Stardew Valley
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  1. saltyem
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I'm looking for a way to stop weeds and debris to stop spawning every season. I was just wondering if this mod works on the debris in Cindersnap Forest too? :)
  2. dawnyp
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is no longer compatible
    1. Singey41
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Would you know of a mod that is similar to this that works?
    2. hellothisisangle
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Any other mods that remove terrain stones/stumps/bushes individually so I can place paths/furniture down instead?
    3. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Hi all, 

      I'm currently working on updating this for the latest version. This involves a whole lot of code changes and deprecated resources so It'll take a little bit. Possibly by the end of the week depending on the situation. I've been trying to update all of my mods and sort of overwhelming myself, deleting everything I tried to make work and starting from scratch. Then yesterday my cat had some pretty serious sudden health issues so please, bare with me. 


      I've had absolutely no time this week, I apologize. I learned early on in the week that my cat I've had 15 years has diabetes so I've been juggling how to tend to her, wrapping my head around how to best provide for her along with get my personal things taken care of. I will make this mod top priority though as soon as I can get to working with it.


      Ended up having to have her put down, unfortunately. I just came back to the community and planned many things. Sadly, I'll have to delay once more until further notice. 

      [EDIT] 06/10/21

      New update has been released. Enjoy.
    4. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      In case you missed it, this mod has just been updated this morning. I hope you like it!
    5. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Never sure who my comments are going to here when more than one person comments on another person's comment but this mod has been updated. Enjoy!
    6. IllogicalMoodSwing
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      I'm so sorry about your baby. <3
    7. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Thank you, I appreciate it. When I first made these mods I was completely poor using a really outdated laptop with a failing hard drive and uploading from an extremely limited data plan on about a $10 a month budget. She was there with me the whole time. Which is what gave me the extra push to even consider continuing on in updating this. I'm not sure if this momentum will pan out over the mods I've yet to update but it will be certainly be on my mind when the stress overcomes me to the point of considering walking away again. 

      I'm just trying to give myself some space in between releases rather than jump back into everything all at once. A lot has changed with maps and coding, fixes, etc.. I basically have to rebuild everything from scratch and study every pixel layer by layer to figure out what works and what doesn't. Hopefully the future won't call for as many drastic changes. It's much easier to work with a clean slate in many aspects rather than dissect everything to figure out what is no longer needed.
    8. dawnyp
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So sorry for your loss, as a diabetic myself who has 3 furbaby cats, I understand the problems everything ensues. I would offer you one of my kittens when they are old enough, however i live in the UK so getting one to you would be a bit difficult. Thank you for the update and my thoughts are with you.
    9. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      I'm not real sure diabetes was her problem to begin with. I told the vet about a lump in her side, he said he didn't feel it. He got blood work done, said it was "probably" diabetes. He said how dangerous it would be to give her Insulin without actually having it and said I could leave her overnight for testing. I had just seen her go through a stroke or seizure so I didn't want to let her go and I didn't really trust his opinion. I figured I could take her home, get a urine sample and get some results later on in the week since she seemed fine again at this particular time.

      I put her on an immediate low carb diet and joined a forum for feline diabetes which they asked me to share my results. One of the users was suspect after looking them over and said it seemed to her more like chronic kidney disease. As I was looking over this thread she got lethargic and I thought I was going to lose her again. I put honey on her tongue and cradled her until she snapped out of it. She rested through the night and seemed 100% again the next day. Throughout the day I noticed her breathing much heavier than usual. It was a hot day so I monitored her while keeping her hydrated. Then night came and it never subsided. She was restless throughout the night but the vet was closed. I stayed up with her as long as I could, turned on the fan in her direction and kept my camera on all night to see how she did. She moved to the floor and stayed there for about four hours crouched uncomfortably.

      When I woke up she was still breathing hard and was very tired. I went to pick her up and she urinated on my bed. I quickly discovered she wouldn't eat or drink anything. I called the vet around 8 AM, they told me I could bring her in around 11. When I got there they had two others patients to see. It was a slow day but they still took their sweet time while my poor thing sat there panting and eventually urinated on me. I gave them the urine sample I had collected earlier and had them do chest xrays. They said she had fluid in her lungs and in her chest. They could remove some of the fluid he said but it was risky and she could die in the process. Not only that, but it would be back in about 6 hours. He said I either had a choice of putting her on oxygen & 24/7 care or I might want to look into... Well, you know. He said the care would be in the thousands and soo badly I wanted to say to just do it- but I knew I couldn't pay for that. He said there was a tumor, possibly cancerous and possibly kidney problems. I told him this to begin with. I was soo furious but I couldn't focus enough to exert myself while trying to stay calm. Looking back, I feel like I should have demanded to actually see the xrays. This guy let me walk out the last time and I had to actually ask for a copy of her blood test results on paper. 

      I held her paws and looked into her eyes, comforted her all the way and it was completely devastating. Now it's a week later and I still feel like I could have done more and soo much was left unsettled but there's nothing left to do now. Nothing left to protect.

      I can't imagine getting another pet, I feel like that would be a great disservice to her and if there were/is an afterlife I would hate for her to see such a thing and feel unwanted. Lots of weird thoughts and strange feelings about the whole subject. I apologize for the long rant, I just feel I needed to say some of these things somewhere. I even have elsewhere, it's never really enough to justify my feelings behind it all though. Anyway, thanks for listening. Thanks for using my mod and thanks for your kind words. I wish nothing but the best for you and your babies.
    10. dawnyp
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Bless ye, I lost my first baby from a bowel blockage caused by cancer, I cried my eyes out and couldn't work for a few days. It was 7 years before I got a new cat which happened to be 2 brothers and last year 2 months after their 3rd birthday some moron came speeding down the road next to mine and hit him, he died a little while later and I didn't know until one of my neighbors came round and said that a cat has been hit by a car round the corner and looks like mine. Again I was devastated my friends cat was pregnant at the time and said I could have one when they were big enough, but I said it had to be a girl this time, turns out she had already promised the girl to someone else so I didn't get one. Instead I found a site online and found a lady giving away her kittens due to allergies. I went to pick them up both girls and calicos, its said that calicos are lucky, we will see. they are sisters but 3 months age difference and they have different fur types and one is a lot smaller but so cute.
      I do miss my boys there is no denying that, I cant have children so my furbabies are my babies and losing one is just like losing a family member and in our cases our children. At some point down the line you will feel its time to have a new friend, you will never replace your lost baby but you will need love from someone whom you can cuddle (if of coarse they let you) and will love you regardless. Just give it time and let your heart ease a little before even considering a new friend, but also don't push away anyone who can give you a cuddle now more then ever you need that.
      Sorry for my essay.
  3. Celestedoc08
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance for an SVE edition? I'm also receiving an error message = "Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\CleanupCrew because its manifest has no EntryDll or ContentPackFor field; must specify one."

    Is there somewhere in the manifest I would have to input it in?

    Much thanks for the help
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      I'm not familiar with the mod myself. If it happens to have the same clutter as the original files than this should work for you. I'm sorry for the extremely late response, I took a long hiatus and have just finally returned to correct things.
  4. shrb4z
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi , i had a problem. There is a new version of Advanced Location Loader 1.4.0. When i use this location loader to load your mods this error occurs. '' Can't find locations.json or manifest.json file'' can you update your mods to fix this issue?
    1. minervamaga
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      Seconded. Or are we doing something wrong?
    2. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Same problem and solution as listed above; "The problem lies within the manifest. Changing 1.2.0 to 1.2 fixed it, but recent updates to ALL fixed this with nothing required but updating ALL and Entoarox Framework."
  5. quidprokourage
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Hey, when I put it into the Advanced location loader "location" section, I get a message from SMAPI saying "config file 1.2.0 isn't supported. May I ask what this means and how to fix it?
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      The problem lies within the manifest. Changing 1.2.0 to 1.2 fixed it, but recent updates to ALL fixed this with nothing required but updating ALL and Entoarox Framework.
  6. User_47131668
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, I can´t get this to work. I installed both this and VIP, but I don´t know what to do in-game to trigger it. Help please

    Edit: It works now, I didn´t realize Smapi had been updated a day ago
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Cleanup crew should be activated by touching a piece of trash. VIP should be automatic.
    2. User_47131668
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Do you mean standing next to it and clicking on it ? Because that´s what I´ve been trying to do... I will try again though Hope it works this time
    3. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Yes. Unfortunately I haven't been able to test things much with my job but I'll try to update things when I can.
  7. hassan94935
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hello, I just wanted to say I loved this addition, I deeply loathe those tons of garbage on the beach and the path blocking little stones scattered around town.

    When using Karmylla's Immersive Map Edits, two tiles from her new Dusty's fenced area disappear after choosing to clean the town. I tried editing the manifest file but I wasn't successful on removing those two tiles from the cleaning. Can you please help me correcting that?
    If only you could reply telling me what to replace/delete it would be VERY helpful, I know how to use Notepad++, it should be kinda easy for me.

    Thanks in advance for your attention!
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Use the debug mode mod to pinpoint which tiles are the problem then search for x or y at the correct coordinates in the manifest. Delete these lines.
    2. hassan94935
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      It worked perfectly! Thank you very much for the help!
    3. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Awesome. Glad it worked out for you!
  8. SheepyMelly
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After cleaning up the town, when fall came around the green textures stay on the outline but the brown ones with the leaves are there like they are supposed to be @u@
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Can you take a screenshot and share it with me, please?
  9. Minakie
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    So, if we're also using the VIP mod, as of version 1.2 the only thing we need from the Cleanup Crew mod is the manifest.json file?
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      In a separate folder, correct. However since ALL has been having a lot of updates lately and I've been editing for each one, unfortunately some of my mods will crash the game at the moment. I've been actively working at making these work correctly as well as updating them to contain more.
  10. dreamingspire
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    After clicking on the note and spending the 5000, the pixel art of shovels around town becomes distorted. The bottom part of the shovel becomes a big brown block.
    1. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Yes, this is an error with ALL. Once there is an update to that resource is should fix itself. This is due to custom tilesheets not being associated with the original .tbin files which it shouldn't be that way with ALL. I've notified the dev about fixing this problem and he should be on it.
    2. dreamingspire
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome. It's not a deal-breaking bug for me, either way. This mod is great. Thank you!
    3. Androxilogin
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Thanks- it really annoys me and I can't wait until it is fixed. Especially since I made custom tiles for the occasion. Lol. Oh well. Glad you enjoy it