Baldur's Gate 3

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  1. Ambaryerno
    • member
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    ***FILE UPDATES***


    Version has been uploaded. No major fixes, just some tweaks to the lower grip textures to add a little more detail to the leather tooling. A manual install consisting of a ZIP with directory structure has also been uploaded.
  2. nathanhale1996
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! It looks wonderful! If it doesnt go against ur ethics or anything may I request for this item's UUID?
    1. Treplos
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      If author is ok with this, here is the uuid:
    2. Ambaryerno
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      I don't object, but personally I'd like for people to find her the old-fashioned way. IMO it's more rewarding than just spawning it with a cheat engine.
    3. livnthedream
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Personally, I always spawn and play around with items before I commit to using them on a playthrough. And You don't need (nor should you use really) Cheat Engine. The script extender can enable the developer console, and you can spawn items via UUID with that. 
    4. SophicKiller
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      What's the command to spawn items with the console? I've been doing the exact steps and reading other peoples trouble-shootings for hours now but it just wont spawn for me in the wall.
    5. livnthedream
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Install the script extender from here and make sure to get the second option under 'assets' to have the console.

      When the game launches it will come with 2 windows. One is the game, the other is the console. 

      Once you have loaded your save, hit enter in the console window to bring up the typing interface and enter:


      That will add Varscona to the inventory of whatever character you are currently controlling. 

    6. SophicKiller
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much!
    7. nathanhale1996
      • member
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      Ah, the reason I asked for the UUID is cause Im past Act 2 at the moment and am not looking to restart a campaign! And also its good to have the UUID so I can destroy and reacquire the weapon when the mod is updated to prevent crashes. Thank you for your understanding!
    8. Supadrumma4411
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Some of us are past act 2 mate, just add it to the tut chest like every other item mod in existence. 
    9. Supadrumma4411
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Should always offer the code for people who just want the item or have passed the gauntlet. I do not understand the mentality of mod makers dictating how players use their mods or refusing to add to the tutorial chest. Just have them as seperate optional downloads. 
  3. KansirtheMighty
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    • 0 kudos
    Can you make a more accurate (to bg2) flail of ages. I really miss my 3 headed flail.
  4. DarkStuff666
    • premium
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    "None cross Greywolf and live!" :D

    Thanks for an awesome sword.
  5. Silversfox
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    I don't know if this is an issue due to my modlist or just bad luck on my part but I can't even access the stash the rats reveal. I accepted the bargain from them but the marker doesn't appear on the map nor can I loot it (the one on the wall) when I go to it. This was a brand new playthrough with the mod being installed before I even made the character if that helps. Only thing I can think of that affects weapon.txt is just the hack your equipment mod but I don't know if that'll play a role in this 
    1. Ambaryerno
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      Best I can suggest is start disabling mods one by one until the marker appears.
    2. Silversfox
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Weirdly enough I found the marker but its in the harper ambush site where you go for the moon lantern of all places. Did some more digging and found that the cloaks of faerun mod edits one of the npcs in the gauntlet area so that might be the cause. I'll give it a proper test on my next playthrough as I've almost finished this current one 
    3. gypsy0032
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm in the exact same situation.  
  6. Azgaroth522
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    after talking to the rat, the cache does not appear, even the perception testin this place did not work :(
    1. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any other mods installed?
  7. syrops
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    nvm, commented on wrong page
  8. DarthSevantus
    • supporter
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    I'd like to say that even though it didn't show up for me the only mods I have installed are feats every two levels and I enhanced dual wielding. It might be because I was already inside the temple. Still not mad by any means the mod looks beautiful, and I hope the next time I play since I already have it installed that it works because that looks beautiful, fantastic work on the sword!

    * On another attempt I loaded before I ever entered, and it worked just fine after accepting the rat deal at the bottom by the statue.
    1. Ambaryerno
      • member
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      Whereabouts were you in the save that didn’t work? That might help clarify when that container actually spawns.
    2. DarthSevantus
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Just after talking to balthazar. The other save was just after talking to Raph before entering.
    3. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I've added a note to the details page. My tester had it load while in the gauntlet, but they didn't provide me more specifics at what point the save was from.
    4. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So I got more info from my tester. It looks like he saved the game on the platform above the area with the ritual circle before going down, then installed the mod. He also talked to all the other rats and Balthazar before the save.
    5. j0graves
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      I installed your mod after talking to Balthazar, after the soft step trial, just before talking to Yurgir.  The other two trials and all rats were still untouched. 
      I took the rat's bargain. Finished the conversation - but then murdered all the rats and the guest after them. The Sharran Provisions marker was on my map. The loose tile on the wall did give me 3 alchemy things + gold. The floor one was just gold.
    6. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My tester did not complete any of the trials, not sure why that would make a difference, though.

      Also, did you go anywhere near the Mirror of Loss before installing the mod? If you did that could possibly have trigged the container to spawn.
    7. j0graves
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No, I did not approach that area.
      The only thing I can think of, is that I did kill the rats. But the chest did contain the alchemy objects. Which it shouldn't have, if the rat-dialog choices had been incorrect. But the L-named person was killed by me before heading to the chest. If you think that might matter.

      Mind you, I'm not complaining. I think what you're trying to do with this location is grand. Keep up the good work :)
    8. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Not sure, then. Only other thing I could suggest would be to load a save from before you enter the Mausoleum.
  9. eothainanos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi is it possible to share the "folder" and the "name" values for this mod? I see the UUID but I am on a Mac so am manually installing these and need those values :-(

    excited to try this out, love cold damage characters!
    1. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can upload a ZIP file version for manual install if that would help. I'm not sure how the file paths compare between the PC and MAC versions.
    2. eothainanos
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I would greatly appreciate the zip file version, thank you again--this seems like my dream weapon for a "frost paladin" character i've been dreaming up.
    3. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Manual install has been posted.
  10. xaphelion
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    So, I assume its an issue with this mod but honestly I have quite a few mods so its possible its something else. But basically when I talk to the rats and accept their offer, he just runs off and I do not get the marker for the sharran provisions or anything. Which, apparently means I cant get your sword either. Tried it a few times, and it was the same each time. I also can't even try to brute force it (even though apparently that would also prevent me from getting the sword) because the perception check there wont even trigger now. So. Yeah.

    For clarification: I installed this mod before even entering act 2. Other perception checks are working just fine. I have mods affecting my level curve and feats which I saw you mentioned might be an issue, though I am getting drops of other modded items, though. 

    Edit: Weirdly enough the marker for the sharran provision quest shows when I am in the shadowlands outside the gauntlet of shar, but disappears whenever I re-enter the gauntlet.
    1. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      What happens if you remove the mod? Or try moving it in your load order?
    2. xaphelion
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So, quite possibly its not this mod since nothing really changed both when moving it in the load order and fully uninstalling it. Now I just have to figure out what mod would be messing with that particular container because everything else seems to be working just fine. 
    3. Ambaryerno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'd see if you have anything that affects the Shadow Cursed Lands to start with. Other than that, it's probably going to be turning them off one-by-one until you find it, assuming that the game itself hasn't glitched.

      I know there's a bug in the game where sometimes the map marker doesn't clear after you access the container, so it could be related to that.
  11. silver15502
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    ooops i just left act II earlier today :(