Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. Tobias44142
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Anyone else getting double sound effects when mounting/dismounting?
  2. Eisklinge20
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    f*#@ this mod. since the maker is beliving removing mcm was a good idea, most good functions ar gone. 
    1. delvys2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, this is plain rude. Why would anyone think that the author owes them anything
    2. ijwsm94
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      agree with the original commenter. why even call this b.s. "convenient"? The quests to even set up your horse do nothing but drag out uninteresting mechanics. I uninstalled this crap so fast 
    3. Aulliwyn
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      You both are indeed acting entitled. This mod is free and the mod author(s) share their work out of kindness. You are free to learn how to mod but you both really should be ashamed with yourselves. Disgusting behavior.
    4. koechel545
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah shame on them for pointing out a significant problem and using the word "crap" instead of writing hymns of praise. Disgusting, ugh oh, so disgusting.
    5. I agree with you
    6. SpookyDonutGhostHouse
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If only there was a way to skip the mod's tutorial-
      Oh wait
      THERE IS
  3. DitzyDez666
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Omg plz respond to Swashbuckler24's dm about expanding on Convenient Horses. Iz been years and this mod needs it. Or just make it open source already if u really care about it.
  4. CookieContainer
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    can the base carry weight of horses and maybe the amount gained per skill point be changed in a xedit patch?
    1. alexboisot
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I would like to know this too. I've been trying without success to figure out how to reduce base carry weight. Have looked in xEdit and have tried decompiling some of the scripts in the BSA but can't make heads or tails of it, for the most part.
    2. Ignikai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Wow, thanks so much for pointing out the scripts, I spent about an hour digging in xEdit for the same purpose and totally forgot scripts have an influence as well. Referencing the dialogues in xEdit I was able to find the script that changes both base carry weight and the stat value gained per each level up.

      I'll list the steps from scratch in case other users want to change these values.

      1. Open mod location and extract the convenient horses BSA (I recommend Bethesda Archive Extractor, I also recommended creating a copy of the BSA to be extracted).
      2. Once extracted, open the scripts folder, then the source folder, and lastly the "chquestscript" .psc file with any text editor (like Notepad).
      3. Scroll down until you see '*** Constant properties',
      Underneath this this you will see the sub-header 'base stats', which includes the line:
      - Float Property HorseCarryWeightBase = 1000.0 AutoReadOnly
      A bit lower down you will see the sub-header 'bonus stats per attribute level', which includes the line:
      - Float Property TrainingCarryWeightFactor = 100.0 AutoReadOnly
      4. Simply change the number value to whatever you'd like and save the document. There's also a plethora of other values that you may edit to your liking in this file.
      5. Now this .psc file needs to be recompiled into a .pex file, so that the script can actually be read by the game. This part is a bit tricky, I used Papyrus Compiler App which requires the Creation Kit, but I'm sure there are other methods. If you have any difficulty with this step, feel free to let me know.
      6. Once you have the chquestscript.pex file, you could recompile it into the BSA, or you could just simply place it in the mod folder, since loose files overwrite BSA files. 

      If everything went correctly, then your horse should have different base stats in game, which you can always confirm through the training window. Hope this helps, feel free to ask me any questions!
    3. CookieContainer
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      oh nice thanks for info im glad i remembered that i asked this :D

      edit: just a note if using the aniversary edition patch for the mod it overrides something in the same script so you need to edit it there
  5. martin2001
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Needs to do one for Rigmor of Cyrodiil?
  6. alexboisot
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm trying to create a patch that will add various items not part of the vanilla game so that their weight is properly recognized by the calculations used in the horse's storage container. I feel like I've almost got to the bottom of it but am still missing a piece of the puzzle.

    Sharing my findings below in the hope the more experienced modders among you might be able to offer some thoughts or suggestions for finally figuring this out!


    By default, the Convenient Horses mod only registers the weight of items in the base game (+ DLCs) when these are added into the horse's storage. I've been trying to figure out how I can create a patch to include additional items but am increasingly feeling like I'm banging my head against the wall and making little progress.

    I've spent a while peering into the mod's records and scripts. And I've tried to implement various solutions ranging from adding a couple of lines of code into the 'chsackaliasscript.psc' or adding new entries in the 'FormID List' using xEdit. But so far, none of these changes have allowed the various items added by mods to have their weight correctly added to the horse's storage. And this is easily tested by adding a sufficiently large number of any such item into storage, so that the horse should become overencumbered.

    Additional Info

    Here's a little bit of detail about what changes I've currently implemented based on my understanding of how Convenient Horses calculates the weight of stored items.

    The weight of items stored in the horse's saddlebags is governed by the functions defined in chsackaliasscript, and the corresponding records it calls on where arrays of various items are matched with a Property which determines their weight. These arrays are found in the records in the Quest group, under CH Main and are given properties such as Armor2000 or MiscItems0500.

    The number associated with each of these properties is what's used to determine the weight. Or to put it more simply, the number is the weight, multiplied by 100 (to prevent inaccuracies for non-integer weights when using Float, as I've understood it). So when an item is added to the array for MiscItems0500, this is basically saying that the item has weight of 5.0 units.

    As of my latest and most up-to-date understanding of the chsackaliasscript, simply adding an item to the corresponding array in the CH Main  records should be the only change that's needed for this item's weight to be accurately reflected when added to the sack. And yet I've still not had any success when testing this on a simple item I've added through another mod.

    A quick note on how I test the changes in-game

    When testing the results in-game, it's easy enough to confirm if the item is being properly included in weight calculations. When stored on your person rather than in the sack, the mod doesn't rely on its own calculations and simply reads the total weight from your own inventory. So I can just hold a sufficiently large quantity of said item that the horse becomes over-encumbered when you climb on. If the horse then does not become over-encumbered once the full stack of this item is moved from your own inventory into the sack, this immediately signals that the item weight is not being registered when in storage.

    There's a couple of additional details here (for example, you always need at least some weight in your own inventory), but that's pretty much the gist of it. Unless there's something I'm overlooking, I feel fairly confident that this provides a valid means of testing for the correct changes to Convenient Horses's weight calculations.
    1. Ignikai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Huh, I had no idea that the horse weight was handled this way and it's unfortunate that this results in horse encumbrance having inconsistencies with modded items. My knowledge of xEdit and scripts is rather limited, but I'd imagine that the simplest way to resolve this would be to alter the sack to function similarly to a follower's inventory, as that shouldn't require any patching. Though this might not be a possibility, as there's likely a reason the current weight system is set up the way it is.

      Sorry I can't offer any insight, I'm still very inexperienced in modding, but let me know if there's anything else I could help out with, I'd love to see modded items get integrated eventually.

      I decided to take a look at the 'sackalias' script you mentioned and noticed this line at the top of the file:
      "There is no GetWeight() function exposed in Papyrus, and SKSE is no option for XBOX players."
      The phrasing of this statement makes it sound as though the weight system was setup the way it currently is in order to account for Xbox players, and that by using SKSE, it might be possible to use the 'GetWeight()' function (however this works), to ensure weight compatibility with all items. I have no idea how to use SKSE in modding, but I might investigate later.
    2. alexboisot
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time to offer a thorough answer.

      As it happens, I ended up applying a different solution altogether by the time I saw your comment. But your idea of reintroducing the 'GetWeight()' function to make it all work isactually a great one. I spent hours troubleshooting things but that option never actually occurred to me.

      And for the sake of posterity, in case anyone else stumbles across this post in search of a solution this exact problem, I'll share the solution I ended up adopting. Which, to be honest, should have been what I tried in the first place as it would have saved me hours of pointless stumbling around in the dark.

      Anyway, should anyone reading this wish to ensure non-vanilla items have their weight correctly recorded in the horse's sack, you'll want to open the `chsackaliasscript` and just add individual hardcoded entries for each item to assign it the desired weight (example provided further down).

      Don't be like me. Don't spend ages trying to understand the existing mechanics laid out in the script. Even you manage to figure it all out, you won't be saving any time since you'd still need to manually populate records  using xEdit for each new item. So one way or another, you'll need to add each item individually. You might as well save yourself the headache.

      By way of example, here's how you might add items to the script and manually assign their weights:

      ; Function CategorizeMiscObject continues above these rows
      ; I'm just including what's near the end of the function to save on space
      ; The added lines are those in the nested `if` statement near the bottom, where the two extra items are specified
      ; The `ws` variable (or Weight Score) is what tracks the weight, but needs to be multiplied by 100
      ; So if you have an item that weighs 5 units, you'll want to assign it a `ws` value of 500

              elseif MiscObjects0050.Find(akMiscObject) >= 0
                  ws = 50
              elseif MiscObjects0030.Find(akMiscObject) >= 0
                  ws = 30
              elseif MiscObjects0010.Find(akMiscObject) >= 0
                  ws = 10
                  if akMiscObject.GetName() == "Large Iron Weight" ; 
                      ws = 1000
                  else akMiscObject.GetName() == "Large Steel Weight"
                      ws = 2000
  7. DukeSkath
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    After using this superb mod for years, I started a new game recently. I use "Live Another Life" but went the vanilla route, if that matters.

    Once I emerged from the cave, I bought a horse. (I named him Shadow with a different mod.) I had a CH quest to "Evaluate your riding skills" and for some reason it pointed to a horse in Windhelm. I caught a wagon ride there and it was pointing to an owned horse (my only option was to steal it) and I was told I needed more gold to get the proper equipment. 

    Annoyed, I fast-traveled back to Whiterun and found a Reddit post about skipping the quest altogether. I can now communicate with Shadow, but I don't have the whistle power or the horn. Stable guy in Whiterun has no options other than "Can I buy a horse" and "How old are your horses". 

    Anyone got a suggestion? TIA.
  8. davidgilbertking
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hey guys, dumb question: how do you harvest ingredients while mounted? I remember it used to work during previous playthrough, I'd just ride up to it and it would harvest. Or do I remember it wrong? Is there some sort of a hotkey for that?
    1. alexboisot
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      To harvest from horseback, you need to (1) have your weapon holstered (i.e. not out in your hands) and (2) stand still. Of course, that's assuming that you've left the option to harvest while mounted enabled. Which it should be, unless you've spoken to the horse and said "I don't need ingredients" in the dialogue.
    2. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Dude, thank you!
  9. This quest is a nonsense. Previous version without quest was better.
  10. Victoriapatton23
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i use immersive horses and know this mod and that one is not compatible so i was curious what is the difference between the two?