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By Demidekidasu

[08/7/2012 - v1.2 - CURRENT VERSION]
+ Completed sounds plugin.
+ Enabled "merry" animations which the NPC's play out instead of standing still like utter lemons. The downside to this is that it then caused an issue with the NPC's sitting down, so I had to prevent them from doing that.
+ Made some last-minute emergency edits to the navmesh in Whiterun's Bannered Mare to fix some serious observed issues. This unfortunately means that LIAT is unlikely to be compatible with any other mods that change the interior of The Bannered Mare from now on. Sorry 'bout that lad...

[06/7/2012 -v1.1a]
+ Alpha test of environmental sound effects plugin.

[03/7/2012 - v1.0]
+ Initial release.
+ Added NPC's to inns and taverns.
+ Later added several options for number of NPC's.

Skyrim's inns and taverns are dull and quiet places, rather devoid of life. This mod attempts to liven the drinking holes up a bit by populating them with merry NPC's and environmental sound effects to match!

Even more features are likely to be added in the future!

A brain and the abillity to use it when intalling mods.

The abillity to detect the occasional intended humour whilst reading this :)

Shouldn't cause any permanent issues, but you never know, so back up your saves (it's a good idea to do this before installing any mod).

1) Extract the downloaded archive to somewhere on your hard drive (desktop/wherever...).

2) Forget where you extracted the files to.

3) Remember/find where you extracted the files to.

4) Move/copy the following ".esp" files and the provided "Sound" folder into your Skyrim "Data" folder (Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data):
"LIAT - AI Packages"
"LIAT - Sounds"

Answer with "Yes" or "OK" if asked to overwrite/merge - nothing will be overwritten, so don't worry!

5) Open the folder you previously extracted from the archive called "NPC Options - Only use one!" and decide which version you want to use.

6) Move/copy the file you want into your Skyrim "Data" folder as with the previous files.

7) Start Skyrim's launcher and select "Data Files".

6) Arrange your load order so that all the "LIAT" entries are at the bottom of the list and in accordance with the provided text file "-CORRECT LOAD ORDER-".

5) Throw a wobbler in the comments section and let the world know how terrible this mod is because you never bother reading Readme's.

4) Realise that the instructions started counting backwards.

3) Check that they actually did because you didn't notice.

2) Wonder why I did that.

1) Laugh about it, because it is so pointless and such a waste of everyone's time. This means I win. Understood? Good.

Due to the large number of NPC's that are present with some of the mod's versions, sometimes you will see strange stuff happening, such as people standing on top of things, bashing into/blocking each other, or teleporting/seemingly vanish. They should eventually re-appear if they do vanish.

Sometimes the sounds don't fire at all or take a few seconds to fire. Either be patient and wait for them to load, or simply re-enter the area you expect to hear said sounds. Nothing I can do to fix this, sorry! Blame Skyrim!

Load times may be increased slightly. Or, in extremely rare circumstances, Skyrim may crash during loading. EXTREMELY RARE CIRCUMSTANCES.

I did once see a bard playing air guitar. Might not be this mod at fault as I have not seen it a second time...

A dragon attacked the town of Helgen as soon as I started playing for some reason. Doesn't seem to be too big of an issue though - Helgen was a right dump anyway. This is an issue with Skyrim itself, I think.

Let me know in the comments section if you encounter anything else!

Due to the navmesh edits I was forced to make to Whiterun's Bannered Mare inn, LIAT may not be compatible with other mods that change the interior of The Bannered Mare. You could try to load said mod after LIAT and it may work.

This mod DID NOT nuke your saves, it DID NOT blow up your computer, it DID NOT run over your cat, and it certainly DID NOT do unpleasant things to your sister/mother/daughter.

Don't try to say it did. It was me that did it.

In all seriousness, don't have a go at me if your saves are somehow affected and you didn't bother to back them up before installing...

You can use this in one of your own mods as long as you follow these rules:

1) Credit me. Remind the world of what a genius I am.

2) Do not upload it anywhere other than here. Most file-hosting sites earn profit from hosting files, and I am very much against any form of monetisation of mods. This part is completely serious :)

3) Tell me about it and give me a link so I can see how much you ruined my idea.

A big thanks to Bethesda Softworks for making this fantastic game!

Thanks to FreqMan from - an open source, Creative Commons audio database that grants permission for use. The original files are here, for those interested: