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This user's image description contains 6 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    The armors are from Zerofrost Mythical Armors and Dragon by Zerofrost Satyr which are an amazing work
  2. Thunderstorm95
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    I'm late... right? Oh but Lucy doesn't care, she has to comment

    Even if days have passed, I'm really glad you liked our surprise And.... belated welcome back, sweetheart!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      no no you are never late Thank you again for this wonderful idea, my dear Lucy... you've made me really really happy, hon
  3. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Die Zwillinge sehen absolut beeindruckend mystisch aus, meine liebe Tanja! Tolles Werk mal wieder von dir.
    Ich wünsche dir nachträglich alles, alles Gute. Bleib Gesund und Munter, viel Glück im neuen Lebensjahr!!!

    Hätte ich es eher erfahren, hätt ich dir früher gratuliert.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank Angie
      Na ja... eigentlich hatte es einen Grund, dass mein GebDatum nicht in meinem Profil steht... ich habe es auch nur 2 Personen gesagt... und das auch nur, weil sie mich danach gefragt haben .... ich konnte ja nicht ahnen, dass da soooo ein tolles Geschenk geplant wird...
      Mach dir keine Gedanken, Mika hat doch direkt für dich mitgratuliert
    2. Queenieangel
      • premium
      • 461 kudos
      Wie peinlich... ich hab's gerade erst gelesen..
  4. lidertz
    • supporter
    • 161 kudos
    Dear SoulSis! First of all your new sibling chars are awesome! Really like the winged theme... Second, we "own" thank you for your great personality here. I'm the happiest you've returned! ^^ <3

    (Sorry for my really short line in your gift set... I thought we can wrote only one line... Than I saw how great messages the others wrote... ... this can be only me...)
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      nothing to apologize for my dear Soulsista, you don't need to write it down, I know it
      You can't imagine how happy I was... it was sooo overwhelming and I really started to cry... couldn't stop for minutes awesome
      This was really the BEST Birthday gift I've ever received... THANK YOU for being part of it <3
      Yap Yap now I will continue my stories first
      many hugs and all my love to you, dear :*
  5. Kuschel-Drow
    • supporter
    • 97 kudos
    Uiuiui, da rollt dir Josh schon den roten Teppich aus!
    Ich bin mir sicher, wir haben alle gern bei dem Geburtstagsset mitgemacht, und eigentlich reicht auch ein Danke, mir zumindest.
    Hat jedenfalls Spaß gemacht, auch wenn ich auch ziemlich lange meine Klappe halten musste. Sowas ist manchmal auch nicht einfach. ^^
    Deine Chars sind auch klasse geworden. Viel Spaß in Himmelsrand! *gen rotem Teppich deut*
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank Mika Ihr habt mich ganz schön an der Nase rumgeführt, besonders Josh Also ganz ehrlich, ich war total überwältigt... weißt ja, dass ich das mic ausmachen musste
      Ja, Josh hat mich jetzt erstmal zum schreiben verdonnert, muss meine Geschichte mit Katla weiterschreiben, nachdem sie den volltrunkenen Sturz vom Berg überlebt hat
    2. Kuschel-Drow
      • supporter
      • 97 kudos
      Oh, ich hoffe ihr Schätzelein stand unten und hat sie aufgefangen? XD
      Hehe ja, hab's mitbekommen. Aber das war doch eine um so schönere Überraschung, nicht? ^^
    3. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Oh ja, das war es
  6. Darksaber87
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Firstly Again Happy late Birthday, Tanja.

    Secondly welcome back to Skyrim you have been missed over here. Brings a smile to my face knowing you are feeling well enough to post again. Your return is a grand one these images are fantastic. Love the dark blue tone to them. Such fantastic new characters you have here.

    Again welcome back, Tanja. Looking forward to your next set of images.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you so so so much Quinten You are such a good soul my friend, thank you for being so kind
      I'm happy to be back and I will also continue my story work here, I think these two will get also a part in it but step by step there are many ideas in my mind
    2. Darksaber87
      • premium
      • 102 kudos
      Take your time my friend. I can say I will wait patiently for your ideas to come to the surface
    3. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
  7. respaldoshugo
    • member
    • 171 kudos
    It is a great joy to see you again in Skyrim . Beautiful pictures, as always! A big hug, my dear friend Tanja .
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you soooo much mi amigo
      I'm so happy to be back... this community is so awesome and wonderful to me... I feel only joy and happyness here.
      A very big hug back to you, dear Hugo :*
  8. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    I'm very glad you've decided to come back to Skyrim again! That's your real gift to us, if I may say so!

    I'm sorry if I didn't write you another message during your day - since you encouraged me to it - but I was busy making screenshots! The moment I saw the collaboration upload I just knew it was something you'd love for sure...

    Wonderful "comeback" couple too with deep blue tones and a touch of heaven. I actually find the male one really interesting. I don't know why, but there's something about him that adds to his charisma - strong, wise, fierce when needed and just. Perhaps thats a name for him? Justice!
    The sister could be named Celestia or something similar to keep the divine touch intact...

    I'm so very pleased to see you back again, my dear! So very happy!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Hej Rick
      I really really thank you sooooo much for beeing part of this wonderful gift, min vän
      I was so overwhelmed of joy... you can't imagine
      Please don't apologize, you talk when you want to talk, it was an offer (it still is)

      I'm really happy that you went to my question with the names Ithought about your suggestions and Ireally love them... so these will be their names "Justice" and "Celestia"
      Thank you my friens

      I will run further with my stories now... need to continue them

      We will read and write on pm

      hugs to you
  9. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 877 kudos
    Great looking team and that plume in the last shot is outstanding.
    1. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I totally agree with Jonathan, awesome captures and characters Tanja
    2. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much to both of you I was so flashed, as I saw the set... I needed some seconds to realize that it was for me... and than tears overwhelmed me... You people are so kind and wonderful... You made me really happy... I can't thank you enough for that

      Oh dear... that cake was really a brilliant idea I can tell you... it tasted absolutely wonderful
      The siblings will pbecome their own little story, but first I need to continue my other ones Well for the plume in the last shot... I will give the credit to Zerofrost his armors are really outstanding

      @ Izzy:
      It was so much fun to see that your hungry Acacia could not wait patiently for the cake
      It is still G&S Hircine I am using and I'm always impressed how convertible this ENB is even it has only one preset
  10. peterpet
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
    Very beautiful images! I love the blue touch
    Happy birthday dear Tanja!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend and I would like to thank you again for your wonderful gift I was sooooo happy about it
    2. peterpet
      • account closed
      • 9 kudos
      You're very welcome dear Tanja, I'm so glad to know that!
  11. frank213
    • premium
    • 823 kudos
    Yeah Tanja
    Hier isse wieder in Skyrim gelandet. Ich freue mich so, dass wir Dir eine schöne kleine Überraschung machen konnten und natürlich, dass Du wieder in Skyrim bist.
    Deine beiden neuen Chars sehen fantastisch aus. Jeder für sich ist was ganz besonderes für mich.
    Das ist echt eine sehr gelungene Bilderserie von den Geschwistern.m0117.gif
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Yeah Vielen lieben Dank Frank Na da habt ihr mich aber ganz schön erwischt Sowas hätte ich mir im Traum nie ausgemalt... Ich war wirklich total überwältigt
      Die beien Geschwister werden vermutlich eine neue storyline bekommen... aber das wird noch etwas dauern bis dahin werde ich erstmal schauen, dass ich meine anderen Geschichten weiterführe