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I. Warnings / Requirements

II. Backstory

III. Game Conditions

IV. Installation

V. Deinstalation

VI. Thanks

Ia. Warnings

Crappy english warning:
Many apologies for my bad english and the ramshackly story that follows, but I am not a native speaker. I hope you get the idea anyway.

Lore Alert:
The premise of this save and the backstory contradict official TES-canon. Of course they do. It's about a dwemer in modern skyrim times, and the dwemer are long extict. If you can't live with that, this mod is not for you. To make it easier I added the explanation how Chenzel got here in form of a backstory. It may be not high literature, but if you don't like it, you are free to make up your own.
For the sake of keeping this a simple savegame, and not a total conversion mod with lots of custom sound files and scripting, you can magically understand the language of the local people.

Ib. Requirements and Recommendations:

Dwemer race - without this the save wont work. I used v09. Higher versions not supported.

Lore Friendly Armors - if you want to make a thief or mage out of your last dwemer, the "dwarven mage armor" is a light armor that fits the dwemer like a glove.

Weapons of the third era - Weapons the dwemer are familiar with.

II. The Backstory

You were born and raised in acient times, when dwemer and falmer lived somehow still in peace, but the falmer already began to realize the dwemer oppression. You lived long before the dwemer even planned to set in motion what later led to their demise and almost complete extinction.

On the first day of your aduld live - you just gained your ceremonial dwemer plate and sword - your father sent you south to a tower where a strange and excentric falmer mage named Aspurgir lived. The falmer are faithful servants of your people, the dwemer lords, or so you thought. You father sent you to get a potion that helps with his nasty skin disease.

But short after you get into the unguarded tower - Falmer are a bit naive - Aspurgir bombarded you with insults and strange accusations, that the falmer are slaves of the dwemer. The mage even babbled something about a revolution. You wanted to calm him, after all he was a great asset to the people of your kind and especially your family.
But he suddenly lay a spell upon you, and vanished into the thin air.

For a moment you stood irritated in his study, until you noticed that not only the mad Aspurgir was gone, but the study looked quite different now. There was scrap metal lying all about, and on the desk of the mad mage lay a book with strange letters. This is not the falmer alphabeth. You went to the nearby balcony door, and took a look at the area. This was not where you were just moments ago. Where are the patrols? Where is your horse? And where by oblivion are you?

It's your choice:
Where do you go? How will you interact with those strange people that now live in your land? Will you seek out the near dwemer city markarth? Surely there must be some of your people? Or do you visit the excavation camp around the ancient skyforge, that archeologists shortly dug from the ground?

Character description:
You are relatively young for a dwemer, but lived in a time when your people had vivid contact with other races. You know of the dunmer, the falmer, even the altmer and you have heard about that nord people, that lately cause so much trouble for your people. You wont know about any imperials, stormcloaks and you never saw an argonian or khajiit.

III. Game Conditions:

- main quest is disabled
- Helgen is malfunctioning, you can go there but it's closed off. I don't recommend going there.
- You don't have any money nor valuables. That's partly because you start with armor and weapon wich are way better than first level stuff.

IV. Installation:
Download the DWEMER RACE MOD and install it, then extract the save file and put it in your save folder. It's not in Steam but in "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim".

Again: Dwemer race can be found here ---> Use v09.

V. Deinstallation:
It's just a save, just delete it in game, or put the save file into your trashcan.

VI. Thanks:
The idea for this save gave me "A humble start". You can find it here: Check it out!

If you want to create your own alternative start, look here:
There is an alternative save and a description on how to do it.

Many thanks for the initial ideas and resources to:

