Fallout New Vegas
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  1. Januusz
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Mod does not fix the FNV's broken gunplay entirely, but majorily improves it, unfortunately 1st person animations (ALL of them, vanilla too) are causing accuraccy issues depending on weapon's position on screen,
    the more a weapon is located to the side of the screen, the more it will shoot the left, with that in mind i advise You to use your prefered weapon animation mods, cuz they are more centered than any vanilla animation.

    Update v1.2 

    reverted the autoaim tweaks to bandaid the accuracy issues, as it would have to be fixed on engine level.

    With Update v1.3 i introduced a screen% tweak that helps with centering bullets despite weapon misalignment, after some testing - no matter the anim set, the guns were all accurate equally, so in theory all accuracy issues should be eliminated, shoutout to Player for sharing this knowledge :D

    hopefully this is the ultimate fix afterall, lemme know if u find some issues still and sorry for frequent updates
  2. Januusz
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Update 1.1 makes the wobble *slightly* stronger and faster, because with the release version it was a little too easy to use late game weapons with low skill, or crippled limbs, now its still easier than vanilla but its more balanced now, dropped a small tutorial on main page, but i'll drop it here ?as well ( You need Nifskope to change it Nifskope Link )
  3. alexandre848
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I wanted to know if anyone could help me if there is a mod or another way to fix this, I already use Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod and also ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster, but what happens is that when pulling the iron sights of a weapon , it appears misaligned and only corrects itself when I take the first shot, the problem is that my only option is to miss the first shot when this happens, is there anything that can help me with this? any mod that forces the iron sights to always be in the center.
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      sounds like animation issue, most probably lack of Bip01Rotate bone, which makes that when u walk and stop, the character stays skewed, i bet its that, most notable on hitman animations and vanilla
    2. alexandre848
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      forgive my ignorance, you're right, the iron sights get misaligned when I walk and then stop to aim, what can I do about it?
    3. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      hmm, the most brutal yet effective method (if u dont want to spend too much time troubleshooting) is to simply not using locomotion animation replacers, so u revert to vanilla walking and running in 1st person, files are in meshes > characters > (if kNVSE - AnimgroupOverride) > _1stPerson > Locomotion u just hide them in MO2 or delete them, search in your weapon animation mods for these files

      it would be easier if we'd have uniform way of animating, but one particular individual just does things randomly and sometimes there are rotate bones in anims, sometimes they arent :angery:
    4. zseti
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Im having this exact issue but i dont have any locomotion mods, what could be causing this?
  4. tethersever7
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Is WMIM still necessary if you use Iron Sights Aligned?
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      tbh dont know, from the description of the mod it seems that u may want to use WMIM regardless
    2. tethersever7
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      ok, went ahead and "YUPped" the 1.3 ESP. hopefully WMIM 1.6, when it comes out, will change less things it doesn't need to change.
  5. deathanime555
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    which file do i download?
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      there's just one file, old ones are uhhh old lol
  6. templeofninpo
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    So, in theory, Iron Sights Aligned is no longer a requirement?
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      What theory??? Besides its literally in requierements tab 
      Its required if use Hitman anims, if not, just use wmim/ttw 
  7. Gobble34
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Cool update
  8. CryoStrider
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Any chance you could look into the accuracy bug solved by removing the "fAutoAimMaxDegrees" setting?

    I do believe this mod was removed from the Viva New Vegas modlist because of this.
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      sure, i'll test it a bit more, got back to FNV recently so i can check some stuff 
    2. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      MAJOR UPDATE: so i finally know what causes the innaccuracy issues despite having WMIM and this mod

      its due to animations (suprise) 3rd person anims dont have an effect fortunately, but i found that animations that have weapon located to the side (think of hipfire stance) are causing the bullet to go left, the effect is more noticeable the more weapon is located to the right side of the screen, so vanilla anims in particular will be less accurate, however since all animation sets have weapons located to the right, which is a natural hipfire stance, it means that no matter the anim set u r using, u will ALWAYS experience some innacuraccy, soooooo yea, u either go full quake if someone would make anims like that, so weapons are always centered or wait for some engine fix, cuz this mod alone unfortunately wasnt enough to fix the FNV gunplay as i anticipated.

      Still, mod *improves* the gunplay significantly, just does not fix it entirely

      oh yea, and i updated the mod and removed the autoaim tweaks
    3. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      check update v1.3 from the limited testing, seems like this *should* eliminate any accuracy issues
    4. CryoStrider
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      So apparently it's an engine level bug, interesting... do you think this is something that could be fixed by Stewie's Tweaks?
    5. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      well, maybe the update i made, the 1.3 will eliminate all these issues, Player - a good friend of mine suggested to me to check values with that particular setting as its responsible to center bullets (but its not autoaim) and it worked on even VERY misaligned animations, there's one thing to consider still, the bullets, even hitscan beam is still coming from the barrel, so if the weapon is on the right, u can still miss targets due to objects being closer to the gun rather than center, dunno if that makes sense, but overal the accuraccy *should* be now fixed, thanks to that tweak value i integrated

      im being cautious with statements like 'its fixed, u'll always be pin point accurate now' cuz i did limited testing with it, they seemed very promising and i had no issues, but maybe there are some scenarios that i miss and someone would discover new issues

      so in short: yes, the animations have an impact on where the bullets will go, but the screen% game setting value being at -1 solves that problem so no matter the animation set u'r using - u will be accurate
  9. MagicMorales
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    If you are using B42 Scope It will break when you aim and walk. But It did fix the gun wobble for the guns that dont have b42 scopes, So I endorsed the mod.
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      "If you are using B42 Scope It will break when you aim and walk"

      completely not related to this mod, u r using some weapon anim mods
    2. MagicMorales
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'm using Anniversary Animations with Iron Sights Aligned (yeah cause when I disabled your mod its still had the issue lol, Wasn't trying to blame you, I just noticed it when I installed this mod)
    3. CazadorDeLobo
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      You should edit the comment to reflect that you're not just using the two mods. Looks like blame still.
    4. Ledouie
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      So weapon anim mods are incompatible with your mod ?
    5. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      no, they are not incompatible, at least not my anims, that im sure of 100%, cuz i dont use other's anims Edit: actually i use some of hitman's anims and i havent noticed any issues as well, there were only reports regarding rock's 10mm anim set anyway, so outiside of that, it should work
      I still try to pin point what could cause issues for some ppl and tutorial bottles, cuz this is the only thing that happened to me as well
    6. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      'So weapon anim mods are incompatible with your mod ?'

      so i finally found out what was causing it, and yea, u could say that ALL weapon animation sets are 'incompatible' with this mod, but at the same time vanilla animations are even less compatible XDD what im trying to say is that animations are causing issues with accuracy, u need a full quake, centered weapon animations to have perfect accuracy, which is just bs, mod is still recommended to download, its just it does not fix the gunplay entirely, only improves it, still significantly imo, but yea, gotta fix this on engine level unfortunately
    7. whodevenhackthissite
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      To elaborate on this, there are actually some animations that keep a properly centred aim; the problem is that the translation of the "fake character" holding the gun in first person isn't actually translated into point of aim. You can see a nifskope approximate version of this if you use iscontrol enabler to scroll all the way forward until you see the body model, then strafe side-to-side. The model drifts (or bobs up and down depending on weapon anim) and that movement doesn't actually reflect where you're shooting. Theoretically you could keep strafe-aim accurate by manually removing that drift animation for each weapon (or maybe scripting a removal if you're one of those magic folks).

      Strangely enough, the natural weapon sway that you see while stationary IS translated into point of aim, so the game's got layers of hot mess.
    8. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      if i understand correctly, u refer to vanilla ADS animation while in AimIS (a fake, visual jitter) which can indeed throw off your aim, but any animation pack that was made by anyone really, have perfectly static ADS, so i advise to use anim packs over vanilla
  10. andrewaldo
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Is it compatible with wmx?
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
  11. KeyC0de
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    What I was always looking for.
  12. CazadorDeLobo
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I love it. The vanilla spread/accuracy is unbelievably terrible imo. If I've spent the time lining up my sights, and my weapon isn't gnarled/twisted to hell, I expect basic mechanical forces to send the bullet where I'm aiming. In Vanilla, bullets would veer off at like 45 degrees from where I'm aiming at times, and it's like, I cannot be expected to be immersed in this cartoon logic. Thanks for your mod. Oh, and please release an update fixing the fAutoAimMaxDegrees setting, I've tried removing it as suggested by another and it solved the up-right issue.
    1. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      vanilla spread without crouching, 75+ guns is literally random, u might as well not use sights cuz u wont hit anything near where u aim, i wonder if there is a setting for making more smooth transition from standing > walking/running so its not instant change in wobble

      about autoaim setting, idk i might tinker a bit with it
    2. CazadorDeLobo
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks again. I've played more with this mod and don't have much to add. I appreciate that this mod turns gunplay into something more modern feeling and realistic. Game design back then was scary, and this was an aspect the developers could have used consultation on but decided to be creative and focused on VATS. Lots of people love VATS.

      Your mod to me is one of the best ever made for FNV since all of the ammo in the game behaves like black powder balls rather than shaped projectiles designed for rifled-bores which fly true for hundreds of meters/yards. This defies explanation from in-universe or real-life logic, because spread is not implemented or balanced well. In fact, it's extremely poorly implemented, and probably should have been scrapped+redone so we wouldn't have to fix it 10+ years later.

      I could go on and on about how wrong vanilla is about so many things, or just fix it with this mod. Other mods should aim for compatibility with yours.
    3. RedRangerRob
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      vanilla spread feels like a relic of DnD style attack rolling when you always have a chance to miss but that feels especially out of place seeing as skill checks rolls became flat. Great mod! It could also scale with gun skill so if youre 25 guns skill dumbass you still miss a lot, but who can really be arsed.  
    4. Januusz
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      nah, i simply fixed the spread mechanic so it does what it supposed to be doing from the beginning, any randomized misses would need to be somehow introduced, which i wont do for sure, the more guns skill u have the less u need to compensate for sway, which is fair and does not need any artificial randomizer on top of that, especially since even with this mod enabled there are still some accuraccy issues that are hard to pin point