

  1. elderscrolliangamer
    • premium
    • 250 kudos
    Cyrodiil Re-Loaded 2023 FAQ:

    Q: Is this compatible with the Unofficial Patch?
    A: With around 99% accuracy, yes. Cyrodiil Re-Loaded makes lots of additions to Oblivion, but has been specifically extensively patched to ensure maximum UOP compatibility and game-wide stability.

    Q: Is this compatible with Unique Landscapes/Better Cities/some other huge mod?
    A: Large mods like that tend to have compatibility patches for this mod, which will be listed under various compatibility patch pages on the Nexus with this mod's terrible old name 'Oblivion Uncut' (a name which I'll gleefully choose to ignore when mentioned lol).

    Q: Is this mod just a feature creep-filled mess?
    A: I was 16 years old when I began this mod. Let that sink in lol. I don't think people realise how young I was when I first released this mod. I was a minor, young and naĆ­ve to the world, and I made some sloppy decisions with my work. I had to learn everything the long and hard way, which wasn't helped by typical teenage stubbornness.
    I am 23 now. Wisdom sure comes with age and an overwhelming amount of useless changes are now gone.
    Cyrodiil Re-Loaded has been worked on considerably to make it a tight and focused experience that does not bloat itself with rubbish changes or break base game and UOP stuff. This mod is a project of personal pride to me now and I like to think it has grown and matured as I have.

    Q: Does this mod still break [something really important]?
    A: Nope! Allll those nasty little bugs I have squashed over 7 years of development. Should anything serious arise, report it to me and I'll probably have a fix within 24 hours haha.

    Q: I'm having trouble with one of the new quests. Help!
    A: Sure, just leave a comment and I can give you some pointers :)

    Q: So Is this a cut content mod? Or not? I'm confused!
    A: This is not a cut content mod, strictly speaking. That is not it's primary objective, merely one of many pillars for the foundation of this project, which is to inject new life and content into the game world. Unused assets are one great way of doing that.

    Q: Your light leather helmet makes females bald! Please fix?
    A: No it does not. Many people have told me this over the years, but it's actually seems to be a mod conflict with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

    Q: Why is there AI voiced dialogue in this mod?
    A: Because it's the best way of developing new story-lines and character personalities in a high quality fashion.

    Q: Can I make a suggestion for the mod?
    A: Absolutely! I love to hear feedback! But if you word your query in a forceful or aggressive manner, you will be ignored and your comment removed.

    Q: Is there unfinished/broken content in this mod?
    A: Nope. There have been a few trolls that spread slander about my mod being 'unfinished' with NPCs with no AI or other such nonsense, but I'm happy to say that is not the case. If there is any new content you have issue with, we can discuss it below and I will be open to considering any changes or additions to things I have already implemented. Additionally, you can read through the exhaustive content list in the description and the changelogs detailing each revision of the mod under the 'logs' tab.

    Q: Will you add this [vanilla bug fix or unused content] to your mod?
    A: I am not planning any specific changes like that at this time, nor am I taking onboard requests for new content.
  2. marob307
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    What 5.4 did change?
  3. kopos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Installed this mod in my current playthrough after completing Where Spirits have Lease, very curious as to what the alternate pathways are. Could anyone enlighten me?
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      basically just Velwyn Benirus dying in the manor so the curse never gets lifted. townsfolk then discuss that in new rumours it's essentially a bad ending. as for the other minor alternate end... I don't remember other than it's another bad ending variation 
  4. jeshala
    • supporter
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    Hey! Quick question if someone has a moment: I've been doing An Honest Living and gotten to doling out the varla stones, but Umbacano won't take it? It just says something to the effect of 'no I have nothing for you'. His bodyguard or whatever will also ask about buying ayleid artifacts, but I am only able to say that I'll only talk to Umbacano about it. Can't drop the varla stones because they're quest flagged, at least, but no dice. Is there any way to skip or fix this? Thank you so much.
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      I will work on a fix later this month!
    2. jeshala
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Youuuu are an absolute peach! A million thank yous!
  5. ElderScrollsFan001
    • member
    • 131 kudos
    Dose this version fix the issue with alternate path in quest The Sirens Deception where you let Faustina Cartia live. The quest did not want to move to next stage when Signy and Tsarrina are killed. Faustina Cartia will repeat her lines  "........Ok, girls! We got someone who doesn't want to cooperate!"
  6. thorkellofjom
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    If you're me and trying to do Honest Living and Hallgerda won't speak to you and dismisses any greeting you try, remember that you progressed Clashing Colors over 40 hours ago and need to finish that successfully in order for her to speak to you again and let you give her the letter.
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      It's funny when you're developing something expansive like this, very specific circumstances such as yours genuinely escape the mind. I shall take this into account and work to implement a new situation into the quest which allows it to proceed correctly in future.
    2. jeshala
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Oooh wait though if this is interrupting you, it might be what is interrupting me! Gonna try that.
  7. crowlotus
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    I know it's been a while since anyone commented on this mod. SOOOO I have a few questions. ROFL!
    1) You mention Knights of Nine. Will this conflict with Knights - Revelations?
    2) Will it conflict with Lake Rumare or Colourwheels Overhaul?
    3) What happens if I install this midway through a game after completing the Guilds?
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      I don't know anything about those mods but I cant recall ever hearing of incompatibilities.

      I wouldn't expect it to affect the guilds
  8. hendvanduijn112
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     hi, is there a guest stage file i could look at, bc the "a thorn to her rose" is bugged wher i get the key, open the door, but she just stands there complaining that she can't make it out alone. like i could set the quest just past that stage with all the quest ID's
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      The quest ID is 'TH02', I think the stages range from about 10 to 60 but there might be more
  9. 8NinjaMC8
    • member
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    Is this compatible with oblivion uncut?
    1. FireTehVahu
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      This mod IS Oblivion Uncut. The name was changed because the author has designated that it is not a cut content mod, but it uses some assets that were cut (See the sticky for exact quote).
    2. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      yep same mod, renamed because the mod is more "what I want my Oblivion to be" Vs "oh here's some unused assets and that's it". I tinkered with so many aspects of the game I struggle to categorise the mod tbh, but I'd say it's a sort of overhaul/content expansion.
  10. C00per06
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    In the New NPCs section in the description; under the new Anvil NPCs part, the spoiler you set up seems to have failed
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      yeah that's a nexus website issue. the 'spoilers' tags were just to declutter the page and they worked for months, but an update on Nexus' end messed something up and I can't make them work again.

      I've just removed them for now, but I hate the page being messy again... :/
  11. Flora2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Where's the key in Soul Bound Cave (Nerastarel quest, The Cat, the Wizard and the Hero)? I have to free Nerastarel from the cage but the key is nowhere in that zone. Perhaps in an entirely different zone of the cave? Please spoil me, where.
    This quest is very problematic with these key placements. In the Skingrad mansion it was also tricky to get the key from the bedroom desk (either the note falls down under the desk, unpickable, or the key - the solution is that first the note should be read but NOT taken, and next you pick up the key - otherwise the note falls under and the quest cannot be resumed).
    1. elderscrolliangamer
      • premium
      • 250 kudos
      The Soul Bound Cave key is carried by a henchmen in the room Nerasteral is trapped in called Fjotfrek.

      I apologise for the problems you've encountered. I created this quest many years ago as a teenager lol. I would be happy to go back and improve upon these issues.

      Thank you for playing with the mod