

  1. Mr. Dave
    Mr. Dave
    • premium
    • 513 kudos

    If you want to port my content to Kingdom Come: Deliverance, please feel free to do so. Permission is granted, so no need to ask.
    I cannot afford the game at this time due to ongoing health issues which are preventing me from working, so I can't port it myself.

    For anyone in the middle East, can you please take a quick look at this video and see if the inscription at 6:20 makes sense to you?
    I believe it says Saka and may be a maker's name.

    Update 1m BETA is up.
    Haha I removed all of the older updates so it looks like a 6 year old beta now. :D
    I'll be adding images slowly. Click the left image arrow to see the new stuff.
    There is no update 1l due to the lower case l looking like | or l or I.

    There are many new fantasy weapons, including more bows.
    I added in cheese slices so that 1 and 3 bits of cheese glue can also be made.
    The new hats and helmets still aren't done. My hat scene went belly up and I managed to end up with nothing in it rigged anymore. Gotta skin them all over again.
    Also made a bunch more cube maps and variants of my existing cubemaps for more metallic variety.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that the correctly colored, historically accurate version of the bork will be in the next update. I totally forgot to put it into the previous update.

    Health crap.
    My left arm is shut down due to the nerve damage so all is going hella slow. I'm about as slow now as all my former employers, which is terribly demoralizing.
    Bean counters at disability just keep perpetuating their lies. First they claimed I hadn't worked enough to receive disability, even though I'm 51 and have paid into it since I was 15. Then they sent me to one of their quack doctors who was able, through means of magical divination, to determine that 3 specialists were wrong and I didn't have carpal tunnel... without ever examining me. He then went on to say, before any examination, that there was no way I had rheumatoid arthritis because men can't get it. Only women can get it. I informed SSI that he is a malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen. They sent me more paperwork to fill out. Oh yay, just what I need. f*** government.

    For those looking for the series Vikings inspired items, please click here for JohnSkyrim's Viking Weaponry.
  2. ChosenofBellona
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello Mr. Dave,

    I was merely wondering how this mod would fare with Skyrim:SE. I am fairly new to the Nexus community, and I am unsure about the intricacies of such things. Would you kindly educate me on this matter?
    I thank you in advance.
    1. Elizinator
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      i use it just fine in SSE,

      might want to run the meshes through nif optimizer:

      these are some of the most beautiful weapons available in the community, and worth the effort to use. Kvernbitr has taken many lives >:D
    2. ChosenofBellona
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Why, thank you for your help, friend.
      I shall put this information to good use.
      From what I've seen, these weapons are absolutely splendid, and are excellent for the renaissance playthrough I have planned out.
      Again, thank you for your support.
    3. heyiforgot
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      So it just drops right in then? No conversion or creation kit? just maybe run through optimizer?
    4. Mr. Dave
      Mr. Dave
      • premium
      • 513 kudos
      I had a friend convert the esp file for me back when SSE first released. ( I was locked out of due to being on Vista at the time ) , and it crashed relentlessly. So I tossed in my regular esp and it ran just fine.
    5. WolfPaws76
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I'm trying to run the Coachman's hat through the optimizer but when I look in the data folder of Bob's armory and go to meshes I see a bunch of nif files but I don't know how to find specifically the Coachman's Hat.
    6. Vulthursil
      • member
      • 154 kudos
      If your trying to port it to SSE then you have to use Nif then use creation kit....or reverse the 2 steps since forgot which way I did it.
    7. MrDave
      • premium
      • 513 kudos
      The coachman's hat should be one of the fedora hats. damrndhat should be in the name. Lemme double check. Yeah, damrndhatHF for human female and should have HM, KHA, ARG variants as well.
  3. thedark1234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    have leveled list ?
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 449 kudos
      If they don't make your own
    2. brunow99
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Try yootoob for general modding advice.
  4. Thisguyagain
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    i miss the pre-alpha veil textures, where can i find them?
  5. NicotineCaffeine
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I hope you'll get better soon.
  6. DankPrank
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    We need a patch for Animated armoury, Halberds and spears from this mods deserve it
  7. Leadpipejustice
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    best blade textures hands down
  8. betresse
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Can someone please tell me if you know what should load last between the pirate ship mod bigbizkit's pirates of skyrim and this one.  Thanks
    1. Saggaris
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Well you could wait here for hours, days, weeks or even not get a reply at all... OR
      You could look to addressing the order yourself, if you think along the lines of A.B.C then you could try all combinations in a matter of minutes... there are six possibilities out of the mods you mentioned.
  9. robreptile41
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Been looking for a helmet that matched my characters armor forever but with no luck but finally found it in your mod and it matches perfectly thanks so much for the awesome mod!
  10. harleeknight
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Any way to get Vampire Hunter D's sword one-handed?
    1. MrDave
      • premium
      • 513 kudos
      It can be changed in the CK to one handed instead of two handed. I lost all my max and PSD files due to Win10 updates 1803-09, so the other option is to export the mesh via Nifskope, then import it into a one handed sword Nif, then fix all of the texture shaders, then add it in as a new one handed weapon in the CK.
      Just changing the weapon from two handed to one handed in the CK should be the prudent method. :D
    2. magodelaoscuridad
      • member
      • 4 kudos
  11. CobbleSansPyro
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know if i can upgrade the yumi? Or do I have to enable it through TESVEdit?

    (Oh, BTW great mod.)
  12. asdfy86
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make Partisan 2 versions a one-handed sword?