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oilnarak01 inspired by KrstInct

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Devil Wings

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  • Mandarin
Devil Wings inspired by KrstInct Devil Wings Definitive Edition (DE)

Changed slot from back to underwear so you can use it with cloak

(tried to change slot to instruments but no luck)

Have 10 edition
Dark Urge
Karlach New!!! Added Burning Big Wings for Karlach (Normal Big Wings kinda buggy for Karlach  Except this one)
Original (use base game wings so sometimes buggy)
Purple Wings / Glow wings (use base game wings so sometimes buggy)

There're 2 versions

1. Just cosmetic Wings with +1 AC
2. Wings with fly spell unlocked and make you float so no more TRAP!!

1.4 Added Big Wings for Stong body , Half-Orc , Dragonborn
      And now have 2 choices underwear slot or cloak slot

There're color problem with big wings now

1.5 Should Fix Big Wings colour & Fix Big Wings for female that start of at neck

(on some animation big wings for female still go up on neck but mostly will stay at shoulder)

1.7 Should Fix Small Wings problem caused by 1.6

Note : i'm aware that Big wings won't play animation correctly , look like big wing's skeleton not support most animation :(

ps. also added Power Overwhelming - Glowing Eyes spell to wings so if you have that mod install you can use that as well

Added item to tutorial chest and many merchant over the world

For Angel Wings can found here Heroes never die - Angel (Wings) is here 

All credit go to KrstInct for create original mod

how to install :
install with baldur's gate 3 Mod Manager

i think my mod need Full Release Mod Fixer too