enemy. There are a few enemies (notably BNK3R) that will affect Phasewalk when used as a target to start it: the duration countdown visual will not be displayed, and the Hit and Run duration bonus will not apply.

Unlike in BL1, you can still use your weapons and throw grenades while phasewalking. However:
  • Weapons will do no damage to the enemies and cannot start elemental effects (incl. slag) on them. You can reload though. 
  • Grenades will do (mostly) no damage to the enemies. But they can still proc elemental effects and slag enemies... I can't do anything about that, so don't use grenades while phasewalking if you think it's unfair.

A few other things while phasewalking:
  • You are invulnerable and invisible (well not actually invisible, but enemies will not see/attack you). Tiny Tina DLC is required for the "invisible" aspect.
  • Roid damage is disabled and will not apply to the phase strike. No point in trying to keep your shield down for that. 
  • The melee damage bonus from bladed weapons will apply to the phase strike. Don't use those if you think it's unfair.
  • Life steal from Moxxi weapons is (mostly) disabled while phasewalking. Even with this adaptation, the availability of Moxxi weapons (especially Rubi & Grog) tends to make essential survival skills, like Inner Glow, much less useful. So, I'd recommend trying to stay away from those weapons. They should not be needed for survival.
  • Your speed is boosted, but you can still walk/run... so you have to run to reach the max speed.

Phase Blast deals non-elemental damage. But if you equip an elemental relic (or Bone of the Ancients), elemental damage of the corresponding element will be added to the Phase Blast. This only works with Fire/Corrosive/Shock, not with Slag/Explosive. 

Diva: Increases the Capacity of your shield. (8% Shield Capacity and 8% Shield Recharge Rate per skill point).
  • Can optionally be reversed to the BL1 bonus value of 5% Shield Capacity per skill point.
Striking: Your melee attacks can Slag enemies, increasing the damage they take. (20% chance per skill point).
  • The chance to slag is a bit approximative but mostly correct.
  • The chance to slag is against a same level enemy (it will be lower against higher level enemies).
  • The chance to slag can optionally be reduced to 12% per skill point (since slag is arguably more useful than Daze in BL1).
Inner Glow: While Phasewalking you regenerate Health (1.8%/sec per skill point).
  • Can optionally be reversed to the BL1 bonus value of 1.4%/sec per skill point.

Dramatic Entrance: Your Phase Blast can Slag enemies, increasing the damage they take. (20% chance per skill point).
  • The chance to slag is a bit approximative but mostly correct.
  • The chance to slag is against a same level enemy (it will be lower against higher level enemies).
  • The chance to slag can optionally be reduced to 12% per skill point (since slag is arguably more useful than Daze in BL1).
Hard to Get: Decreases the Cooldown of Phasewalk (16% per skill point).
  • In BL1, this skill reduces the cooldown by 3.2 seconds per point, instead of changing the cooldown rate. At 5/5 and in absence of other cooldown bonuses, the result is the same (20 seconds cooldown). But since there are more cooldown reduction sources in BL2 (e.g. relics), and the skill can now be boosted by some class mods, increasing the cooldown rate is more balanced than directly reducing the cooldown time.
Girl Power: Killing an enemy causes your Shield to quickly regenerate for a few seconds (1.4%/sec per skill point).
Mind Games: Each bullet you fire has a chance to Daze enemies, reducing their movement speed and accuracy (5% chance per skill point).
  • The Daze effect works mostly the same as in BL1 (as close as I could get, at least).
  • It affects enemy movement speed but not animation speed (e.g. for their attacks, etc). Enemy non-weapon damage is reduced by 20% to compensate. It does also decrease the fire rate of enemy weapons.
  • The Daze effect lasts for 6 seconds. It does not stack (inflicting a new one will end the previous). In principle, no enemy can resist it.
  • The visual effect does not scale to the size of the enemy, so it may look a bit weird on the larger ones.
  • As of v1.3, it should no longer be possible to Daze enemies during Phasewalk. Entering Phasewalk has however no effect on the duration of Daze effects that were already applied.    
Quicksilver: Increases your Fire Rate with all weapons (7% per skill point).
  • Can optionally be reversed to the BL1 bonus value of 5% per skill point.
Spark: Increases your chance of causing Elemental Effects, and the Damage they inflict (5% per skill point, for both chance and damage).
  • The bonus chance of causing elemental effects also applies to skills, not just weapons like Spark in BL1 or Maya's Flicker.
  • Can optionally be reversed to the BL1 bonus value (in the skill description) of 4% chance per skill point (weapon only).
Resilience: Increases your resistance to Fire, Shock, Corrosive, and Explosive damage (12% per skill point).
  • This follows the usual damage reduction calculation: with 60% at 5/5, damage received = incoming damage / (1+0.6) = 62.5% incoming damage.
  • The skill also reduces the chance of catching Burn/Corrode/Electrocute effects, and their duration on Lilith (by 12% per skill point, same calculation).
  • Can optionally be reversed to the BL1 bonus value of 6% per skill point (without reduction of effect chance/duration).
Radiance: You deal Shock Damage to nearby enemies while Phasewalking. Damage is based on your level and the Skill's level.
  • This skills deals small amounts of direct Shock damage to nearby enemies, but most of the damage will come from the Electrocute effects that can be applied. So this skill will benefit a lot from Spark, Tempest class mod, etc.
  • I tried to make this skill feel stronger and more useful than in BL1 (still far from OP), but there is an option to reduce the damage.
Venom: Adds Corrosive Damage to your melee attacks. Also, your melee attacks have a chance to Corrode enemies, causing additional damage over time (6% melee damage per skill point).
  • This skill follows an Immolate-type calculation, which means that at 5/5, 30% of the melee damage actually done (including all melee bonuses, slag, etc) is added as Corrosive damage (and elemental match modifiers, and slag will apply again). This makes the skill potentially much more powerful than it was in BL1.
  • The calculation was tweaked so that, in the OP levels, the damage penalty against higher level enemies affects Venom damage only once, and not twice. 
  • Can optionally be reverted to the BL1 bonus value of 5% per skill point.
Intuition: Killing an enemy increases your movement speed (10% per skill point) and the experience you and your team earn (4% per skill point) for a few seconds.
  • The movement speed boost also applies while phasewalking.
Phoenix: Killing an enemy causes you to deal Fire Damage to nearby enemies and makes your shots not always cost ammo for a few seconds. The Fire Damage increases with your Level.
  • This skills deals small amounts of direct Fire damage to nearby enemies, but most of the damage will come from the Burn effects that can be applied. So this skill will benefit a lot from Spark, Firefly class mod, etc.
  • Unlike in BL1, you can ignite enemies while phasewalking.
  • The save ammo aspect will sometimes cause your weapon to not automatically reload. This happens in BL1 too, actually.

Slayer: Increases your Critical Hit Damage (5% per skill point).
  • This is the so-called Type B critical hit bonus, which is multiplicative with most critical hit damage bonuses in the game. So this will generally be better than the bonus on Maya's Mind's Eye for example, especially with weapons that already have high critical hit bonuses (e.g. snipers).
  • Also increases Melee Critical Damage.
Silent Resolve:
 Increases your resistance to damage for a few seconds after Phasewalking (14% per skill point).
  • This works the same way as in BL1: it lasts for 7 seconds, and it's actually 50% damage reduction per skill point with the usual calculation. So at 5/5 without other sources of damage reduction, damage received = incoming damage / (1 + 2.5) = 29% incoming damage. Thus approximately (1 - 5 x 0.14).
Enforcer: Killing an enemy increases your accuracy (7% per skill point) and Bullet Damage (4% per skill point) for a few seconds.
  • This is Bullet Damage and not Gun Damage, so the same type of bonus as Reaper (but not conditional on enemy health). It will be multiplicative with Gun damage bonuses, but will not boost all types of splash, and will not boost rockets.
  • The Bullet damage bonus can optionally be reversed to the BL1 bonus value of 2% per skill point.
Hit and Run:
 Gain increased melee damage (7% per skill point), melee critical damage 7% per skill point), and Phasewalk duration (0.8 sec per skill point).
  • The melee critical damage bonus, absent in BL1, can optionally be removed.
High Velocity: Increases Bullet Damage (4% per skill point) and Velocity (20% per skill point).
  • This is Bullet Damage and not Gun Damage, so the same type of bonus as Reaper (but not conditional on enemy health). It will be multiplicative with Gun damage bonuses, but will not boost all types of splash, and will not boost rockets.
 Killing an enemy reduces the cooldown of Phasewalk (1.2 sec per skill point).
Phase Strike:
 Using a melee attack while Phasewalking deals additional damage (160% per skill point).
  • As written above, the melee bonus from roid shields will not apply to the phase strike. But the bonus from bladed weapons will.

Class Mods

The Class mods are essentially the same as in BL1, but follow the BL2 system.
I also took a few creative liberties here and there and added a couple new class mods.

  • The values of the skill bonuses are the same as in BL2 (e.g. up to 5-4-4 on a purple class mod).
  • In BL1, each class mod has one primary stat bonus, and maximum one out of two possible secondary bonuses. In this adaptation, all class mods have the primary stat bonus, and both secondary stat bonuses. BUT the values of the secondary stat bonuses depend on parts much more than in the typical BL2 system, so that even at max level you can find class mods with one or both secondary bonuses at 0%. 
  • Eridian Warrior replaces the Legendary Siren. It boosts weapon damage (but not only E-tech because that's not possible), and has a special hidden effect.
  • The allegiance class mods (Dahl Professional and Maliwan Specialist, plus a new one) replace the other Legendary Class mods. No hidden effects on these ones.