Baldur's Gate 3

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  1. AstalSion
    • premium
    • 177 kudos
    I've provided links below to give you insight on how to utilize this mod, along with my social pages to show other projects I'm working on if you're interested. 
    ➤ Twitter (X): DungeonsNSouls
     Instagram: DungeonsAndSouls
     Youtube: Dungeons & Souls


    Example Load Order:




    Exploits Of War
    This mod has different options for the amount of EXP it takes to level and how much you gain from killing creatures. I use the Mastering Your Destiny version for testing mods as it levels you extremely fast and the Adventurer's League version for serious playthroughs. 

  2. TheNewProgrammer111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, does this till work on patch 6? bc it doesn't work for me
    1. Lukarapuce
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Doesn't work for me neither, I'm checking everyday to see if the mod is updated but it doesn't seem to be the case for no ! Hope the creator didn't give up on it...
  3. BlightBingo
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    If I'm using Deity Tag for All, and not Deity for All, should I still use the Devout Arcana version or the Unearthed Arcana version? My gut is the Unearthed Arcana version.
    1. kevmust
      • premium
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      Deity Tag Activator (assuming that's the one you mean) uses Script Extender to dynamically add deities to the class descriptions on load. This makes it wildly more compatible with anything else that might change those class descriptions.

      The older mod, Deity for All, overwrote those classdescriptions, which this mod also overrides, which is why it mattered to use devout arcana (since that carries forward deityforall's overrides into its own file)

      With Deity Tag Activator, you don't need Devout Arcana (though using it wouldn't break anything either). Load order between this mod and Deity Tag Activator similarly doesn't matter.
  4. Sarabella623
    • premium
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    Not sure how, but something is making it so that even when I fix an "everything in the mod folder is deleted" issue, it's still removing UA and IUI both on launch.  I'm exporting every time, refreshing to see if I somehow have duplicate mods, and still getting the issue.  Obviously without UA in it's breaking the save and refusing to load in properly.  Is anyone else having the issue?
  5. freemanendelay
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    this is awesome but feels too strong. would be interesting if there was some kind of requirement, maybe a minimum INT requirement. Maybe 12, so accessible but still requires you to build into it or spend an ASI. Or maybe just make it cost more money? I tried opening it up in multitool but couldn't find anything obvious to edit.

    Also, i'm at lvl 12, and my 7 Druid - 2 fighter - 2 sorc - 2 wizard has access to a smaller list (when clicking to learn in spellbook) than Halsin. I know I have one less spell slot - but I can still see those VI scrolls, they're red, I get that - there's lower level ones I can't see that Halsin can. Can't figure out why. this might be something on my end though, or with 5e spells
  6. outlawzgosu
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    How do you learn spells with warlock?
  7. BigCat9000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Doesn't look like this is working :(
  8. dart0808
    • supporter
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    If you do not want the Wyll mask and the accompanying inventory changes, use the LSLIB editor to extract the .pak into a folder, then delete the Armor.txt and Equipment.txt files located in the folders therein. Repack the mod and use as normal.
    If you've installed the version with the Wyll changes before doing this, you must revert to a save from before installing this mod.
    If you have ALREADY installed the mod, you are in Honour mode or started a new game (so there are no saves to fall back on), or you cannot edit the mod yourself, you can use THIS CHEAT TABLE with Cheat Engine to add Wyll's starting equipment back to his inventory as a per-playthrough solution. Recruit Wyll, select him in the party list, and activate the script after registering commands.
    This will save you from having to start over and adds Wyll's clothes, tasteful boots, a Camp Supply Pack, a Scroll of Revivify, an Alchemy Pouch, and a Keychain. I.E, the items you should have when making a new character.

    More in-depth exposition on why this is necessary:
    Upon installing this mod, you are locked into only using the version of the mod you installed on any saves made with the mod on. Potentially all character saves, according to the few complaints I found elsewhere when researching which mod was doing this.
    1. If you attempt to uninstall the mod, it will reload constantly to the main menu.
    2. If you attempt to unpack and repack the mod without the undocumented and unsolicited Wyll changes, the save will crash to desktop.
    The above apply to all saves on which the mod was previously installed.

    Other, undocumented things this change to Wyll's inventory does;
    -Butchers his inventory into an early alpha inventory, giving him one camp supplies satchel and two healing potions.
    -Loses the unique bags associated with playable characters (Camp Supply Satchel, Keyring, and Alchemy Pouch).
    -Wyll loses his camp clothing and will appear naked in camp until dressed
    (and possibly beyond that, considering other people's reports.)

    I originally hypothesized that this was a borked attempt to fix warlocks not learning spells because they don't have normal spell slots, which isan issue further down in the comments. I then found that the mask belongs to another one of AstralSion's mods, and now I'm not sure what to think aside from 'dirty files'; accidental mod bleeding.

    Of course, I'm hoping Sion will see this and update their mod. If they do, I'll edit this so it's no longer necessary. But until then...
  9. bilbo1602
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have made a basic edit for it to include deity for all (kinda a patch but could also be standalone)
    if you want it I will be happy to share so long as that is alright with both parties
    1. protiny
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      would love this, also use both but noticed some problems using both even with using compatibility patcher.
    2. bilbo1602
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I would give it you but I have yet to get a response from the author saying I would be allowed to do so
    3. SneakyBananaz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I would also love this.
  10. Nanaski
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Think this is abandoned, sadly. RIP! You were a great mod.
  11. trippsyc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The whole change with Wyll's mask and picture is bit off-putting. Any chance a version that does not have it or a quick edit on how to remove it?
    1. dezzter
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You can unpack the .pak with an export tool, delete the file that changes Wyll's default equipment and repack it, you just can't get the mask to get spellslots for warlock etc then.
    2. trippsyc
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Perfect since I only wanted it for my sorcerer main. TY
    3. KheinaMelon
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Which file do I need to delete exactly? The "ClassDescriptions" folder? I'm sorry, this is the first time editing a pak mod so I'm a bit worried I'll delete the wrong stuff~
    4. Flameborne
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Once you've unpacked the .pak file, navigate into the destination folder and find everything that mentions "tome thief" or Wyll (use notepad++). Just delete all of those. 

      I'd encourage you to go through the process yourself to get acquainted with modifying files, but for your peace of mind, I specifically removed:
      - Armor.txt
      - Equipment.txt
      (or delete the Stats folder entirely because it'll be empty, anyway)

      Then reload a save where he didn't have a mask, and when you level him up, he won't get one anymore.
    5. Sarabella623
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      When you say an export tool what are you referring to?  Googling isn't giving clear answers as to what can work with full release files specifically (there's only one tool showing up and it only mentions BG3 EA)