
Mod articles

  • Changes to Smithing

    New smithing materials:

    - Charcoal: smelt 1 firewood to obtain 10 Charcoals;
    - Ivory powder: smelt 1 mammoth tusk to obtain 10 powder piles;
    - Small tweak on Linnen Wraps: weight reduced to 1. This is to make this new crafting ressource more gather-friendly.
    There are not a lot of places to find those, so being able to pick them all is a good help.
    - SoulGem Shards: Obtained by destroying a Sougem at the smelter, the Shards can be reforged to obtain any Soulgem,
    provided you have enough Shards, of course.

    New Items: the Havenbags.

    The traveller's best friend is now craftable at any forge, needing only a few leather ingredients and a filled soulgem
    matching the power of the bag you wish to create. ...