I tried to make a full screen 16x9, maybe this will help someone with a 1920x1080 monitor:
I used from "American McGee's Alice 2021 HD Bundle" :
config.cfgseta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_customheight "900"
seta cg_cameradist "180.000000" -
Reshade tells me "There were errors loading some effects"
Been trying to get this to work with Vorpal Fix. Here are my findings so far:
- z(Mod)OverKill.pk3: Appears to work without issue, but I'd need to play the game a bit more to really know.
- zzpak5_modHD.pk3: Appears to work without issue as long as you remember to delete pak1_large.pk3
- zzpak6_mod - 4x.pk3: Game will not load at all if you have this and pak6_VorpalFix.pk3 in the game directory at the same time.
- zzpak8_mod.pk3: Didn't bother to check as I don't need cheats
- zzpak10_modHud.pk3: Appears to work without issue. Also works with the setting in Vorpal Fix's ini to move the HUD to the console position. Looks good.
- zzpak11_Modfont.pk3: Appears to work without issue.
- zzpak6_original.pk3: Appears to work without issue.
So I would use zzpak5, zzpak10, and zzpak11 from the big bundle and then add in zzpak6_original from the separate file available. I didn't use the cfg files included or the reshade.-
I tried zzpak10_modHud.pk3 with or without VorpalFix's fixed console HUD positioning and the still HUD breaks.
It's a mod that fixes several technical issues, restores missing features from the console versions ( (e.g., Cheshire Cat summon), and adds minor quality-of-life improvements. The github explains everything the mods does, I would consider it an essential mod just for the fixes and restored content from the console version.
- z(Mod)OverKill.pk3: Appears to work without issue, but I'd need to play the game a bit more to really know.
I'm trying to get this to run on the Steam Deck OLED. It will only run at 1280x720p in Desktop mode. If I try to set it to native (1280x800) the menu gets screwed up and nothing works. Having it run at 720p in desktop mode if better than nothing (and it looks wonderful) but you don't get the features of game mode. In game mode it seems to try to run it at 1280x800 no matter what I've set as the resolution in the properties tab or in the config files. I've tried several rmodes, I've tried all the menu mods. Finally I tried the base game with no mods and discovered the issue occurs with the base game (even on a fresh unmodified install). I can only conclude that the menu would have to be modified specifically for the steam decks 1280x800 resolution. Perhaps the creator of the mod could look into this? I am available for testing if required so please feel free to message me at: johnie89 [AT] gmail [.] com or johnie89 on twitter & discord.
The value is 13 for the Steam Deck.
Also Alt+Enter is needed to be mapped to a back button in the Steam Controller Configuration, and pressed once after each loading, in order for the image to be displayed correctly.
Would you kindly update the description for other Steam Deck users? -
I referred to what you wrote above, "r_mode 24" - but for Steam Deck it is "r_mode 13".
About mapping Alt+Enter: it is enough to write this, Steam Deck users should understand or can figure it out:
"In order for the image to be displayed correctly, Alt+Enter is needed to be mapped to a back button (or any unused button) in the Steam Controller Configuration of the game, and pressed once after each loading." -
Thank you:)
So, trying to get the simple intro to work with the Steam version, and I can't get it to work. I get the standard intro with the level select, but I want to see the fancy one that you made...
game crashes evetime i try to use the simple menu, followed step by step and still doesn't work idk what to do :(
Installed the original "main menus" mod and I see no change? am I missing something?
Why do you ask, are you blind ?
:p -
I just quote to tell you the truth, since i always knew about Alice 1 (i'm bord aside a brother that buyed an Amstrad at his 9'....), everybody saying it's a pure game........... me, i never really liked it even a bit. I will play it a bit on my Steam-Deck with this HDTP anyway to retry it :p
BUT, i just played Alice 2 and HERE i can say i'm in true love, this has the same effect on me as MGS1 when i played it in 98.
Your have been artists of high level on this one, and i want Alice 3 RTX/HDR. I hate EA as of now !
Have a nice day, and thanks.
Sorry to bug you again, but there are some interesting new developments regarding the 2011 remaster. A user has created a plugin for the 2011, the VorpalFix, which does provide the option to fix the HUD and/or GUI scaling among other visual and quality-of-life enhancements. I was wondering if there are plans to include a 4:3 version of the HD HUD and/or GUI elements to take advantage of this new plugin if the user desires the unstretched option?
EDIT: Forgot to mention is it possible to update/tweak the ReShade pack as well? ReShade has seen a large number of updates and I think the settings for the presets could be refined to improve the look of the game while maintaining the look and feel of the original game. -
Hello, i absolutely love ur mod. I only got 1 problem with the shadow settings. My shadows look kinda weird, a bit like they are cut into parts. When i change the setting to 1 i get the circle shadows, which work fine but id rly like to get the regular shadows to work properly.
edit: Looked at ur screenshots again, it seems thats just how the shadows look in general