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  1. siu00gas
    • member
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    Sensors impaired - I believe this debuff is applied by PPCs? Is there anything else in the mod applying it? As it seems far more prevalent in my No guts campaign than any of my prior ones.

    Recently I have noticed that it refuses to go away. It stacks up to +4 difficulty per shot and basically makes all my meks utterly useless.

    Is this as intended? If so what is the "trigger" for getting it to go away - as I have tried just about everything.
  2. SubComM
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    First and foremost, thank you for your hardwork on these much needed changes. I have basically no facility with modding so excuse me if what follows is simply user error. What follows are some questions and some early feedback. I downloaded your mod file and extracted it to the game folder. I do not have any crash issues but only some of the mods/aspects of the mods seem to work while others don't.

    1) The skiptutorial mod does not function. No option is presented to skip it that I can see and i had to play through it all. I thought this might be because I installed it wrong but again, I just extracted it all to the game folder and other mods (your switched up guts skills, the variants, weapon adjustments, etc.) are all clearly there so that seems odd. I thought maybe the mod itself was outdated but the file is exactly the same from what is available on Nexus.

    2) I don't see the pilot stability changes mentioned in your changelog. Is that because there isn't a way to make the stat descriptions change and it really is there? Just want to be sure.

    3) I love the new starting mech lineup. I think your compromise is spot on.

    4) The reduced heat on lasers overall has had the (I think unintentional) effect of making medium and light flamer/disabler builds all but useless. Most every npc mech can fire a full alpha strike without accruing heat even in desert biomes and thus there aren't enough support slots until the grasshopper to put on enough flamers for the build to be viable anymore. This is an early impression however, so don't take this as 100% certain, but I suspect as much.

    5) The sheer amount of variants makes getting any new mech (light or otherwise) next to impossible. Sure, it was a bit too easy in vanilla which is why I support changing the salvage system in some way. Thing is, the odds of me even seeing the same variant of a commando is now a 3-5 mission slog and by that time I've spent months with only the same starting mechs. This may be what you intended but it feels like if I do 5 missions I should at least be able to get a single new mech via salvage. I get that if I really want i should only take missions with a 3 up salvage option but because of the limited starting mechs and what kind of things you run into early game, the chances of you being able to take down a medium mech with all 3 pieces are hilariously slim and if you can't do it you are unlikely to see the exact variant of that mech you got two pieces for another handful + missions. I do think what I am describing is more than likely an early game issue only, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

    6) I cannot tell if the drop ton limits are actually working. Is there a tooltip somewhere that I am not seeing? Because of the above problem I have yet to be able to field anything beyond one skull anyway, though I just got the centurian from the Argo mission so that may change now. Just curious if it pops up somewhere or its hidden behind the old wing icons or something.

    7) The real hit chance mod seems to be bugged somehow. Instead of showing real hit chance what happens is I plot a move, look at the predicted % (let's say it's 60%) and then when I actually do the move the hit chance lowers by exactly 5% every time. Very strange.

    If any or all of these concerns are due to my improper installation, newbness, etc. I am willing to do whatever it takes to experience NGNG! I am a long time Battletech weeb and have played this game to death already. Your mod/assemblage of other mods is truly the most substantive step in the right direction.

    Thank you.
    1. SubComM
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      • 0 kudos
      Okay, after some more testing I think I didn't understand just how well you had balanced the mechs. Regarding #5, I now truly have to follow the +1 rule, that is, I only take 3 part salvage missions if I am doing a mission that is a 1/2 or 1 skull more than my drop wing because that all but guarantees that is worth getting intact and makes it real challenge simultaneously. I now have 3 medium mechs if you include the two from early campaign (blackjack, cent) and getting that hunchback intact was tough but fair. Really well done.

      I also think regarding #4 that I was just seeing some funny interactions between heat. Out of curiosity, what is the base heat reduction per turn without heat sinks? Is it -30? Vary by mech?

      Stability is a bit of an issue as I really cannot seem to knock down a mech even with focus fire and an lrm boat. Unsteady sure, but not knockdown. This applies for my crew as well of course, but I wonder if in the later parts of the campaign where your ability to knockdown mechs is crucial for combating the overwhelming numbers if it results in some nigh impossible matchups. Really excited to be testing this mod!
    2. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I try to cover it all.

      First of all, I have often pretty restricted hours to work on this. This leads to the fact that things are not developing that fast. Also if I make a mod, at the same time I am not playing/testing the game.

      I played decent hours when the game came out and a friend 100 hours more than I. I had pretty clear picture after first playthrough that what was not ok, at least to me. Made some changes and mods and friend tested.

      I should make a new version as I made fixes to some mods, which are here in nexus, you can download those and unpack under Mods. The time, indeed, the biggest issue here.

      Now that we did plenty of testing and did invest decent amount of hours in it, I am slightly afraid to start doing new changes. I still do new changes but the speed is not what it was before. As I believe it is better to have less in balance than more in utter crap shape.

      There has been some changes after our HC testing sessions and these changes are not tested with the same quality as the changes before. Also some more new stuff will be probably in which will unfortunatelly and probably make it less balanced experience :(

      Lets go to your list:

      1. Skip tutorial is not in this one. You have separatelly install it. I believe you simply unpack it to Mods folder.

      2. It is possible to make stat description changes but I have not done thosse. No other reasons than time itself. Those changes should tho be in.

      4. It can be that you are right. I agree with you. I have been thinking that maybe not enough heat. It is something that you don't have to manage and work with that much anymore. It is there but could maybe have a bigger role.
      You tho have to shoot more as you miss more, but maybe the ratio is not the best.
      I think the base heat is 10x Heat Sink = 3x10 = 30 for every mech.

      6. Drop Ton should be there. Additional payments come later in the game, starting from +3 skull missions. Still, you have to hit a contract that has high skulls and low drop ton, else you wont be seeing that.

      7. If you move you get -5% to accuracy. It does not show that correctly. Move and shoot is less accurate than shoot and move. Shoot and move is only possible with ace pilot, it is a small buff for it + some realism.
      I was asked to do a mod to decrease accuracy after JJ usage, lets see when I have time.

      Repair Bays is another mod I made which is not yet in this pack. You can find it from here. In the future will be using it. It adds a repair bay to each mech bay, each repair bay can work simultaneously which means that in the end you can repair 3 mech at the same time.
      This has not been tested and it can be that some changes are included to economy, maybe.

      Also, there are some other really nice mods out there made by others.

      Stability bonus from skills on top of extra stability HP has not been tested really. In the end game you can now actually find AI that does not fall that easily. Before this was not possible at all.
      There is way less stability damage early in the game so it is visible here for sure.

      Balance that works from early to end game is very difficult thing to achieve. Example that I have used multiple times. Longer repair times and higher costs mean that you want to take less damage. This means that you don't want to go to short range that often as you often take way more damage that way. Repair economy changes are indirectly buffing long range weapons.

      As another example would be travel times. It affects how much you can repair, how much downtime you have, how much operation etc. costs will hurt you here. How much you can repair, how often you have the same mechs in battle, how many mech bays you need. How many pilots you need. This affects to tactics that you can use in combat, can you be aggressive or do you have to keep some distance. In the end, travel time indirectly affects to weapon balance.

      I am not saying this mod has the best balance or anything like that.. But at least I hope it is a clear improvement to Vanilla ;)

      But as it seems that you understood there something about balacing and if you have time to play.. Let me know what you think. I am always open for new ideas and improvements.
  3. jaajoo
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Updated that one, XP calculations were not done correctly. I hope those are now.
  4. jaajoo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Have to add at some point but in case you are using this...

    Has plenty of synergy with repair times. NGNG needs some balancing and testing.
  5. siu00gas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure why but this is not working for me.

    Fresh clean install on steam - copied over the files, ran the injector. Just get a black screen with the number 59 in the top right corner after the atlas skull.

    Tried repeatedly to validate and try again; no joy.

    Any ideas?
    1. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I heard that ModTek has a bug. I have no idea why it bugs some and does not bug others. It obviously does not bug me and I have no idea why.
      You can try to install new ModTek, maybe that would fix it.
      There were also some issues with JK Variants, so you may want to update that as well. Not all are suffering from it, but in case you are.

      You are not the only one who has issues btw. It should be safe to install and update mods directly on top of NGNG.
    2. siu00gas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I suspect you may be correct.

      I deleted the .modtek folder from my mods directory and let modtek rebuild it on launch - works perfectly now.

  6. jaajoo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Design decisions:

    - Drop Ton Limit:
    It seems like you either love it or hate it.

    1. Limit creates balance between light, medium, heavy and assault mechs.
    2. It makes multiple different lance setups possible for end game, not just 4x100t.
    3. It opens again all Battletech tactics. Like why to have a LRM boat and a scout if you can have 2x100t instead?
    4. You may need more mechs as you have to make your company able to fight with different drop limits, creates purpose for additional mech bays.
    5. We all know Catapult. Why to use it in the end game if you can have 4x100t mechs? How can we talk that if it is good or bad because it is not even close to 100t. The mod simply enables all mechs again.
    6. You may notice that you end up planning your lances and what to take with you, well, actually before in Battletech Game you did not even do it really. So brings back some good old TT lance planning.

    There is now a mod to not make you lose your evade counters. Others are fighting to balance light mechs with combat changes like this. I don't like this really.

    - Piloting skill adds Stability Resistance:
    Got this idea from reddit. In general I think it is a good idea. It is a clear nerf for Stab damage so needs testing for sure. Stab damage seems to be still very strong so maybe this nerf cant really harm.
    Maybe in the future other skills have other modifiers as well.

    Wounds are decreasing Stability Resistance. This kinda supports the idea, fits in the picture.

    - More XP pilot has, less XP earned in the future:
    I did not like relatively fast pilot progress and that you did not have to specialize, all were equally good in everything. Then on official forum FreiBiers commented how easy it is to progress so decided to do this.

    You can still have 10/10/10/10 pilots but it is simply slower to do so.
    You can go early "jack of all trades" or decide to specialize to something. Going from jack to specialist or opposite is then clearly slower.

    One idea of this mod is that you become a Company Commander and not just a Lance Commander like in Vanilla. When pilots are not all the same, it gives you purpose to have more pilots.

    As a minor advantage, I would say that for some reason it simply feels good when pilots get different amounts of XP.
    1. asser
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I really like all the changes you have. I still need to play around some more and get to more of endgame with my current crew to feel out the drop limit more. I almost feel like its a bit to high still, but then granted im only doing maybe 3 star fights right now, which im using 2 tank mechs, 1 lrm boat and one scout.

      Last fight i did ended up turning into a full out brawl with my tanks and enemies since im using the panzor one so armor in the rear is low.

      My first playthrough of the game i had built up a ton of warriors that would be perfect for this, but with how it was vanillia i ended up using 4, maybe 5 warriros the entire time.

      The less xp and wounds causing lower skills is something i have been waiting for in a mod for a while now. I just makes sense, lol. That and adding the basic panic system mod for an overall stress level on attacks.

      I agree with ya all on this all except the evasion mod. I use that but am going back and forth from eather having it so only ace pilots can benifit from not losing pips, or letting sensor lock last more then 1 round when used. Although i havent been able to get it to stack up like a DOT spell like i want it to, something ill mess with more when i have alot more time.

      Anyway, keep up the good work. Loving everything so far.
    2. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      "I agree with ya all on this all except the evasion mod."

      - I have understood that AI is made so that it will shoot you with one weapon in case you have high count of evasion counters. Because of this not sure if this works at all in campaign.
      - I am scared that it will change the balance too much. Would need so much testing to see how it works.
      - I don't think it is funny to miss that much. I am not a fan of dodging light mechs. Lights are scouts and should be weaker than Assault mechs in combat.
      - As accuracy was decreased in this mod, it made me use sensor lock. It is good especially vs fast light mechs. Have to already focus fire to destroy light mechs, until AI bugs and stops running.
      - Harder the fight, more evasion counters matter. At least to me, when I take a contract that has enough skulls to challenge my lance, those evasion counters matter.
      - If evasion counters would be sticky.. Would that make combat more aggressive? More straight forward? You run in and trust in your evasion?
      - Light mech jumping and bracing is very tanky already.
      - etc...

      Yeah, there are lot of reasons why I doubt using it. I though know that there are lot of people who like it and nothing bad in that.
  7. asser
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Question about 4.0. Does it include the newer verison of jk_variants 1.3A ?

    Im really enjoying this with my setup so far.
    1. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Did not update JK from what it was. Not sure which version it was right now. If there are updates to JK that are not in, you can always update JK on top of this.

      Installing updates to modules that I include, should be as easy and done in the same way as you normally would. You should be able to put this mod on the bottom and start stacking another mods you like on top of it.
      I changed a color in BTMLColorLOSMod settings.json and if you want to keep the same yellow after update, would be the case where you have to be slightly more careful in case you want to keep the yellow.
    2. asser
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Ok, wasn't sure about the JK one. I swear ive seen more variants with this then when i was using just jk myself.

      I think there is an error with the new 1.5 modtek, so you might get some posts about the FPS counter coming up with this. The StartingMerc mod seems to be triggering it.

      Ya, i changed the btmlcolorlosmod a bit. Changed to dashes for indirect fire, the small color change you did was good also.

      And thank you for breaking up your DLL and splitting out those changes.
    3. Smiggetti
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      asser, do you know which file(s) are causing the fps counter loading screen? I'm currently stuck on it and I can't identify the 'StartingMerc' mod.

    4. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      There seems to be at least one more guy who has FPS counter issue.

      I don't know what is causing it tho.
    5. asser
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Its actually a modtek error in the new version that is causing it.

      I know i saw a 2nd mod last week that is going to crash but i didnt have time to full track it down.

      The best bet for now is to just drop down to a modtek 1.4.

      That is actually the problem, which was finnaly tracked down 2 hours ago.

      EDIT: Smiggetti you might want to look at your btmodloader.log and see if there is a error something like this.

      Merge => SimGameConstants (SimGameConstants)
      Could not find an existing VersionManifest entry for SimGameConstants. Is this supposed to be a new entry? Don't put new entries in StreamingAssets!

      While i think its pretty safe for that error with the 1.4 version of modtek, the 1.5 flips out about it and causes the FPS error.
      The options to fix it, for now, is to eather disable that mod or drop down to the previous version of modtek.
    6. Wildfire40
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah I'm getting the fps counter error as well. I don't see anything like that in the log file. Re-installing and replacing with the modtek 1.4 isn't doing it either. Guess I will have to wait for the next modtek build.
    7. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Remove the modtek. See if it is actually it.

      No Guts No Galaxy is not depending too much on modtek btw. You lose some features still, like the firing line improvement.

      Official Forum, Justin Kase:

      For anyone having a hang issue - try replacing this one file (do a search and replace) :
      (Should be in //JK_Variants/vehicle)
      The replacement is attached.
      Not sure if it is the culprit - but it did cause an issue in another mod that used it.
    8. Wildfire40
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the suggestion and the excellent work. The vehicle didn't do it but removing modtek has it working. Just as brutal as I thought it would be, mere 2nd real mission and already Glitch out 100+ days and Dekker out 56 from random missile head hits. And Jenner getting repaired for almost 2 months just because a Firestarter got just close enough. Brutal! Love it.
    9. asser
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Ya, i had a hard time with this update myself. I think i reinstalled most of my modtek mods, i know i played around with differnt modtek versions.

      I use a few other mods tho that replace the main files also (ill convert them soon, im just really busy right now) so im merging and stuff and always miss one or two things, lol.

      I didnt even think of removing the modtek dll to see if it would load up with this. It definitely shows that one of your modtek mods has a problem tho.

      I have a few days then im off to try that no compagin/inner world galaxy. I sure am going to have fun getting everything to work together :/
    10. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I understood that ModTek version has a bug.
      You can update it when a new version is available, if it is not already.
      You could try older version of ModTek. I think that I did not have time to modify mods to support the broken one. There are mods included that need it tho. I did not test though.

      About Brutality:
      It can be a shocker after Vanilla roflstomp tactics, but once you get used to it is not bad at all.
      And once you get used to, testing Vanilla again can be shocking ;)
    11. bhdeale
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      In case it helps anyone else: For me removing modtek wasn't the issue (I had added the additional JK variants)
      I found most FPS hangs come from manifest.csv problems

      Removing extraneous use of these lines
      From importing many people's edits together totally fixed my problem

      Also, thank you for an AMAZING Mod! Can't wait to see you break up more pieces so I can tweak them until its just perfect for me :D
      P.S. there's like 20+ more varients in JK's stuff now ;)
  8. asser
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I figured id try this out. I get a CTD while trying to load up.
    Now i use a GOG version of this, so what i did was i copied over my /managed directory over the one you provide, and it loads up. Now i had modtek and was pretty heavily moded before. I think your pre-patched Assembly-CSharp.dll is going to make GOG people ctd while loading up.

    I do see 1.0.3-280r w/modtek . and go guts no galaxy on main menu tho, so i know everything is loaded up now.
    1. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      "I think your pre-patched Assembly-CSharp.dll is going to make GOG people ctd while loading up."

      Hmm.. Indeed.
      It is for easy installation as not all are as good with computers than others. Have to think about it.
  9. CanardNoir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello o/

    "- Stability has increased to 100 + Mech tonnage. Atlas 100+100=200 stab HP. Locust 100+20=120 stab HP"

    I opened a few mech .json in the chassis folder to see how did you increase the stab resistance but "stability" is alway at 100. Is there another place where you can change that or did I miss somethig? (couldn't find anything in CombatGameConstant nor in the mechdef .json)
    1. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I may make it configurable later.

      The changes are done in the dll
  10. ChronosXVII
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey just wanted to say your mod is awesome and is pretty much fixes the issues I had with the vanilla game. Great work! I've been playing on 0.2 of your mod and am just passed the "Grave Robbing' story mission and have really enjoyed your changes. Any idea when you'll update the mod to Battletech 1.03 which just got pushed to live out of Beta?
    1. jaajoo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I am working on it, but don't have too much free time right now. Try to get it out this week.
    2. ChronosXVII
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Just a quick heads up, I made this post mistakenly thinking the mod wasn't compatible with 1.03 by default because I was trying to use a version manifest generator tool from r/battletechmods reddit that doesn't seem to be compatible with your/JK's mod, however your mod actually works fine with 1.03 battletech after I reinstalled everything correctly the normal way.