• Update on site work and NMM 0.50 around the corner

    I thought I’d offer a quick update on recent happenings at the Nexus as we battle to resolve the stability of the servers once and for all. Plus I bring news of a new NMM version with a cool “new” feature in it. First of all, the servers.

    Right, last time I spoke to you we’d managed to get the database cluster online with 3 nodes (3 servers). Things were going fine and dandy, however, every once in awhile one of the nodes was getting out of sync. That’s fine, these things ...

  • Greatest game series of the decade?

    The GameSpot "Greatest Game Series of the Decade" poll is nearing its end now, and the finalists are The Elder Scrolls versus Grand Theft Auto.

    So, if you want to take part in deciding which game series is the greatest (of these two), head over to GameSpot to vote.

    Both of these series have been moddable for quite some time, and have both seen some great mods being produced. Whether or not that is an important factor as to why they appear at the top of the bracket is un...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 75 : CONAN Hyborian Age

    Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

    Download Link:
    CONAN Hyborian Age...

  • Premium Membership prices increasing from October

    Don’t you hate it when you pay for something and then the next day it goes on sale? Don’t you equally hate it when you’re thinking about buying something but continue to put it off and then the price goes up? That’s why I’m here to give you a friendly heads-up that from October we’re going to be raising our Premium Membership prices in-line with, drum-roll please, inflation. Fact is money isn’t worth as much as it used to be (does that make sense?) and money is exactly what we need...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 73 : SkyFalls, Splash of Rain and Touring Carriages

    Waterfalls, rain drops and carriages are the subject of this weeks video, and every mod covered is a 'Nexus Hotfile' past or present.

    Download Link:
    SkyFalls - Animated Distant Waterfalls
    Splash of Rain
    Touring Carriages...

  • How to install Skyrim Mods : A Beginner\'s Guide

    New to this whole 'modding' thing? This Beginner's Guide may be for you. Over the course of several videos I will attempt to give you the knowledge and experience to mod your game easily and safely, starting from the very basics.

    *WARNING* This series really is aimed at people who are new to modding. No prior modding experience is needed, only a willingness to learn.

    There are already four episodes but several more are on the way.

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 72 : Falskaar

    I finally finished the main quest in the epic Falskaar mod and though I would share my experiences and opinions with you guys. There are no real spoilers in the video beyond the odd shot of places and people you might see.

    Download Link:

  • Shadowrun Returns and Chivalry Medieval Warfare now supported on the Nexus

    With the worst of the fallout from the recent site changes now behind us and things improving in the long run we’re back to working on improving the site functionality and expanding the network. While I’m trying to hold back on releasing new Nexus sites until our centralisation is done when I’ll never have to worry about launching a Nexus site in the same conventional way again, I’ve delayed the launch of these sites for quite some time so I can no longer wait.

    Towards the b...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 71 : CTD and Memory patch ENBoost

    The latest version of the ENB mod comes with new memory management code that may help with performance and stability, but what about people who dont use the ENB mod? Well a new mod called ENBoost allows you to use the new features of this mod without the graphical changes, and in this video I take alook at it and see what benefits I can get from it.

    Download Link
    CTD and Memory patch ENBoost...

  • OpenMW v0.25.0

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.25.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. With the implementation of SoundGen records and the Wander AI Package, this release introduces stomping NPCs. Note that AI Wander must still be called from the console. SoundGen implementation also means that Creatures make noises. Prepare for squealing scrib nostalgia. SDL2 has also been implemented, which stomps out a lot of mouse focus and other UI bugs. Check ove...

  • Cluster move complete, a few bugs to fix

    We successfully completed the move of our databases over to a new centralised cluster yesterday with the final site, Fallout 3 Nexus, moved in the afternoon. Moving the databases off the same servers that actually serve the site’s pages has freed up resources on the servers that can go towards handling more concurrent connections and as such I’m hoping you’re finding the browsing experience on the sites this weekend, especially on Skyrim Nexus, are much more satisfactory.


  • This mod Falskaar is kind of big


    Alexander Velicky has released Falskaar, a content heavy new land and quest mod set on an island of the same name. It's available right here exclusively on Skyrim Nexus.

    The mod was designed to be as complete as a Bethesda Game Studios developed game add-on, and it's pretty damn impressive considering that Alex primarily designed and created the mod himself (albeit with a lot of help for the sound, testing, and working through bugs). Alex explained t...

  • Rolling down-time this coming week on all sites

    There is going to be some down-time on all Nexus sites and the forums this week as we work to move our databases over to our new cluster setup. Each site needs to be taken offline while a “dump” of the database can be created, transferred to the cluster and then imported in to the cluster database setup. The sites obviously have to go offline during this process so no new content is lost between the time when we make the dump and the time until the import process is fully completed.

  • Planned “down-time” today, 4pm GMT

    If you’ve followed the news on the network over the past 6 months you’ll know we’ve been working extensively on our server architecture backend to resolve all the stability issues. Down-time, 502 errors, 503 errors, slow-downs, posts going missing when you click submit, they’re all a part of a range of issues that we’ve been working to fix through a lot of hard work and expense. We know we can’t expand and start supporting more games until we sort out this very frustrating issue.

  • DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable

    We've been no strangers to bog-standard DoS attacks and thousands-strong botnet DDoS attacks over the past 12 years. Any given week we'll be DoS'd, just most of the time you won't notice it because systems are in place to prevent such attacks. Every once in a while, though, someone with a rather large botnet or someone using more sophisticated techniques comes along that either requires us to adapt or just to weather it out. All I know is, it's been 12 years, we've surviv...

  • Fallout Fan Film: Nuka Break - Red Star


    A new Fallout Nuka Break fan film called Nuka Break - Red Star has been released and is an absolute must watch for any fans of Fallout 3 or New Vegas. For those who have not seen the original Nuka Break go and watch it here....

  • Fallout Fan Film: Nuka Break - Red Star


    A new Fallout Nuka Break fan film called Nuka Break - Red Star has been released and is an absolute must watch for any fans of Fallout 3 or New Vegas. For those who have not seen the original Nuka Break go and watch it here....

  • Skyrim ENB Mods 4 - RealVision ENB (Performance)

    In this video I was looking for a more performance friendly ENB mod and after trying quite a few I finally settled on RealVision ENB (performance version).

    Installation video that covers this mod can be found here.

    For an overview of the aims of this series see this video.

    Download link for mod:
    RealVision ENB...

  • Skyrim 3.1gb Crash Limit & Skyrim Performance Monitor

    A member of the S.T.E.P team contacted me to tell me about a problem Skyrim has with crashing if you surpass 3.1 gb of RAM used by the game. You can find the forum threads discussing the problem here:
    CTD at 3.1GB

    Download links
    Skyrim Performance Monitor

    Thumbnail is 'Undead' courtesy of andreamkall....

  • Skyrim ENB Mods 3 - Opethfeldt6 ENB

    In this video I look at a more 'natural' looking ENB know as Opethfeldt6 ENB.

    Installation video that covers this mod can be found here.

    For an overview of the aims of this series see this video.

    Download link for mod:
    Opethfeldt6 ENB...