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Zoom-out Extended for the World Map - for 2K 4K and 8K WorldMaps

En fran�ais plus bas.

For the Local Map Zoom-out, see at the rock bottom of this page (these are simple ini settings).
Title: Zoom-out Extended for the Local Map (ini Setting)


SHORT: In the World Map view, the maximum Zoom-out is still too close to the ground and does not display a global enough view of the world (in my view).
This mod allows to Zoom-out more on the World map, displaying the full East/West length of the map at full Zoom-out.
Also increases the number of intermediary scroll heights.

LONGER: In the World Map view, the maximum Zoom-out is still too close to the ground and does not display a global enough view of the world.
This mod allows the maximum Zoom-out to display the full horizontal lenght of the World map.
The scale of the scroll allows more intermediary heights.
There is one installation per resolution of the World map, 2K, 4K or 8K. Pick the one corresponding to the World Map you use.
In case you don't know that, find the file ...\Data\textures\interface\pip-boy\worldmap_d.dds and launch it in an image viewer.
If that file is nowhere in the game directories then you are using the default World Map and you are lucky because at least you will ameliorate substantially your display with a new World map, for example
Satellite World Map by FloorBelow (see below).
The screenshots show that the higher the resolution of the map, the smaller the mapmarker icons are.
With a 8K World Map at max Zoom-out, the icons are too small but that view is rarely used and it is OK enough. On the other hand, there is much less clutter of icons with the 4K and 8K maps in particular, compared to the default World Map.


Use NMM or Mod Organizer 2 (but not ready for Fallout 4 right now (Jan 2016)).
If NMM ask you to choose between this file and one that is already installed, don't erase it, see below the manual install.
If you use Mod Organizer 2, as there is no erasing whatsoever (it leaves \Data untoutched), the last mod loaded overrides the others with the same stuff. The warning system for duplicate files is more precise and flexible then the one implemented in NMM, but it is up to you to deal with the Conflicts Interface (the bolts). There is no warning window when you install a mod with a doublon, I think (really not sure) but a bolt appear on these mods's lines in the mods window. Then right-clic on that line to find infos...

Copy 'Pipboy_MapPage.swf'* in the game directory ...\Fallout 4\Data\interface\

a) IF that file is not already installed there, all is good and well, the modified file you just copied will be loaded after the same file included in Fallout 4\Data\Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 and thus override it in memory.

b) IF that file IS already present there, it is because a mod installed it, so to be able to Zoom-out More and keep the other mod's modifications, it is necessary to edit THAT file and make the small changes explained below.
Works for later too, if a mod wants to replace the file Pipboy_MapPage.swf of this mod (or the modify-modify one), just edit that NEW file and modify the three or four lines shown below in order to merge the two mods.

How to step by step:
- Save the file 'Pipboy_MapPage.swf' present in ...\interface\
- If JPEX's Free Flash Decompiler is installed on your computer, double-clic on Pipboy_MapPage.swf.
If not: https://www.free-decompiler.com/flash/ (Opensource).
- Go to script\scaleform\WorldMapHolder
- Clic on "Edit (Experimental)"

-a) FOR 8K World Map :
MIN_SCALE = 0.19; (default 0.75) - This is the max Zoom-out
MAX_SCALE = 2; (default 5) - This is the max Zoom-in
START_ZOOM = 0.25; (default 0.117647) - Standard Zoom height. The higher the number, the closer to the ground.
MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_SPEED = 0.035; (default 0.15) - The scroll cranks

-b) FOR 4K World Map :
MIN_SCALE = 0.38; (default 0.75) - This is the max Zoom-out
MAX_SCALE = 4; (default 5) - This is the max Zoom-in
MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_SPEED = 0.04; (default 0.15) - The scroll cranks

-c) FOR 2K World Map :
MIN_SCALE = 0.45; (default 0.75) - This is the max Zoom-out
MAX_SCALE = 4; (default 5) - This is the max Zoom-in
MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_SPEED = 0.05; (default 0.15) - The scroll cranks

- Clic on Save (the CODE)
- Then Save the FILE in ...\Fallout 4\Data\interface\


Rem: JPEX's Free Flash Decompiler is installed in french on my PC so I'm guessing the words used in the english version.

Mods used in Screenshots:

Mod highly recommand� : Satellite World Map by FloorBelow
Precise World Maps in 4K and 8K made from the game's LODs and other artifices.
The screenshots 4K and 8K have been taken using this fine mod.

Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy (Pip-Boy) UHD 4K by Gorgulla
This mod contains a better 2K World map then the default.
It is possible to extract the file \Data\textures\interface\pip-boy\worldmap_d.dds to use only that part of that mod but trying the whole mod is something to try maybe.
The screenshots 2K have been taken using this good mod.
The file ...\Data\Textures\AnimObjects\Pipboy\pipboyscreen_d.dds blurs the map. Removing-it is a reasonnable option (although the other pipboy screens are a bit more classy with it).

Other fine mods of the time:

Pleasant UI by ImBlindMG
Discret HUD far away from the console HUD for people with an eye illness.
Attention ATI users: There a bug (not especifically with that mod but also with it) with the Crimson drivers (still in early 2016) called "The compass glitch". If you have it, you know what it is.
Simple solution : Download the latest aticfx64.dll and atidxx64.dll and put them in the main dir. of the game.
I don't remember where I found them but it is easily available.

DEF_INV - Improved inventory beta by Neanka
The most sensible inventory mod it seems.
I recommend (for now) the 0.15.0 version because the latest 0.16.0a version has apparently reintroduce the three dots (...) to shorten the names of weapons and armor with mods attached. Which is a bit incomprehensible.
But the icons in stead of plain words for the categories is really fine and the sub-categorization is much better too then the competition I've seen.

Chameleon Transparency Removal by Freakuent
Much better generaly speaking but especially because it removes the flash when you crouch (when you wear a piece of Cameleon armour).

Night Person Rank 2 - No Night Vision by theicedevil
The Night Vision perk is a catastrophe but + 1 in INT and PER by night is still attractif without that "bonus".

Better Armor and Weapon naming and sorting by Ruddy88
I | like | it!

Better Armor Mod Descriptions by Takaru Minari
At last someone who doesn't believe we are morons.

Better Weapon Mod Descriptions by Takaru Minari

Classic Fallout Level Up Sound by DDCrusader
Matter of taste but this one IS vintage, short and electronic.

Darker Nights by unforbidable
Bethesda nights are a joke.

Full Dialogue Interface by Cirosan and shadwar
I hate everything console.

Legendary Lamps - Lights Lamps Pipboy Overhaul by Spoonifico
Especially for the Spotlight Pipboy frontal lamp.

Less Annoying Longs by aidrocsid
So imperfect but it is better then a breakdown.

New Road Enhanced by Rufus696
The Dark version is fine.

Old Style Criticals by Moraelin
I have other things to do in battle then activating the Critical shots. So the good old random automatic, based on Luck level, system is COOLER.

PAPP - Power Armor Poison Prevention by Eni819
Yeah, logical.

PipBoy Noises by xwonic
To avoid another breakdown.

Quieter Settlements by Lemures
The hammer noise is particularly irritating. Real live is stressing enough.

Realistic Death Physics - No Animations by mm137
Sometimes I wonder about Bethesda judgement!

Removed Stimpak Injection Animation by deafnv
To avoid getting hooked.

Spring Cleaning by Nverjos
Only raider scum like crap!

Scrap dead things by PixelMurder
Who wants dead bodies?

Simple Intersection by Draco856
Why why why, Bethesda?

Rem: This mod has been verified on 1920x1080 display only. But should be OK otherwise.

* The file name 'Pipboy_MapPage.swf' is from version 1.3.47b, it is possible that in previous versions the name was 'PipboyMap.swf'


Zoom-out Extended for the World Map - for 2K 4K and 8K WorldMaps

Pour le Zoom-out de la Carte Locale, voir tout en bas de cette page. C'est une simple �dition dans Fallout4Custom.ini


COURT: Permet de d�zoomer plus sur la Carte du Monde. Affiche toute la largeur de la carte � zoom-out maximal.
Accro�t aussi le nombre de crans interm�diaires du Zoom de la Carte du Monde.

La Carte du Monde (World Map dans le Pipboy) � Zoom-out maximal est encore trop proche et ne permet pas d'avoir une vue globale du monde.
Ce mod permet de d�zoomer jusqu'� afficher toute la largeur de la carte.
L'�chelonnage du scroll permet aussi plus de hauteurs interm�diaires.
Il y a une installation par r�solution de la Carte du Monde (World Map) 2K, 4K ou 8K.
Si vous ne connaissez pas cette r�solution, trouvez le fichier ...\Data\textures\interface\pip-boy\worldmap_d.dds et lancez-le avec un viewer d'image.

Les screenshots montrent que plus la r�solution de la World map est �lev�e, plus les ic�nes des mapmarkers sont petits. C'est plus discret et joli mais en 8K et � Zoom-out max, les ic�nes sont impr�cises. D'un autre c�t�, il y a beaucoup moins d'amas d'ic�nes bouchant la vue, en particulier avec les cartes 4K et 8K par rapport � la carte par d�fault.


Installer avec NMM ou Mod Organizer 2 (mais n'est pas encore pr�t pour Fallout 4 (Janvier 2016).

Si vous utilisez Mod Organizer 2, dans la mesure o� ce prog. ne touche pas � \Data, il n'y a pas du tout
d'effacement de fichier. Le dernier fichier double charg� est celui qui reste en m�moire.
Le syst�me d'alerte pour les fichiers doubles est diff�rent par rapport � NMM, il est plus pr�cis et plus flexible mais on doit g�rer les conflits � partir de l'interface (les �clairs).
Je crois qu'il n'y a pas de fen�tre d'alerte pour les doublons quand on installe un mod avec MO (pas s�r) mais un �clair appara�t dans la fen�tre des mods, sur la ligne des mods en conflit. Cliquer droit sur la ligne en question pour trouver des infos...

Copier 'Pipboy_MapPage.swf'* dans le r�pertoire du jeu ...\Fallout 4\Data\interface\

- SI le fichier Pipboy_MapPage.swf ne se trouve pas d�j� dans \interface, le fichier de ce mod remplacera (en m�moire) le Pipboy_MapPage.swf contenu dans 'Fallout 4\Data\Fallout4 - Interface.ba2'.
Tout est bel et bon.

- SI le fichier Pipboy_MapPage.swf EST d�j� pr�sent dans \interface, �a signifie qu'un mod l'a install� (via NMM par ex.).
Alors, pour pouvoir Zoomer Out More et garder les modifications de l'autre mod, il faut �diter CE fichier d�j� pr�sent dans \interface.
�a vaut pour le futur, si un mod veut remplacer le fichier Pipboy_MapPage.swf de ce mod-ci, il suffit d'�diter le Pipboy_MapPage.swf du NOUVEAU mod et modifier les trois lignes montr�es plus bas de fa�on � fusionner les deux mods.

Comment pas � pas:
- Sauvegarder le fichier 'Pipboy_MapPage.swf' d�j� pr�sent.
- Si JPEX's Free Flash Decompiler est install� dans votre syst�me, double-cliquer sur Pipboy_MapPage.swf.
Sinon: https://www.free-decompiler.com/flash/ (Opensource)
- Aller � script\scaleform\WorldMapHolder
- Cliquer sur "Edition (Exp�rimental)"

a) POUR World Map 8K :
MIN_SCALE = 0.19; (d�faut 0.75) - C'est le Zoom-out
MAX_SCALE = 2; (d�faut 5) - C'est le Zoom-in
START_ZOOM = 0.25; (d�faut 0.117647) - Hauteur du Zoom Standard. Plus grand est le nbre, plus proche du sol est la vue.
MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_SPEED = 0.035; (d�faut 0.15) - L'�chelonnage du scroll

b) POUR World Map 4K :
MIN_SCALE = 0.38; (d�faut 0.75) - C'est le Zoom-out
MAX_SCALE = 4; (d�faut 5) - C'est le Zoom-in
MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_SPEED = 0.04; (d�faut 0.15) - L'�chelonnage du scroll

-c) POUR World Map 2K:
MIN_SCALE = 0.45; (default 0.75) - C'est le Zoom-out
MAX_SCALE = 4; (default 5) - C'est le Zoom-in
MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_SPEED = 0.05; (default 0.15) - L'�chelonnage du scroll

- Cliquer sur Enregister (le CODE)
- Puis sauvegarder le FICHIER dans ...\Fallout 4\Data\interface\


Mod highly recommand� : Satellite World Map by FloorBelow http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8989/?
Cartes du Monde pr�cises (4K et 8K), faite � partir des LODs du jeu et d'autres artifices.
Les screenshots 4K et 8K ont �t� pris avec ce cool mod.

Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy (Pip-Boy) UHD 4K by Gorgulla http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/449/?
est un autre bon mod dont la carte est 2K.
Les screenshots 2K ont �t� pris avec ce bon mod.
Il est possible de ne choisir que le fichier \Data\textures\interface\pip-boy\worldmap_d.dds en chipotant un peu mais l'installer en entier est � essayer peut-�tre (c'est 4K).
Le fichier de ce mod ...\Data\Textures\AnimObjects\Pipboy\pipboyscreen_d.dds est bien dans les �crans du pipboy sauf sur la carte qu'il rend plus floue. L'enlever est une option raisonnable.


- Ce mod a �t� v�rifi� seulement pour une r�solution de 1920x1080 (mais �a devrait �tre OK dans d'autres r�solutions).

* Le nom 'Pipboy_MapPage.swf' est celui de la version 1.3.47b, il est possible que dans pr�c�dentes versions le nom �tait 'PipboyMap.swf'


Zoom-out Extended for the Local Map (ini Setting)

En fran�ais plus bas.


As it is, the default Local Map is rigourously useless. At maximum Zoom-out, one can see ~15 meters around!
These settings display more territory. It is easy to set your own preferences.

THE "Black Square BUG" is still present in Fallout 4.
While we could have had some hope that, with the first Bethesda 64bits game, that curse on ALL the Local Maps since Morrowind would have been dealt with, but no. So disappointing!
It seems they can't find a programmer (Ah, Greed!).
So with more territory displayed, you'll see more infamous Black Squares.
Anyway, that map is awful and practically useless even with a wider view. But still, as it is easy, better do it.


Edit Fallout4.ini OR Fallout4Custom.ini (cleaner):

Radius displayed in the Pipboy's Local Map.
Possible Values : 4096 (default) / 8192 / 16384 / 32768 / 65536 (and more I suppose).
There is no separate settings for Zoom-in or Zoom-out so the value change takes the view higher including the Zoom-in.
For example, a very large area: 65536 - 16 times more territory is displayed at maximum Zoom-out but the problem consist in the fact the maximum Zoom-in displays a too large area.
Good compromise : 16384 OR 32768.

- Add:

As simple as that!

Rem: The interiors are set for a wide display because as I understand, Diamond City is an interior and must be big.

Thanks to roamwild and neokio

French here
Local Map More Zoom-out (ini Settings)


La Local Map par d�faut est rigoureusement inutile. Avec le Zoom-out maximum, on voit ~15 m�tres
autour de soi.
Ces r�glages affichent plus de territoire. Vous avez plusieurs choix de valeurs selon vos pr�f�rences.

Le "Black Square BUG" est toujours pr�sent dans Fallout 4. Il noircissait d�j� les Cartes Locales de Morrowind puis dans tous les autres jeux de Bethesda.
Le voir toujours l� alors que leur premier moteur 64bits est suppos� �tre tout neuf est d�cevant! Ah, le spin!
Donc, avec plus de territoire affich�, il y aura plus d'inf�mes Carr�s Noirs sur la carte locale.
De toute mani�re, cette carte est terrible et pratiquement inutile m�me avec une vue plus large!


�diter Fallout4.ini OU Fallout4Custom.ini (plus propre) :
Rayon affich� dans la Carte Locale (Local Map) dans le Pipboy
Valeurs Possible: 4096 (default) / 8192 / 16384 / 32768 / 65536 (et plus je suppose)
Il n'y a pas de r�glage diff�renci� pour le Zoom-in et -out donc on remonte la vue en g�n�ral.
Par exemple, une zone tr�s large: 65536 - 16 fois plus de territoire est affich� � Zoom-out maximum, le probl�me avec ce r�glage consiste dans le fait que le Zoom-in maximum affiche une zone trop grande.
Compromis : 16384 OU 32768

- Ajouter:


Rem: Les int�rieurs ont une valeur �lev�e car d'apr�s ce que je sais, Diamond City est un int�rieur et doit �tre grande.

Thanks to roamwild and neokio