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  1. Nolanoth
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    It's a great mod but it raises one question - how to change the properties of weapon modifications?

    I have a few examples I can think of like:

    Making the Repeater add a flat +1 point of damage (on hit, not on miss) to the weapon and increase the critical chance by 1/3/5% depending on the upgrade level. No more instant kills.

    Modifying the Scope upgrade to add 5/10/15 accuracy while providing 1/2/3 damage on missed shots.

    Having the Stock to increase the accuracy of a soldzier by an additional 1/3/5% without providing any damage on missed shots.

    Altering the properties of the Laser Sight so that it would increase accuracy by 5/10/15 and increase critical chance by 1/3/5%.

    etc. etc.

    Otherwise the weapons with 3 upgrade slots might become a bit too powerful and the 15% repeater itself with an extended magazine and scope was so potent on a plasma rifle I took down two sectopods with it... a happy... yet awkward way of executing the strongest enemy in the game two times in a row. Still, I do really like this mod.
    1. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Oh I completely agree, and it is something I'm working on for myself as this mod was just something I wanted to do for balancing but as editing upgrade slots was such a common request, I decided to post it as a stand alone after I finished testing it.

      In regards to editing the properties of weapon upgrades it is fairly straight forward if you only want to swap properties around and change values. You need to modify/class override "X2Item_DefaultUpgrades.uc" and remake the weapon mod templates that you want to change.

      For a Repeater you should use the code that is presently used for the stock and use the 'Hit' tag instead of 'Miss' to add extra damage. (that 'hit' / 'miss' tag is defined in the config file)

      For the scope you can copy whole cloth the code for the stock, add it on as is and it will work.

      For the laser sight, similar deal as the scope. Copy the aim increasing property from the scope to the laser sight.

      For my mod, I'm currently working on adding new features like changing the repeater to a suppressor that provides a limited number of shots that doesn't break concealment if made beyond a minimum range (that will only be for ballistic weapons) while providing a small damage boost to magnetic weapons and some extra damage even on miss change for beam weapons.
      While also changing the name of the mod for each weapon tier to something more thematically appropriate but as I only really have about 30 minutes free to mod every 2 or 3 days it is slow going.
      (If anyone that has more time on their hands want to take a shot at it please be my guest)

      Hope that helps. This was typed up quickly so I didn't put any code examples but you should be able to make sense of it if you have had any programming or script modding experience.
    2. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Well I know that the:


      section is located in the:


      file, but were are the weapon modification codes located? There has to be an ini file containing the data which assigns something like AIM_UPGRADE_BSC=5 to a specific weapon upgrade.
    3. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      As I mentioned in my previous post, the code that refers to the .ini file is found in "X2Item_DefaultUpgrades.uc"
      You can find it at:
      <SteamApps\common\XCOM 2\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes>
    4. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Shouldn't the file be located in [Drive]\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes? Apparently it unpacks the contents of XComGame?

      But holy crap! It's a 42 GB download! There's no way it will fit on my 80GB SSD.
    5. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      The actual files will be there but when you have installed the SDK it will create a symbolic link inside the XCom 2 directory which I prefer using. (I have my SDK installed on my storage HDD)

      To be fair for an almost complete development kit with raw game assets 42Gb is quite small and in my mind a small price to pay. Also I assume since your SSD is so small that you have a larger storage HDD, you can just install it on that and it doesn't cause any problems.
    6. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Well, I guess that explains why Steam didn't include those files. I'd need to to have that SDK installed.

      Problem is that I'll be upgrading my PC in about two to three months... so... no tools just yet. I don't have any external hard drive either. My main rig had a couple of drives but about two years back it got fried due to a faulty lightning conductor. This is a makeshift AMD rig but it can still run the game at medium settings at about 40-45 FPS.

      My main goal was to mod the game to enable long distance firefights. The combat in XCOM 2 takes place in such close proximity it's pretty absurd at times. So I wanted to polish out the weapon upgrades and get to the root of my problem - vision and weapon range. Currently it seems to be set to 25-27 hexes with the exception of the Sharpshooter who gets extra range with Squad Sight. My idea was to:

      1) Increase the rifle range and view distance to about 45 hexes, then adjust the range on all other weapons.

      2) Balance out HP and all weapon damage, including weapon upgrades and alien stats. It always seemed strange to me Advent would use some defective mag weaponry which never hits as hard as the stuff XCOM has.

      3) Change personal combat stims to implants since you already get combat drugs in the form of consumables (Overdrive Serum) and implants could add a verity of effects. Technically I always took the accuracy ones and didn't even look at the other stuff. It simply seemed to be the most effective type of combat drug, so having implants capable of influencing several statistics seems like a much better option. Like accuracy/will (10/10) or accuracy/agility/mobility (10/5/5).

      4) Make all weapon upgrades manufacturable on the Avenger. How is it possible XCOM can create highly advanced plasma weaponry... but they can't reverse engineer a simple scope at the engineering department!? That's just too ridiculous...

      5) I also want to modify all the perks and classes. Successful hacking should permanently boost the hacking stat of the Specialist by +5. An experienced soldier with a gremlin should be able to hack any unit with a very high success rate, because let's face it... hacking usually does more harm than good. There needs to be some kind of initiative to keep trying and leveling this skill. I only had one specialist get a +20 hacking boost on a console and the success rate was lower than 35%. The only other alternative is a gremlin upgrade but it's very costly and doesn't seem to help all that much. As for the perks... some of them are just useless like "Deep Cover" or "Aim". It would be better to simply remake some of these class tree's and adjust everything. Is there some way to add the Suppression ability to most weapons? And like make a very specific sniper suppression ability which would use up all most of the ammo like 4 out of 5? I want to add this to both XCOM and Advent weapons but also make them use up different amounts of ammunition depending on the weapon type.

      6) And finally I have to figure out a way to deal with specific ammunition types. Generally special ammo should have it's own inventory space. Maybe something between Weapon Upgrade and Soldier Abilities like Weapon Ammo with it's own specific ammunition slot. That way it would no longer take up the precious inventory space and allow for more customization. With Advent and Alien weapons being on par with XCOM's you'd need the extra protection. Problem is plasma weaponry would never be able to use any standard ammunition, so every plasma gun would need either it's very own ammunition like high density plasma cells or alternatively it would have to posses the ability to shred 1 point of armor while inflicting more damage. That way the magnetic weapons would still have some uses and remain competitive as long as you can provide your troops with special ammunition. It could even have some kind of progression, starting with Tier 1: Talon (+1 Damage, +10% Crit), Tracer (+1 Damage, +10 Hit), Venom (+1 Damage, 100% chance for poison damage - 1 point per 2 rounds) and ending with Tier II: High Velocity AP (+2 damage, +5 AP) and Dragon (+1 Damage, 100% chance to inflict fire damage - 1 point per 2 rounds, +2 AP). This should be enough to keep the rail and plasma guns balanced.

      It's a lot of work and there is no doubt the mod will need some tweaking once it's finished but to do it I'd have to have those files right? I'm no programmer so I usually end up learning all of this stuff on my own. Do you think you could help me somehow and maybe send me the files I'd need and give a few tips on how to do this stuff? Or are the ".uc" files I need too large to upload?
    7. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      I'd hate to bump this but could you share the files and some light and knowledge?
    8. sebool112
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry for plugging in like that, but I've seen only Nolanoth asking this question.
      If I wanted to add aim bonus for stock, what is the line supposed to look like? Like this?

      MISS_DAMAGE_BSC=(Damage=1, Tag="Miss") +AIM_UPGRADE=15

      or maybe this?

      MISS_DAMAGE_BSC=(Damage=1, Tag="Miss"), AIM_UPGRADE_BSC=15

      I tried to do it in a few ways, but I just don't know...
      Is it even possible through .ini edits, anyway?
      I'm really a noob at this. Sorry if I made trouble.

      Thanks in advance!
    9. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      You need the .uc files for that. Do you have the SDK tools installed?
    10. sebool112
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Aaah, I was stupid and thought .ini edits could do that. x)
      To your question: I don't have the SDK, but things like that are too complicated to me(so I don't really bother).
      Thanks and good luck.
    11. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      You can still do the modifications man. The files will still open in a text editor like the ini files.
    12. sebool112
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Huh... I may give it a shot. Thanks, again!
    13. Nolanoth
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      I'm also pretty sure meatbites might have some tips for you. The tools shouldn't be too complicated to use and techically modding the stock should go more of less like this:

      In the DefaultGameCore.ini file you have the following lines:

      AIM_UPGRADE_BSC=5; hit chance modifier

      These are the three scope models. BSC (Basic) gives you +5 accuracy, ADV (Advanced) +10 and SUP (Superior) +15. You'd need to add another set for these values so it would look like this:

      AIM_UPGRADE_BSC=5; hit chance modifier

      AIM_UPGRADE_BSC_STOCK=1; hit chance modifier

      that way you'll separate the aim bonuses for scope and stock (I think). Next you'd need to modify the X2Item_DefaultUpgrades.uc file and assign these three aim values:


      to the specific stock upgrades - basic, advanced and superior. Meatbites might give you some of the details. Another cool example is modding damage on mods which looks like this:

      HIT_DAMAGE_BSC=(Damage=1, Tag="Miss"); amount of damage caused on shots
      HIT_DAMAGE_ADV=(Damage=2, Tag="Miss")
      HIT_DAMAGE_SUP=(Damage=3, Tag="Miss")

      So it's worth checking out. I've also sent you a message so let me know if you figure something out.
    14. Kriscube01
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Please be careful how you use the word holy.
  2. Akadai
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    With some quick testing, appears to still work with WotC, however this wont effect any of the new weapons.

    Added RequiresXPACK=true to the .mod file on my own

    Would love to see an update
    1. DocCap
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, how do you manage to access the file to make it able to work with the new weapons? Is it with the tools from steam?
    2. Akadai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Go to where the mod is installed. Open the file "Extra_WeaponSlot.XComMod" with a text editor, and add the line mentioned above. Mines below the description. That's all I really did

      After playing more WotC though, I have noticed it's a bit easier to get more mod slots for weapons. That or I got lucky with some research and covert ops. I've had 2 popup so far for rifles. One I ignored because it would have given my rifles 5 slots with this mod, and I wasn't sure if that was going to bug things out
    3. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      In WotC they have added a scroll feature to the upgrade slot UI so nothing is going to bug out.

      The last upgrade slot in the list (after 4) is still behind the Weapon Name .etc icons but you can still click on it and add an upgrade so it is 'usable'

      I've also just uploaded the update for WotC so enjoy, it gives you control over the Reaper and Skirmisher primary weapon upgrade slots.
    4. kradusbarbus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      The last update was on feb as it shows , maybe it didnt go through? its still the old one and it doesn't work , at least its not working for me , it doesn;t show in the mod list
    5. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Give it a few minutes, it will show up.

      Also please read the description for where to put the extracted folder, if it still doesn't show up in the Mod List please let me know.
    6. kradusbarbus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      nvm i can see it now , sorry
      p.s , i can';t eddit my post because of the http error sorry lol
    7. Akadai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks so much for updating
    8. Spartantano
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How to make additional slots for Spark Unit weapons ?
  3. Spartantano
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    or for spark unit weapons?
  4. Spartantano
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chances that u add ability to tweak guns of the Chosen to this mod in near future?
  5. krymzonbladez
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does this mod conflict with mod everything?
  6. rpg4e
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, nice idea Unfortunately it doesn't work with latest version and all dlc's installed
    I only got red-screen while load missions and an altered main-menu. Mod itself won't work too. It's the only one i tried to use.
    1. Beerbeer007
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Friendly advice, make a shortcut, then clic on Properties, then on the line named Target or destination, add these lines after the comas:
      -review -noredscreens -allowconsole

      that's how i not only had no more redscreens anywhere, and it allowed me to add console commands (cheats and tweaks) whenever i wanted to.
  7. Gernikval
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    need a version with 4 or 6 slots. I was able to do this himself, after fix the file. by the way, you can tie max 6 of the kits on the gun.
    1. Marcsward
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
    2. Hawk2387
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I would also like to know how !
  8. AngeHI18
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi there. It seems like this mod dont want to work, at least for me. My game has the 2nd update and the armor custom dlc. Is there a way to make it work again, or maybe i did something wrong.
  9. Mordikay
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    It's not working for me, even with a freshly validated game and no other mods.
    Still stuck with one measly slot on the conventional weapons, two on the others.
    Starting a new campaign does not help.
    1. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      That is a bit odd, could you please tell me what difficulty you started your campaign on and any option you selected (i.e. disable tutorial) so I can try and recreate your problem?

      Also just to cover all my bases is the mod activated in the launcher (icon filled in) and if yes could you please try disabling it and load a save that you made with the mod activated. It should give you an error message that says that the mod "Extra_WeaponSlot" is missing.
    2. AlexanderSinclair
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Same problem here.
      Legend/No Ironman
      Starting new game did not help.
      On a main save i already unlocked europe cont. bonus which gives 1 extra slot, maybe its somehow interfering with the mod?
    3. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Hello AlexanderSinclair,

      I've just started two legend games one with the mod applied at the start and one applied after I researched Modular Weapons and unlocked the Armed to the Teeth continent bonus via dev console and the mod worked fine on both situations.

      Could you please send me your save file and I will try and see if I can find out what is wrong using the debug mode.
      Otherwise there isn't much I can do if I can't reproduce the problem.
    4. flankers
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      what are those commands for continet bonuses please? Mod swapping is kinda logical to have...
    5. AlexanderSinclair
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Managed to get it working by adding your IUPGRADESLOTS lines to the DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini file.
      Now everything works like a charm.
    6. AlexanderSinclair
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Can you please share the ID for that extra slot continent bonus, please?
    7. meatbites
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      The ID for the "armed to the teeth" continent bonus is:ContinentBonus_ArmedToTheTeeth
      It will give you the additional weapon upgrade slot.
    8. purplepoo6
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Tried the mod, made the Mods folder, dropped the mod files in, not working for me. Haven't have the continent bonus yet. Played on Normal, no Ironman. And just realized since continent bonus is randomized now, I actually don't have that bonus for any continent in this play thru.

      What's this about putting in IUPGRADESLOTS command line to the DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini file? Where exactly do I need to put what command line in? Can someone explain?

  10. Statesman
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Good work!

    You know something else that would be awesome? if third or fourth slot could be added to all weapons that manages the ammo type! Think about it, generic rounds take up no space, but if you want dragon rounds you have to take up a precious utility slot? That doesn't even make any sense. I would love to see a slot on the gun mods screen where you get to load one of your available ammo types, ie. regular, dragon, armor piercing, etc.
    1. Baaartt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I totally agree with you and that bothered me already in Enemy Unknown. losing a utility slot to change ammo type makes no sense.. and using weapon upgrades looks like a nice place to include a slot for it.

      By the way, as I kinda hate having useless items that (almost) no one ever use, I also was thinking of a way to provide to all soldiers the ability to wear a vest freely. Same for ammo.. it should not need to sacrifice a utility slot for it, I think it makes sense if you see it as a under armor layer (which it is !).
      Coupled with some new vests to add diversity during the experiment vest process, it should result in more specialized soldiers which I think is always good.

      Obviously it was done that way to keep balance as it would be a huge boost to our troopers, but it should be possible to find a good balance with some mods that improve aliens AI and aliens numbers =)

      I really hope a modder will implement that ! Maybe I'll try if I get some time to!
    2. bozzo23
      • member
      • 3 kudos
