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Version 1.1.1
Fixed not being able to disable base game holders. Added missing "enable" variable to chest slots json
Configurable Side interaction so holsters can only be grabbed by left or right or both hands
Equipment is persisted between level changes and exiting the game!
Features: Supports adding new slots to the player!
14 new slots!
Two chest slots
Two lower back slots
One middle back slot
Two upper arm lots
Two forearm slots
Two thigh slots
Two ankle slots
One mouth slot
Configurable with mod options to enable / disable each slot!
Configurable! Add your own slots by editing adding a new CustomHolderData json { "$type": "Wully.MoreSlots.MoreSlotsData, MoreSlots", "id": "ArmLeftholder", "version": 0, "holderDataId": "HolderHips", "handSide": "Right", "localPosition": { "x": -0.13, "y": 0.07, "z": 0.02 }, "localRotation": { "x": 180.0, "y": 80.0, "z": 180.0 }, "ragdollPartName": "LeftArm" }
Configure which Hand(s) Left,Right,Both can interact with the holster by editing the "handSide" in the json file. The names of the valid ragdollPartNames are: