Rise From The Ashes - chapter ten

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    And I don't see Fleur as "bad" certainly "messed up" and understandably so. It hurts when she blames Rathe for what happened. But Rathe's mouth never helps. He needs to keep it shut some times!
    Those two are like oil and water! They just don't mix!
  2. eluuene
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    brilliant talk dear!!! lots of feelings, hard emotions, very very good part! and brilliant pics!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks you dear!!
  3. Kayol
    • supporter
    • 220 kudos
    Sand vipers, phew! The Brotherhood is a perfect family, Rathe, you know? And it is perfectly normal for girls with issues to join in. So you can jut shut up. *walks away, offended*
    What a conversation they had! So many mixed emotions! Guilt, anger, regret, more anger, grief, and more anger again! And then he just walked away, instead of trying to make things better... typical. Damn, those two are very similar to each other in a way - equally stubborn and never giving up while arguing.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hehe,they ARE quite similar aren't they. I guess that's what attracts...
  4. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    It's interesting how they both see good and evil in the world through so totally different "lenses":
    --Rathe sees evil in the world, but good in Fleur.
    --Fleur sees good in the world, but everytime she sees Rathe, she is reminded of evil, when he is manifestly NOT. Aaarrrgh!

    It would indeed seem as though NO good deed EVER goes unpunished:
    Rathe rescued Fleur, cared for her, kept her well-FED and CLOTHED, gave her a crossbow, which she took to with talent, and kept her safe during several widely-scattered adventures, for the most part, until the end....

    Now he must carry TWO proverbial albatrosses 'round his neck for horrific acts he was not even responsible for??
    Rathe can say TO OBLIVION with all of NIRN....the very next time some pathetic sob-story makes the woeful mistake of approaching HIM, he can cruelly and mercilessly either: demand massive payment UP FRONT, or kick it's arse!
    This chapter truthfully gave me a SERIOUS hate-on for Fleur in very similar fashion to Momma Zuzu....I wonder why?^^....

    Young Darius is certainly a "wannabe" lover for Fleur big-time, but he's apparently not quite there yet^^.... Darius can f**king-well "pay her freight" now, poor little boy-toy! He'll hope that she "warms" to his charms and he'll be wrapped in NO time with Fleur's now-expert talent at emotional blackmail^^. She'll probably play him like a freaking lute!....

    I am SO sorry for such bitterness, Jess, but fleur has GOT to learn that no matter how messed up she may be, she just can't casually crush good and honourable guys' hearts like's just so unfair and totally unjust, and in many cases, rarely forgiven....

    Fleur now kinda reminds me of Taylor Swift in a small way, and NOT in a good way, I'm afraid.....
    Instantly endorsed! Very warm thanks for such exquisitely delicious angst, Jess, and cheers, dear!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      That description:
      --Rathe sees evil in the world, but good in Fleur.
      --Fleur sees good in the world, but every time she sees Rathe, she is reminded of evil,
      is PERFECT.

      In two sentences you've captured EXACTLY what I was trying to write. Thank you hon!!

      And THAT is the reason why I don't (can't) hate Fleur. She is misguided, delusional and blind to reality. But not a bad person. And at the moment she's taking it all out on Rathe (the wrong person) but if he's strong enough to bare it... there may be a reward at the end.

      Thanks dear!
  5. SydneyB
    • premium
    • 1,093 kudos
    Oh, oh, Jess. You make poor Rathe suffer!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      I know. I gotta ease up on the poor guy.
  6. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    Seems the world is very cruel for Rathe, both people he had held so depply in his heart blaming him for what had happened to them though he tried so desperately to save them, him riding swiftly and nearly without rest to try to free Fleur yet she does not see any of it, only pain and anger exists in that place, Anna understood him much better knowing the darker side of the realm as she did, knowing not to blame him for her getting caught, thankful that he passed, one hopes that maybe as time passes Fleur will actually understand. Anger truly filled that hall as they traded those barbed words near the end, a chasm of emotions standing between them. A captivating emotional chapter, Jess ^^
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon. It was a VERY hard one to write. Took me so much longer than any other chapter to date. I really had to try and BE there to get into their heads... NOT a nice place to be!
  7. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 878 kudos
    Great addition and I will admit I still side with Rathe. This one sentence:

    “No Rathe. Just those you promised to protect. And I believe there was only ever two of those… and you failed both of them.”

    Has put to death {EDIT: after reading Ch 11 - add the word almost } almost any hope that I would ever like Fleur again. In my eyes she has become a child, a self-focused, irresponsible child, not wanting to take responsibility for anything and wishing to blame everyone else. She really needs to grow the oblivion up and face reality. It isn't like she is the only person to have ever been through some of the things she has. Just look at Anna:

    “Momma ZuZu makes it clear to her girls what will happen to them if they ever try to leave. We were all shown the basement when we first came to work for her. I… I swore to her after seeing that… that horror, that I’d never try to leave.”


    A strange sensation came to Rathe then; a beautiful sweet ache touched his heart that someone – someone – in this Gods forsaken realm still had some goodness inside them.


    Anna wordlessly took the papers and if she burned with curiosity to ask about them, she held her tongue. Instead she took a quick step forward and leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek. She tasted his salty sweat and felt the coarse stubble along his jawline. She detected the smell of alcohol on his as she leaned back.

    “You’re a good man, Rathe. I hope your girl appreciates that.”

    Clearly she does not. Fleur seems to have no memory of what Rathe has done for her. Instead she is mean, petty, and vicious in her words; the only thing Fleur seems to care about is herself.

    All that being said I do understand she can't face those memories and obviously Rathe brings those memories back. I do FULLY understand that. What I don't get is why she has to be so vicious towards him. Instead break things off with him, tell him she does not blame him but that she also can't deal with the memories associated with the two of them.

    Hopefully Rather will move on :p Guess I need to go read the next chapter. Yep. No beer and popcorn but I have Espresso and my lunch which I am eating while listening to perfect mood music and a nice candle lit.

    Fantastic shots, wonderful pictures, and extremely well developed and engaging characters - even the villains that I love to hate
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I debated editing more of this comment after reading chapter 11 ... but then that would not show my true reaction to reading this chapter and I expect you would enjoy seeing my real reaction rather then my edited one ... so I will leave it be except for the one edit I made note of in the original post.
    2. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      I'm glad you didn't edit anything; I love to read your 'vanilla' comments!! And knowing I've managed to get you agitated is great, that's just what good writing should do! Hehehe, nah, seriously, I love reading your comments and hope the next chapter eased your angst a bit!
  8. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Well to be honest not often I am at a loss for words. but at moment I am. So will take a bit and think about these 2 last chapters before I write a comment. but will say great shots and story jess. : )

    Well have taken some time to process these last two chapters, for this one, I do not in any way thing the Fleur is the bad person but I can think she is the good person either, its hard to have seen both sides of the coin where either of them only have their views to fall back on. As outsiders it easy to sit and look and say this was wrong or that is wrong but have to be honest after writing Ambrosia's story there is no way to make this right for either Rathe or Fleur so easy. She is young and will feel he was to be the one to come, and he feels guilty as sin that he was not there to stop that rape and will forever remember that , nothing she ever says will hurt him as much as his memory of not being in time. but sooner or later she is going to need to put the blame on the person who fault it truly is and maybe then they can move on, but boys does Rathe sister need someone to teach her a very lasting lessons. Again great Story and lovely shots, a lot of work , a rest is In order for sure !!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks dear. I thought you might understand where Fleur is coming from having just been through a similar thing with Ambrosia. It's a tricky area to write and I keep reminding myself that she's only sixteen years old.

      Poor Rathe though. I seriously do need to give him a break!
  9. PanTast
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    I love it!
    Must have been a huge amount of work to put this together.

    Thanks for sharing :-D

    And what a drama!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Oh yes indeed. The hours... LOTS. But, I love it!
      Thanks dear!
  10. hitmaqn78
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    Beautiful, my dear <3
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Steff!